Hugh Bliss' Revenge

by Lock Target


In New York City, things seem to have calmed down after the Super-ego incident. President Superball commissioned the city be repaired like new from all the carnage caused by recent years of events, mainly, those involved with the local Freelance Police who decided to test out the underwater features of their De Soto. While driving around in the Hudson River, they came across a mysterious glowing tunnel. Curious about what adventures that await them on the other side, the two look at each other.

"Care to see where the opening credits take us?" asked the little silhouette.

"Let's" replied the driver.

As they enter the tunnel, a series of words that reads "Sam & Max in...Hugh Bliss' Revenge!" appears after spinning clockwise out of it. Under it is another section that reads "Based on the 2012 Feel-Good Romantic Comedy Action Epic, Sam, Max and...Pinkie Pie?" The following appear as they drive through the rainbow-colored glow of the tunnel.

Executive producers: Lock Target, Jaden Von Bat

Chief Writer: Majida "Sizzle Bandicoot" Bandikuto

Additional writers: Fauna the Adlet and Fireball.

Editors: Hayley Irona Cloud "Hay" Flower and Nenshouhi "Burn Bandicoot" Bandikuto.

Franchises created by Bonnie Zacherle and Steve Purcell respectively