Discord's Revenge

by Naxanz


“Careful now, don’t drop the statue,” said the shipper Pegasus to the other, “Princess Celestia wants this statue of Discord put up in her castle for display.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Just because I’ve dropped a piano on Twilight’s head doesn’t mean I’ll drop everything!” the other shipper replied irritably.

At that exact moment a bug flew into the annoyed Pegasus’s open mouth. He let go of the statue and put his hooves up to his throat while he coughed repeatedly. With a final huge cough he hacked up the bug only to realize what he had just done. He gingerly glanced downward just in time to see the statue crash into the earth below.

“Now you’ve done it!” roared the other shipper, “If it’s damaged I’m holding you personally responsible!”

Both Pegasi looked down at the statue. It had only a small crack near the feet. But then to their horror they watched as the crack slow ripped and tore its way up the statue. Then from the very heart of the statue emerged the most diabolical laugh they had ever heard. The king of chaos has returned!