Lyra - Origins

by XyroX

Loving BonBons

The next day I woke up with a huge headache. I looked around. This wasn’t my apartment. Where am I? Suddenly I heard a voice coming out of the room to my left. I stood up and was just about to enter it, when Vinyl came out of it and almost bumped into me.

“Oh, sorry Vinyl. Good morning anyway.”

“Hey, you’re awake. How do you feel?” she asked with a devilish grin on her face.

“I might have a tiny hangover” I laughed. “What happened last night?”

“Well” Octavia started as she noticed me “after our meeting yesterday, Vinyl had to take you to the club she’s DJ in. She does that to everypony she meets. And of course, she gets most of her drinks for free-”

“Without me, they wouldn’t even sell one per night” Vinyl interrupted smirking.

“-and she offered way too much to you.” Octavia finished.

“What’ya mean, ‘way too much’? You know I have to check a pony before starting to work with her! And with ‘work’, I mean raising your alcohol tolerance to infinity” she added grinning.

“So I have to give all the credits of last night to you, haven’t I? Are you satisfied with me at least?” I asked, even though I actually didn’t want to know the answer.

“You were awesome! You’re the first mare to beat my best student, right Octy?” Octavia flushed and looked a bit ashamed.

“Don’t get this wrong, I’m not proud of it” she said.

“Don’t worry, to be honest, I might have had a little problem with alcohol the past time, too” I responded winking. “But I still don’t know where I am. Is this your place?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing special, but it’s enough for an awesome pony” Octavia flushed while Vinyl talked “and her cello-playing marefriend.” Octavia’s face dropped and she encountered Vinyl with her elbow.

“Well, I think I should go home and get myself showered. See you guys later!” I said, went out of the door and started my way back home.

Man, what a night. I thought I wanted to stop drinking, not increase my alcohol rate! But it sure feels better to get wasted when you have friends around.

After I arrived at home, I took a short shower and made a quick breakfast. While I was eating, I couldn’t get my thoughts away from Bon Bon. I wondered if she was at the club yesterday, too. Hopefully not. I didn’t want her to think I’m an alcoholic.

Why am I so focused on her? What’s going on in my brain?

After I ate my last toast, I went towards my room to take a short nap. But I wasn’t even lying when I heard someone at my door. I was too tired and moody to open it and look who it could be, but he or she kept ringing, so I slowly went to open the door. I blinked in exhaustion and saw Bon Bon’s face in front of me.

“Good morning sunshine!” she cheered and came in without waiting to be invited. But of course I would’ve invited her to come in, so that’s not too bad. “Aw, you look horribly!” she pointed at me and laughed, then came near me to brush my mane.

What is going on here?

She looked into my face and froze as she saw my confused expression. “Is something wrong?” she asked.

“No, I just keep asking myself what’s happening here, that’s all” I answered.

“You can’t remember?”

“Remember what?” She looked at me with an unbelieving expression.

“You really can’t remember!” It wasn’t a question. She backed up with a sad face. But suddenly she started smiling and came close again. “Well I think I have to remind you then” she whispered in my ear and lowered her head to my neck, starting to kiss it.

“Whoawhoawhoa, what are you doing?” I screeched and pushed her away. “What happened last night?” I saw her eyes getting a bit wet, but she wouldn’t cry.

Was I really that drunk? Did I really-

“Well, we didn’t spend the night together, if you mean that” Bon Bon said “But, I think I could say we had a lot of fun yesterday” She winked.

WHAT? I- I mean not that you aren’t a nice mare and I’m sure the colts are standing in line for you, but… I’m not into mares, you know? That can’t be right!” I was totally red.

“Aw, you didn’t say such a thing yesterday. And you know what they say: Drunken words are sober thoughts! Maybe I should let you alone for the moment, so you can get sure about your feelings for.. Whoever.” Bon Bon looked at me, smiled sadly and left.

So I’m.. a fillyfooler? How could that have happened? I mean, ok, I haven’t have a relationship to a male yet, neither pony nor.. But that doesn’t mean I’m not straight, does it? - Don’t lie to yourself, you liked her from the very first sight. - Liking is totally different from that what’s happening right now! - Admit it, and be happy that she obviously has the same feelings for you! And now swing your dumb flank over to her and apologize!

I started running to Bon Bon’s apartment and knocked the door.

“I’m sorry, but miss Drops isn’t at home” I heard one of her neighbors say after a moment. “But I think she went to those musicians.”

“Hey, thank you, mister!” I yelled while running away.

When I arrived, the front door wasn’t locked. I went inside and looked around, suddenly hearing a sniff from the upper floor. I ran up the stairs and saw Bon Bon sitting between Tavi and Vinyl on a bed, all of them facing the window opposite the door. She was crying.

“I just can’t understand! Yesterday, we were so close, and now I couldn’t even brush her mane without her almost freaking out!”

Octavia patted her head and turned around. She saw me and a shade of anger rushed through her face, but it was gone before I could be sure it was really there. She poked Vinyl and pointed at me.

“Oh, look who has arrived” she started and stood up with a wild expression on her face, as if she was just about to give me the same treatment like Tender.

“Please, could you two “I pointed at her and Tavi “just give me one moment with Bon Bon?” The two mares exchanged a glance and Octavia nodded.

“Well, but be aware you won’t get far if you hurt her.” Vinyl said grudgingly.

I swallowed. After they left, I sat down next to Bon Bon (again, she wasn’t actually sitting, but never mind) and before I could start my apology, she turned her face and stared into my eyes.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have interpreted too much into what happened last night, seeing you were totally drunk.” she said.

“No, it’s me who have to be sorry.” I replied and levitated a tissue to her to dry her tears. “You were right. I just was so confused, I didn’t want to believe I could actually be a fillyfooler. I mean, I never had a relationship before, neither with a mare, nor a colt. I just was totally perplexed.” She sniffed and looked at me with her wonderful eyes.

“So that means, you’re OK with that?”

“Yes, I am. How could I dare and deny who I am? Even though I didn’t know me that good until today.”

Suddenly the door was kicked open and Vinyl rushed into the room. She was totally excited and hugged both of us.

“Oh man, it was about time you finally get a marefriend, Bon! And now we can make” she stopped for a moment “double-dates!

Bon Bon looked at me as if she wanted to ask “Is she right? Are you now my marefriend?” I smiled and nodded, getting an amazed look from her. She was the happiest pony I ever saw.

Octavia entered the room and looked at Vinyl, with an asking expression on her face. “Yes! They are!” she yelled.

“Aaaw I’m so happy for you two!” Tavi said and hugged me tight.

“But I’d be even happier if we could start this slow, as this is my first relationship.” I didn’t know what else to say.

Was I rushing into things? Am I really sure that’s what I want? I had definitely something to think about that night. At least I won’t sleep, so I won’t have these goddamn nightmares for at least one night.

After some more hugs and congratulations from Tavi and Vinyl, Bon Bon looked at me and asked “Are you going to tell you parents about.. us?” for a second I stared at her.

Since I was in Ponyville I tried to forget my old life and the people I loved back there. I almost started to cry, but I caught myself.

“I uhm.. don’t think I’ll be able to do this.” I sadly started. “You know, my parents aren’t here… but I really don’t want to talk about them or the rest of my past right now, OK? I promise to tell you everything about me some day, but not today. I’m sorry.” Bon Bon and the others looked at me, half confused and half worried.

“O-Kay, I think” Bon Bon responded.

I really wanted to tell her, just to have somebody that can help me through my depressions caused by my.. travel, but I had strict orders from Princess Celestia to never mention it to anypony without her approval. On the other hand.. or hoof.. I just met her and wasn’t sure if I could trust here this far.

Don’t be silly, of course you can. Just look at her! She totally loves you, she won’t tell anybody. - No! No, I have to wait with this. Even if she won’t tell my ‘little secret‘, what if it’s too much for her to hear on the second day we know each other? - Alright… but don’t think this conversation is over!

I hate these dialogues in my head between me and.. well.. me, but what could I possibly do against them? I can’t make myself shut up. Vinyl and Tavi left the room to give Bon Bon and me a little more privacy.

“So we’re.. together now?” she asked a bit bumpy.

“Yes we are” I smiled back at her.

Now, after the others left the room, she finally let out all her emotions. She jumped up and down, left and right and couldn’t stop cheering. After she calmed down a bit she hugged me and looked deep into my eyes. That moment I realized something: I am a fillyfooler, and being together with her was the right thing. It hit me like a hammer. I was in love! The first time in my life I had butterflies in my belly, I felt feverish and totally awesome. I looked back into her eyes, leaned towards her and kissed her. It was like the world around me exploded in a huge firework. Different colors everywhere, everything was turning, and we just lied on the bed and kissed each other.

Suddenly Vinyl rushed through the door and jumped onto us. “Man, could you continue this at one of your beds, please? I just changed the bedclothes!”

We giggled and parted from each other.

This feels right. Today is a good day.