The Sorrow Of The Remaining Crusaders
It was a beautiful spring day in Ponyville, even though it was Spring, it was extremely hot. Three little fillies from Ponyville didn't feel the extreme hot temperature as they were going with an extreme speed on one of fillies' scooter.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders.
The one driving the scooter was Scootaloo, in the cart attached to the scooter were Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle
Everyday they made plans on what to try out next in their clubhouse.
Today they actually didn't come up with anything to try out for their cutie marks, so they were just on their way to play in the park.
"You're really amazing on that scooter Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said to her friend as they arrived at the park and got out of the cart. " You really have a talent in riding that thing, but it's not your special talent apparently. We've tried out very much things for finding our special talent, but it's still the thin you are really good at compared too all things we've tried"
"Thanks Sweetie Belle, but it really isn't my special talent, otherwise I would have had my cutie mark for a while now." Scootaloo replied as she parked her scooter against a tree and got a ball out of the cart"
The three fillies ran to a large grassfield to play with the ball.
The sun was setting as the three fillies stopped playing and sat under a large three to rest for a bit and to enjoy the peace and quiet.
"Oh, yeah!" Scootaloo yelled, breaking the silence around them. " I almost forgot!"
"Wha?" Applebloom asked as she gaised at her orange pegasus friend.
"I remembered that I wanted to show you guys a new trick on my scooter" Scootaloo said to her fellow crusader with a smile on her face."
Scootaloo dashed to her nearby scooter. She returned to her best friends quickly with her scooter, leaving the cart at the tree, she didn't need it right now.
"Stay there, I need some space for this" the pegasus said to her friends.
"Okay" both of them said in unison and waited in anticipation for their orange friend to perform the trick she wanted to show."
The filly took a deep breath and immidiatly jumped highly into the air with her scooter and spint about five times before landing on the grass again.
Her fellow crusaders gaized at their friend in disbelieve for a while before applauding and cheering to their talented friend.
"Way to go Scootaloo!"
"Yea, great trick Scoot!"
"Thanks guys, but it was nothing. How about I show you two something even better?" Scootaloo asked as she blushed.
"Yeah, sure!" Sweetie Belle replied as Apple Bloom just nodded at the pegasus.
"Okay, but I can't do it here, come with me, I saw a good spot somewhere nearby yesterday."
"That souns excitin', what are ya going ta show us?" Applebloom asked excited as she and Sweetie Belle followed her to the spot.
"You'll see it there."
As they came by a steep hill, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle both knew that this was the spot Scoot was talking about.
"Okay, wait her as I will amaze you with my super duper awesome tricks!" Scootaloo yelled at the other crusaders while she walked up the hill with her scooter in her hoofs. As she walked she could feel her heart beating faster and faster. "You can do this Scootaloo, they will be amazed if you do it succesfully. IF I do it succesfully." she whispered to herself. She was worried, the tricks she had in mind were pretty dangerous on such big and steep hill. "I must do it, I must make mommy and daddy proud" she whispered as she looked into the sky and shed a tear. She quickly wiped the tear away just as she reached the top of the hill.
"Scootaloo, are you sure about this?" Sweetie Belled yelled to the yellow pegasus. "It seems awfully dangerous, you don't need to impress us!"
"Scoot, don' be stupid, as Sweetie said, you don't need to impress us." Applebloom yelled at her.
"D-dont worry, I...I won't fall and if I do, what's the worst thing that could
happen?!" Scoot yelled back at her friends with an nervous tone
"Are you sure!?" Sweetie asked quick after.
"D-don't w-worry, I'll be fine! She yelled with an even more nervous tone. Her heart was beating like it could explode any second. She took a deep breath and looked into the sky. There was complete silence as the two other crusaders gaized at the top of hill, both with a concerned look.
The silence was broken as her little wings flapped quick as she sped down the hill. Scootaloo was planning on doing tricks on her way down, but was too scared to do anything. She felt like her heart was beating a million times per second and did nothing but stare extreme anxiously in front of her as she sped down the hill very fast.
What was I thinking!? The filly thought.
Scootaloo still managed to have a grip on the handlebar of her scooter, but that couldn't save the orange pegasus. The crusader was almost at the end of the hill when she could feel her heart sink into her stomach as she realized that were low trees with long branches just a few hooves away from the end of the steep hill. Scootaloo saw her life flash before her eyes.
Hearing that her father died before she was born
The death of her mother
Those awful times in the orphanage
Never earning a cutie mark
But also happy things like meeting Sweetie Belle and later Apple Bloom
The happy times she had with her friends,
But still,
She had an hard life.
Scootaloo came back to reality, but it was too late. A branch of one of the trees went completely through the head of the little filly. She was gone.
Suddenly clouds appeared above the area and it started to rain in a matter of seconds. It was like the pegasai planned to make Scootaloo's death even worse to the shocked friends of Scootaloo.
They came back to reality quicky.
The crusaders ran faster than they've after had.
"NOOOOOOO!!!" was again yelled and echoed through the park a few times after.
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom pulled their lifeless bloody best friend from the branch and layed her on the wet grass. Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom shed enough tears to fill a bucket while both leaning over the dead body of their friend.
"WHY HER?!" Sweetie Belled screamed in the air.
Apple Bloom didn't scream, but couldn't see anything because of the amount of tears that she shed non the less. Sweetie Belle couldn't see anything either and continued screaming.