The Ultimate Being

by Balareth

A new being

Ongoing conflict and weak human capacity to overthrow his own pride comes curiously to the point of its decline... you think, Why is happening such reaction? As only something that the wise man can do to make his own pride like a snake swallowing its prey and this was: the reason for the superior and so happens in this story:

It is a very advanced age, where the most important discoverings and technologies raises like a garden in spring, countless were the times that the human admire his own work ... but this time it was not only the merit of him, since in the earth we know today there is no such miracle as the nature of those who came from distant places to alter the course of history, various beings of the universe came to inhabit the planet sweet stood out from the rest of the Solar System thanks in part to the harsh nature of humans.

The fact was that there was a time when anarchy and tyranny ruled the earth, pollution, intolerance of each other no matter the motives and the misuse of technology reached a point that even in the worst dreams of humans came to conceive: there was a war, the War of the Absolute Supremacy, a cruel battle that was intended to destroy those who do not accept the new ideology devoid of bases, whole nations from the huge number of protesters who opposed such thinking. Obviously wars, just or absurd reasons depending on popular opinion, does not always favor over what is lost, the war presented here is unjustifiable degree of imbecility, as its name says War Of The Absolute Supremacy was one of the most difficult battles of all time and this had so powerful destructive elements that would be able to destroy entire continents.

At one point the strong conflicts and battles were suddenly interrupted : millions of bright spots and stains covered the earth like stars in the night . An invasion initially thought or surprise attack, but the truth was different.

They were Ponies! They enter this planet using some kind of magic of teleporting gathered to intervention, this was because the Earth, known as one of the most beautiful planets in the universe almost like Venus thousands of years ago, was one of those who were lucky enough to hit as partially some of the secrets of the universe with its advances and theories, and have natural elements that were unavailable on other planets, all this time Ponies saw with bitter eyes what the man did to these elements, and finish with some of them, it is assumed that these beings would come the day that humans transcend spiritually to form an alliance intergalactic and harmony with the universe, but under the circumstances, they were forced to come from reluctantly but without giving up the fact of wanting to help their younger siblings (and older).

The ponies expressed their dissatisfaction about the war, knowing that a war so cruel and big as that only end with the final destruction of life in the planet becoming an arid and inhospitable place, and after an agreement with world leaders and the Alicorns, the rest of the Ponies were established on earth resolving doubts and sharing their cultures and the power they had. This power was from their own prophecies and beliefs, as these Ponies are more spiritually advanced, more accurate than some beliefs that originated here. The Man had one more chance to redeem himself and take care of the planet now so valued by the other species, trying to beautify it for other scholars and scientists unicorns that arrived recently.

The complete reconstruction of the land did not take much as expected, human and ponies helped each other, technologies and teachings were exchanged and new cities were made, nature was respected, and transport ships were created that allowed all species relocate to different planets to avoid congestion that Ponies cause now, Earth had become a place of harmony with the universe, however, later generations get soaked the past culture and adopted various imperfections to the point of being reduced to the very same human nature. The ponies had children, newborns were in many places and these hybrids were those who seemed to haunt the earth once more for the same ruthless ambition that infected humans thousands of years ago: power.

After some years, hybrid organizations took their territories causing chaos and destruction to the rest to stand out from other races and satisfy their desires to excel in the world

6 groups of prestige and power were trying to impose on the lands that were once controlled by humans. They fought for the hatred they had for a millennia between different organization, either by the incompatibility of belief or some event that has sparked anger between the adversaries, unlike other ponies these were very vain and proud to forget their differences, someone must stop them.

Our story begins in a dirty and smelly place that was meant to waste and garbage covering integer square kilometers, there, a Young anthro unicorn of 23 years was wandering staggering, stumbling occasionally and looking around as if just restore his sight, his eyes are green and mysticals like perfect emerald, white skin sublime smoothness overshadowed by dirt and black hair with white trim that stick to the skin for the dirt, has in his chest the name of Spirit Force and a numeric code as only reference of its existence.

He was escaping from a scientist who knew all powerful as the Bios, this mutant pony, the last of his kind, was an expert manipulating the shape and characteristic of humans and Ponies. Many years ago Bios was looking for the perfect genetic code, a mixture between pony and human races, called Anthros, everipony knew that his creations were for experiments, but later we are gonna see his true pupose

Spirit Force remember how was created: thanks to one of six powerful lords name Lighting Rock and a beautiful Alicorn named Celestia made ​​an agreement, was to create a pony with superhuman features appealing to Bios who was responsible for embellishing, giving him strength and health in addition to other equally important characteristics. However, the plan of Celestia was to have a son that her ex-husband could never give, Slug, another member of the six most powerful ponies of the Equestria, and Lighting Rock wanted to fulfill the wish of his father before he died, a powerful descendant to créate a powerful empire of his blood.

Spirit Force advance through the trash and waste, It does not take twenty minutes when a machine that disintegrate trash, find him and with electronic voice threatens to exterminate him if he doesnt leave the place inmediatly, these machines were programmed to eliminate anyone who plans to make a bomb or pick information about someone from waste

The unicorn however is not intimidated, just when the machine was about to open fire, with a quick motion Spirit destroys the machine with a swift fist, flying like a bullet, piercing the machine so easly, fell on the floor in the waste. Seeing his hand discovers a strange semi-transparent wave out of his palm, his innate power went out just by concentrating with just a movement also his horn was shining, Suddenly he hears the sound of a weak and slow clap, flips and there was an unicorn pony comming from the shadows, he was of elegant attire, a blue mane that waves with the bitter wind, withe and soft fur, tough figure and calm look

"Impressive, you are a very powerful pony my friend"

"who are you?"

"My name is Shinning Armor." Answer the unicorn making a polite gesture.

"Are you of Bios's lab?" Spirit ask.

"Am not of those." Shinning Armor continues. "i belong to a diferent kind, my blood is on top of that monster who ruin the beauty of a pony's body and the most sacred treasure of its morality, turning it into killing machines."

"What you want?"

"There are powerful beings who consider you a very powerful menace, i just want to proctect you from those who have broke your soul and body for their own interests, however this is not the right place to talk, come with me and i tell you everithing you need to know."

"No thanks, right now i don't trust in nopony, not even a stanger."

"I understand, but like my sweet mother used to tell me: help anypony that is lost on his way, ponies and humans are usually undecided on their acts, if good is destiny with all of us we could see a thousand opportunities in our sight, unfortunately we can enjoy such privilege until you are disposed to meet new faces, come with me, you got nothing to lose but too much to win."

Spirit agrees to go with Shinning Armor still fearing for his life, both go to a golden ship that leads to a city, the City of Saris or as known by some individuals as the New Equestria , new title that was given to Central Europe.

"Is just curious how the human mind reacts according to basic instincs." Say Shinning Armor looking in the window. "All this creation that shows before your eyes is an amalgam of knowledge that took thousands of years in appear, however the basic instincs of the humans force them to ruin the name of such corporations that were created for the benefit of our kind, i know it will cost you to undertand this world but who doesnt?"

"Maybe." Says Spirit. "But i could limitate to know what really is gonna help me to understand it, and if the world tries to change me, am gonna change the world".

"You do not speak like the rest of the experiments of Bios, I am pleased to know that the gift of reasoning is vast when you are willing to want to know more about the universe on the basis of that lie within".

"What you mean by that?"

"That intentions meant more than just opinion, and if you really want to change the world, and arm yourself with the word combat with your actions".

The ship arrives at a mansion located south of the city, a stunning work of art that certainly gave credence to the words of Shinning Armor, entering the interior, it can be seen some beautiful and luxurious decorations and furniture, walls they are painted in a rustic and pleasant way that matched the style of decoration. Upon entering the two characters they are received by an pink Alicorn with three colored mane, purple eyes, and reasonably proportioned figure, using a simple crown:

"My love, you are finally here!" Said the Alicorn.

"Yes Cadence, this is Spirit Force, he is gonna stay with us for a while, if he wish of course."

"Nice to meet you." Says the Alicorn happily. "i am Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but please, call me Cadence."

Cadence does not seem to care that Spirit were dirty and smelly, she greets him extending her hoof, Spirit closes his fist and collides with the hoof of Cadence, but Shinning Armor is not entirely pleased with the scene and ordered his servants to bath Spirit, cut his mane and make him look decently, after a short time Spirit returns with Shinning Armor very clean, with short mane wearing a stylish suit.

"Wow." Exclaims Shinning Armor. "Now That's the True Spirit Force."

"Thanks you." Says Spirit. "At first I thought I was going to do some damage but now I realize the reality."

"Dinner is Ready!" says Cadence "Hurry up before it gets cold!"

The Dinner was pleasant, more than four stews made with items that were not always from Earth but were equally delicious, The themes of conversation were the reasons of Spirit's birth, their parents and the harsh treatment of Bios, besides other chapters were not always appreciated by the presents but that it was necessary to talk about them to not treat them anymore.

"Well Spirit is now time to know the situation we are facing Cadence and i". says Shinning Armor. "You see, the dilemma begins from us, the situation giving rise to chaos in this world derives from the fights we've had, personally for ten years , but us came to this planet with the intention of fix these generations that are wanting to take over, and have the gift of the elemental universe , spread from countless time, the ancient laws and regulations controlling the human race were soon history as well as human community of million years ago , the humans now are very few here, the rest is on other planet as previously inhabited dwelling here, in this world there and the human communities that are struggling not to be overshadowed by us , so many will join us or leave their wilted organizations. Six hybrid breeds are those who imposed in Saris. We got your father, Lighting Rock and his minions, Queen Crysalis, Frozen Starfish, Dark Feather, Slug and Us"

"Interesting!" says Spirit.

"Now Spirit, this is crucial." Says Shinning Armor. "I'm not a spiteful person , time to tell me if you decide to work with us or not , since I have a lot of work i could use your help".
"But Shinning" Says Cadence. " Our guest just arrived, is not it more appropriate to take him with his mother?
"Why not ?." says Shinning Armor "Spirit, is your decision , unlike your father, I will not force anything, if you choose to stay you will have a bedroom, food, shelter and a job , but on the contrary want to go with your mother under the same rights and all obligations , he can turn you into his successor and supreme leader of the order of 6 groups, think about it, we are going to sleep, and I think you should do it too.
Spirit is taken to a very elegant and beautiful bedroom, there was a lot of attention to detail of bedroom furniture, and with that vision Spirit thinks this couple came in great expectations and without the slightest concern sleeps with a great smile and a feel of happiness.