Heaven is Equestria

by KingHoole

The Author

Chapter 5: The Author

I opened my eyes, I’m surprised I got any sleep considering that scene with Applejack last night. It’s going to be tough acting as if nothing happened, because something like that is hard to ignore. Worst part is I’m going to work at the library for a while, and not only is Twilight gonna be there but so are her parents. My body is overwhelmed with nervous tension; I’m laying in bed sweating like a pig, and then I hear someone at the door.
“Uh who is it?” I got out of bed rushing to get some clothes on, but I realized that I’m a pony and I don’t need clothes. Oh the pros and cons.
“It’s me Jet, can I come in?” He said in a very soft voice.
“Uh dude you’re my friend what do you think...”
He walked in annoyed by my comment, “So what the hell was that last night?”
“Dude I have no idea, why the hell was Applejack so horny?”
He laughed, “Well the thing is I noticed her staring at you a lot when you were working the farm. She would always take me to the side and tell me how polite and friendly you are. Also she spends most of her time on a secluded farm you can’t blame her for going a little nuts.”
“Well that makes sense, I mean, I am pretty great.” I chuckled.
“Anyways we should get going we still have to harvest some apples today.” He said turning and heading toward the door.
It’s going to be a very interesting day. At least I get to see Twilight again, after two and a half days of nothing but apples I really want some books. Maybe I can even start to write a story, maybe a science fiction, I don’t think anypony has even heard of one of those before. I bet Twilight would really like them.
A few hours have passed and still no sign of Applejack, I don’t know if I should interpret that as good or bad. Then I saw Big Macintosh carrying a basket of apples, and I decided to approach him.
“Oh hey Big Mac, have you seen Applejack anywhere?”
“Eeyup.” He said in his casual deep voice.
“Well where is she? I haven’t seen her around.”
He paused for a moment trying not to say anything because all he wants to say is yep or nope. I just stared at him impatiently.
“Uh... She’s taking the day off and she told me to tell you guys to continue bucking the south field.” He said with his hoof behind his head.
“Okay well I need to go at 10:00 A.M. because I’m going to work at the library, is that okay?”
“Eeyup, it’s 8:00 now so you gotta work your flank off until then.”
I trotted over to the south field with Jetfire and began to buck all the trees. One thing for sure, Applejack must have strong legs because it takes us a few bucks before even one apple falls off let alone all the apples. Time went by incredibly slowly, it felt like Spanish class, never ending. Not only was it slow but it was one of the hottest days ever, I was sweating so much it began to really irritate me. I went to check the clock by the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house and only an hour passed.
“*Sigh* Jet I’m going to head to the library, will you cover for me?” I said eyes lowered and breathing deeply.
“No problem Gizmo, leave it to me!” He said smiling.
“Thanks man, I owe you one.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” His smile grew bigger and got an evil look on his face.
“O......okay I’ll see you later.” I said running away.
“Good luck man!”
Walking back into Ponyville was a breath of fresh air, I’m more of a city stallion anyway. But the colors amaze me, never has a walk through a village made me so happy before. I saw the usual background characters like Bon-Bon, Dr. Whooves (mental note: talk to him), Derpy, etc. I stopped and examined the Celestia statue in the middle of the town keeping in mind the Ask Princess Molestia comic about her disguising herself as the statue and listening to ponies dirty conversations. Laughing I start to head to the library again.
I walked in the library happy to finally start my first day of paying work. There I saw Twilight reading a book with Ms. Smartypants, then she looked up at me and stashed the doll away quickly.
“Oh hey Gizmo you’re early um that was just um... Well anyway would you mind organizing these books please?”
I smiled, “Of course Twilight that’s what I’m here for right?” I said while beginning to levitate all the books and sorting them, while keeping a steady pace.
“Wow, good work; oh I want you to meet my parents. Mom, Dad come here. There’s somepony I want you to meet.”
Nervousness flooded through my body when I saw her parents walking downstairs from the guest room. They look very regal and wise, and Twilight’s dad reminds me of my dad. It makes me sad thinking about my family, so I tried to keep my cool and stand tall with a smile on my face.
They approached me and held out there hooves. I took Twilight’s father’s hoof and shook it vigorously.
“Woah, that’s a great shake you got there.” He said chuckling.
"Thank you Mr. Sparkle, my name’s Gizmo.”
“Great to meet you.” He said with a big grin.
Then I turned toward Twilight’s mother, took her hoof, kissed it, and said, “Ah the lovely Mrs. Sparkle. It’s a true honor meeting you.”
“Oh, so chivalrous! *giggle* Twilight we must have dinner with this stallion!”
“Oh there is no need for that-”
“It’s our treat, think of it as a welcoming party.” Mr. Sparkle interrupted me.
“Well I guess I can’t refuse such a generous offer, thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle!” I said with a wide grin.
“Will you watch over the library while my parents and I get some lunch?” Twilight asked me.
“Of course, not an issue. Oh Twilight, do you have a spare notebook or something I could use?”
“Yes I do actually!”
Her horn began to glow and I looked over and saw a brown leather book levitating toward me.
“Thank you, you three have a good time okay!”
“We will!” All three said together.
They walked out the door and positioned myself behind a desk, opened the notebook, and began to brainstorm ideas for stories. I thought of something and reached for something to write with. I could not find a single quill or pencil around. Great, now what...
I sat there for a while and remembered something, and I took a deep breath and shouted, “SPIKE!!!” I heard stumbling upstairs, and then before I knew it the purple dragon appeared before my eyes.
“Hey wait your not Twilight! Where’s Twilight?!”
“She went out to lunch with her parents, but for now I’m in charge.”
“Wait wait wait wait wait.... WHO ARE YOU!?”
“Oh right I haven’t met you yet. I’m Gizmo, I’m new here and Twilight gave me a job to be her librarian.”
“So that means I don’t have to organize the books anymore?”
“Yes it does spike.”
“YEAH! Finally a little weight off my back!” He said hopefully.
“You still have to be her and my assistant, by the way would you be a pal and get me a quill please.”
“Sure you seem nice why not.”
I laughed while I watched Spike strutted around the library looking for a quill. He found one then tossed it to me. I caught it and began levitating the feather around trying to exercise my magic. I began writing a sci-fi story, but Spike kept pestering me, asking me a lot of questions about my origin and things like that. I slammed the quill down and shouted, “SPIKE, can we talk about this some other time? I’m working and this requires concentration.”
“Well what is it you're doing?”
“I’m writing a story...”
“Cool, what about?”
I glared at him angrily, and he backed up symbolizing he would stop. Okay, now I can focus.
I began writing again then suddenly I let out a big stretch and looked at the clock.
“WHAT! Two hours already? Jeez time sure flies.” I looked down at the notebook and flipped through the pages and it turns out I wrote eleven pages in my creative trance.
“Wow you finally snapped out of it. I’ve been trying to talk to you for like thirty minutes.” He said, sounding relieved that I was still alive.
Then Twilight and her parents came in through the door, and they all looked very happy to see me. Her parents just walked upstairs very tired and I assumed they are going to nap. Twilight walked up to me and saw my notebook filled with words, and her face lit up.
“Wow you were busy weren’t you, do you mind if I read it?”
“Not at all, tell me what you think when your done.”
She trotted up into her room very happily and slammed the door. About fifteen minutes later she opened the door and ran up to me.
“This.... this is amazing! How do you come up with something like this, it’s genius!”
“Uh, I’m not sure. It just come natural to me I guess.”
“Well that explains your cutie mark, I never understood it until now.”
“Wha-” I looked down at my flank and there was a scroll and a quill. I never saw that before, did I just get? Then how did Twilight see it?
Too many questions were running through my brain. Then Twilight implied I should get some rest because it the dinner party was going to be soon. I walked over to Sweet Apple Acres, went in to my room, crawled into bed, and shut my eyes. Man, so far this day has been pretty awesome.