Ask Chatterjoy

by Chatterjoy

Origin of Blurb

Chatterjoy and Jazzy were in Cloudsdale. They were visiting Chatterjoy's parents, Smartfeather and Tuner, at the request of the latter. Chatterjoy had also made it a big deal to visit them. They had finally made it after Chatterjoy took a left at Whitetail Wood and had pulled the balloon, that Jazzy was in, all the way to Las Pegasus. After getting directions in Las Pegasus Chatterjoy messed up by flying all the way to Apploosa.

They had finally made it to Cloudsdale when Smartfeather had finally guided her daughter personally back to Cloudsdale. This was also so Chatterjoy wouldn't get lost in the huge city as well.

Chatterjoy's parents' house was medium sized and humble. Jazzy was surprised to find that Tuner, her father, was a unicorn. He was normal colored, as he had a brown coat with a black mane and tail with gray hairs. He had a moustache that also had gray. Jazzy being a musician was fairly interested in what Tuner did, as he fixed instruments. It was symbolized by the two white treble clefs.

Chatterjoy's little brother was also a unicorn, and he had a habit of being extremely sarcastic and anti-social. This was proven when Chatterjoy barraged his door with knocking when they arrived. Game Tap, his name, had growled at her and slammed the door into her face. Jazzy couldn't blame him though, since she would have done the same thing. She had found out later that he didn't like being disturbed when playing his games, as his cutie mark was a triangle button representing his talent for gaming.

Smartfeather had explained that the reason they could live in Cloudsdale was because of a spell she had managed to invent for her husband. It was similar to the cloudwalking spell Twilight had casted on Jazzy earlier. Tuner's wedding ring, it was hidden by his mane, was enchanted to walk on clouds. Jazzy would hate to have to wear a ring on her horn all the time, but the things you do for love. Game Tap had a medallion that had the same enchantment.

Jazzy noticed the red puzzle piece mark on Smartfeather's flank. When she had asked Smartfeather she replied that it represented her talent in being able to solve riddles and problems. This caused Jazzy to wonder what happened to Chatterjoy.

Speaking of the white pegasus she was jumping up and down everywhere. In fact her father was as well if but not a little slower.

"Um, well, thank you for having me Mrs. Smartfeather," Jazzy said trying to get over her shock. Now she knew where Chatterjoy got her...self from. Looking at Smartfeather more closely she could see the resemblance, though Smartfeather's mane and tail were neater.

Game Tap had finally exited his room and he held no resemblance to the rest of his family except the white coat that both Chatterjoy and him seemed to have gotten from their mother. Jazzy couldn't place where he got his blue eyes. Chatterjoy later explained it was from their grandfathers.

After family introductions Jazzy brought out a game she liked as a filly. Apples to Apples it was called and finally convincing Chatterjoy that it was not a game about eating, getting to eat apples, or trying to merge two apples together was able to explain the rules.

They were on their third round of Apples to Apples. Jazzy had to admit she was worried that Chatterjoy might take longer to get the hang of the game, but she proved Jazzy wrong.

"Aw to Tartarus with it!" Game Tap exclaimed as he threw a card down.

"Blurb." Chatterjoy said throwing down another card.

"Uh what?" Jazzy looked up confused, "Blurb? Really?"

"It's not a bad word!" Chatterjoy exclaimed looking at her mother worriedly as if she had said one.

Smartfeather rolled her eyes, and she threw one of her cards down. Jazzy picked them up and looked at the answers.

"This one is just funny!" she exclaimed happily.

"BLURB! I mean YAY!" Chatterjoy jumped up into the air.

The hyper pegasus had a huge growing pile of winnings but her mother wasn't far behind. Jazzy could almost say they were tied.

"Where is this blurb coming from?" Jazzy asked as she drew a card from the pile.


"Yes, blurb. B-l-u-r-b. Blurb."


"Yes, where does IT come from?" Jazzy was starting to get irritated. Chatterjoy could be a lot of things but normally not this dense.

"Blurb." Chatterjoy stuck her tongue out.

"Hey ya'll," Tuner said walking from the master bedroom. He had gone to take a nap after the second round. Smartfeather was actually holding his spot. She had made a vast improvement in his winnings.

"Hi dad!" Chatterjoy exclaimed drawing a card.

"Who is winning?"

"I don't know sir, Chatterjoy and Mrs. Smartfeather almost seem tied."

"That about figures," Tuner replied.


"Smartfeather and Chatterjoy usually end up like this. Unless it is trivia, then Smartfeather whoops all our flanks."

The entire family let out some laughs and Tuner rejoined the game.

"Blurb." Chatterjoy said throwing down another card.

"Blurb." Said Tuner winking at his daughter.

Jazzy tried not to make a face.

"Really? You guys are so immature." Game Tap said throwing down one of his cards.

"Says the one who growls like a timberwolf when I knock on his door." Chatterjoy rebuked sticking her tongue out at her brother. Game Tap responded with spitting at his sister. Chatterjoy did the same.

"You two get anymore spit on the table and by Celestia I will lock you both in the same room."

The siblings immediately put their tongues back into their mouths but continued to glare at each other from across the table. Jazzy chose another answer and this time Tuner grabbed the winnings.

More rounds went by and every time Chatterjoy played a card she would say blurb. Was it a good luck word. Knowing Chatterjoy it probably was. Jazzy felt like a moron. When it came to her friend nothing ever had a reason. She would just do it.

For now she would focus on the game.

"I WIN!" Chatterjoy yelled doing a victory dance. Jazzy had noticed they ran out of cards and the others had counted their winnings.

"Mom was close."