Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Young Love: Part 2

Young Love: Part 2

“Hey, Spike, sleep well?” Midnight greeted the young drake as he walked into the kitchen.

“Hey, Midnight. I slept like a log,” Spike replied.

It was Midnight's day to cook breakfast, so he was making the manliest of breakfasts; waffles. The tantalizing aroma was what brought the teen out of his slumber.

“Where's Twilight?” asked the purple youth.

“Rainbow came by asking her for parenting advice, so the two went to Sugarcube Corner to talk.”

Spike cocked an eyebrow, “Hasn't Rainbow been a parent for longer than Twilight?”

Midnight laughed, “Yeah, well, you know how Rainbow gets when it comes to Scoots.”

“No kidding,” Spike chuckled, “I'm surprised she's not freaking out about Scootaloo dating.”

“I think she was a little weirded out about her dating another filly, but Sweetie's a good kid.”

Spike stared for a second, blinking as Midnight's words slowly registered, “Scootaloo's dating who now?”

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“Oh, yes, ma'am. They behaved, 'cept the smoochin', but Ah guess that's normal.” Applebloom strained to keep a neutral face as she sat at the breakfast table while Rarity poured more pancake batter into the pan, “An' the pet names they got for each other are sweet.”

“Oh, my, they already have pet names?” Rarity smiled warmly, “I must admit, I have my concerns, but they sound like they truly care for each other.”

A commotion from upstairs alerted them to the other's rousing.

“That must be the young couple now,” Rarity giggled, “Oh, I hope they aren't getting up to anything up there.” Another pancake hit a plate and final was poured.

The sound of hooves came from the stairs as Scootaloo rushed down and threw open the door.

“Sorry to run, Miss Rarity,” the pegasus called into the kitchen where the amber and blue lights sat, “I gotta go take care of a few things.”

“Oh,” Rarity said in mild surprise, “Well, do visit soon.”

“I will,” and with that, Scootaloo shot out the door, slamming it behind her, causing Rarity to wince.

“Oh, there you are, Applebloom,” Sweetie said as she made her way into the kitchen, “I figured you would be down here.”

“Sweetie, do you have to wear that dreadful eyepiece in the house?” Rarity asked as her sister took her seat.

“Yes, I do. It's compiling data for everywhere in the town,” the filly informed, “This way, I’ll have a full three dimensional rendering of Ponyville. That could come in handy, you know.”

Rarity sighed, “Fine, but can you at least dye it a more fashionable color?”

“White isn't fashionable?”

“Well, it is, but you're already white. Perhaps you could color it to match your mane?”

“I might in a bit. Right now, I'm hungry.”

Rarity just rolled her eyes as she piled the last pancake on a plate for her sister. The older mare levitated three of the plates to the table, leaving what was supposed to be Scootaloo's in case anypony wanted seconds.

“So...” Rarity finally decided to speak, “How was your date last night?”

“Oh, it was wonderful,” Sweetie barely remembered to swallow before speaking, “We set another for next Friday.”

“Oh, really?” Rarity beamed, “Virgil and I have a date Friday as well. Why don't we make it a double date?”

Sweetie sat and thought for a second, “I don't know. Spike and I just had a double date.”

Rarity froze, mouth open with a piece of pancake inches from her mouth. After a few seconds, her brain restarted, “You and... Spike? A double date?”

“Yeah, with Scootaloo and Storm, that colt from Canterlot she had a crush on... Why?”

“I thought you and Scootaloo... were...”

“What?” Sweetie recoiled a bit, “Why would you think that?”

Applebloom slowly pushed open the door, but before she could make her escape, the door was wrapped in blue and green auras and slammed shut. She turned slowly to see four angry eyes glaring at her.

“Uh... April Fool's?” she tried.

“It's September,” Sweetie deadpanned.

“September Fool's?”

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Rainbow Dash sprinkled some cheese on her omelet and let it melt before sliding her breakfast onto a plate. When she turned around, she heard the front door fly open.

Already knowing who it was, she called out, “Shut the door, Scoots, and come here. I want to talk.”

Scootaloo pushed open the door to the kitchen and walked in. She took a seat at the table and asked, “What's up, mom?”

“I was wanting to ask how your date went,” the older mare sat and took a bite.

“It was great. We have another date Saturday,” the filly answered happily.

“That's great, I’m glad,” Rainbow took a deep breath to calm her nerves before continuing, “Look, Scoots...”

Scootaloo could tell something was bothering her idol and adoptive mother, “What's the matter?”

Dash sighed, “I just want to say... regardless of what others say, love is blind. It doesn't care what you look like or... or if they're the same gender. Two fillies in love is just as natural as a filly and a colt... and well... I mean...”

Rainbow was cut off by her daughter's hooves on her shoulders. Scootaloo gave her a warm smile and said, “It's okay, mom, I get it. I kind of figured it out years ago anyway. Besides, yeah I would have liked a dad, but two moms can be cool, too. Anyway, I gotta go rub my awesome coltfriend in Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon smug faces.”

Rainbow was utterly flabbergasted. She watched Scootaloo rush back upstairs and then back down and out the door. Several seconds passed before something clicked in her mind.

“What do you mean 'figured it out years ago'?!”

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Midnight decided to walk with Applebloom after she left their place. He and Twilight were a bit shocked when a plaid filly with a spiked mane came running through their door, but a few spells later and she was back to normal... well, except for the depression that seemed to be seeping into her.

He was hoping she would open up on her own, and sure enough as they passed Sugarcube Corner, she gave the place a forlorn look and spoke, “Midnight... do you think Ah'm ugly?”

Midnight was so taken aback that he forgot how to walk for a second and froze in place. After a couple seconds, he found his voice, “What? Why would you even ask that?”

“It's just... a bunch of colts got a crush on Sweetie, Scootaloo, and even Diamond, but... ain't none of them like me...”

Midnight frowned at that as the pair passed under the gate to Sweet Apple Acres, “You don't know that. It's easy to see when somepony likes somepony else, but not so much when they like you. I'm sure there are plenty of colts that like you.”

“Yeah right,” she grumbled, “What's to like?”

“A lot,” Midnight protested, “You're kind, funny, fun-loving, and yes, pretty.”

“Y...you think Ah'm pretty?” her eyes lit up.

“Of course I do. You're one of-”

Midnight was cut off by Applebloom lunging at him, pressing her lips to his. Midnight was caught completely off guard, but soon realized what was happening. He tried to push the filly away, but despite being half Midnight's size, she was much stronger.

“Applebloom!” cried Applejack as she ran up to meet them.

It was as if the filly had just realizes what she was doing and broke away. Tears welled in her eyes at the sight of her friend and big brother's shocked and fearful expression.

“Ah-Ah... Ah'm...” she couldn't even finish her thought, and instead turned and ran into the orchard, the sound of her sobs following her.

“What the hay just happened?!” Applejack demanded when she finally came to a stop in front of Midnight.

“I-I didn't... I mean, she just...” Midnight tried to explain.

Applejack just sighed, “Ah know ya didn't do nothin'. Ah saw ya trying to push her offa you. What Ah'm askin' is why'd she kiss ya in the first place?”

“She... she was upset. She said that she was ugly and that the colts didn't like her, so I told her that she was pretty and that there are probably plenty of colts that like her, and she just... I'm so sorry, AJ, I didn't think she would try something like that.”

“It ain't your fault, sugarcube,” Applejack said, “Actually...” she sniffed the air a few times, “Ah don't think it's her fault either.”

“What is it?” Midnight asked, seeing that she noticed something that he didn't.

Applejack groaned, “Let's just say, it'll be best if you stay away from her for the next week.”

“What? But wh... oh... ooohhh... You want me to tell Rarity? She already dealt with this with Sweetie.”

Applejack mulled it over for a bit before answering, “Yeah, maybe she knows a spell or somethin' that'll help.”

“Alright, I’ll ask Twilight about it, too,” Midnight said as he turned to head back, “Maybe we have a book that can help. Let Bloom know I’m not mad at her, and that I still care for her.”

“Alright, Midnight,” Applejack said as she waved farewell.

As Midnight walked back, he couldn't help but worry about his little sis. Being the most impulsive of the three, he could see her doing something she would regret... like kiss him. He let out a sigh and hung his head. Suddenly, his head shot up, his eyes wide as a terrifying thought crossed his mind.

“Oh goddess... What am I going to do when Aurora gets that age?”