Doctor Whooves: Adventures in Equestria

by PficsFTW

Off to Ponyville!

"It's... It's a Timberwolf!!" exclaimed Ditzy.

"What's a TimberwoAHHH!" said The Doctor before being interrupted by a third attack.

"RUUUN!" Ditzy yelled as they both dashed away while the wolf followed closely.

"OK... you obviously... know... more than me..." The Doctor said between breaths. "What do you normally do in these situations?!"

"Well... I would... just fly away..." said Ditzy while panting, "but... you don't have wings... we'll have to... lose it... somehow..."

"And how do we do that? asked The Doctor.

"Me?!" exclaimed Ditzy, "How am I supposed to know?!"

"Well you obviously know more about these than I do!" The Doctor remarked.

"Ugh!" Ditzy grunted. "My wings are going to be REALLY sore after this!" she remarked. "Quick, run towards the cliff over there!"

"If you say so!" agreed The Doctor as he turned t'words the nearby cliff.

"Oh, you'd better hope we make it out of this alive!" Ditzy whined. "Hold on tight!" she told upon grabbing hold of the Doctor and diving off the cliff.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" yelled The Doctor. "Ditzy, I hope you know what you're doing!!"

"I hope so too!" replied Ditzy. She then looked up waiting for the Timberwolf to jump off the cliff after them, which it proceeded to do.

Upon noticing the Wolf begin to fall, Ditzy opened her wings, thus making her and The Doctor speedily glide down to a beach near a large river that the Timberwolf fell into.

Upon falling onto the hard ground of the beach, they tumbled about 15 feet letting out various grunting noises. "OoooOOOohhhh..." whined Ditzy. "No more falling for today, I'm surprised I'm still able to feel my wings..."

"Nngghhh," groaned The Doctor, "agreed."

They both proceeded to slowly get up off of the ground. As Ditzy did so, she noticed something off in the distance. "Hey, look!" she pointed her hoof. "That's Ponyville over there!"

"Nnngh!" The Doctor grunted upon stretching his newly shaped spine. "Splendid, looks like about a 5 mile walk." he pointed out. "That'll be a nice break from all this running and falling."

"Hehe, yeah." chuckled Ditzy.

"Well, then!" The Doctor let out. "I understand that you probably have more deliveries to make, so I will let you get to that." he told her. "Thank you for accompanying me in the forest, but I believe you are no longer needed. Have a lovely day!" he said before trotting off to Ponyville's direction.

"Oh, no you don't!" Ditzy replied upon catching up to him. "I'm going to make sure you get home safe. You've almost died two times today, let's not make it a third," said she. "Besides, going to Zecora's was my last delivery for today, and I really don't have anything better to do..."

"Really?" The Doctor wondered. "Most people try to get as far away from me as they can when they meet me..."

"Like I said," Ditzy continued, "You've almost died two times today... You'd be dead if it wasn't for me!"

"Ah, that's right!" The Doctor replied. "I still have yet to thank you for that... Thank you very much for saving me twice, miss Ditzy."

"Heheh, you're welcome Doctor." Ditzy chuckled.

Some Time Later

They both walked in silence until The Doctor decided to speak up. "So, Ditzy," he asked, "I haven't gotten the chance to ask without being interrupted, just what species are you?"

She stopped, giving him a very confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I can tell you're equine, given the shape of your spine," The Doctor continued, "but I can't seem to put my fing- hoof on just what kind of equine you are."

"D-Doctor, you're not making any sense..." said Ditzy. "Shouldn't you know?"

"It wouldn't be the first time you knew something I didn't," replied The Doctor.

"P-Pony... We're both Ponies," Ditzy replied giving an obscure glare.

The Doctor stopped, dead in his tracks. "...Well, that can't be right..."

"OK, no offence, but just how stupid are you?" asked Ditzy bluntly.

"Oi!" replied The Doctor defensively. "I'm not stupid!"

"Well, sorry," Ditzy replied, "but you didn't even know what species you are!"

The Doctor, once again, stopped and looked at Ditzy. "The first one hundred digits of PI are 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679," said The Doctor. "I can keep going if you like," he grinned.

Ditzy stared blankly trying to process this information. "B-but... That's... Correct!" she blurted. "I have a 3 year college degree in Mathematics, so I know that's correct... How do you know that, but not your own species?!"

"Hmm?" The Doctor questioned. "I know my species, but not yours," he replied.

"Wh-Wha-" said Ditzy before The Doctor interrupted.

"Hey, look!" The Doctor shouted. "We're here!" he yelled before dashing off into the streets of Ponyville.

"H-hey, come back!" yelled Ditzy before following him.

"D-Doctor, why... did you run... away like that?!" said Ditzy between breaths.

"Look, Ditzy!" shouted The Doctor. "Everywhere! Ponies of all colors! Green, red, blue, orange, purple, white, yellow..." he trailed off.

"That's what's got you so worked up?!" Ditzy exclaimed. "That's how it's always been, Doctor..."

"Oh, my god! This is brilliant!" shouted The Doctor. "I've never seen anything like it!"

"If he's not stupid, he's probably just crazy..." Ditzy said under her breath. Before she had the chance to speak up again, they both heard a loud rumbling noise. "Ehehehe..." she said embarrassingly. "I guess it's lunch time, I was going to eat at a new bakery that just opened up in town, wanna come?" she offered before realizing how it sounded. "I-I have been wanting to go with a friend, but I haven't gotten the chance. But I hear their muffins are really good! Wanna come?"

"Sure, if it's not any trouble," said The Doctor. "I could go for a muffin. Lead the way, Ditzy!"

At The Bakery

"And what can I get you two today?" asked the waiter.

"One blueberry muffin for me, please!" said Ditzy.

"One blueberry muffin," said the waiter as he wrote on his notepad. "And how about you, sir?" he asked turning to The Doctor.

"I'll have a poppy seed muffin, thank you," replied The Doctor.

"And one poppy seed..." said the waiter as he, once again, wrote in his notebook. "Will that be all for today?"

"Yup!" replied Ditzy

"Alrighty, your orders will be with you shortly," said the waiter as he left to take more orders.

"Sooo," began The Doctor, "What planet is this? I've never heard of a planet with equines as the dominant species..."

"D-did you hit your head when we fell?" Ditzy asked cautiously. "Are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?!"

Hmm, I guess they haven't made intercelestia contact yet... thought The Doctor. "No, I'm fine." he reassured. "I'm just a bit of an oddball, I guess. Anyway, what planet is this?"

Oddball doesn't even begin to describe it... thought Ditzy. "Earth... It's Earth..."

"Earth?" gasped The Doctor. He then reached into the pocket of his coat, to reveal his sonic screwdriver.

"What is that thing?" asked Ditzy.

The Doctor only ignored her. Pointing the sonic upwards, he pressed down on the button with his teeth, then put it on the table where he used his hoof to slide the top part up. "Oh, dear..." sighed The Doctor as his ears instinctively went down.

"What? What's wrong, Doctor?" asked Ditzy.

"It... It seems I've traveled through the void to this universe..." sighed The Doctor.

"Doctor, you're not making sense again..." said Ditzy.

"Ditzy, there's something you should know..." said The Doctor quietly.

"What is it, Doctor?..." said Ditzy softly.

"I'm not a normal pony..."

"I think I've already established that, Doctor," Ditzy said smugly.

"Ditzy, I'm being serious!" The Doctor quietly exclaimed.

"Oookkaayyy, then what do you mean?" asked Ditzy.

The Doctor turned his head to make sure nopony was watching. "I'm an alien," he said softly.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!" screamed Ditzy as she fell back in her seat laughing, gaining her a few obscure looks from other ponies in the bakery.

"D-Ditzy," said The Doctor.

"Oh, myehehehhg-gosh, you actually had me going there! Hmhmhmhm..." said Ditzy while chuckling.

"Ditzy," said The Doctor, "I'm being serious."

"Sorry, Doctor," said Ditzy, "I'm not dumb, aliens aren't real."

"Ugh," sighed The Doctor, "Give me your hooves."

"Wha- Ew! No! Doctor, what's wrong with..." Ditzy squealed as The Doctor grabbed her hooves and put them on both sides of his chest. "You..." after having her hooves on his chest for a few seconds, she quickly pulled them away in a shocked manner.

"D-Doctor?" Ditzy asked. "W-why was your heart beating on both sides?..."

"Because," The Doctor paused, "I'm not from this world... This universe, in fact..."

"O-oookaayyy..." said Ditzy slowly. "Even if you were an alien, which I'm not saying you are, how did you get here?"

"There was a malfunction in my, er... space... ship, that ripped through the fabric of my universe, and sent me into this one."

Ditzy paused, attempting to process this new information before she was interrupted by the arrival of their muffins. "One poppy seed muffin, and one blueberry muffin for the happy couple," said the waiter as he provided the food.

"Thank yo- wait... Couple?!" Ditzy questioned. "S-sir, we're not, um, together... We-we're just friends!"

"Y-yes, we're just having a friendly meal together!" The Doctor quickly replied.

"Alright, if you say so..." chuckled the waiter as he left.

Both The Doctor and Ditzy finished their muffins in silence, avoiding eye contact, given the awkward atmosphere the waiter had so kindly provided for them.