Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Young Love: Part 1

Young Love

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom waited patiently for their third member. Luckily it didn’t take long as the door was flung open and the pegasus of the group ran inside, tackling her friends in a tight hug.

“Ah'm gonna guess he said yes,” Applebloom chuckled.

“Yes! We have a date for tonight!” Scootaloo cheered.

“'Bout dern time,” Applebloom chuckled.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Scootaloo asked indignantly.

“Come on, Scoots,” The farmer rolled her eyes, “You said you were goin' to ask him out when we was in the hospital after we got our Elements. That was six months ago, Scootaloo. Six months!”

“Yeah, well... it's complicated, okay,” the pegasus defended, “Besides, who cares? We're going out now, and that's what matters.”

“So, you're coming with Spike and me?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah! He said 'the more the merrier'!”

“Ah still can't believe Spike asked you out,” Applebloom said, “Ah thought he had a crush on your sister.”

“He did, but now he's mine,” the smart one said, “I'm going to go tell sis. Remember, Sugarcube Corner, five o'clock.”

“Got'cha. I gotta let mom know, too,” Scootaloo said, “You know how she can get.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight, Twilight and Applejack sat around the married couple's kitchen table, planning the training regimen for the next four weeks. At least, Midnight and Twilight were. Applejack was just there because she was Midnight's second, being the most dependable (and mentally stable) of the group.

“We can implement Blue Streak's training every Wednesday,” Twilight offered, “I know I could use it. So could AJ.”

“Hey!” The apple farmer said indignantly, “What, you sayin' Ah'm slow?”

“AJ, you're a tank,” Midnight said, “You're strong and resilient, but easy to out maneuver. Yeah you're a fast runner, but you need to work on agility a little.”

“Ah guess y'all're right. Do we gotta use that thief's training, though?”

“'That thief' out maneuvered Pinkie,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Good point... but Ah still don't trust him.”

“That's why he's got a collar. He tries doing anything he shouldn't, he gets shocked,” Midnight pointed out.

“Alright then,” AJ relented, “So what about Thursday? Ah'd say somethin' easier, seein' as we got three days of hard stuff already.”

“Hmm,” Midnight pondered, “How about-”

Suddenly the door busted open and Rainbow Dash flew in franticly, “Guys! Thank Celestia I found you. Something horrible is happening.”

“What's wrong?” Midnight jumped up, ready for trouble.

“It's Scootaloo,” Rainbow began. Midnight's blood ran cold, fearing the worst, “She... She... She has a date!”

Midnight's eye twitched as he said calmly, “Rainbow... I'm going to hurt you now.”

Twilight interrupted before her husband made good on his threat, “We thought it was something serious, Rainbow!”

“This is serious!” the pegasus countered, “She's going on a date... romantically... with a colt. What if he tries something with her?”

“Ah doubt she'd let him,” Applejack stated, “All three of them fillies got a lot more responsible since they got there Elements. Heck, Ah ain't got one complaint 'bout Bloom destroyin' stuff in six months.”

“Who's this date with?” Twilight asked, “I could always speak with his parents.”

Rainbow Dash adopted the 'deer in the headlights' look before sheepishly answering, “I kinda didn't wait that long. She said she had a date and I took off.”

“Go find out who it's with,” Midnight instructed, “Maybe you've met the colt already.”

“Y-yeah... good idea,” Rainbow said.

“Girls, Midnight!” Rarity stormed in frantically, “Something horrible happened! I just found out Sweetie has a date! I overheard her making a note in her machine.”

Rainbow's eyes shot open, “Tonight?”

“Yes, why?”

“Oh, sweet baby Discord on a stick...” Rainbow Said breathlessly, “Scootaloo and Sweetie are dating?!”

That was, perhaps, the third time any of them had seen Rarity legitimately faint.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Okay, Rainbow,” she told herself as she paced outside her house, “So what if Scootaloo is into fillies? You've met plenty of cool lesbians. Redheart's pretty awesome. With how close those three always were, of course two of them would fall for each other. I wouldn't be surprised to find out if Fluttershy and Applejack had a thing.”

“Mom, are you going to just pace back and forth, or are you coming in?” called Scootaloo's voice from within.

“I'm never going to get use to you watching me through the walls,” Rainbow called back as she opened the front door.

“I'm not watching you,” the orange filly chuckled, “It's just hard to miss a bright magenta pony against a gray background.”

“Magenta?” Rainbow snickered, “Tell me you don't know that word just because of your old fan filly days.”

“I've been learning a lot of different color names,” Scootaloo huffed. She didn't want to admit that her mother hit the nail right on the head.

Rainbow took a deep breath to steel her fragile nerves, “So... about this date of yours...” Scootaloo opened her mouth to speak, but Rainbow Dash cut her off, “It's okay. I figured out who you're going out with.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked dubiously.

“Yes, I talked to Rarity, and Sweetie already talked to her about it,” Rainbow explained, “I just wanted to say, it's okay. I approve of your choice.”

“Really?” this one was more enthusiastic.

“Yes. You chose a fine pony, and I hope it works out.”

“Wow, thanks mom!” the filly threw her arms around her mother who eagerly returned the gesture.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rarity busied herself with sandwiches for a quick lunch as Sweetie Belle tinkered with her MagiTool. The fashionista glanced at her little sister from the corner of her eye.

It must have started in that cave, she thought to herself. I suppose I would fall for a stallion who showed the kind of bravery Scootaloo showed. Perhaps even a mare. A smile graced her lips. Yes, Scootaloo is a good special somepony for my sister, and I'll have words with whoever has an issue with their love.

“So... Sweetie,” Rarity began, “I spoke with Rainbow. Scootaloo told her about your date.”

“She did?” It wasn't like Scootaloo to gossip.

“Yes, she did,” Rarity placed the sandwiches on the table and sat across from her sister, “I just want to make sure you understand the stigma you are going to face for your... particular choice.”

“Stigma?” Sweetie looked up in confusion, “Well, I doubt it would be any worse than you and Virgil.”

“While it is true Virgil and I have faced some reticule, I'm afraid your relationship is a bit more taboo.”

I guess she has a point. Ponies do still have an instinctive fear of dragons, Sweetie thought to herself. “I guess we would, but I doubt anypony in Ponyville would have a problem.”

“Perhaps, but do you plan on hiding your love whenever you leave town?”

“Of course not! If ponies have a problem with whom I give my heart to, they can shove their opinion up their plots!” Sweetie proclaimed.

“Though I don't appreciate your use of language, I admire the sentiment,” Rarity smiled. “Do you need help getting ready?”

“Maybe with my mane,” Sweetie answered, “And Rarity... thanks for being understanding about this.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Ladies,” Spike said with a polite bow as he held the door open to the pastry and dessert shop.

“Thank you, Spike,” Sweetie said.

“So I'm a 'lady' now?” Scootaloo chuckled.

“Thank you, Spike,” said a storm cloud gray pegasus with an electric blue mane and bright yellow eyes.

“No problem, Storm.”

The quartet of youths made their way to a booth they had reserved. Being such a popular date venue, the Cakes had finally decided to set a table and booth aside for just such occasions. They took their seats and awaited their server. In no time, Mr. Cake trotted up.

“So what can I get you little love birds?” he said with a cheeky grin.

“I'll take a strawberry turquoise shake,” Spike requested.

“May I have the cookie-dough milkshake, please,” asked Sweetie.

“I would like the cheesecake and oat shake, sir,” Storm placed his order.

“Chocolate, extra malt!” demanded Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo!” Sweetie scolded, “At least try to use something that could be mistaken for manners.”

“Never! Not when there's Equestria's greatest milkshakes to be had!” the brash filly argued with a grin.

“Why, thank you, Scootaloo,” Mr. Cake laughed, “I'll be right back with those.”

“So, Storm Feather, huh,” Spike gave the colt a measuring glance, “So, why did you move to Ponyville?”

“I, uh... lost my family in the changeling invasion,” answered the pegasus. “So, my aunts, Lyra and Bon Bon, brought me home with them.”

“Oh, I'm sorry about your family,” Sweetie said sympathetically, “I didn't realize anypony died.”

“It's alright. I'm coping.”

“And now you live here,” Spike finished, “You miss Canterlot? I know I do sometimes. I was born there, you know.”

“Really?” the colt tilted his head slightly in curiosity, “But you're a dragon. I've never heard of dragons being born in pony cities.”

“You know who Twilight is, right?” Spike asked, receiving a nod in confirmation, “Well, when she went in for the entrance exam to Celestia's School for gifted unicorns, the test they were supposed to use grew legs and ran away... literally. Well, the griffin ambassador was going to be visiting soon, so the Princess got a griffin delicacy to serve him for dinner; a dragon egg.”

“Whoa, The Princess was going to cook you for dinner?” Storm's eyes bulged.

“The egg was unfertilized, like the eggs you get from the market. Once a year, female dragons lay an egg whether or not it's fertilized. The ones that aren't are traded for jewels to build their hoard. Anyway, the testers were running around trying to find a replacement test, when one of them found my egg. They brought it in and told Twilight to hatch it. They were going to test her on her creativity, and ability to assess the situation.”

“When the rainboom hit, Twilight had a major magic surge. Her magic struck my egg, and caused a reaction. Basically, she fertilized my egg with magic.”

“Wow... that's insane,” the colt said in awe.

“Wait,” Scootaloo interrupted, “Twilight didn't say anything about that when she told us the story.”

Sweetie giggled, “Yeah, tell a trio of fillies desperate to find their cutie marks that she got hers by, essentially, making a baby.”

Scootaloo thought for a moment before laughing, “Yeah, 'cutie mark crusader baby makers' wouldn't have ended well.” The males' cheeks flushed at that.

“And you better not try it now,” said the pink mare that materialized beside their table. Storm, being the only one inexperienced in the pink one's ways, jumped and fell out of his seat. “Here are your milk-shakes, and a batch of cookies.”

“We didn't order cookies,” Sweetie informed the hyper mare.

“I know. Enjoy.”

Before any of them could say anything, the mare bounced out of sight.

“Anyway,” Scootaloo got back on subject as she stuffed half a cookie in her mouth, “If your mom is the dragon that laid your egg, and Twilight fertilized it, wouldn't that make her your dad?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The quartet of youngsters made their way back to Carousel Boutique, the fillies to meet Applebloom for a slumber party, and the colt and dragon to escort their dates.

“There y'all are,” came Applebloom's voice as she met them halfway, “Ah was startin' to think y'all got carried away with all the makin' out.”

“We weren't making out!” Sweetie defended, “It was a first date. The most a lady gives on a first date is a peck on the cheek. Making out isn't for at least the third.”

“Well, hurry it up,” the country filly gave her friend a cheeky grin.

“Shut up, Applebloom,” Sweetie admonished and turned toward Spike, a hoof subconsciously playing with her mane, “I had a great time.”

“Me too,” the dragon replied, “So, uh, you wanna, maybe, do it again sometime?”

“I'd love to.”

“How's a movie next Friday sound?” he asked.

“Sounds great,” the filly leaned up and gave his cheek a quick kiss, “I'll see you then.”

“So... what about you, Scootaloo?” Storm asked, “Would you like to go out with me again?”

“Sure why not,” replied the pegasus nonchalantly.

“Awesome,” he said, “I'm helping aunt Bonbon with some candy Friday because, I quote, 'That no good, lazy sister of mine is too busy chasing myths'. How about Saturday?”

“Sweet, it's a date,” Scootaloo agreed. “Come on girls, Rarity's probably wondering where we are.”

As soon as the others backs were turned, the orange pegasus shot a peck to the side of her date's face.

“You tell anypony about that, you're dead,” she threatened before racing off to rejoin her friends as Storm staggered away as if drunk.

The three walked in the clothing shop as Sweetie called out, “Sis, we're back!”

“There you are,” Rarity replied from the kitchen, “Go ahead upstairs, Sweetie, Scootaloo. Dinner will be ready soon. Applebloom, could you help me?”

“Uh, sure, Miss Rarity,” replied Applebloom, “You girls go on up. Ah'll catch up.”

Applebloom stepped into the kitchen, the hoofsteps of her friends vanishing up the stairs, “What can Ah do ya for?”

“Actually, I need to speak with you away from the others,” confessed the fashionista, “You see, I would like a favor from you. As I am sure you know, Sweetie had her first heat last month, and I fear she may still be influenced by some of those lingering urges.”

“Ah take it you want me to make sure she don't go too far?” the filly guessed.

“That is correct, Applebloom,” Rarity smiled, “For obvious reasons, I'm not concerned with pregnancy, but Sweetie isn't ready for that kind of relationship.”

“Why ain't you worried 'bout pregnancy?” Applebloom voiced her confusion, “Ain't that the biggest concern.”

Rarity giggled, “Normally, yes, but I doubt Scootaloo can get Sweetie pregnant.”

It took a few seconds for the filly to process what was just said, “Why would Scootaloo be in this?”

“What? Did their date not go so well?” Rarity asked, “They seemed quite content. Its okay, Applebloom, Rainbow and I figured it out. We are supportive of their choice and will never judge them for their sexual orientation. Besides, I think they make a lovely couple.”

Applebloom gawked for several seconds before a mischievous smile spread across her face, “Oh, Ah agree. They're so madly in love, it's inspirin'. Ah'd better go make sure they aren't makin' out again.”

As she turned away to head upstairs, she couldn't help but think, Ah'm gonna have so much fun with this.