Ask Chatterjoy

by Chatterjoy

Doctor Hooves and Derpy Shipping?

Chatterjoy skipped down the road back home. It was a beautiful day and was made better when she found out that Jazzy would be visiting. The mare had recently bought some food for a picnic and she had instructed her friend to meet her here in the park in about thirty minutes, while she set things up.

Chatterjoy gasped when she saw two ponies up the road. They had taken her favorite spot for picnics and so she did the first thing any pony would do. Chatterjoy jumped into a bush and glared silently at the couple. Lifting the bush off the ground the pegasus tip hoofed towards her prey.

The couple were unsuspecting and only the stallion seemed to think something wrong, his blue eyes scanned the area for any pony who he felt was watching them. The stallion, Chatterjoy recognized him as Doctor Whooves, failed to notice the autumn eyes glaring at him, just inches away from him and the mare, Derpy.

Derpy remained unaware of any tension that was now being held in the park. While her date seemed nervous, Derpy snuggled ever closer.

"Do you feel like you're being watched Derpy?" Doctor Whooves asked. Derpy looked up at him and just shrugged confused with his behavior.

Chatterjoy smiled deviously when a voice whispered in her ear, "So what are we doing?" If it was not for the hoof that miraculously placed in her mouth, Chatterjoy would have screamed.

Doctor Whooves looked around and swiveled his ears. The stallion could have sworn that he heard a muffled scream.

"Did you hear a scream?"


The two sat there, one nervous and feeling some pony may need his help, the other calm and content to be with her lover.

Chatterjoy glared at Jazzy who had somehow gotten to the bush with her. She would not explain herself to some unicorn who thought they could sneak up on Chatterjoy! Instead the mare ignored the presence next to her and focused on the two lovebirds within her sight.

"Derpy I think-"

Doctor Whooves never finished his sentence as Derpy had caught his lips in a kiss. He blushed in surprise but realized the mare was just trying to calm his nerves and he returned it, grateful for the distraction.

Chatterjoy silently hissed in joy as her waiting paid off, the moment she was waiting for presented itself. Popping out of the bush Chatterjoy screamed at the top of her lungs, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"

Derpy and Doctor Whooves jumped up screaming and ran out of the park.

Jazzy shook herself free from the bush and glared at the giggling pegasus.

"That was not nice Chatterjoy, you need to go apologize."

"Relax, its all in good fun!"


"They do make a good couple though."


"But kissing is gross though, think of all the bacteria you can spread, then you have the saliva, which if you think about it is drool-"


"WHAT!" The pegasus screamed back into Jazzy's ear.

"Go apologize now," Jazzy stamped her hoof into the ground her decision final. Chatterjoy sighed realizing that she wouldn't get the picnic if she didn't go apologize.

Just flapping the top part of her wings Chatterjoy dejectedly left the park looking for the two ponies she scared earlier.