Far is the Star Called Sol

by Omnicron25

16 - Shifting Tides

Far is the Star Called Sol
Chapter 16: Shifting Tides

A few minutes ago in the basement of Ponyville Town Hall, one of the pods cracked with a light blue light leaking out of it, and the once comatose pony inside woke up. She had originally been a traveling magician by trade— well until her amazing up showing in Ponyville by Twilight Sparkle that is. Then, she was a rock farmer for a while, but that ended in her obtaining the Alicorn Amulet and enslaving the town population in revenge after kicking Twilight out of town. While defeated and apologizing afterward for the terror she caused, the fact she was able to control the amulet at all, however, garnered the attention of a certain white alicorn princess. It was soon after her departure of Ponyville that she was picked up by some Solar Guards and brought in front of Princess Celestia, ready to beg for her life for wronging the goddess's most faithful student. However, the co-ruler of Equestria had different plans for Trixie Lulamoon that day.

As Trixie's memories snapped back into place, she remembered she was on a mission: to subvert Queen Chrysalis's plans on taking over Equestria. It was unfortunate she had to be captured for the plan to work, but that was what the enchantment on her cerulean agate cape clasp was for. Murphy's Law had struck again though as Chrysalis's power had gone past the point of the enchantments power with the capture of Pinkamena Diane Pie— Trixie had seen the pink pony dragged in before her own pod was completed— before the timed magical discharge would fire, so instead it discharged when the Queen's concentration was weakened.

That left Trixie far behind schedule, but if she could get the Element of Laughter free from Chrysalis's grasp, then the mission was not a complete loss. Failure was not an option for the powder blue unicorn with the light bluish-silver mane and tail. Gathering her power in a single telekinetic blast, she fired the light grayish-purple wave of energy, shattering the hardened outer layer of the cocoon-like pod and letting her ooze out.

She knew she had to act fast now that the she had used a rather disruptive spell to escape her prison. With how weakened she was at the moment from being inside the cocoon for so long though, she did not have much of a choice. She knew the Changeling drones on patrol would be there any moment. She was too weak to cast her newly learned invisibility spell she had obtained in her recent training— the goop made that a moot point anyway— or her incapacitation spells, but that did not mean she was helpless. In her cape were a series of eight enchanted iridium-silver shards that she could use for lethal force if necessary.

She readied herself to strike as she heard the sound of hurried hoof falls come toward her, but what she encountered surprised her. Instead of one of normal black Changelings, this one seemed to be made out of some type of luminescent metal. It was no matter though, Trixie knew one of her shards' enchantments was the anti-draconic variety used by the Night Guard's Anti-Dragon Squadron. She let loose her shards as soon as the Changeling opened its mouth.

With impressive agility, the metallic drone was able to dodge four of her shards, but the other four made impact. Instead of sinking into the creature's metallic flesh though, the shards simply ricocheted away. This left Trixie in a bit of loss of what to do, but she sent a firework spell right into the metallic Changeling's face. It was just a stream of colored photons, and thus would only daze it for a moment, but that would give her ample time to use her second enchantment on her shards to recall them to her as she freed herself from the green gunk she was still stuck in.

"Pony, I know what I look like, but I'm Captain Borealis of the Aurora Guard! I was sent here by the Ethereal Defender herself!" called out the metallic drone while still blinded.

"That is the most ridiculous story Trixie has ever heard! Do you think Trixie of the Unicorn Corps would really fall for such an obvious ploy," called back the unicorn using a voice throw technique she had learned as a filly so it sounded like she was behind the Changeling. It took no magic, so it was usually enough to confuse most pursuers, even the empathic Changelings.

Instead of looking to the direction of the sound, the mutant drone turned to her. "I speak the truth, which by odds must sound much less believable than the simple belief I'm another drone. I have come here by royal decree to infiltrate and, if I can, free any ponies in the pods." She nodded to the pod that was sizzling with pink energy. "The Element of Laughter takes precedence here. I must free her; you can go about and do whatever you wish as long as it does not interfere with my mission. I wager yours is similar to mine."

That was when Trixie noticed the eyes of the creature in front of her. Those were pony eyes without a doubt, and Changelings were not known for their minor changes to their appearance. It was all or nothing, but then again, this was a new species of the insect. There had never been such a creature that could withstand an anti-dragon enchantment before either though, and doubt had begun to take hold in the powder blue unicorn's mind. "What are you?" Trixie finally responded after a couple heartbeats.

"I am a Hydrargyrite— the first of my kind— created by the Aurora Guard's induction ritual. I am not some mindless Changeling to be controlled by Chrysalis. My princess insured that." The creature's eyes narrowed just like a pony's would. "I will delay no further; get out of my way."

Trixie nodded. It was obvious that if this living metal being was hostile she would have stood little chance. That meant she had an ally in her once impossible mission as well. "It seems Trixie has the same mission as you, Captain. Trixie suggests you let me deal with the pink one's pod. It seems unstable, and Trixie has training on how to deal with these."

Captain Borealis sized up Trixie before relenting. "I have faith in a fellow agent. Make quick work, and I shall start freeing the others in my own fashion. Remember to be selective. We cannot save all these ponies." The former drone said with cool detachment as she began work on another nearby pod with a large pegasus pony in it.

Trixie, not sure what to think at this point, let out a breath she had not realized she had been holding, and checked around one last time before concentrating her magic into a single blue laser of condensed photonic energy. Being an illusionist meant being able to being a decent photokinesis* user, and Trixie became one the best when she was perfecting her 'fireworks' spell. With the added training from the Unicorn Corps, she had learned to turned the photons used in her flameless fireworks into a condensed beam, and it made an excellent way to slice open the Changeling pods without harming the ponies inside in short order.

Then, the pod started to spark halfway through the process and pink energy started to stream out of the open cut in the pod. Immediately, Trixie cut the spell. "W—What is this?!"

Suddenly, she was tackled aside by a flash of metal and a pink flash filled the chamber. The subsequent explosion sent the metallic form flying across the room with a loud crack as it impacted the far wall. Trixie could not believe her eyes; the very being she had attacked not moments before. With her ears still ringing from the shockwave and her vision blurred, she looked to where the pod had been to see what had happened to the pink pony— only she was not there…

"WOW!!! Can we do that again! What was that?! How'd that silver pony go flying! I want to fly like that!" started Pinkie Pie's never ending banter as she stood right over Trixie, giving her a scare. Then, she waved an accusing hoof in Trixie's face. "Hey! I know you! You're that Show-McMeanie that did all those horrible things to Ponyville! Only, you were all red glowy and stuff, and Twilight said you were corrupt or something. Twi said you apologized and everything, so I guess you're alright? What is this place anyway? Are we having a cool party or something? Oh! I kn—" Suddenly, there was a metallic thud, and the pink pony fell on top of Trixie limp.

"Ugh, I thought I'd never get that pony to be silent…" said the pained voice of Captain Borealis as she rubbed the back of her head as if the entire incident barely phased her. "If she is the Element of Laughter, I feel sorry for the other Element Bearers."

Trixie's mouth just hung open as she just stared at the Hydrargyrite.

Borealis gave her a raised brow. "What? Need a hoof up?"

"Y—You just hit one of the Elements?"

The metal shapeshifter nodded. "Yeah, she was annoying me, and we can't afford anymore delays."

"I'm just glad somepony finally has a hoof stronger than Pinkie's head to knock her out," groaned the pegasus stallion who was now out of his pod and was nursing his headache with a hoof. He had not looked at them yet.

"Do you think you can get her out of here? I have others to free, as does my fellow agent," asked Borealis as she turned to the stallion.

Thunderlane blinked as he looked at the captain for a moment before jumping to his hooves. "Hey! You're one of those Changelings! How the hay do I know you're not just cleaning this mess up, huh?!"

Qu'Tia gave a huff. "I'm no drone. I'm a Hydrargyrite and Captain of the Aurora Guard. Will you aid Agent Trixie and I in getting the Element of Laughter out of here?"

The large pegasus stallion's ears perked as a confused expression crossed his features. "What?"

Trixie sighed as she got to her hooves. "What the captain says is truth as far as I can tell. She just saved my life. Now, are you going to help us or not?"

Thunderlane nodded uncertainly before looking around. Then, his expression hardened. "Only if we help the others. Rainbow Dash would have Trixie's hide if Trixie didn't."

Yoked, bitted, and saddled, huh? Trixie smirked at the thought. "Fine, but strongest first. We can't help everypony immediately."

The stallion scoffed. "Hey, I may be a bit buff for a pegasus, but I'm not an idiot like Yeah or the Heart Twins."

"Good. Get the Element out of here. I cleared a path to a nearby home earlier as my escape route. Take that, and get back here to help." She pointed to a rough tunnel that looked freshly made.

Then, there was clattering of chitin coming from all around, and Captain Borealis quickly turned to defend the other two alongside Trixie who already had her shards out again. "Trixie suggests you get going, stallion. We can cover for you, but Trixie doesn't think we'll be able to get anymore of these ponies out of here without risking their safety or ours."

He nodded without a word as he put the incapacitated party pony on his back and left through the rough tunnel.

Trixie cast her dazing spell on a group of them before using her shards to take out another group. She had to fight herself not to look away, still unused to killing or the gore that came with it. "Do you think he'll be safe?" she asked to distract.

Borealis nodded as she smashed a drone's head with her metal hoof before turning and bucking an airborne drone into the rest of its formation. In this small area, fight had no real advantage here. "He might be a bit surprised by the guards' appearance at first, but he's in good hooves."

"More like you, Trixie assumes?" asked Trixie as she then sent her shards into the still dazed group before having to bring the shards to herself to defend against a drone that had recovered sooner than she expected.

"Something like that," said the metal pony as she was pelted by a series of blows from one of the drones before she batted it away with annoyance. "Save your magic and keep up physical and daze attacks. Elemental attacks, aside ice shards or explosions, are useless here, and I don't think I need to tell you why explosions aren't an option."

"Trixie won't be the one to bring the whole building down on top of us," replied the unicorn as she fired her shards into the small crowd again, trying hard to keep herself from getting sick from the carnage.

"Good, go into the tunnel; I'll be right behind you, Trixie of the Unicorn Corps," commanded the Aurora Guard captain before turning her red eyed gaze to her for a moment. "After we're clear, I'll collapse the tunnel's entrance."

Trixie nodded and recalled her shards as she backed into the tunnel, using a combination daze-telekinetic wave attack to disengage as she did so.

With the unicorn safely in the tunnel, Qu'Tia bashed a hoof into one corner as she rolled into the tunnel, causing it to collapse just behind her. "Well, we weren't able to save everypony, but the main objective has been saved," the Hydrargyrite said deadpan as she dusted herself off. "Would you do that flashy thing you unicorns do? I don't mind the dark, but I don't want to run you over by accident."

Trixie grumbled a bit as her horn lit up with a light spell and continued onward into the tunnel. "There, lets get going."

The metal pony nodded as she followed; her red irises glowing in the low-light. "Agreed."


"You know, this Spirit Wing fellow is heavier than he looks," commented Ku'Tual in her raspy insectoid voice as she flew toward the hospital, her crimson markings barely visible from under the cloak and unconscious lieutenant on her back. Her eyes glowing the same color of her markings under the hood.

"Don't whine; we're almost there," said Ar'Va with a smirk. "I don't know about you, but it feels great to have permission to fly again, even if this is an emergency." His markings were turquoise in hue, but his eyes glowed a vivid yellow. "His unicorn friend here's not as light as she probably think she is either."

"Hmph, well, don't look now, but there's a barrier up ahead along with a bunch of our fifth gen duplicates. Seems the unicorn knows their stuff though. That screening barrier is pretty complex," noted Ku'Tual as she pointed to a nearby building. "Let's land there before the fivers know were here."

The turquoise marked Shifter followed his fellow in the bank toward the abandoned building. "I wager we don't have long before they notice us, and we have these two's health to worry about— especially yours, Ku."

Ku'Tual grunted as she slowly landed, then turned to her fellow Shifter. "Yes, well, we didn't exactly have time for a patch-up job on the squishies before the fivers came in. We're just lucky Aras'Re decided to buy us time. These two must be really high on the 'needs to survive list'. At least, we know the Ethereal Defender, our metal sister, and the human will have the other Element Bearers still out there secure soon enough— that is if that report from Dej'On is still accurate."

Ar'Va nodded with a smirk. "Now, how do you suggest we get in there, Ku? You seem to have started one of your famous plans, and I'm intrigued. Do we just knock?"

"Ar, you lack imagination," deadpanned the crimson marked Shifter as she lifted her hood. "We'd be cut to ribbons along with our cargo if we even attempted something so bold."

Ar'Va had a look of confusion etched in features as he removed his own hood. "So… What? We just drop them on the largest group of squishies we can find and hope they can catch them?"

Ku'Tual rolled her slitted eyes in annoyance. "Really, Ar'Va? If you hadn't noticed, there is a hole in the hex subgrid that opens up right before a squishy goes through, and there's roughly a three millisecond time frame it 'hangs' the paralysis hex afterward. Meaning if we fly fast enough with our cargo held out in front of us…"
The male Shifter's eyes widened as he realized what she was saying. "…we'll slip right through unhindered and be able to drop them off safely." Then, he frowned as he saw a glaring flaw in her plan. "What about getting out then? Surely we can't just pick some other squishies up and fly off with them. We wouldn't even have enough room to build-up the speed."

Ku'Tual took a deep breath and let it out. "Ar'Va, we're not going back to the manor. These squishies need all the help they can get, and Aras'Re never said we could not lend a helping hoof. I think she fully expected us to by what I was feeling from her."

"You realize this means showing ourselves, right?" said Ar'Va flatly while giving the female Shifter a flat stare. "Do you really want to compromise us?"

Ku'Tual gave out an annoyed sigh. "What do you think part of the mission here was for? Leader Aras'Re thinks it's time for us to show ourselves to the other races. We've been in obscurity for long enough, and the best way to become accepted again and get aid is to fight along side our squishy cousins. She has been wanting to do it for long time, Ar, but we just haven't had the opportunity until now. We are running out of time, and there are almost none of us left to save within the Corrupt One's ranks now. Our numbers are starting to dwindle, Ar, and we cannot afford to wait any longer."

Ar'Va sighed. He knew his fellow was right, but he just could not understand why they could not just stay hidden. Maybe it was all those those years of memories of haunting shadows and trying to not get hunted down by the Corrupt One's forces. Or maybe, it was fear of the squishies finding out what he was and running scared for their lives even though he meant no harm— even the ones that claimed to be his friends. He could not be sure. His yellow eyes looked up at Ku'Tual's determined crimson gaze. She was right, and he was positive it was the leader's will as well. It was time for the Shifters to leave the shadows, of which they were so familiar with, and ask for help by aiding the ones that needed them now.

"You're right, Ku. Aras'Re was right too," he said as he looked his fellow right in the eye. "You truly do have the brightest spirit of us all." He did not even wait for a response as he took to the air again while putting his hood up.

Ku'Tual stood there for a moment in shock with a slight blush across her muzzle. She did not know how to react to Ar'Va's response, but for some reason, it felt… good. She took off after him with a smile. She knew her plan would work; it had to now. "Wings, don't fail me now," she whispered as she caught up to him with her hood up.


On the roof of the hospital, Security Chief Sentinel Heart felt the background magic change. He was positive it was just his paranoia, but as he glanced in the direction of the change, he noticed two familiar forms being carried through the air toward the barrier by cloaked beings. He saw a few of the unicorns readying themselves to fire on the pair and knew he had to act fast. "Hold your fire on the two incoming aerials on the north side! I repeat! Hold your fire! We have possible friendlies coming in carrying wounded!"

That was when he noticed the two cloaked figures put the wounded right between them and the barrier, as if they were intending to ram through with them. It was the one thing Sentinel never thought the bugs would exploit, but with such few number… He could not fathom what only two Changelings could achieve at any rate. Could they… No, that's ridiculous that a hivemind would have defectors. It's against their very nature!

He got so wrapped up in his thoughts he barely registered that the two of them were indeed Changelings, but what immediately shook the stallion out of his thoughts was who was with them. His eyes began to narrow as he looked up. He knew Rarity's magical signature anywhere. Those manure-eating, insectoid…

He cut himself off as the two landed, setting their respective cargo in front of them; their cloaks covering the entirety of their form. What he did not expect was the larger one that had been carrying his sister-figure to pull back its hood to reveal a drone without a horn, turquoise markings, and yellow eyes.

"Hello, I am Ar'Va of the Shifters. We have come to drop off the descendant of Spirit Wing and the Element of Generosity as well as provide aid," it said in its insect-like voice in perfect Equish with a hint of masculinity.

The smaller one folded its hood back next with a slight bow of the head to show its crimson markings; it also had no horn. "And I am Ku'Tual, Shifter second-in-command. You are the Head of Security and Emergency Services of Ponyville Sentinel Heart, correct?" This one's voice sounded more feminine.

Sentinel's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He gave the gesture to stand down; he could tell these were no ordinary Changelings. "You are correct. Why would your kind want to aid us?" He gestured toward the horde outside the barrier. "You're kind are attacking us."

The larger one, Ar'Va, started to spread his wing casings in a very pegasus-like sign of aggression, which surprised Sentinel, but its partner— and supposed superior— put a hoof on its shoulder to calm the larger insectoid. Then, it flicked its red slitted eyes toward Sentinel. "We are not drones. They have no free-will, nor do they have intelligence. We are hunted even more so than your pony brethren by these constructs. Do NOT mistake the Shifters for being the same as them."

Sentinel was taken aback by the intelligence of the creatures he was dealing with. Changelings were never known for their ability to do anything more than what their queen told them and instinctual tasks. These were obviously something… more, but whether they were trustworthy or not was another matter. "What could you do to aid us that we couldn't do on our own? Are you two just an ambassadorial group and you actually have a force outside, or are you two rogues simply wishing to take advantage of us?"

The larger insect begins to snarl, but another voice erupts angrily behind the security chief.

"What the hay is goin' on 'round here, Sentinel?! Why are there two of those creatures on our roof?!"

Sentinel stepped aside so Applejack could see Rarity and Thunderstorm laying at the Shifter's hooves. "You may want to watch your tongue, Apple. These two just saved Rarity and the lieutenant. For what reason I don't know, but these are obviously not the normal bugs we're used to dealing with. They call themselves…" He raised a brow as he glanced back to the two insectoids. "… Shifters."

"What in tarnation?" mumbled the apple farmer as she looked over the Shifters again. "So… yer on our side? Why are y'all…" She shook her head. "Ah can't make a lick-o-sense outta all this anymore. Why would y'all want ta help us?"

Ar'Va stepped around Rarity as he let himself settle some from the previous interrogation. "We—"

There was a sudden flash of pink light from Town Hall, then a massive bang that made the entire structure rattle. Sentinel and the two Shifters screamed out in agony; the Shifters on the ground cradling their heads, and the security chief shaking his head as his horn gave off pink sparks whilst the barrier was overloaded and failed.

"What was that?!" growled out Sentinel in fury as he turned in the direction of Town Hall, only to see the Changelings swarming in. "Buck…"

Applejack immediately turned to the two Shifters accusingly as she yelled, "What was that?! Some type of Changeling anti-shield thing or somethin'?"

Ku barely managed to get an eye open as she said, "No, that was an overload. A backfeed. I never imagined that there could be one that powerful." She closed her eyes again and started murmuring something no doubt profane in her own language over and over again.

"Sent, can ya get that barrier back up?" asked Applejack hurriedly as the Changelings started to hit the frontlines with fervor.

The unicorn nodded as he grit his own teeth from the pain in his horn. "Yeah, you're gonna have to buy me some time though. Five minutes, maybe ten. That overload hit like a sledgehammer if what you just saw happened means anything to you, Apple."

Ar'Va stood with one eye still closed. "We'll take pegasi forms as not to painted us as targets. We know how to disrupt their hivemind, so we should be able to help a lot here."

Applejack was about to object when the other spoke up as well.

"He's right. We're done hiding in the shadows. Just try to keep the friendly-fire off of us. I realize that may not be entirely possible, but I'm tired of this curse. We all are."

Many of the ponies that heard the exchange on the roof were taken aback by the sudden declaration.

"Hey, if the rebels want to fight their own kind, I see we let them go for it. They're probably the ones that everypony thought were zebra anyway," announced Cadet Weight as he loaded a fresh clip of bolts into his bowgun.

Both Sentinel Heart and Applejack look from themselves to the Shifters and back to each other.

"The cadet has a point, Apple," the quicksilver-maned stallion before he turned to the two Shifters which had already turned into black pegasi with their mane and tails being the same color of their respective markings. "Do your damage." He glanced back over his withers to the farmer as the Shifters took off. "Apple, inform what unicorns that are still conscious to not aim for any black pegasi with turquoise or crimson manes, no matter what the circumstance. After that, help your brother with the lines. I have a barrier to recast, and the rest of you…" He glared down the ponies that were still staring at them. "Quit gawking like rut-brained idiots and get back to your duties!" Then, he pointed to two earth ponies that had just carried a fresh load of broken glass up. "You two, get Rarity and the lieutenant down to the infirmary and mark them as priority. Got it?"

All at once, the ponies were back in motion, and Sentinel had a moment to himself to think, Luna preserve me. If I survive this, I should get a medal for just having to deal with this type of incompetence— nevermind the battle.


Queen Chrysalis stood shakily as she rose from the aftermath of the eruption from her horn, only to find she was surprisingly unscathed. As she looked across from her to see a very mortal Astral Plane with a look of surprise on her features as started to rise out of the hole she had made in the Town Hall's outer wall when she was knocked back. The filly soon collapsed as unconsciousness overtook her though. The battle had clearly gone in Chrysalis's favor yet again. The Changeling monarch could not help but laugh at the irony of it all. First she defeated Celestia in Canterlot to her own surprise, and now, she had just defeated an equivalent to Discord himself.

"Oh! This is too rich! First Celestia herself and now the empowered daughter of the night Astral Plane?! You ponies are weak!" She threw her head back and laughed even harder as she approached the helpless ex-princess. "I think I'll make you my most faithful student just like Celestia did to Twilight Sparkle. Only, you won't have a choice, my protégé."

"Don't you dare touch that filly, creep!" cried out a familiar voice as Rainbow Dash burst through the crowd with her wings only roughly bandaged, putting herself between Chrysalis and the beaten former princess which had fully returned to her sealed earth pony state, causing the barding to disappear and the skies to clear right over head.

Chrysalis blinked for a moment before smiling manically. "Oh, our hero of the hour comes to protect her corrupt goddess. Do you not know what dwells within that filly you're protecting?" She snickered as she shook her head.

"What's that supposed to mean?! She was protecting us and she saved Fluttershy, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle! I don't know what you did or what happened to Astral Plane to make her like that, but she's right." Rainbow Dash scrapped a hoof against the ground. "You have to be stopped at all costs, you monster!"

"Yeah! Ah don't rightly know what y'all have against us, bug lady, but what yer doin', hurtin' good ponies like this, is just evil!" yelled Applebloom as she wormed out of the crowd to stand beside Dash with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Yeah! I think Astral Plane has more right to be here than you do!" Scootaloo managed to yell hoarsely despite her broken ribs as she tried to show the same bravado as her idol while Sweetie Belle just glared at the Changeling queen with her horn aglow.

Chrysalis laughed openly again. "Is this all you have left? A grounded pegasus and three fillies to stand against me? You're a sad bunch of ponies…" She started to charge a spell again.

Rainbow Dash did not even let the bug queen finish her sentence as she stood onto her hind hooves and uppercutted Chrysalis's horn to interrupt the spell before spinning around with the momentum to kick the taller queen in the face with a hind hoof. Then, Dash used her other fore-hoof to hit the ragged horn again for good measure as she snarled, "You may have taken my wings, but you will never take my spirit!" This made the ponies shout in joy at the sight of the successful retaliation against the seemingly invulnerable queen.

"Wha—" manage croak out the dazed Chrysalis before she was hit again in the base of her wing casings by another returning kick to seize the Changelings flight muscles.

"That was for my wings!" cried out Dash as she aimed her next attack for Chrysalis's stomach for a full buck. "This is for the ponies you hurt!" The buck connected with Chrysalis's softer underside, causing a crunching noise as the softer carapace gave slightly, and she was thrown into the air. "This is for hurting my friends!" Dash next somersaulted, bashing both of her forehooves into the same spot and smashing the large insectoid into the ground, causing further damage. "This is for hurting Scoots!" screamed Dash as she jumped back into the air and brought all the force down she could with a single rear hoof onto Chrysalis's horn again, making the queen cry out in agony. "And this is for nearly killing Fluttershy!" roared Rainbow Dash as she bucked Chrysalis in the base of the head with all the force she could with a loud snap, causing the queen to fall still.

With all her energy spent, Dashed stumbled away a little and turn to see the damage as she fought to catch her breath. There was some green oozing from in between the plates of the stomach armor, but the majority of it seemed almost superficial.

"You did it Rainbow Dash!" chirped the orange filly behind her as Chrysalis opened a hate-filled eye.

Dash instantly tried to close the gap, but it was already to late as telekinesis gripped her neck, strangling her cry for the filly to get away.

"You honestly had me a little worried there, pegasus. I can say I underestimated you, but that won't happen again," Chrysalis said with her voice full of malice. "I'm tired of this game, and I think I'll just twist your neck and be done with you." A glint of madness haunted the insectoid leader's eyes as she made a telekinetic wave around her to knock the few ponies that tried to rush her.

"Pathetic. You did more damage to me than any other enemy so far, Element of Loyalty. I'll give you credit for your tenacity at least," said Chrysalis as she started to regenerate her wounded stomach plates. Then, she started to twist the pegasus's head and body in opposite directions.

Her concentration was momentarily interrupted, however by a large explosion nearby that sent some of her horde flying. The fact that ponies were trying to get in intrigued her, but there was something else leading the charge. After a moment, she realized what that entity was, the second wild card of this entire invasion— the human Jason Nalick. The human had come and it was not angry, sad, happy, or scared. It was a void of emotion. That was when she realized that she made a large error, because a being like that was capable of nearly anything. Her fifth generation drones were perfect examples of that, but the human had intelligence, which made it all that more dangerous.

Indeed, Jason was dangerous. He was beyond anger, hate, or rage at this point. He was reliving one of his darkest nightmares in a world that was supposed to be of happiness and harmony, and he was shifting all that pain for later. He had to deal with the cause of the pain first if he was going to deal with it properly later. These bugs and their leader had hurt the ponies that he come to feel friendship toward during his stay here, and they would have no trial or mercy for their transgressions. This was personal.

Covered in blood, gore, cuts and burns, he threw the empty tube aside as he glanced to the major. "Major, it has been an honor fighting by your side," he said with a tone as cold as the bitterest arctic winds. "Get these ponies out safe, but their queen is mine." The blade in the right armor piece rotated into place and locked as he pulled out his pistol for the first time since the library with his left hand.

Major Four Blades nodded. "Aye, I understand, lad. Make sure ta get out alive, huh?" His armor was dented and covered with much the same gore as was his fellows.

The nineteen-year-old man just scoffed. "As if they stand a chance against me. I did not earn the rank of lieutenant colonel for sitting back in a tactics room during a full assault."

"Be careful, human," said the major with a sigh as he turned back around to his squad. "Lads, lets clear us a path!" And with a hurrah, they took off first flying and cutting down the Changelings in their path.

Jason took a deep breath as he glanced at his pistol. He really wanted his Model 454 revolver with him for this— even more preferably his shotgun with slugs— but his smaller P226 MK25 would have to do. He knew he would probably have to rush in with the blades that the major gave him to finish the bug queen off, but whatever got the job done was fine with him, as long as she died. He let the breath out holding his blade front of him ready to cut down any drone that got in his way and took the plunge.

At a full sprint in his best health, Jason could reach sixteen miles per hour for a 100 meter dash, but with the fatigue and wounds, his sudden twelve mile per hour dash toward the queen was still more than enough to surprise the ponies into skittering out of his way. During his mad sprint, he cut down only three drones, but as he saw the cyan pegasus being suspended helplessly by Chrysalis's magic, he quickly decided to change tactics halfway to his target. Skidding to one knee and rotating the right blade back in storage, he took his pistol in both hands— aiming for the base of the queen's horn, as suggested by Blades— took a breath, and fired three .357 SIG rounds.

Only two impacted, but it was enough to make the queen's horn crack slightly, thus making the queen drop Dash as the insectoid screamed out in pain. This let Jason exhale and get a bit closer before selecting his next targets, the softer chitin joints. After a couple yards, he aimed again, this time firing three shots at each of the shoulder joints since she was now facing him. All three impacted the left joint— though only two penetrated— and only too hit the mark on the right side with both penetrating.

This caused the queen to fall forward with another ear piercing screech of pain, but Jason was not about to let up. Pocketing his pistol, he started to rush forward with both blades extended. Two drones swooped down to put themselves in his path, only to find themselves cut down without Jason so much as acknowledging they ever existed as he cut them down. He could tell the queen was starting to regain her senses now, and he had to get there before she could do something.

Unfortunately, he was too late. Her horn sparked and four small bodies were placed like a wall in between him and the Changeling queen. They were the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Astral Plane. "That bitch," he grunted as he sheathed the blades and went for his pistol again.

"You so much as touch that fire-spitter again, human, and I'll kill these fillies," hissed Chrysalis as she half laid lamely on the ground with her eyes crazed with pain. It was obvious her plan had failed, and she was grasping at straws now. Her magic seemed unstable too as the aura around the fillies wavering some, and her own horn was sparking. Her eyes darted around furiously. "The same goes for the rest of you ponies! I will kill them!"

"Jason! Just get rid of her!" cried out Sweetie Belle— much to the terror of the other two that were still conscious— as she held a strong demeanor. "Her horn's cracked, and she can barely lift us as it is! She's bluffing!"

Jason frowned. Was the queen bluffing? He could not tell, but he could not risk the four hostages' lives either. That went against everything he ever stood for and promised, and he was sure he could not protect all four from the drones that could slip by the Night Guards. With a heavy heart, he raised his hands above his head. Goddamn it! I was so close!

Chrysalis smirked as she noticed Jason's emotion spark up. "Yes, frustrating being so close to your goal, and yet, so far. Is it not, human? Do not despair though. You can expect to see me again, but if Equestria's guard intends to follow me, they will be met with four corpses and an empty keep. Remember that." With a burst of green flame, the bug queen disappeared with the four fillies in tow, and silence reigned.

After a few moments, Jason fell to his knees and punched the ground before letting out a scream of frustration. He had failed.

* Photokinesis is the ability to control/create light.