Dawn Shield

by shirotora

The Blue Bandit

The Blue Bandit

Midnight glared at the cyan pegasus as she sat in the hospital bed looking thoroughly ashamed, her wing bound tight in a cast.

“Happy?” the stallion asked rhetorically, “You showed us what you could do alright, and now you can't train for three days. Congratulations, Rainbow.” Midnight sighed, “This isn't a competition. In the past month alone, you've gotten hurt three times, and have missed more training than everyone else combined. Things are going to start going downhill at any moment. If it were up to me, I'd cart all six of you to some isolated part of the Everfree and I’d train you like I was trained, but Celestia wants it done this way. Regardless, I'm not your friend right now, I'm your superior and you will learn to follow orders and function as a unit. Am I clear?”

“Yeah...” she started with attitude, but seeing Midnight's expression, quickly corrected herself, “I mean, yes sir.”

“Look,” his eyes softened, “I care about all you girls. That's why I want you trained right. When whatever is coming arrives, I don't want you getting hurt, or worse. Think about Scootaloo. Do you want her to lose the only mother she's ever had?”

That hit just the right cord, “No... I'll start doing things your way, but it better work.”

“Alright,” Midnight smiled, “Now if you'll excuse me, I have to see if I can get Fluttershy to punch a dummy without apologizing to it after.”

They shared a laugh as Midnight turned to leave. He opened the door to find Nurse Redheart blocking the way for a messenger.

“Everything alright, Miss Kitty?” Midnight inquired.

“Just making sure you have your privacy,” replied the medical worker.

“Sir, I have a message for you,” informed the stallion.

“Let's have it,” Midnight extended a hoof, forming a ghost-hand.

The messenger looked at the ethereal grasper warily before reluctantly handing over the letter. Midnight thanked him and opened it, pulling out the letter. He chuckled as a stack of papers that shouldn't have been able to fit came out. He really did love what one could do with pony magic.

After scanning the first page, his brow furrowed as he turned back to address the injured pegasus, “Celestia's giving us a test run. Now I'm going to have to explain to her why you aren't participating.”

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow protested, “I can still help with something. Come on, Red, give me the go ahead!”

Redheart and Midnight gave each other a look before the nurse nodded, “Fine, but absolutely nothing strenuous. Something like observation or communication.”

“Alright!” Rainbow cheered, leaping out of bed and tearing off the hospital gown, “Let's go!”

“Go to the shop,” Midnight ordered, “I'll get the others. You ready, Kitty?”

“I'll let Doctor Hooves know I'm needed and meet you at your shop,” Redheart turned and trotted off.

Midnight escorted Rainbow out of the hospital before opening his pocket dimension, summoning Clink. The metal mechanical man headed to retrieve Applejack and Fluttershy while Midnight went to get the rest. Before long, the entire group was gathered in Midnight's golem workshop.

Midnight cleared his throat to get the others attention, “Apparently, Princess Celestia wants to see how well your training is going. There's been a string of thefts in Canterlot, and we're going to catch the culprit.”

“So, we're playing town guard now?” Dash asked incredulously.

“You're lucky you're even coming,” Midnight said sternly, “You'd better fall in line on this mission or else you'll be spending your recovery doing clerical work for the mayor.”

In an instant, a soldier was born.

“Okay,” Midnight continued, “The thief is extremely crafty. The few times he's been seen, he's quickly evaded capture. He's incredibly agile and thinks fast on his hooves, which means we all need to be working in perfect unison. For that, Twilight, you'll be linking us with a communication spell.”

“Alright, I won't be much help with anything else anyway,” the lavender unicorn giggled rubbing her swollen belly.

“Now, he tends to target high class nobles that have a reputation for being crooked, especially if he can hit them publicly. That's why Gold Bullion's upcoming party is going to be like a beacon to him. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy will be on aerial recon. Pinkie, you'll be standing by outside in case he runs. Redheart, you'll be inside with us in case anypony gets hurt in the confrontation. Applejack... honestly I can't think of a role for you. You're fast, but this guy's going to be jumping across rooftops, and scrambling up walls.”

“Ah could be inside, trying to prevent his escape,” offered the country mare.

“No, you'd stick out like a sore thumb. This is a high class party, full of stuck up ponies,” Midnight stated.

“Well, I suppose if I must mingle with proper ponies, I shall have to rely on the lessons of my dear Aunt and Uncle Orange.” Applejack said in a proper high class Manehattan accent, “Surely I could manage these insufferable manners for that long.”

Midnight stifled a laugh, “You girls are full of surprises, you know.”

“And what of myself?” Rarity asked.

“Your attention to detail is going to give us the best chances of spotting the thief before he strikes. Therefore, you're going to be my date at this little shindig.”

Rarity smiled widely, “A date with you? Oh my.”

Twilight gave her a deadpanned stare, “A mission where you're posing as my husband's date, Rarity.”

“Twilight, hush,” Rarity said, “Let me dream for a moment.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “We really need to find you a stallion.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

North side clear. No sign,” Rainbow reported through the comm spell.

South side Clear. No sign,” echoed Fluttershy.

“No positive ID inside as of yet,” Midnight said through the link, pretending to whisper something into Rarity's ear, “Keep your eyes peeled. We aren't letting this guy get away.”

Rarity let a giggle, as if Midnight said something funny, “Oh my, you are absolutely right.”

“I say,” Money Bags, the rich pony they were mingling with, “Whatever is so humorous?”

“The hat on the mare in the corner,” Rarity explained, quickly finding a patsy.

The stallion stole a look, “My word, is that from last year?”

“I believe it to be one of Fine Stitch's fall line,” Rarity giggled again.

“The brave mare,” Midnight joked. Having been to a few formal affairs on Determis, he knew how to act in these settings.

Only one of the three haughty laughs were honest. Midnight was fighting the urge to hit the self-important ass.

“Excuse me, if you will, Money,” Rarity said with a kind smile, “I just had a thought, and need to speak to Midnight alone.”

“Very well, I actually just spotted an acquaintance of mine I have not seen in months. Good day to the both of you.”

As soon as he was out of earshot, Rarity spoke quietly, “I believe I see him. The blue pegasus in the black suit speaking to the mare in the green and yellow Gold Thread Exclusive.” When Midnight gave her a questioning look, she clarified, “Just to the right of the punch bowl.”

“I see him,” Midnight said, “Are you sure?”

“Quite,” Rarity assured him, “He's only conversed with the, as they say, 'new money', obviously not wanting to be noticed. He has also been examining the windows, doors, and stairs as I would a new fabric. No to mention the wing holes on his suit are looser than pegasus nobles wear theirs. He obviously means to fly in that outfit.”

“Alright,” Midnight nodded and spoke into the comm spell, “Possible ID, royal blue pegasus, male, black mane, wearing a black suit. AJ, he's standing beside the punch bowl.”

Ah see'em,” replied the apple farmer, “You want me to move in closer?

“No, head toward the east facing window. That seems like a likely escape route,” Midnight instructed.

They observed the pegasus for a moment as he slowly and inconspicuously made his way toward the stairs. Midnight actually had to admire the guy's expertise. If they weren't looking for him, they wouldn't have noticed the move.

“Rarity, when he makes a move, don't worry about pursuing. Stay here and ensure there's no panic,” Midnight offered.

“Oh, Midnight,” Rarity chuckled, “Just say what you mean. I would merely hinder Pinkie, Applejack, and yourself. You're training me for long range support, which is useless in this case.”

“Thanks, Rares.”

Just as Midnight spoke, the stallion made his move, casually making his way up the stairs. Midnight quickly followed in a similar way. Rarity watched with a slightly soured look on her face.

“Would you care for a drink?” the voice startled the mare. A husky diamond dog server offered a tray of champagne.

“Oh... thank you,” Rarity took one of the glasses in her magic.

“I take it your 'date' is going to stop that thief?” the canine asked.

Rarity was caught off guard, “W-whatever do you mean?”

The dog offered a friendly smile, “I have a keen eye for these things. I could tell you were seeking somepony when you first arrived, and when I noticed the pegasus' behavior, I put two and two together.”

“Well, I'd ask you keep this information quiet,” Rarity requested.

“I will, but your partner should know he's on to you.”

A little bit of fear hit Rarity, “What do you mean?”

“He knows you're following him.”

Rarity turned and spoke through the spell, “Midnight, I have reason to believe the target is aware of you.”

What? How do you-Gah!

A crash from upstairs sounded and the blue pegasus leaped from the second story balcony, running through the crowd.

“It's about dern time!” Applejack shouted, tearing her dress away and flinging her rope out that she had hidden therein. The lasso was right on target, but before she could snag him, the criminal leaped through the eye.

“Pinkie, front door!” Rarity alerted through the comm spell.

The bandit burst through the ornate portal into the streets beyond.

“Hi!” Pinkie cheered as she appeared beside him, “I'm going to have to arrest you now, but we can be friends after, right?”

“What the... no way!” replied the stallion before turning toward a building face and running up it a ways, before grabbing hold of a window sill and hoisting himself up further. The pegasus climbed all the way up, finally being aided by a pink hoof.

“Why did you climb up here?” asked Pinkie.

“How the hay!?” he shouted before taking off across the rooftops, leaping from building to building, Pinkie bouncing along behind. He dove off a roof, his wings buzzing rapidly, slowing his descent.

Whoa! That's why he isn't flying away!

“What are you talking about, Rainbow?” Midnight asked as he followed the pursuit on the street.

I was wondering why he didn't just take off, but then when he jumped from the roof, he flapped his wings just like Scoots does.

So he's a flightless pegasus?” Fluttershy's voice sounded in everypony's head, “That's so sad.

“Pinkie, you think you can catch him?” Midnight asked.

I can keep up with him, but he's slippery! He kind of reminds me of a fish... Oh my gosh! Maybe he's seapony!

“Pinkie, focus!” Midnight put her back on track, “If you can't catch him, stay on him. He'll run out of energy long, long before you do.”

No problem. Unless some random plot device keeps me from-Yah!” Pinkie shouted.

“Pinkie?!” Midnight called out in worry, “Pinkie, what happened?”

I, um, fell down an open marehole... Eww, it's yucky down here.

“Why the hell..?” Midnight almost forgot to keep running, “Dammit!”

I see him,” Rainbow announced, “I can get him.

“Stand down, Rainbow,” Midnight ordered.

But, I can get him!” the multicolored mare protested.

“I said no. Stay in your position.”

Rainbow growled, “Buck that! I'm getting him!”, and jumped.

“Dammit!” Midnight lit up his seal, enhancing his legs to move faster.

The cyan meteor fell, aiming right at the blue criminal, her good wing directing her as gravity took her. She prayed he wouldn't look up, and apparently was heard. The chromatic racing enthusiast slammed into the stallion at high speed, sending both of them rolling and pain lancing through both wings.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I can see why you're upset,” said the diamond dog waiter, “To finally find a worthy stallion, and he loves another. You have my sympathy.”

“Thank you, Virgil,” Rarity said to her new acquaintance.

“Surely, a party such as this would have a pony worthy of you. They are all wealthy, influential, come from long noble lines...”

“That means nothing to me,” Rarity scoffed, “I do not want some rich, pompous, self-absorbed noble. They are merely noble in title. I want a true noble. One who is kind and gentle. One will be there for me in my time of need. One who holds himself with grace and decorum. I have no interest in looks or money. I learned that lesson at the Gala.”

“Well, Lady Rarity,” Virgil said, “A mare as lovely and caring as yourself would be a prize for any stallion. You should settle for nothing sort of a perfect gentlecolt.”

Rarity blushed a little at his compliments when she was struck by an epiphany, “Virgil, may I ask... you wouldn't happen to have a special someone, would you?”

The dog sighed, “Unfortunately, no. Being raised by a pony family, I am... unappealing to most bitches.”

“Yes, I've met your 'fellow dogs',” Rarity scoffed, “A compliment, it should be. If they do not see your charms, then those bitches are just ignorant.”

A gasp from a nearby noble mare interrupted them, “Such vulgarity! Humph!” The mare walked away with her snout in the air.

Rarity and Virgil just gave the mare a deadpanned stare, before the seamstress continued, “What of mares? Surely one as refined as you has somepony's eye.”

“As kind as your words are, few ponies are attracted to diamond dog,” Virgil sighed, “I have asked, but, alas, I am shot down every time.”

“Well, perhaps I should thank the foolish mares,” Rarity said with a smile as Virgil looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Are you busy tomorrow?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight slammed a folder down on the table in front of the cuffed pony.

“This is just what you've done recently,” Midnight said as he took a seat across from him. “It's interesting. After every heist, there was a sudden, massive donation to various orphanages across Equestria. I'd almost call you a modern day Robin Hoof.”

The stallion scoffed, “So what? Where the hell is my lawyer?”

“Oh, you're not getting one just yet,” Midnight smirked.

“What? Hey, I know my rights!” he protested.

“Yes, when interrogated by the guard, you have the right to have your lawyer present,” Midnight recited, “I'm not a guard. You have a problem with how I do things, take it up with my boss.”

“And who's that?”

“Celestia,” Midnight took pleasure in the look of shock, “I'm not some simple guard. I'm the head of an elite combat team, charged with protecting Equestria from the worst of the worst.”

“So what are you doing chasing me? I wouldn't call myself 'the worst of the worst'.”

“No, you're the best of the best,” Midnight gave a knowing smirk, “You’ve skill in avoidance and mobility is top notch, and we could have use for that.”

Midnight sat back, letting him come to the conclusion on his own before continuing, “Here's the deal. You join us, and all this disappears, or you go to prison. You'd be a scout, and would see little combat.”

The pegasus sat there for a few minutes, thinking about his options before, “Alright, I'll do it.”

Midnight smiled and slid his badge over, “Welcome to the Dawn Shield, Blue Streak.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Oh, come on, Mid,” Rainbow begged, “Where are we going? I bet it's some kind of reward for catching that Streak, guy.”

“Yeah, you can say that,” Midnight assured.

Rainbow trotted along beside with both wings bound, one broke the other sprained. She was on top of the world after the day before. The entire carriage ride home she was talking about her death-defying dive bomb. Naturally, she thought she was getting a medal, and when town hall came into view, she was positive of it.

“So, Rainbow,” Midnight began nonchalantly, “You remember what the condition for you going on that mission was?”

Rainbow groaned, “Yeah, yeah, I know, but I got the job done, didn't I?”

“And if you missed?” Midnight gave her a sidelong glance, “We would have lost our eyes in the sky. All he had to do was look up, and the entire op would have been down the drain.”

“You wouldn't make me a liar, would you?” he asked as he stopped in front of town hall.

“Uh... no, why?” Rainbow asked a bit nervously.


In the blink of an eye, Midnight slapped a metal collar on the cyan pegasus. A tether of light shot to a metal rod being held by none other than Mayor Mare, standing in the now open doorway.

“Thank you, Mr. Star,” smiled the older pony, “I'll put her straight to work filing finance reports. Come now, Ms. Dash, we have work to do.”

“No! You can't do this to me!” she pleaded as she was slowly dragged into the building, kicking and screaming, “No! I'm too young to file!”