Dawn Shield

by shirotora

The Big Day

The Big Day

“Again!” Midnight bellowed.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy stood their ground as a trio of mechanical arms assaulted them. They parried and dodged the metal limbs at varying degrees of success. Applejack was parrying most of the blows, while Rainbow Dash opted to dodge. Fluttershy, however, was truly impressive. She seemed to just barely push the attacking limbs and redirect the blows. Even after three months of training, Midnight was still amazed at her skill. He could tell she had prior training, but hadn't been able to coax the info out of her.

After another round of blows, Rainbow complained, rubbing her sore forearm, “Why don't Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie have to be here?”

Midnight groaned, having to explain again, “Rarity and Twilight are making a few last minute adjustments to her dress, and Pinkie is setting up the reception.”

“So, you're here,” countered the pegasus.

“My suit's already ready.”

“You cryin' 'bout a little work out, Dashie?” Applejack teased.

“No way! I just think the others should be here, too.”

“Now, Rainbow,” came the sweet voice of Fluttershy, “Everypony else has important jobs they have to do. You don't want Twilight's wedding day ruined, do you?”

The cyan pegasus grumbled something about 'flutterguilt', “No, I don't. Just... If what the princess said is true, bad stuff is going to happen. I don't want something bad to happen to them just because they didn't train enough.”

“It'll be fine,” Midnight said, “In fact, let's go ahead and call it a day. I need to get a shower and try to calm my nerves.”

“Oh, you're nervous?” Fluttershy said with a touch of concern.

“Why?” Rainbow asked, “Didn't you already do this once? Ow!”

“That ain't somethin' to talk 'bout,” Applejack glared at her to finish the point her hoof across the back of Rainbow's head started, “'Specially not today.”

“It's alright, Applejack,” Midnight assured the orange mare, “I'm okay to talk about that now.”

“I know, jeez!” Rainbow said indignantly, “We've talked about Sarah a lot, you know.”

“Well, still,” Applejack stood her ground, “You don't talk 'bout somepony's past marriage on their wedding day.”

Fluttershy gracefully drifted over the bickering mares and alighted beside the soon-to-be groom, “Why are you nervous, if you don't mind me asking? Although it wasn't appropriate, Rainbow Dash is right. You've been married before, so shouldn't you be more comfortable this time?”

“Well, Sarah and I got married about three days after I asked, and I decided to ask her about five minutes before I actually asked. It was all quite spur of the moment, so I didn't have time to get nervous.”

“That's a mite spontaneous of ya, Midnight,” Applejack observed, “Ah always took you for the kind of fella that plans somethin' like that out.”

“I usually do adhere to a plan, but that doesn't mean I don't know the value of being spontaneous,” Midnight chuckled.

“So...” Fluttershy started, “What are you feeling nervous about?”

Midnight shuffled slightly, “I just don't feel I'm good enough for Twilight. I mean, she's from a noble family with a lot of influence in Canterlot, she's the personal protégé of Princess Celestia – who, by the way, sees Twilight as a daughter – she's a Bearer of Harmony that has saved the world on two different occasions, and aided in repelling an invasion. She deserves somepony better than me.”

“Ha! You're absolutely right, Midnight,” Rainbow Dash laughed, “She deserves somepony that will do magic experiments with her, help her with her lists, and protect her from monster invasions from the Everfree. Oh, and maybe even somepony who's a bearer of some magic that is like the Elements of Harmony. Hey, AJ, Fluttershy, who do we know that fits that description?” Her smile faded and she adopted a serious expression, “Look, Midnight, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, I know that, but even I can see you two are perfect for each other. Stop questioning yourself.”

Midnight's response wasn't quite what was expected. He laughed.

“Okay, changeling, where's the real Rainbow Dash?” he asked eventually.

Rainbow's confused look soon matched his in mirth, “Heh, yeah, I guess a pep talk like that is kinda weird coming from me. It must be my awesome at work.”

“Eeyup, that's the real Rainbow alright,” Applejack chuckled.

Midnight finally got himself under control and wiped a tear from his eye, “You know what? That really helped, Rainbow, thanks. I can do this.”

“Ata boy,” AJ slapped him on the back, “Now let's go get ready to get you hitched.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“And... There,” Redheart finished straightening Midnight's bowtie, “you don't look half bad.”

“Thanks, Kitty,” Midnight said, examining himself in the mirror as Redheart adjusts her own black dress, “and thanks for being my best mare.”

“Don't mention it. We're friends aren't we?” the nurse waved a hoof dismissively, “Besides, all your other friends are bride’s maids. You really need some guy friends.”

“You don't count?” Midnight joked.

“Haha, you're such a comedian,” Redheart rolled her eyes.

“But seriously, you've been a good friend, Red,” Midnight gave the mare a warm smile, “In fact, I have an offer for you. You know about my official duty?”

“Yeah, you started some elite forces group for the Princesses.”

“Well,” Midnight pulled out a badge from his coat, “I would like you to be a part of it. We could use a medic, and I would be glad to trust my life to you.”

Redheart looked at the silver shield, “Oh... wow... I don't know, I like my job at the hospital.”

“You won't have to quit. You'd only be called away when we have a mission. Plus, you'll get bi monthly pay from the crown.”

She thought about it for a few more seconds before smirking, “Alright, I'll do it. Besides, I do have the most experience putting you back together again.”

She took the badge and tucked it away in her dress. Midnight chuckled a little at that. It reminded him so much of women on Determis.

“Thanks, Kitty, you're the best.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight took a couple more deep breaths. His heart was still trying to escape through his chest, but he was keeping it in check. The edge of Whitetail Woods was a beautiful place to hold the ceremony, he thought. It was late fall, and the leaves were an assortment of colors.

He scanned the crowd, counting the familiar faces when his eyes fell on his three favorite fillies in the front row. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom waved, but Scootaloo looked a little upset about something.

“Hey, Scoots,” he said, “What's wrong?”

Sweetie answered for her, “She's upset because you didn't ask her to be your best mare.”

Midnight raised an eyebrow, “You actually wanted to be? I didn't think you cared about stuff like that.”

“I don't, but you're my bro, so I wanted to be there for you,” replied the pegasus.

“Really? And what about you two?” they nodded, “Well, what the hay, get up here.”

The trio beamed up at him as they excitedly rushed to his side, standing beside Redheart. A few 'daww's could be heard from ponies, including the five bridesmaids.

Just as they got settled, the music began. The curtain to the bride's tent parted, and Midnight nearly died at the sight. Twilight was a vision of beauty. Her dress gleamed as she started down the aisle, her father at her side. She looked over to see Sweetie give her an excited wave from beside her husband-to-be, earning a giggle from the bride.

Twilight took her place by Midnight and whispered, “I see you added a few last minute best fillies.”

“Yeah, they wanted to be up here, and I just couldn't say no.” Midnight chuckled.

Twilight giggled again as Princess Celestia stepped up. Her regal face beamed with pride in her beloved student.

“Ponies of Equestria,” began the princess, “Today is a glorious day, in which these two, Twilight Sparkle and Midnight Star, are to be joined together in the bonds of marriage...”

They listened intently as Celestia spoke of the importance of bonds and love. She spoke of how important marriage is, and its beauty. Finally, though, she came to the best part.

“Do you, Midnight Star, take this mare to be your wife, loving her for all eternity?”

“I do.”

“And do you, Twilight Sparkle, take this stallion to be your husband, loving him for all eternity?”

“I do.”

“Then, as co-ruler of the nation of Equestria, I now pronounce you stallion and wife. You may... oh... I guess you don't need me to tell you that part... Oh my, don't suffocate now.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The happy newlyweds ran down the path to the waiting carriage, ponies wishing them well. Midnight helped Twilight aboard before climbing in himself. Twilight leaned out the window, and as soon as she saw that Applejack had securely tied Rarity to a tree, she tossed the bouquet into the crowd. Much to everypony's surprise, it landed right in the hooves of a certain prismatic pegasus.

“What the hay?” Dash said before realizing what she was holding, “Oh no! No no no! Somepony take it!”

“Sorry, sugarcube,” Applejack said, laughing as she released Rarity, “You caught it, you keep it.”

“Rarity! You can have it!” Rainbow said in a pleading tone.

“Oh, as much as I want it, it would be just terrible of me to take it from you,” the fashionista said with a sadistic grin.

“Doesn't catching the flower thing mean you're going to get married?” asked Scootaloo.

“That's right Scoot-Scoot!” Pinkie exclaimed, “This is going to be great!”

Rainbow Dash tried to nip it in the bud, “No, I’m not-”

But was cut off by Scootaloo, “So I'm getting a dad?! Alright! This is so awesome!”

Defeated, Rainbow Dash did the only thing she could, and cried into the heavens.


--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Did you hear that?” Midnight asked, peering out the window.

“Who cares,” Twilight snuggled closer, “Celestia, my brother, and our friends can handle it. This is 'us time'.”

“I know,” Midnight got a playful smirk, “Twilight Star.”

“Ooo,” Twilight cooed, “I love the way that sounds. Say it again.”

“Whatever you want, Twilight Star.”

“Mmm, I love you, my dear husband,” Twilight smiled warmly.

“I love you, Twilight,” Midnight gave her a loving kiss. His smile softened as he leaned down and kissed his wife's belly, “And I love you, too, my little starlet.”