Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Act I Epilogue: Dawn Shield

Epilogue: Dawn Shield

The two carriages came to a gentle landing in front of Canterlot Castle. The second's door burst open and a small purple dragon jumped out as if it were on fire – not that it would matter to a fireproof lizard.

“Finally!” Spike praised whatever deity may have been listening, “If I had to listen to those two for another minute, I would have jumped.”

“Spike, grow up,” Twilight admonished her assistant as her fiance helped her down. Her bandages had come off the day before, but she was still quite sore. “How is it you get cut up too, but you're just fine after a day?”

“None of my wounds were as bad, and I had a constant healing spell active,” Midnight reminded. “Your wound was deep, and punctured a lung. You're lucky to be alive.”

Twilight sighed, “Don't remind me. It still hurts to breath deeply. Let's just go see why the princess wants to speak with us.”

The guard lead the group not to the throne room, but to a large meeting room. They were bid to find a seat and await Celestia. They followed the instructions given and fell into silence.

“So, Twilight,” Rarity struck up conversation, “Do you think you are feeling well enough to begin fitting for your dress?”

“I'm still in a significant amount of pain,” Twilight answered, “Why not begin on Midnight's tuxedo?”

The two mares looked at the stallion expectantly. He took the hint, “I'm free all day after this meeting.”

“Marvelous!” Rarity cheered, clapping her hooves together, “Oh, I knew I should have brought my tape measure.”

“So, y'all got a date for this thing?” Applejack asked

Midnight looked to Twilight, who nodded, before answering, “Well, we were thinking late fall, on the anniversary of my arrival.”

“Really?” the farmer looked a bit unsure, “Y'all ain't even been together a year yet. Y'all sure that's wise?”

“Wise? No, but... I don't know,” Midnight smiled warmly at his fiance, “I've only felt this way about one other person, and that was Sarah.”

“Well, Ah hope it works out,” said the orange mare, still a little skeptical.

After a brief silence the door opened and the impressive form of Celestia walked in followed by Shining Armor and Cadence.

Twilight was about to greet her brother and sister-in-law, but Celestia's face told her this meeting was all business.

“Spike, please accompany Cadence,” the princess commanded while retaining her kind, motherly tone.

The baby dragon obeyed without even a thought of questioning. With him out of the way, the ruler and her captain took their seats. Celestia took a moment to allow her subjects to give her their undivided attention. When she saw them focused on her, she began.

“The appearance of the first of the Elements of Order is a dark omen. These are a last resort weapon, only appearing in troubled times. Equestria faces a threat the likes of which has not been seen since long before I was born, and this frightens me.” She waited as her words sank in. “I have spent the last few days in research, and have come across something... obscure, but hopeful. Nearly three thousand years ago, there was a unicorn prophet named Delphi. One of her prophecies drew my attention; ‘When the darkness of another stalks the land, in the years after the returning Moon, the Light born of Harmony and Order shall be dawn's only shield’.”

Celestia summoned a small box with a flash of her magic, “I believe this passage means that in order to stand, the Elements of Harmony will have to fight alongside the Elements of Order. It is for this reason that I am commissioning a new, elite task force. Midnight Star, as the Element of the Guardian, you shall train and lead a team specifically to combat this coming 'darkness'. Your experience in war, as well as your connection to your Element, makes you the most qualified pony for the job. Your team will consist of yourself, the other Elements of Order when they appear, and the Elements of Harmony.”

A collective gasp escaped the lips of the six mares.

“U-us, Princess?” Twilight spoke up, unsure of the implications, “You want us to train to fight a war?”

“No, I do not want you to, my student,” Celestia said with a touch of sadness, “But as a ruler of millions, I must consider the lives of the many, over the few, even if that includes you, Twilight. The Elements of Harmony will prove invaluable in any conflict, and if we are to have a chance of success, we must all make sacrifices. I will not make you do this, but I implore you to. Lives will be counting on you.”

“Do... do you really think we're strong enough?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” every eye landed on the dark blue human-turned-pony, “Back on Determis, there was a man I met while I was on the run. He was a con man... and public enemy number one. He and his small band of allies did more to stop my nation than entire armies. Five people proved more dangerous that thousands. They had a strength that was unheard of.”

“What does that have to do with us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because I see the same strength in you. Rainbow Dash, you can break the sound barrier. Rarity, I've never seen such fine craftsmanship than in the sword and shield you made for me. Applejack, your strength is unreal. Pinkie, not even the natural laws of physics can stand up to your craziness. Fluttershy, you act shy, but I know what you're really afraid of is yourself and what you're capable of. Twilight... you are the definition of strength. You charged off to face a possessed alicorn alone. You've stood up to dragons, charged hydras head on, fought an army, and challenged a god. If you aren't strong, then strength doesn't exist.”

The six red-faced mares gave each other bashful looks before Twilight looked up at Celestia and nodded, “Okay, Princess, we'll do it.”

Celestia smiled joyously, “Thank you... all of you. Equestria's tomorrow is in your hooves.” The solar diarch magically opened the box and levitated out seven badges, Silver shields with a golden sun rising over a horizon, “Welcome to the Dawn Shield.”