Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 14: The Proposal

Chapter 14: The Proposal




Light filtered in through the curtain of a familiar room in Ponyville Medical.

“Well...” Twilight groaned, “This is backwards.”

“Twilight!” Midnight jumped to his hooves, his book falling forgotten to the floor, and rushed to his fillyfriend's side, “I was so worried.”

Twilight reached out a hoof and pulled him into a quick kiss and joked, “How are you not hurt?”

Midnight laughed, “A healing spell I had active the whole fight. Even then, I was in here myself two days. I just got released this morning.”

“At the cost of inviting me for drinks,” Nurse Redheart said as she walked in.

Twilight's eyes narrowed at the other mare, “What do you mean, 'drinks'?”

Redheart laughed, “Relax, Twilight. It's not like that. I'm gay.”

Twilight's eyes widened, “Oh... so when Applejack said you were staring at my flanks..?”

Redheart chuckled sheepishly, “She saw that, did she? Sorry...”

Midnight laughed, “I always said you have a nice figure, Twi.”

“Alright, I think we embarrassed my patient enough,” the nurse said, seeing the blush on Twilight's face. “Is there anything you need?” Twilight shook her head, “Alright, I have other patients to look in on. Call me if you need me.”

Twilight and Midnight thanked the nurse as she left. The couple sat quietly for a moment before Twilight spoke.

“So... what happened?” asked Twilight

“I won,” Midnight said plainly, “Nopony was hurt, other than you and I. Thankfully, Celestia arrived to haul my ass over here so Miss Kitty can patch me up again.”

“You more than won, Midnight Star,” Celestia said as she stepped into the room, “I've discovered what that armor you have is.”

“Armor? When did he get armor?” Twilight asked.

“It appeared during his fight with the ripper beasts. I did some research, trying to learn what it was. My search lead me to a book in the restricted section of the archives. This armor is one of a set of four artifacts related to the Elements of Harmony, The Elements of Order. This is the Element of the Guardian, the centerpiece of the Elements of order.”

“But, princess,” Twilight interrupted, “If they're like the Elements of Harmony, where are the others?”

“They differ in that regard,” Celestia explained, “Where the Element of Magic appeared when the others were gathered, the Elements of Order are drawn out by the Element of the Guardian. They will appear in time, but their appearance honestly unnerves me. The Elements of Order have not been seen since before I was born, and that was in a great war against terrible tyrants. I fear for our future if a weapon like this is to be needed.”

“Weapon?” Midnight whispered reverently before turning to the diarch, “What are the Elements of Order?”

Celestia sat in silence for a few seconds, gathering her thoughts, “The Elements of Harmony revert their target to a more harmonious state, they can do nothing to that which has never been harmonious. The Elements of Order, though, eliminate that which cannot be saved.”

“Eliminate...” Midnight's mood fell, “So even in a peaceful land like this, I'm forced to kill.” the Stallion drove his hoof into a wall, venting his frustration, “Dammit! Why can't I just have a peaceful life?”

Celestia gave him a sad look, “You have my deepest apologies, Midnight. I never wanted this to happen, especially after you went through so much to heal from the scars war has given you.”

“So that's why,” Twilight mused. When the others gave her a confused look, she explained, “The reason the Elements of Harmony brought him here. They chose him to be the bearer of the Element of the Guardian.”

“One can assume,” Celestia agreed, “The only question is who the other Elements are?”

“I suppose we could search for them,” Midnight offered.

“No need, they will find you in time. I wish I could tell you more of them, but as I said, they haven't been seen since before my time,” Celestia made her way toward the door and stopped. She turned back, giving Twilight an apologetic look, “I'm sorry I could not arrive in time to save you this pain, my student. Do not worry about more of those creatures. Their nest has been burned, and the eggs and young destroyed.” Twilight looked at her teacher in horror, “It was more merciful than letting them die slowly from hunger, thirst, or exposure.”

“What were they?” Twilight asked.

The solar princess was silent for a moment before, “An old mistake from a war long ago.”

Twilight looked downcast, “One of Nightmare Moon's abominations?”

Celestia looked back, sadness in her eye, “No... One of mine.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The day seemed to be extra beautiful as Midnight pushed Twilight down the road. Midnight had to laugh when he learned she had a wheelchair of her own. The park was as nice as ever with ponies enjoying the festivities. A big banner stretched across two trees saying 'Thank you Midnight', with a depiction of his new cutie mark on either side.

“I can get it from here, Midnight,” Twilight said.

The wheels of the wheelchair glowed lavender and the wounded unicorn moved forward. Midnight trotted alongside his fillyfriend, greeting ponies as they went.

They didn't get far when a trio of voices called out, “Midnight!”

He let the fillies tackle him in a hug that he eagerly returned.

“It's good to see you too, girls,” Midnight laughed.

“Oh my gosh!” Sweetie gasped, “You really did get your cutie mark!”

“Told ya Ah saw it!” Applebloom said triumphantly.

“What's it look like?” Scootaloo asked, a huge smile on her face.

“A sword and shield,” Sweetie answered.

“Woah! So your special talent is kicking flank?” Scootaloo's grin somehow grew, “That is the coolest cutie mark ever!”

“Thanks, Scoots,” Midnight ruffled her mane.

“So, do you think we can get a butt kicking cutie mark too?” Applebloom asked, “We did good helpin' to with that monster, right?”

Midnight sighed, “What you girls did was reckless and could have gotten you killed...” His frown turned into a warm smile, “But it also saved my life. You girls are very brave.” Their smiles brightened considerably, “Stupid... but brave.”

“Good enough for me!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Hey now,” Pinkie cheered as she bounced up, “let Middy up so we can get this party started!”

The pink mare jumped up, pointing a hoof to the back, “Hit it!”

Fast, upbeat music filled the air and ponies all around started shaking and gyrating to the beat. Midnight grabbed up the three fillies and joined in with the others, dancing with his three honorary sisters. Twilight watched with a smile on her face. She wanted to dance with him, but her bandaged barrel made sure to remind her of her injury. Still, it was fun to watch the four of them dancing in ridiculous ways.

At some point, Clink had arrived and was showing off dance moves of his own. Sometimes Twilight found herself forgetting the thing was an extension of Midnight and not really sentient. It was a fancy marionette, tied to his mind. She asked him how it worked once. He told her it was like having another set of limbs, which is why so few in his world could use them.

“Hey! Miss Kitty!” Midnight called out as Redheart finally arrived, “It's about time we get to hang out when I'm not near death.”

“That's my line,” replied the nurse. She turned to her other patient, “How are you feeling, Twilight. I trust you’re not straining yourself. You, at least, actually listen to me when I tell you not to go getting yourself hurt.”

“Hey, if it weren't for me getting hurt, we'd never get to hang out,” Midnight feigned indignation, getting a laugh from the mares. “I'm glad you're here though.”

Before Redheart could inquire as to why, Midnight's seal lit up and a section of earth rose up, lifting him and Twilight – with a squeak of surprise – high. He spoke again, his voice magically amplified so all could hear.

“Can I have your attention please!” he called over the din of the crowd. Once he saw every eye on him, he continued, “Most, if not all, of you know that when I first came here, I was, for lack of a better term, broken. I was plagued by horrible memories of things no one should ever have to experience. I had lived so long shutting myself away, expecting to die at any moment, that I forgot how to truly live.”

Midnight looked at Twilight with a loving smile, “Then, some crazy mare with an idea to make a dimensional doorway, blew up half her house and saved my life. She and her friends, despite me hurting two of them, took it upon themselves to try to fix me. I'll be honest, I thought they were wasting their time. I thought I was too far gone.

“But they proved me wrong. They fixed me. Now, I have more friends than I ever had before, three little sisters that are an utter joy... but I want one more thing...”

Clink tossed up a small object to Midnight's waiting ghost-hand, “A wife.”

Twilight gasped as he revealed a jewel encrusted bracelet, the centerpiece being a diamond shaped like Midnight's cutie mark.

“Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?”

Twilight, against doctors’ advice, leaped out of her wheelchair and tackled Midnight, her lips quickly finding his.

“Yes,” kiss, “Yes,” kiss, “Yes,” kiss, “Yes,” kiss, “A thousand times, yes!”