Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 13: The Attack

Chapter 13: The Attack

Bars of sunlight filtered into the barn, invading Midnight's peaceful slumber. He slowly stirred, feeling the slight pressure of Twilight's head against his barrel.

“Mmm, let's just lay here for a little longer,” the mare requested dreamily.

“Sure,” Midnight whispered into her ear as he wrapped his hooves around his lover, “How long have you been awake?”

“About half an hour.”

“Why didn't you wake me?”

Twilight looked up at him, smiling, “You looked so peaceful. Besides, I doubt you would have woken up if I tried.”

Midnight smiled back, “We missed the sunrise.”

“Oh, who cares. It happens every day, but last night... now that was magical,” Twilight brushed a hoof along Midnight's furry barrel, “Move back in with me.”

“Huh?” Midnight was caught off guard by her sudden request.

“Move back in with me,” she repeated. “I talked to Spike about it, and even he agrees that it would be a great idea. He'll take the guest room, and we'll share my bed. So, what do you think?”

Midnight smirked, “I'd love to.”

He twisted around, pinning Twilight beneath him and locking her lips to his own. Just as his hooves began to explore, a knock interrupted them.

“Are y'all still in there?” Applejack asked incredulously, “Consarn it, girl. Are you in heat or somethin'?”

“We better give AJ back her barn,” Twilight said sheepishly, “We'll pick up where we left off tonight.”

“Sounds good to me.”

With a flash, Twilight dispelled her wards and Applejack flung open the doors.

“Woo, wee,” she waved a hoof in front of her face, “Smells like y'all had fun, but the farm don't get no holidays, so unless y'all wanna be put to work, Ah suggest ya get.”

Midnight and Twilight shuffled out, blushing from embarrassment. Twilight passed the key back to its owner, thanking her again.

“Don't you worry 'bout it. Ah'm just glad you found yourself a good fella. That bein' said, now that you've taken that step, Midnight, you better not break her heart. If you do, I swear to Celestia, the guards that arrest me will have nightmares 'bout what they see.”

“Hey!” Applebloom stormed up to her big sister, “Don't you be bullyin' Midnight! He wouldn't never hurt Miss Twilight, or anypony else, ‘less they deserve it.”

Midnight had to smile at the filly, “Thanks, Bloom, but AJ was just making sure. If Sweetie were dating a colt you knew was a good guy, wouldn't you want to make sure he stayed that way?”

“Well... yeah, Ah guess.”

“That's all your sister is doing,” Midnight ruffled the young Apple's mane, “Thanks for standing up for me though.”

AB grinned at the stallion, “You're an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader, and we stick together!”

Midnight laughed, “That we do.”

“Ah gotta say,” Applejack said, thinking, “Ah figured you'd have gotten yours from those little helpers you make. They're mighty helpful to have around the house. Granny loves the little thing.”

“You know, you might not even be able to get one,” Twilight said sadly, “Cutie marks are pony magic, and you don't have pony magic.”

Applebloom gasped, “That's awful! That's not true, is it, Twilight? He's gonna get his cutie mark, ain't he?”

“Hey, Bloom, it's alright,” Midnight put a hoof around the filly's withers, “I don't need one. I'm happier than I've been in years, and to be honest, you and the other Crusaders have a lot to do with that. You girls are like the little sisters I never had.”

“Ain't that just the sweetest thing,” Applejack said, her eyes misty.

“I know,” Twilight agreed, “I'm glad he's so good with foals. I'd like to have some one day.”

“Really? You want children?” Midnight asked.

“Of course,” Twilight confirmed, “I'd love to have... Fluttershy?” Her gaze moved past the stallion.

Midnight looked behind him to see the kindly mare flying toward them, wobbling slightly, obviously in distress. He, Twilight and Applejack ran to meet their friend, who spotted them and turned toward them. The mare tried to land, but her legs gave out and the collapsed in a heap.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight called as she ran to the downed pegasus.

Midnight reached her first and gave her a quick examination. He sighed in relief, realizing she was only exhausted.

Fluttershy gasped for air, trying to speak, “M... Mi... Midnight... mo... monsters... are heading... this way. It's the same one... that hurt... Scootaloo... he brought friends.”

Midnight closed his eyes, “Twilight, get Fluttershy out of here. Applejack, evacuate your family.”

“What are you going to do?” Twilight asked.

Midnight opened his eyes, looking toward the Everfree. Twilight felt an icy chill grip her. Never before had she seen him so... cold. This wasn't the kind, caring stallion she had gotten to now. This was the cold hearted killer, the monster he always told her he was... but something else was there. There was a strength. There was a steadfast determination that would outlast mountains.

Without another word, Twilight picked up Fluttershy, put her across her back, and took off toward town. Applejack similarly took Applebloom, and ran into the house to gather up her family. Midnight took another look back at Twilight, his eyes softening as he met her gaze ever so briefly before turning away. His seal glowed as a rift in space opened and his sword and shield presented themselves. He secured them on his back and took off at a gallop toward the threat.

It didn't take long for him to spot the advancing beasts. They were half way from the forest to the farm as Midnight emerged from the apple orchard. There were a few dozen of them. They were much smaller than the one he fought, but more than he could likely handle alone. Luckily he had planned for the possibility of needing backup. Midnight focused, his seal glowing.

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In the basement of a certain alien's home, the red core of a golem came to life. Four spider-like legs extended from the glowing sphere, bracing against the body of Clink. With a push, the central core freed itself from the mech and dropped to the floor. It scurried toward a capsule placed in a corner and inserted itself into a small hole just big enough for it.

The front of the capsule parted with a hiss and a wicked looking metal claw emerged from within.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight stood on his hind legs, scimitar in one ghost-hand, heater in the other, held upside down, pointed end facing up. It was an unorthodox method, but one he found suited him well. He raised his shield in front of him and charged with his sword held back, nearly dragging the ground. With a quick flick, he let the sword fly, the wind magic turning it into a whirlwind of bladed death. The weapon sliced through several of the beasts in a wide arc and returned to its owner's ethereal hand just as he met his enemy.

His shield deflected a scythed arm from above, as he lifted his blade to slice the beast's belly. Keeping the momentum, he twisted, cutting two more, one with his sword, the other with the pointed end of his shield. As he came around, he let the sword go again. As the weapon boomeranged around, he thrust with his shield, and fired a gout of flame.

The moon blade found the warrior once again as an enemy raked him along the spine. Fire seemed to run along his back as he spun and cleaved the monster along its throat. His seal lit up, working to heal the wound, as it propelled him up and away from the hoard. He looked around as he landed, trying to find the boss; the one that hurt him and blinded Scootaloo.

His search was cut off as a bladed limb attempted to take his head. His shield intercepted the strike, as he cut it along the chest with the sword. It screeched in pain, before a lance of ice pierced its heart. Another dropped a limb at Midnight, only to be stopped by the enchanted steel wall on his left. He lashed out with the weapon, but a tail caught him in the side, sending him tumbling to the ground.

He rolled to get back to his hooves, only to see another strike descending to end him. In a flash of silvery steel, the beast was tackled to the ground and ripped open by the fore-claws of Strike. The metal feline was designed for combat and only combat. He was glad Luna advised him to make it, now. Its six inch claws easily tore through another, allowing Midnight to regain his stance.

With another launch of the curved blade, he charged, slashing, thrusting, and blocking with his heater. Ice lances, fireballs, and arcs of electricity joined in. A part of his mind wandered back to the time when this would have been easy... back when he still had his demon. Unfortunately, he paid for his distraction with a shallow cut along the chest. Midnight roared in pain, instinctively activating a healing spell. The wound was closing slowly, medical magic not being his strength.

Strike tore into another, as Midnight's scimitar flew through one's chest, and his shield sliced a third's throat. Midnight spun around, searching for another target only to find, to his surprise, there were none. That couldn't have been right, though. Fluttershy said the one he fought before was with them.

“Midnight!” he heard called in the distance. Twilight was searching for him.

“Twilight! Stay back!” Midnight called back, “I don't think it's safe yet!”

“Then I'm going to help you!” the unicorn called back, running to meet him.

She stopped at the edge of the battlefield, staring at the carnage. It was obvious she had never seen so much blood. She looked at Midnight so she wouldn't have see the blood, but found he was covered in it as well, some of it his own. Seeing his wounds, she forgot all about the gruesome scene and galloped to her coltfriend.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, but the big one's still out there, so you need to leave.”

Twilight looked around, “Where? I don't-”

Just then, the ground exploded about thirty feet away. Midnight turned toward the eruption just as a spike shot past the very place he was just standing. A yelp from behind prompted him to turn back. Twilight laid on her side crying out as a spine stuck in her side.

“Twilight!” he called as he rushed to her side, “Twilight, stay with me here!” Her breathing came in pained, jagged gasps. “Strike, get her to the hospital!” The metal cat placed the wounded mare on his back and took off towards the medical facility.

He turned back to face the massive brute as it charged at him. His seal glowed bright as he magically augmented his muscles. He raised his shield as the bladed arm descended on him. The ground beneath him cracked from the impact and sparks flew from the shield as the enchantments fought the attack. The second limb came at his unprotected side, but his scimitar was there to meet it. The monster was stronger than the last time they fought.

Unlike last time, Midnight had been practicing in his pony body, and was used to the way it moved. He wasn't going to be knocked off balance so easily this time. Focusing a pulse of magic out from his body, he broke the hold the beast had on him and lashed out with his sword, cutting the belly of the beast. The wound wasn't deep, but it caused plenty of pain if the roar was anything to go by.

The beast retaliated by flinging more spikes at the pony, but they were all deflected or dodged. The monster was smart, though, and used the projectiles as a distraction, as it swung again at the stallion's side. Midnight barely saw it in time to erect a mage-form barrier. The magical armor shattered, but absorbed the majority of the blow. Still, the scythe cut rather deep, luckily avoiding all vital targets.

Midnight lost grip on his scimitar and heater as he flew through the air, landing in a heap. He struggled to get up, but the pain stopped him. The creature slithered to his prone form, seeming to take joy in his pain. It lifted its wicked sickle-like arm, ready to end the former human.

“Hey ugly!” called the familiar voice of Scootaloo, “Up here!”

Midnight looked over to see three fillies standing beside a familiar wooden bird. How had they set that up without either him or the monster noticing?

“Crusaders stick together!” yelled Applebloom.

All three let out their well known battle cry, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER ARTILLERY SUPPORT, YAY!!!”

With that, Sweetie Belle pulled the lever, launching the aircraft straight at the beast. The monster tried to run, but it was too late. The foal built flying machine slammed into its abdomen, carrying it several dozen yards before colliding with the ground with the force of meteor.

“Yeah, take that!” Applebloom yelled.

“You better go back to your mother!” Sweetie screamed.

“Payback's a bitch!”

“Scootaloo, language!” Sweetie scolded her friend.

A furious roar interrupted the fillies' celebration. The beast barreled out of the wreckage with murder in its eyes. Midnight watched in horror as it charged.

“Girls, run!” he hollered.

Pushing the pain away, Midnight struggled to his hooves and poured all he could into a shield to protect the three little fillies. The beast slammed into it hard, sending Midnight sliding back several feet. He felt the wound on his side screaming, the healing spell barely able to stop the bleeding. Cracks started forming along the shield as the creature pounded on the wall. He looked behind him to see the crusaders struggling to escape, trying to help Scootaloo navigate.

Midnight closed his eyes and turned back, “No... I won't let you hurt them anymore! Do you hear me?! I'll die before I let you touch one hair on their heads!” He forced more and more energy into the spell.

An epiphany struck him. A sudden desire, a calling. The Crusaders, his friends, the ponies he's met... Twilight... he knew why he was brought to this world. He knew why the Elements of Harmony summoned someone so well versed in war. This was his purpose...

… He was a guardian.

A heat filled him as his body began to glow a brilliant white. Midnight's barrier exploded outward, blasting the monster back several yards.

As the light faded, Midnight stood tall, in a shimmering golden helm covering his head, pauldrons on his shoulders, and a cuirass on his barrel and back. Both sported an emblem of a scimitar laying over a heater shield, matching the image that now adorned his flanks.

The monster regained his senses and charged again. It reared back, ready to strike, but Midnight leaped at it, delivering a punishing, magically enhanced uppercut. The beast swung again, but Midnight grabbed the limb by the un-bladed bicep. His seal flared again, increasing his mass significantly. He pulled his weight down, hurling the monster over his shoulders and soaring through the air.

Midnight held his hooves out to his sides. His sword and shield answered his beck and call, flying to meet his ghost-hands.

The Beast righted itself.

Midnight held his sword aloft.

The Beast let out a livid roar.

The moon-shaped blade blazed with light.

The beast charged with reckless abandon.

Midnight swung.

The energy released careened toward the monster, tearing up the ground as it flew with incredible power. Consumed by rage, the monster was undeterred, rushing to meet the wave of energy. With a roar, they met in a blinding, defining explosion. The beast's final cries were lost in the blast as it was torn to pieces. When the light and noise slowly faded, there was nothing but dust.

Midnight let out a sigh of relief as his fatigue hit him harder than his opponent did the entire fight. The last thing he saw as he collapsed, before greeting unconsciousness was a pair of great, white wings on an angelic figure.