From Nobody to Knightmare

by Thethhron

FNTK Chapter 21: Hard Rock HALLELUJA!

Album 2: Chaotic Harmony

Chapter 19: Hard Rock Halleluja!

It took another dream day for the lot of them to get settled in. Lyra spent a lot of time making stuff. She really took to the whole Minecraft mentality. After she was finally done, we  started practicing.

Or tried to at least.

“Are you sure you don’t have something more refined?” OCTAVIAAAAAAAAAA, I’m am SO tired of this.

“Okay, fine. We’ll drop the Avenged Sevenfold song. Refined huh?”

Lyra piped up. “Hey, you said there were more songs about us. Could you teach us a few of those?”

“That’s...not a bad idea. That could be pretty cool actually. What do you think Octavia, since you refuse to try anything I’ve suggested besides Hard Rock Hallelujah?”

“Well...I suppose it depends on the song. As long as there aren’t too many more of your less pleasant ‘metal’ pieces, I don’t think I should mind too much.”

“Okay...IDEA~! How about we come up with a song for each of you? Also, there’s one song about Equestria we HAVE to do, though it may not be about any of you.”

“Isn’t that a lot of songs though? That’s, what, 8 songs right there? I don’t mind not having one” Bonbon said.

“Yeah, I don’t know that I’m particularly interested in a song about me...” Shining explained.

“Can we do Anthropology again? I liked that one!”

“Yeah Lyra, we can do that one. Shouldn’t offend Octavia’s sensitivities about metal either.”

“H-Hey, I never said said it offended me...I just don’t  know that I like it all that much.” Flip-flopping? Flip-flopping. Stupid tsundere women.

“Anyway, so we’ve got Anthropology and Discord. Yes, I know it’s about Discord but it’s a GREAT song. Let’s see... OH! I know one for you Octavia. You’ll definitely enjoy your battle theme. It’s even classical like you enjoy.”

“Mmmm, if you say so...” She didn’t look so sure but I knew she’d like it.

“Trust me on that one. Let’s see.... We HAVE to do the Brony Metal Medley. It may not be to your liking Octavia, but that piece of music, based on some of your own, i s one of the most Kickass compositions we’ve made.” She frowned but said nothing.

“What about me? Don’t I have an awesome songs?” Vinyl...Of course, what was I thinking?

“Wellll..I do know one that you should enjoy. Spin That Record is about you AND your kind of techno.”

She thought about it and nodded. “Sure, why not. If you think it’s good, it probably is.”

First, I played each song for them from memory, one by one. Afterwards, we practiced each song a few times til they got the hang of it. The minecraft sun went up and down twice and all of them were getting better at the songs. Octavia was even looking like she really did enjoy the metal song towards the end of each performance. The CMC spent most of their time playing around but occasionally watched and even joined in with our performances. They weren’t half bad with their voices. Must have taken vocal lessons or something after their talent show.

 We were about halfway through playing Anthropology for the third time on the 5th day, when something triggered in the back of my mind. Suddenly, all of us stood in a wet rainforest. I cringed as I recognized the scene. Once already during my 24 years in the dream world, I had come across it. The “Slayer of Saigon” memory. Knowing it well, I watched my bandmates reactions to it. All of them went from surprised to intrigued, to shocked. They finally settled on sad as the memory ended; except for Octavia, who turned and stared at me, her eyes pinpricks with fear and pity.

“Was that...was that you?” Her lips trembled as she asked.

“...Yes. Yes it was, from when I was human. I guess I better give an explanation, huh? Alright. Before I came to Equestria, I worked for a corporation known as the SCP. When I joined them, they locked away the majority of my memories before my induction; this was one of those memories. Many more of them are locked away somewhere in this dream world. Besides practicing, we’ll likely be spending a large amount of time searching for these memories to help me. But for now, we better go get the Crusaders; they’re the only ones missing such that we would have seen that when they found it.”

“...I’m sorry. I never knew-”

“Don’t worry about it. Let’s find the Crusaders.”

Considering I knew exactly where the memory as, it didn’t take long to get them. I gave them a bit of a dumbed down version of what I’d just told my band. After that, the Crusaders didn’t wander far anymore and we spent the rest of the time practicing.

Waking up in the morning only a day after your last one but spending 8 in between is REALLY disconcerting. Definitely throws of one’s sense of time. Still, we’d reach Trottingham today with no issues. In fact, that’s just what we did. Nothing interesting happened for the seven hours we walked there.

Walking into town, I was immediately glared at by every pony I passed. Geez, I guess changelings really haven’t been apart of society for long.

“Get that THING out of here! What kind of ponies are you, walking with such trash!?” Ponies were starting to speak up.

Cadence spoke up. “Hush citizens! Do not judge the book by it’s cover. Come to our concert later, and we will show you that changelings are not to be feared.”

Ponies were shocked. Apparently Cadence, the walking candy pony, was not easily noticeable. Somehow. Dipsticks. The gawkers left, grumbling to themselves.

“Let’s hurry to the town hall and avoid more of that.” Cadence whispered. So we did. It wasn’t hard to find. We got inside hurriedly.

“Um...we’re here to see or make an appointment with the mayor. Is he in?” I asked the receptionist.

Without looking up, she moved her head to the calendar, pressed a button and said “Mayor, there is a group here to see you. Can you take them now?”

The reply came back “Certainly. I’m not busy at the moment.”

“The mayor will see you now.”

“Thank you.” We wandered back to the big doors where he was obviously sitting behind.

A deep purple stallion with a white mane greeted us. And scowled at me. DESE PONIEZ IS SO RACIST!

Hey, Trottingham is nowhere near as bad as Stalliongrad! They wanted to put a muzzle on Spike!

Twi, hon, NOWHERE was as bad as Stalliongrad...

“What brings you, ah, ponies to my fine town? I warn you, I don’t want any trouble.” His expression was stern.

I spoke. ”We were coming to perform a concert and were hoping you could point us to a hall we could perform at.”

“And what would YOU want to host a concert for? Getting affection from adoring fans? Disgusting.” Jeez, this guy. Cadence stepped forward

“If I may, mayor, we are simply here to spread happiness throughout the world, at the behest of Princess Celestia herself.”

“P-P-Princess Cadence!? F-For Celestia? Why d-didn’t you say so!? have to have a license to play in town. There’s a bureau a couple doors down. H-Have a nice day! I look f-forward to tomorrow.” Hah, ponies hear Celestia’s name and they’ll do anything. Need to work on that....

“Thank you sir, we’ll be out of your mane now.” We left the hall and spotted the agency nearby.

Ponies all around avoided our group. Ponies are so racist!

“We entered the bureau and by some stroke of luck, there was NO line! At a government bureau! If only it was like this on Earth.... Sigh. The pony at the desk looked up.

“What can I We don’t serve his kind here.” The lavender mare looked directly at me. Well EXCUUUSE me!

“In fact, what is he doing outside of a prison? Guards!” She yelled.

“Now wait just a minute here! I’ll have you know I’m a Knight of Equestria! Haven’t you read the newspapers?!” I was really getting tired of the racism. Sure, changelings tried to rule Equestria three months or so ago but you’d think they’d get over that when CELESTIA stepped in!

“What? How could you possibly be a knight? You’re a changeling!”

Once again, Cadence had to step in. “I can personally vouch for his abilities and loyalties. In any case, we came here to acquire a license to play our music in the city. Can you help us with that?” Thank you Cadence. I hope that doesn’t become a recurring theme.

“P-Princess Cadence??” Same stutter and everything. Her eyes flicked between me and Cadence. “I suppose I could set you up...What’s the name of your group?” Ohhhh, we get to say it~!

“We are The Champions of the wooooorld. We plan on playing tomorrow.”

“Right...Well, there’s some paperwork to do for each of you...” UGH. Stupid governments with stupid paperwork.

All up, it took us 30 minutes to finish all the paperwork, though it seemed like much longer.

“As, it’s good to see...that it’s all in order. Now then, there is a processing fee. 1200 bits.”

“1200 bits!?” Octavia shouted, followed close behind by the rest of us, “That’s outrageous!”

“That’s what it is, sorry.” She grinned. Oh she just thinks we won’t pay. Grrrr....stupid racist ponies. We gathered together away from her desk.

“Okay, so how much do we each have? I’ve got about 50 Celestia gave me for stuff.”

“Shining and I brought 300 total.”

“I’ve got 150.” Halfway there.

“I think I have about 175...”

“I have 225 on me.”

“And I have a nice even 200.”

“So.....Just enough. Shit, no hotel tonight guys. Guess we’ll just have to stay in the park.” Such is the life of a new band.

Octavia didn’t look happy. I smiled sheepishly and she turned her head away. “Fine, if we must.”

“I was looking forward to a bed.... But camping isn’t so bad.” Lyra quipped.

“Maybe the next town won’t be so against changelings!”

I smiled “I’m glad you all are okay with this.”

We went and paid for the license and waited around for awhile while it processed. The mare was shocked we had paid and not swindled her; she still gave me angry glances while we waited. It took a long time, In fact, it was night time before we finally go the license.

“Thank you ma’am. We’ll be on our way.” With that we wandered to the park, where camping was allowed. The sun was just setting, leaving us just enough time to set up our tents and eat.

“Tomorrow is going to be a good day, Champions. A new start. We will take the world by storm and they will LIKE it! This trip may- no, it WILL change the way Equestria sees things! Too long have the outer lands suffered under slavery. Too long have the dragons taken whatever they pleased.  Too Long have the Changelings starved because of fear and prejudice! We will take Equestria, Gem Fido, the Griffin Dominion, and the Changeling Wastelands, and we will help them overcome. Tomorrow is a new day for the world. Let’s make it be the best it can!”

“YEAH!” With that, we went to our tents, entering the dream world again.

Arriving in the dream world, we held off on anymore exploring and decided to practice and think about our next show, in Dredgemane.

Each practice session generally lasted about three hours, leaving us plenty of time to talk about the band, starting day 1.

“So, we obviously can’t do the same songs every time. What do you guys want? Besides some classical Octavia.” Her mouth closed and she glowered at me, swallowing what she was about to say. Zing!

“Don’t worry we’ll do SOME classical. Just for you Tavi.”

“Don’t call me that! You have to earn that right.”

“Anyway, ideas. I know a LOT of music, so hit me with what you’re looking for.”

“Well, I don’t know about music yet but what about a flag or somthing? Don’t bands normally have an emblem?” Lyra asked.



“Lyra! You beautiful, brilliant mare!” She blushed as Bonbon scowled at me. “How could I have forgotten!? Alright guys, here’s the plan. You all know how to do stuff in here pretty well. We’re going to have a graphic design contest. Everybody, meet back here in a day and we’ll go vote. Off with ye!” And so went the first day, in between practices.

“Well it’s..uh...certainly big girls.” The Crusaders had decided it would be a good idea to make their graphic take up 81 chunks. What does that mean? It means it was way too big and we had to fly to see it properly.

And only two of us had wings, meaning me and Cadence had to carry them all up one by one to see.

And then it was... I’m not sure what it was. All I knew is that I’d have to let them know we weren’t going to use it. Eventually

“But do you like it?”

“Can we use it!?”

“I hope I get my cutie marking in designing!”

“We’ll...see girls. Let’s go see the other ones first.”

“...Lyra, what is this?”

“Weeelllll, I may have gotten so busy making a fort I forgot to draw more than a rectangle... Sorry!”

“I guess that’s one less option...”

“...Isn’t this just the Crystal Kingdom Flag? And where did Cadence go?”

“Well....I’m not very creative or good at art and Cadence...kinda spent more time playing hero, slaying monsters. She’s probably hiding. So.....yeah....”

“Ugh, fine. Next.

“This isn’t too bad Vinyl. I figured you liked bright colors but how did you make neon wool?” Her design consisted of six neon rings all connecting in the center like a 6-part venn diagram.

“I have my ways.”

“Well, at least there’s on- two that we can vote on” Hope the Crusaders didn’t hear my slip-up.

“Wow. I love it. This is great Octavia! I’m incredibly surprised you came up with this.” She blushed, smiling at my compliment. It was a rather simple design. First and foremost was Chrysalis’s face grinning out from the center of the image. Next were wings with holes that fit into the wing pattern like on the Hylian Crest (Legend of Zelda for you unknowledgeables). Just below that was the crystal heart with some black trim. It was really cool!

“I’m... glad you like it. I believe it’s time to vote now?”

“Yes! Everyone, let’s gather at the houses and vote.”

After regathering we took a vote. Octavia won, hands, er, hoofs down. Like seriously, it was that awesome.

“SO! I am proud to announce that the lovely Octavia has created a beautiful logo for our band! Three cheers for Octavia!” Her blush was bright as a tomato while we cheered for her.

“Now then! We have a logo but we still don’t have the hearts of ponies. Let’s practice now and get this show on the road!...And maybe come up with some other songs for the stop after this. Sound good?”

“Yeah!” came the reply

“To practice!”

After another day of practice, we sat down to think up some more songs for the next stop, Dredgemane, mining metropolis of Equestria.

“So this time, we did personal themes. What do we want to do in Dredgemane?
PIrates? Rock Gods? Or just more Brony Music?”

        “I’ll be entirely honest, for a city such as Dredgemane, ‘Heavy Metal’ may work best.”  Was that Octavia!?  SERIOUSLY!?  

“Uh...wait, did you just say what I think you said?”

“Yes, I did. I’ve been to Dredgemane before. They’re everything that Canterlot isn’t. Loud, boisterous, and volatile.”

        “Not to mention a LOT friendlier.” Vinyl interjected, a proud and happy grin on her face.  “And a LOT harder to scare, too.”

“Heavy metal it is then! Oh, I have so much in mind! We can do some Five Finger Death Punch and a couple Metallica songs and maybe even some Iron Maiden! Or we could...”

I may have ranted.

A lot.

Eventually, we, er, I came up with a playlist of songs for Dredgemane. It took another Minecraft day to get to that point though. I learned later that everybody left me ranting and went to work on their houses while I determined our song list.

We still had five days in the dream world, which we spent learning the new songs and practicing the old ones. Cadence had the most problems learning the new songs. She wasn’t used to the gravelly vocals the songs required and, in the end, wasn’t really able to sing them. Her voice just didn’t work like that.

We found a triangle for her.

I’m not really sure how we worked it into the songs but she definitely played!

You should probably give the full playlist for Trottingham....

But then there’s no surprise! Look, they’ll find out when I talk about the actual concert. Pleeeease?

Ugh, fine.

The end of our final Minecraft day closed in. The band lined up in front of me on my stage I’d built while in stasis. Did I give a speech before? Suuure. But this one would knock their unfortunate, non-existent socks off!

“Fillies and Gentlecolts! We are here today..To rock those ponies’ worlds! We are here to blast their brains with our music! Make them dance! Sing! AND BE MERRY! To change their outlook! To change their attitudes! To change their way of life! You know this. I know this. They don’t yet...but they will. Too long has Equestria gone on in blissful ignorance and blind prejudice! Tomorrow is the beginning of a new Equis. That’s my dream. Join me?”

“YES! FOR EQUIS!” the band responded

“FOR EQUIS! Let’s go knock their unfortunate, non-existent socks off!” They were pumped.

Nailed it.

A few hours after a wonderful lunch during which Shining and Cadence had a small food fight, we were ready. Thankfully, the town had a concert hall that we were allowed to use for free. I think the mayor was just glad to see it being used. But this was it. Curtain time.

I stepped onto the stage in my humanesque form, to face the chattering crowd filled with ponies. The crowd was instantly silent, before a few comments about changelings surfaced. “Fillies and Gentlecolts! It’s so great to be in Trottingham.” Some smoke started creeping onto the stage, courtesy of Vinyl. “And we are here today...” The smoke was rising quickly. “To rock!” The fog obscured my vision. “Your!” The band moved into position. “World!

The ponies went silent as the music started. Worry started to show on their snouts and the smoke kept us hidden, revealing only our silhouettes and eyes. Sparks flew around us. I stepped forward as the song shifted and “blew fire” from my mouth. Some ponies screamed but remained where they stood.

Soon, we began stomping in time with the music. At the next long trumpet blast, more fire erupted from our mouths and fell into glittering dust over the crowd. The song ended and the smoke turned to fiery images above our heads. I busted out the solo to the next song as a flaming image of the song played out above us.

An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day,
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way
When all at once a mighty herd of red eyed cows he saw
Come rushin' through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw.

Ghostly forms of fire, smoke and brimstone wove back and forth above the ponies and in the flaming images above us.

Their brands were still on fire and their hooves were made of steel
Their horns were black and shiny and their hot breath you could feel
A bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the sky
He saw the riders coming hard... and he heard their mournful cry

The fiery horses and cowboys let loose bloodcurdling whinnies and screeches. The ponies covered their ears.

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Ghost riders in the sky.

Their face is gaunt their eyes were blurred their shirts all soaked
with sweat
They're ridin' hard to catch that herd but they 'aint caught 'em yet
'cause they've got to ride forever in the range up in the sky
On horses snorting fire as they ride hard hear them cry

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Ghost riders in the sky.

The ponies were getting into it and joined us in the chorus.

Yipie i ay Yipie i oh
Ghost riders in the sky.
Ghost riders in the sky.
Ghost riders in the sky.

The final solo busted out from my guitar and the flames shifted to surround the crowd and acted like one of those movie-coasters you see in amusements parks.

“Let’s get this started!” I shouted after the song ended, the fire and smoke disappearing. The crowd roared in response.

The lyrics for the next song poured out in a blaze of blue fire and Vinyl lit up the stage with simple colored mage lights, the rest of the area still dark.

Proud and so glorious standing the four of us
Our swords will shine bright in the sky
When united we come to the land of the sun
With the heart of a dragon we ride

We are flying on wings in winter sky with fire burning deep inside
We are warriors of endless time forever and on
On wings of steel an ancient flight we see the powers that unite
The gods will now send us a sign of battle once more

The effect was immediate and profound as the the ponies began moshing.  Hell, Cadance tossed aside her triangle and began dancing on the stage!  Dat pony got MOVES!

Through the valley we ride full of glory we soar
Where the fights will be raging for now and for more
When united we come and divided they fall
Tonight you will witness it all

Proud and so glorious standing the four of us
Our swords will shine bright in the sky
When united we come to the land of the sun
With the heart of a dragon we ride

I smiled while I sang. This felt good. Vinyl, Lyra and Cadence joined me for “four of us” part of the song.

A land unknown we come so far
We ride the night till morning star
When colours fade to black and white
Your eyes come to sight

With the vision of a great divide
You turn towards the other side
You think you run but you can't hide
The dead can not ride

The ponies were loving every minute of it.

Through the valley we ride full of glory we soar
Where the fights will be raging for now and for more
When united we come and divided they fall
Tonight you will witness it all

Proud and so glorious standing the four of us
Our swords will shine bright in the sky
When united we come to the land of the sun
With the heart of a dragon we ride

Which was good because DAMN this song was fast! It felt like my hands were on fire - and when I looked down, discovered they actually were.

Over high seas and mountains
We fly to the heavens on wings of a dragon tonight

As I saw the other members of the band, they all had burning fingertips, each a different color. Rainbow fire looked pretty cool.

Proud and so glorious standing before of us
Our swords will shine bright in the sky

Visions of dragons and mountains shifted above us, forming out of the flames at our fingertips.

Proud and so glorious standing the four of us
Our swords will shine bright in the sky
When united we come to the land of the sun
With the heart of a dragon

As the last chorus rang out, a small show of fireworks went up from us.

The heart of a dragon
The heart of a dragon we ride

We arrived to our last intro song. Yes, this is still just the introduction.
I'm not insane
That's how it seems though
Spiteful cruel but wise
Beyond his age
My body fails
My soul will rise

No lights accompanied the beginning of the next song.

The end of life's immortalized disease and agony
And I see death through golden eyes
Beyond the door
There's something more
It seems there's just one way

Without warning, shining golden eyes erupted above us and stared at the crowd, roving as though searching for something.

On through the heat
I've felt the touch of evil
I still feel the icy claw in me

For a decent price
I've banned kindness from my heart
The spirit of all truth and beauty
Pawned for my desire

It lost form and spread throughout the crowd in a fog, retaining it’s gold color.

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

The whole area became a rippling field of gold, pillars and mounds rising and falling in time with the music.

And through the hour glass
Everything's grey
Everyone's pale
No colour nor beauty will enlighten my heart
The seat of life's empty and cold
Cadaverous you all seem to me
Stillborn but you're still alive
You're still alive

Truth lies in loneliness
When hope is long gone by
I'll wipe out the bliss of the new age
And welcome you precious night

Swirls of gold and other colors spun throughout the crowd and above it. Humanoid figures battled, fell and rose again.

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

The solo was filled with golden men flying through a golden starry night.

From a distant time
Voices echo in the hall
"Come and join us
Enter life and everything is gone now"

Soon, the golden eyes returned, watching the scene before it and leaving the gold fog where it was.

And through the looking glass
I still fear mortality and its loss in the end
Unlimited power in my hands
The claw of the dragon ascends
"Mourn for his lost soul
He's cursed and condemned"

Each step I take
May it hurt may it ache
Leads me further
Away from the past
But as long as I breathe
Each smile in my bleak face
I'm on my way to find
Back to the peace of mind

At the final segment of the song, gold flames rose slowly up consuming the eyes.

And from the flames
As chance would have it
the soulforged will come into light
And from the flames as chance would have it
The soulforged,
The stainless will rise

I will never change my mind
I will leave it all behind

All the lights disappeared and the room was dark.

The next song started up with burst of red, blue and green light accompanying the first notes before the entire rom turned into a legitimate rave arena. Only thing missing was neon paint and blacklights.  Hell, me, Cadance, Shining, and the CMC began doing zany backflips and spinning our heads, bouncing around like a sextuplet of complete morons, just having fun with the wild beat.

Vinyl stepped to the front with her magic turntables, horn glowing to keep up the magic lights. She wasn’t even breaking a sweat. All the practice was worth it.

 Until the drop, ponies simply flailed wildly Vinyl headbanging along. After that, something new took over.

Every single one got into lines and acted like they were playing the insane Dance Dance Revolution songs one might see in an arcade. But they did it all in time with each other. Quite the sight.  nd just as the final crechendo approached, who else would pop out of nowhere but MOTHERBUCKING PINKIE PIE!

“WHEEE! Let’s Go! She shouted, having appeared from within Vinyl’s mane.  And just as quickly she danced away behind a pole far too thin for her to hide behind nd vanished.  literally, it’s like she vanished, and I could see the  pole from behind!

Eventually the wild flailing took over again and the song ended the way it began, with a couple of strobe flashes and then silence.

The tone shifted dramatically for the next song. Everything had a heavy beat. Now? Anthropology.

Human beings fascinate me, being just the way they are!
Tell me, little pony, can you push a cart or drive a car?
Lyre is my instrument, but humans strum their sweet guitar
It's a mystery, anthropology!

Such a wacky song. Lyra took this time to pull out from...somewhere, a whiteboard and started drawing all over it and pointing everywhere with a baton.

Fingers, toes and tiny noses, brownish hair and tannish skin
Would it be too much to ask to see the world they're living in?
Everybody tells me that it's old and fake mythology
It's a mystery, anthropology!

Also, Jazzy. What did these ponies do? Waltz. THEY FUCKING WALTZED! I mean, really?

Aren't you bored of brushing your coat, styling your mane with your hooves?
I don't mean to butt in or gloat, but ancient history proves...

Humans don't have wings or magic. They don't need it; they don't care!
All they've got's imagination, new inventions everywhere!
Babies, children, teens and elders, all alike have clothes to wear
It's so real to me, anthropology!

Lyra’s arms became a blur as pictures of people, cars, and all manner of human items appeared and were wiped away just as quickly.

Albert Einstein, Cleopatra, William Shakespeare, Elton John,
Michael Phelps, Barack Obama...who's to say that they're all gone?
Maybe humans like us too and dress like us at Comic-Con? ;)
It's so real to me, anthropology!

Yeah, they've had a couple of fights,
Nobody's perfect you see,
Still I say I'm born with the rights
to study whatever I please!

Lyra’s arms were impossible to follow. even the images on the whiteboard were being erased too fast to be seen.

I don't need to horse around now, I can stand on two legs!
I would trade my magic powers for a pair of new legs!
Grab your camera, come on, zoom in!
'Cause your favorite mare's a human,

That is who I'll be!
Anthropology! shh.

At the end, she sank to her back knees and threw her forelegs up.

As Lyra walked back into position, the fog returned with a vengeance. I shifted to as close as I could get to looking like Discord.

Lights roamed over the crowd from above. I did a pretty good Discord laugh if I do say so myself, a light from behind creating my silhouette in the fog.

I'm not a fan of puppeteers but I've a nagging fear
someone else is pulling at the strings
Something terrible is going down through the entire town
wreaking anarchy and all it brings

The lights moved faster and faster and the fog rushed out. A pedestal rose from the ground with me on it, back to my humanling form.

I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
I curse the name, the one behind it all...

Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?

The ponies loved it, despite being about one of their most hated villains. They spent their time jumping up and down, forehooves raised in the air.


I'm fine with changing status quo, but not in letting go
Now the world is being torn apart
A terrible catastrophe played by your symphony,
what a terrifying work of art!

I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all
I curse the name, the one behind it all...

I couldn’t help but belt out as much zany fast fancy footwork as I could manage.  It’s impossible to NOT dance to this song!

Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?

Discord, are we your prey alone,
Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
Discord, we won't take it anymore
So take your tyranny away!

After the first couple of verses, I shifted back to Discord and did circles in the air before laughing.


I disappeared behind a pillar to shift back during the dubstep section.

Discord, I'm howlin' at the moon
And sleepin' in the middle of a summer afternoon
Discord, whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?

Discord, are we your prey alone,
Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
Discord, we won't take it anymore
So take your tyranny away!


I was back out on my pedestal for the final chorus, disguised as Discord, laughing once more as the song ended.

For the next song, Octavia shifted to the front. As she played, Vinyl made little music colored music notes float out of the cello at high speeds. The notes would hit strange targets in the air, formless blobs of light.

As the song progressed, more and more bits came out, strings of light whipping over ponies’ heads, balls of fire launching and dispersing through the crowd harmlessly..

Everything radiated around Octavia as she played, shifting with the song. Ponies would bounce through the musical lights streaming out. Some younger ones would jump and try to catch the light, only to have it float elsewhere.

Towards the end, the dying notes of the song gradually pulled the radiating light to form around Octavia, giving her the appearance of wearing armor made of shifting colors.The lights went dark with the last few notes.

The lights rose again for the next song. Lightning flashed across the sky. Our eyes glowed and then the room lit up and we rocked out.

Throughout, light shone out from around us, changing with each song. Images from the songs in the medley flickered behind us. Lights burst from beneath our feet, briefly showering an individual member in color. Looking out at the ponies rocking along, I hoped all our musical revelations would go this smoothly. Something told me they wouldn’t but one could hope.

From black to yellow, from rainbows to gray, all manner of flickering and sparkle rose around us, bathing us in motes of light. I’m so glad this is my job now, this rules.  Seems cadance and the CMC are having a ball of a time as back-up dancers, scorching the stage with some fancy hoofwork that even I’d have trouble pulling off.

The motes moved and formed semblances of soundwaves fluctuating with the beat. As the song completed, the lights faded to normal  And just as I got to shift into twilight Sparkle to say ‘It’s not over yet’, who should pop back up again but Pinkie Pie to go ‘Well DUH!’

I stepped forward ”Alright! How did you like that?”


“Good! We have one more song for you this evening but we;’d like any and all musicians here in Trottingham to join us! Rock with us! Don’t be shy!”

Ponies stormed on stage, pulling instruments from wherever it is they stuck such things. Once there were no more ponies coming on stage, with none other than the mayor joining Shining Armor at the drums, I spoke again “Let’s get this party started!

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!

Lights dimmed and I started headbanging with the pony musicians.

The saints are crippled
On this sinners' night
Lost are the lambs with no guiding light

The walls come down like thunder
The rock's about to roll
It's the arockalypse
Now bare your soul

I pointed at the crowd

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of FALSE
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Rock 'n Roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n Roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Lights flashed with each hard strum of my guitar. It seemed so much louder than normal. I really did like this song after all.

The true believers
Thou shall be saved
Brothers and sisters, keep strong in the faith

On the day of Rockoning
It's who dares, wins
You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings

A jester’s hat of light on my head morphed into a crown.

All we need is lightning
With power and might
Striking down the prophets of FALSE
As the moon is rising
Give us the sign
Now let us rise up in awe

Lightning bolts passed around with no sound.

Rock 'n Roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell

Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Hallelujah!
Hard Rock Yeah!

Rock 'n Roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
Demons and angels all in one have arrived
Rock 'n Roll angels bring thyn Hard Rock Hallelujah
In God's creation supernatural high

Hard Rock Hallelujah!

With that we all held our hooves in the air, punctuating the night.

The crowd erupted. I swear I saw non-pegasi flying all over the room. we got mauled and crowd surfed, at first on the pony musicians and then by the crowd. They carried us into the fading sun as the whole band laughed and whooped with the ponies. Octavia wasn’t entirely thrilled but took it with a smile regardless. Cadence and Shining were definitely enjoying themselves, while Vinyl looked right at home. Probably done it a lot before after all. A great concert all in all.

The mayor, who kicked serious flank on the drums, sent a message ahead of us to Dredgemane saying and I quote “Mayor Gem! You have an amazing band coming your way! They just played their first concert here in Trottingham and I have never had so much fun. I even got to join in on their last song! If you can, find somewhere for this amazing group to stay. You won’t regret it!”

That only left one issue… The CMC.

“Look girls, now that we’re done at Trottingham, you have to go home. You sisters and Zeta will be incredibly worried!” I said, not bothering to mention that Zeta would most likely maul me.

“But that was so awesome!” Oh Scootaloo.” Why can’t we stay? We helped, right?”

“That’s not it, we just can’t have you out here with us! We could get in real danger and might not be able to protect you!” Octavia spoke up.

“But, Ah wanna stay and hang out with you guys! Maybe we can get our cutie marks being stage helpers or somethin’!”

“Girls, we can’t…” Shining began.

“Pleeeeease??” Oh, not the puppy eyes. Anything but that.

The rest of us sighed. Alright” I said “But only if you send a letter back saying you’re okay.”

“YAY!  CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS STAGE CREW!” How do they get that loud?

The girls each wrote a letter to their guardian and Shining sent it to Celestia with a note to get them to Spike.

We spent one more night in Trottingham, this time on the town, and left in the morning.

We can do this. We WILL do this. To Dredgemane!