Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 12: The Celebration

Chapter 12: The Celebration

The heat was oppressive, and his limbs felt like lead. It was a familiar dream, one he's had countless times. The distant screams were all too familiar to him by now, as were the heavy footsteps that approached.

“You're a fool, mortal,” came the evil, booming voice. “Do you truly believe you can escape from me?”

The massive silhouette of the demon could be seen through the smoke as he approached, dragging something behind him. The monster stepped from the smoke with a wicked grin. His eight foot tall form towered over any human. His large tattered wings splayed menacingly from his back just made him look even bigger. The worst was his eyes... the eyes they shared.

“You can run all you want, but I will find you, and when I do,” He raised his arm, his clawed hand wrapped tightly around Twilight's neck, “History will repeat.”

His face was one of pure glee as Twilight was engulfed in hellfire. Her screams filled the air, soon joined by his own.

“-night! Midnight wake up!”

Midnight opened his eyes to see Twilight's concerned eyes staring into his own. He sighed in relief as he saw he was still in the library, in the guest bedroom where he crashed after a date of magical experimentation with his fillyfriend went longer than anticipated. The former human smiled at Twilight. He still couldn't believe the last six months were even real. Spending time with her everyday, at least a little. It was like a dream, but a part of him was terrified. He was afraid it would end like his last love. He hadn't needed his medicine to keep nightmares away for close to two months and he really didn't want to need them again.

“I'm fine... just a dream,” he assured her.

“I heard you from all the way in my room. Do you want your medicine?”

“No, I'm just going to get up. It's about eight, anyway,” Midnight threw the covers off himself and rolled to the floor.

“I guess I can start on breakfast, if Spike's still asleep,” Twilight said.

The two cantered out of the room, Twilight heading to the kitchen, Midnight to wake up the resident fire breather. Midnight walked upstairs to Twilight's room.

Midnight banged on the door, “Wake up, Scale Tail!”

“I'm up, Monkey Brain!” came the dragon's sleepy reply.

“Twi's making pancakes. You want sapphires or emeralds?”

“Emeralds,” Spike answered, “I wish she'd learn to make something else.”

“Me too, kiddo,” Midnight laughed.

“Then why don't you drag your plot down here and make your own breakfast,” Twilight said, her glare rendered ineffective by the smile she wore. She knew they loved her pancakes. Even if it was the only breakfast food she knew how to make, she made them great.

“Twi, you know that knowing how to make one dish is still one more than I can make,” Midnight said with his winningest smile.

“Then quit your bellyaching and come eat.”

The two males hurried down stairs and took their places at the table. Twilight served their food, Midnight's coming with a quick kiss, and everypony dug in. Midnight let out a small moan at the taste of the fluffy disks of heaven.

Twilight giggled, “Well, I'm glad you like them.”

“Even if there wasn't the hundred other reasons, these pancakes are enough to make me fall for you,” Midnight praised.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “I see some of Rarity's melodrama rubbed off on you. Would you like some help with your orders today?”

Midnight shook his head, “It's only one, but you can if you want to. I can teach you how to put them together. Maybe if I get more popular, I'll hire you to be my assistant.”

“Wait...” Spike scratched his chin thoughtfully, “Wouldn't that make me an assistant's assistant? Talk about a demotion.”

The three shared in a hearty laugh.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight walked, side by side, with Twilight, leaning on one another. Spike left for Carousel Boutique after Midnight returned from finishing his order, and he and Twilight decided to 'get all mushy'. He told them he'd meet them at AJ's for the party, which happened to be the couple's destination. It was a party Pinkie threw every year to celebrate the summer solstice, the Summer Sun Celebration. It was also the day Twilight and her friends became the Bearers of Harmony and cleansed the Nightmare from Princess Luna.

“You've been quiet an awful lot,” Twilight mused.

Midnight smiled, “I've just been thinking about how you would look in a bikini.”

Twilight giggled, “You are so weird.”

“I am an alien, you know,” Midnight smirked.

“No,” Twilight gave him a peck on the cheek, “You're my alien.”

“Daww,” came Fluttershy's voice from behind them, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to overhear, but it was just so sweet.”

Twilight giggled again, “It's okay, Fluttershy. Are you going to the party?”

“Oh, um, yes... Rainbow Dash convinced me to go, but I'm kind of nervous.”

Midnight chuckled, “I'll never understand you, Fluttershy. I can see strength in you, but you hide it away and act weak. Why?”

“I-I-I don't k-know what you're t-t-talking about!” she stammered, “I-I'm not strong at all!”

“Really?” Midnight raised an eyebrow, “Then how can you live next to the Everfree forest? How is is that wolves, and bears, and other predators view you as an alpha?”

Twilight furrowed her brow in confusion, “I never thought about that. Why is that, Fluttershy?”

“Oh my, look at the time, I should hurry!” Fluttershy whisper-yelled – something only she could really pull off – and took off down the road.

Twilight looked at Midnight questioningly, “Do you really think she's that strong?”

Midnight shot her a smirk, “Let's just say, I'd hate to see what would happen if she's ever pushed over the edge. I think that's why she seems so scared all the time and never stands up for herself. She's afraid that if she offends somepony, they might try to attack her and she might end up hurting them.”

Twilight turned her curious gaze to the retreating yellow form. The thing that scared her was that it made sense. She had seen Fluttershy take a stand, and truth be told, it was an intense thing. What did those that found themselves on the receiving end of The Stare see? Twilight shuddered at the thought of what could make a full grown dragon cry.

“Woah,” Midnight brought Twilight out of her musings. She didn't even realize they had arrived. “Look at this? The Apples don't mind this many ponies partying on their lawn?”

“You kidin'?” said the familiar orange apple farmer as she walked up to escort them the rest of the way, “We love the company. Granny can't get to town as much as she wants, so this gives her chance to talk to ponies she ain't seen for a spell.”

“And how is Granny?” Midnight asked, “Last time I was here she wasn't doing too well.”

“She's better. Even has that pie she promised you waitin'.”

Midnight's eyes widened, “Gotta go!” He gave Twilight a peck on the cheek and ran off, his seal augmenting his speed.

“That boy loves Granny's pies, you know that Twili... Twi?” Applejack found herself alone. Her purple friend hauling flank toward the farmhouse.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight and Twilight sat with content smiles plastered on their faces, an empty pie tin in front of them. A loud burp pierced the air.

“Nice one, Twi,” Midnight chuckled as Twilight blushed from embarrassment.

“Excuse me,” she said sheepishly.

“It's alright,” Midnight chuckled, “In some countries, burping is a compliment. It tells your host that the meal was satisfying.”

“Well then, Ah reckon you're welcome,” said a kind, weathered voice.

“Granny,” Midnight gave a nod, “Good to see you're feeling better. I was afraid you'd still be bed ridden.”

“What, an' miss the excitement? Not on yer life, sonny,” Granny laughed joyously, “You'd haf'ta strap me to the bed.”

“Well, that sounds rather exciting in itself,” Midnight said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Granny laughed even harder, “You couldn't handle all this mare, young'un.”

Midnight and Twilight joined her laugh.

“That's an image Ah ain't never wanted,” Applejack trotted up with a smirk, “You flirtin' with mah granny again, Midnight?”

“He can't help it, AJ. Ah'm irresistible,” Granny Smith put a fore-hoof on her hip and the other on the back of her head in a 'sexy pose'. Another round of laughter roared out from the group.

“Hey Midnight, you mind if Ah borrow Twilight for a bit?” Applejack asked.

“Sure, go ahead. Have fun Twilight,” Midnight gave his fillyfriend one more quick kiss as the farmer dragged her away.

As they rounded a corner, another took a seat across from Midnight.

“What a party, huh?” said the large white unicorn stallion with a blue mane.

“Yeah, it's great,” Midnight agreed, “I don't think I've seen you around. I'm Midnight Star.” Midnight held out a hoof.

“I'm Captain,” said the unicorn, “I'm just visiting family. Nice town, this place. The ponies here are friendly, if sometimes a bit eccentric.”

“Ha! Tell me about it. Have you met Pinkie Pie yet?”

“Yes I have, about a year ago actually,” Captain answered.

“Not your first time visiting, huh?” Midnight took a swig of his apple cider.

“Nope, been here a few times,” Captain looked back behind him, “So, that unicorn you were with, fillyfriend or wife?”

“Fillyfriend, but who knows, that might change some day.”

“So you two are serious, are you?”

Midnight smiled, “Yeah, she's great. She's smart, funny, fun, beautiful, and she's done so much for me.”

“Oh? How so?” asked his new acquaintance.

Midnight stared at the empty pie tin, “I was married once, but my wife... she passed away, and Twilight’s helped me move on.”

The stallion looked at Midnight with a appraising gaze. Midnight was about to say something when the unicorn waved a hoof, beckoning someone. Twilight came stomping over glaring at the white stallion.

“I can't believe you made my friends get me out of the way, just so you can interrogate my coltfriend!” seethed the lavender mare.

Captain laughed, “I wasn't interrogating him, just chatting. I just wanted to make sure his feelings were genuine.”

“Uh... What's going on?” Midnight spoke up, tired of being in the dark.

“Midnight, this is Shining Armor, my brother,” Twilight introduced.

“You said your name was 'Captain',” Midnight raised an eyebrow.

“It is... to my soldiers; Captain Shining Armor,” a sly smirk found its way the his face, “And you, my good stallion, passed with flying colors. My sister's rather important, always has been. There have been plenty of stallions that have tried courting her simply because of her status, and I refuse to let one of those near my little sis. I hope you understand.”

Midnight nodded, “You wanted to talk to me as 'just another stallion' not Twilight's brother. That way you could get a feel for the kind of pony I am.”

“Exactly,” Shining nodded, “You're a sharp one, Midnight Star. I like you, and you have my blessing, and by extension, our father's, to court Twilight.”

Twilight's mood lifted hearing that her family approved of her choice and threw her hooves around his neck, “Thank you, Shiny!”

“Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of an assignment, and this is just my escort's rest stop. I'm heading down south to help settle a trade dispute between two of Equestria's allies. Sorry I can't stay, but I'll try to stop by on the way back, hopefully take leave.”

“So you already have to leave?” Twilight said dejectedly, “You better visit again soon. Just tell the Princess that if you don't get leave, I might think you've abandoned me.”

Shining's eyes widened with a touch of fear, “That'll do it. Sorry, I gotta go. Bye Twilie. Nice meeting you Midnight.”

“Hold your horses,” Applejack carried over a plate laden with food, “You ain't leavin' without some proper food. I tasted one of those cardboard meals y'all eat. Ain't no way to live if you ask me.”

“Thanks, Applejack. Catch you later,” Shining gave one last farewell and headed back toward town.

“Well...” Midnight pondered as he watched Twilight's brother walk away, “That was overly sudden and brief... but I got your family's approval.”

“That you did,” Twilight smiled. She looked over at Midnight and gave him a once over before turning to her fruit growing friend, “Applejack, can I talk to you for just a moment.”

“Sure thing, sugarcube.”

Midnight watched in curiosity as the two mares went a little ways away. Twilight looked around, blushing slightly, before leaning to Applejack's ear, hiding her words with a hoof. Applejack's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the unicorn then to Midnight. A grin spread across her face.

“Why, sure, Twilight,” Applejack said happily as she took off her hat and removed a key hidden inside, “Lock up when you're done.”

Twilight took the key and walked back to Midnight, “Come on.”

Twilight lead him away from the party toward the big red barn. She levitated the key to the padlock keeping the doors shut tight.

“What's going on?” Midnight asked as she opened the door, though he had a pretty good idea by this time.

“Come on,” Twilight gently pulled him in.

The door shut behind them and briefly glowed with a lavender light as Twilight's wards surrounded the building. Midnight felt the telltale tingle of Twilight's magic cover the barn. He was pretty sure he knew what his fillyfriend had in mind, but was unwilling to jump to conclusions. The look Twilight gave him - half-lidded eyes, biting her lip - left little doubt. She closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his. She didn't hold it long before separating and looking into Midnight's eyes.

“I... I was going to wait until after the party, when we got home, but,” Twilight began, but paused, thinking of how to word her thoughts, “Midnight... I want you. I would understand if you're not ready, but if you are...”

Midnight had to look away, “You know, I've asked myself what I would do. I'm sure you know what this would mean. Not only would it sever the last ties I have to Sarah, but too my humanity.”

Twilight pulled his face back up, his scarlet eyes meeting her violet ones, “I know. It's okay if you don't want to.”

Midnight gave mimicked her earlier action, pulling Twilight into a passionate kiss, before returning to gazing into her eyes, “And the answer is, yes, I do want this. It's time I let David Corbin go, so Midnight Star can live a full, happy life.”

Twilight's smile could have given Pinkie's best a run for its money. She wrapped her hooves around the back of Midnight's neck and, once again, kissed him, this time her tongue came into play. The lavender mare, stepped into Midnight, pushing him back further into the barn.

Eventually, Twilight broke the kiss and stepped to his side, flicking him in the face with her tail as she went. Her horn lit up as she fluffed up a particular pile of hay. When it was just right, she laid down in the middle, giving her best bedroom eyes to Midnight.

The blue stallion nervously joined her, his heart racing, “Um... I should probably say, I... have no idea what to do. I've never done it as a pony.”

Twilight giggled, “That's okay, Midnight. I've only done it once, and that was, well, for science – shut up – but I’m sure I remember how it's done.”

“Well then, my love,” Midnight gave her another peck on the lips, “I'll just follow your lead.”

Twilight smiled and pulled her stallion on top of her, as she laid on her back, plunging her tongue into his mouth. Midnight broke away, only to trail light kisses and nips down her neck and body, making her moan in delight. His seal lit up as the ethereal digits of his ghost-hand extended from his hoof.

“I guess foreplay shouldn't be too different,” Midnight commented as he lightly glided his fingers along Twilight's inner thigh.

Twilight shuddered at the touch, affirming his theory. He traced circles around her awaiting tunnel, before brushing her lower lips. Twilight moaned quietly as his magical digits stimulated her mound. Without warning, the blue stallion plunged two mage-form fingers in, causing his fillyfriend to gasp.

Midnight began pumping his hoof, sliding his fingers in and out. Twilight threw her head back in a loud moan as she began to lose herself in the ecstasy. Her hips began rocking instinctively as the glowing appendages drove her crazy.

She couldn't take it anymore. Twilight tackled her coltfriend to the ground and straddled him. The lust driven mare pressed her lips to his, as her vulva ground into his solid shaft, coating it in her slippery secretions.

Twilight broke the kiss to stare into his eyes, as she took his phallus in her magic and carefully aligned herself. They kept their eyes locked onto each other, as Twilight slowly lowered herself. The feeling of Midnight's meat spreading her walls nearly sent her over the edge, but she held on.

After a moment to catch her breath and calm down a little, Twilight placed her hooves on Midnight's stomach and slowly raised her hips. His cock slid out, leaving only the head before dropping back down, a little faster than before. Again, she slid herself up, this time Midnight grabbed her hips, thrusting up as she dropped down. The satisfying, furry slap nearly drowned out the moans of the lovers as Twilight found a rhythm, and they soon lost themselves in the pleasure of each other’s bodies. Twilight's pace, though, began to slow as sweat soaked her fur and mane. Midnight could tell she was exhausted.

“Do you want to switch?” he asked.

Twilight just nodded as she slid off him. She turned away and presented herself, flagging her tail to give Midnight a clear path. The earth pony stallion got to his hooves and mounted his mare, thrusting his pole back into the wet cavern of love. From his new position, he began ramming himself into her. He could feel himself growing closer, but refused to finish first. His mouth found Twilight's ear as he began nibbling on the auditory device.

“Ah! I-I'm close!” Twilight called out, “Cum inside me. I'm safe.”

Not one to refuse his lady, he began plowing into her like an animal. Twilight moaned loudly as a sudden spray of juices slathered Midnight's crotch. The contracting walls broke what little resistance Midnight had, and with last thrust, he buried himself as deep as he could. Twilight felt a hot sensation filling her, intensifying her own climax.

After what felt like hours, their orgasms subsided and Twilight collapsed. The wet popping sound of her lover leaving her body was a pleasure of its own. Despite the exhaustion, Midnight managed to ease himself to Twilight's side. The lavender unicorn rolled over to face the one who had just pleased her so thoroughly.

They stared into each other’s eyes for several minutes before Twilight spoke up, “Are you sure you never did this as a pony?”

Midnight had to laugh, “As tempting as Rainbow's offer was, this was the first. Of course, it wasn't as different as I thought it would be.”

“Oh?” Twilight giggled, “I might have to find a spell to turn us human, so I can experiment with that.”

“Okay, as long as you give yourself big tits.”

Twilight laughed, “Oh? Well, my 'tits' are flat, so I guess you didn't enjoy this?”

Midnight grinned as he rolled on top of her, “Well, I don't know. Maybe we should double check.”

Twilight was about to respond but was cut off as Midnight reentered her with renewed vigor. He wasted no time. Last time was romantic, this time was animalistic. He was ravaging her and she loved it. His forceful thrusts quickly brought them to orgasm. She pulled him tight to her body as he filled her for the second time.

Midnight gazed into her eyes, “You know... I like your body how it is.”

Twilight smiled. She looked forward to more nights like this.