New Inhabitants

by Sneaks

Chapter 4: The Gala Incident

Chapter 4: The Gala Incident

After fixing up the house alongside the others and giving each of his friends their respective clothing for the Gala, Chase stepped out of the house again to ponder over some things that is bothering him. As fate decides, this is the time an obvious coming of an obvious clue comes and he sees The Doctor and Ditzy doing something urgent across the way.

“Chase, are you alright? You seem to be....bothered,” Miles questioned as he stepped out as well.
“Well, you never fail to notice the obvious. Just like I don’t. Something was going on with Rarity, she seemed to forget everything about what she was doing when I arrived,” Chase explains to Miles which makes him start pondering as well.

“Do you think something is going to happen at The Gala?” Miles asked worringly.

“Yep, and as The Doctor says, allon-sy!” Chase said smirking even though understanding a probable threat. The four friends, after finally getting ready and getting Bridget back on her game, proceeded to Canterlot by hopping onto a train from Ponyville.

“Alright, one thing I’m going to say and one thing alone. Nobody, and I repeat NO-BODY is to wonder off tonight. Understood?” Chase asked seriously and everyone there nodded.

“Good, now then we’ll be arriving in ten minutes and there’s some cider here, anyone up for another roun-” Chase gets hit hard by Sarah and Bridget making him wince in pain a bit every few seconds.

“Geez, just like on Earth you cannot take a joke very well, besides the cider was good. It was only the hard cider,” Chase says matter-of-factly as the train arrives in Canterlot. Everypony in the train steps out, and as fate decides it the group gets separated. As fate also dictates, the two of both groups that work well together separate, leaving Chase with Sarah and Miles with Bridget.

“Perfect, absolutely wonderful. This is not going to end well,” Chase says groaning.

“Why did you want us to stay together anyway? Is there something that happened?” Sarah questions him.

“Just that Rarity forgot everything she knows about dress-making and stuff while acting strange. Then of course seeing The Doctor and Ditzy urgently doing stuff strangely around the base location,” Chase says sarcastically.

“ think we’re bucked unless we get grouped together again?” Sarah asks.

“Percisely,” Chase says. The duo starts to go, attempting to find their friends, unknown to them they’re being watched.


The other two happen to have ended up in the Canterlot Gardens and are now pondering where to try to search.

“So Miles....what was Chase meaning by that we should all stay together? What for?” Bridget asked very concerned.

“Well......Chase could explain this better but something happened involving Rarity while he was there. Something is happening and he believes it is going to happen here whatever is being planned,” Miles explains to the best of his ability while Bridget becomes wide-eyed.

“W-what should we do then? If we could just figure out where they would be.......heck even if we could find Derpy, and don’t look at me like that, if we could find her or the “Doctor” then we could probably link a finding to them. More than likely they would be finding them as well,” Bridget says. Miles agrees and they decide to search the concert hall. Bridget feels like somepony is watching them but she can’t find who it is. The second duo continues to the concert hall, searching for any signs of their friends or Doctor/Derpy. Instead of finding them there, they encounter Colgate.

“Hello, yes you two, are you perhaps Miles and Bridget?” Colgate asks.

“Yes we are,” Miles said to her. Colgate sighed in relief, as if she was searching for them for a while.

“Well, as you know my name’s Colgate. Known by minuette in a few cases. I have been sent to find you two, and to tell you simply to go to the main throne room,” Colgate says. Miles and Bridget were confused and started to ask something but she stops them.

“Nothing more, got to run. Remember, main throne room,” Colgate finishes and leaves, post-haste. They decide it’s their best option and go to the throne room, upon arriving they encounter Doctor/Derpy as well as the princesses. They see Sarah and Miles galloping in soon after, having a similar encounter with Colgate.

“Doctor, these are the four was-humans you were telling about?” Celestia asked The Doctor.

“Yes, I would much like this room to remain locked and guarded throughout this conversation further. It’s to make sure nothing.....comes in,” The Doctor says and the princess of the sun orders her guards to lock this area down and guard it.

“Hello, and welcome to Canterlot young ponies.” Celestia welcomed.”What may your names be?” Chase was the one to pipe up.”I am Chase, the pegasus next to me is Sarah, the midnight night blue unicorn is Bridget, and the green earth pony is Miles.”

Sarah was discreetly looking around for Luna. Evening was approaching, her arrival was sure to come. Luna suddenly burst in the doors, “SISTER WE ARE TROUBLED BY NEW APPEARANCES IN EQUESTRIA!” Luna bellowed. Sarah’s eye twitched, “L-Luna...guysitsLunaholycrapwhatdoIdoHALP!”

“Here is what you should do, shut up and focus on the forces trying to bloody kill us,” Chase responded.

Sarah narrowed her eyes, “I. Can’t. Do. That. Chase. ItsfreakingPrincessLuna!”

“Yes, yes it is,” Chase coughs “Octavia is best pony,” he coughs again.

“Just shut up and focus on the forces trying to bloody kill us.” Sarah said in a mocking tone.

“...excuse me all of you, but if we can focus on the situation,” The Doctor said.

“Shiza. Didn’t know he was listening...” Sarah replied to her friends.

“They are standing RIGHT THERE!” Chase pointed to the ponies about 4 hoofsteps away.

“I was whispering!” Sarah whisper/yelled, “Oh wait, they aren’t half deaf like I am”

The Doctor finally gets us silenced so that he may speak, “Now then, what I have been able to come up with is that the universe is catching up with the fact you were never actually born in this universe or ever had any prior relevance to this land thus you should be removed from it to stop a paradox from forming. The way to stop it is to lea-”

“Kiss my plot! We’re fricking bronies! If we bug Hasbro enough they make things canon!” Sarah spat, dragon optics blazing.

“ Sarah! Why the bloody hell would you freaking say that?!” Chase said facehoofing.

“I did always wonder about this place, the equine anatomy was entirely off,” The Doctor said.

“What are you guys even talking about!” Bridget said throwing her hoofs in the air.

“That’s a separate discussion for another time I believe,” Celestia said having not said anything and growing a tad annoyed.

“Sister, we want to know what they’re-” Luna said before The Doctor interrupted her.

“-I’ve been through Daleks, Cyberponies, and weeping pegasi. I honestly believe you all are more difficult than all of those forces combined together trapped inside the Pandorica!” The Doctor said angrily.

Celestia huffed, “I am not one to lose my patience, but may we please return to
the more important topic here.” Luna nodded in stern agreement.

“I am not sure what is going on here sarah. Please help me out with what the heck is going out here!” Bridget whispered to sarah, spacing in and out.

“Jus’ shut up and listen,” Sarah said irritably.

“Ok, but it is not very nice to say shut up!” Bridget said with a pout.

“OH MY FL- just listen,” Sarah said, shooting her best friend a dragon-eyed death glare.

“W-Weh!” Bridget said sticking her tongue out at Sarah. Bridget turned to hear what the princesses were saying.

“Alright, Doctor and “homosapiens”, please tell what this has to do with my kingdom and this land before I personally get the guards to throw you out of here,” Celestia said firmly while Luna shifts a tad uncomfortably beside her.

“Well then I shall explain swiftly then, even though my dear Luna wouldn’t exactly allow you to simply throw us out before I explained,” The Doctor starts, making Celestia question what he means.

“Luna, do you know more then you’re portraying to?” Celestia inquired, normally not blaming her sister, but her mood had been soured by insane, bickering children.

“Well, what we will say on the matter is simply that he is inquiring that if a paradox is created the entirety of space and time will collapse. To put it in your terms dear sister of mine, we would all die and Equestria nor anywhere else will have ever existed,” Luna said, stealing The Doctor’s time to explain stuff.

Celestia tensed up, “How in the name of Discord will we stop this?!” she asked, eyes wide.

Sarah raised her hoof, “I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW THAT AS WELL!” she said, stealing Luna’s Royal Canterlot voice.

“Well.....if you remember the portal closed the moment we all came through it. I assume that the portal was actually a rift and us going through it made the rift close itself. If we can get it open tempor-” Miles started to say before The Doctor cut him off.

“If we open a rift again it will cause a lot more problems than solutions.....however you are partially correct. There was a rift I picked up a while back that closed right after it opened, I didn’t however suspect that you 4 were the cause of it though. To get you back there, we don’t need to open the rift at all. What we need to do is make a small one ourselves,” The Doctor says with only him, Chase, and Miles actually understanding the logic.

“But you just said opening a rift would cause more problems...” Sarah said, confuzzled.

“I get it, opening the rift that lead us through was a natural one thus reopening it would lead to the problem. If we constructed our own nothing could slide through unless we made it slide through,” Chase said to try to make them understand.

Sarah was still failing to comprehend all of this, and was getting flustered. Her draconic optics practically glowed with anger, “Screw your time-wimey, allon-sy crap and just get us home before we all get blown into oblivion!”

The Doctor narrowed his eyes at Sarah, “Fine then, let us begin...”