The Effects Of Affection


The Effects Of Affection (Chapter 1)

The pictures on the wall began to shake violently, eventually falling leaves, and shards of glass were sprinkled across the floor. The rumble was loud as thunder and the sound resembled that of a stampede .There was also cheering , fully accompanied by streamers, sparklers, confetti, balloons, flowers, and tears of joy.





“Daily Schedule?”

“Weekly Schedule?”

“Monthly Schedule?”




“CHECK” ! Spike shouted in frustration.

“Everything is going to be fine Twilight, we’ve been over this like a million times already”.

It was not too long ago that Twilight Sparkle was coroneted as Princess of Magic. Because of this Twilight was going away on an Equestrian Royal Tour and was to be indisposed for 30 days. Spike was her faithful assistant and not to mention a dragon, well technically a baby dragon. Spike’s stature and maturity was relative to a grade school student , but his intelligence was probably relative to that of a prepubescent teen.
Spike had purple scales covering most of his body, with a few green scales on his belly and tall sharp green spikes that trailed from his head to his tail. Twilight was very particular about leaving a strict and very detailed schedule full of events and tasks to keep spike busy and out of trouble.

“Okay Spike , I trust you.” -

Said Twilight as she exhaled a breath of relief.

“There’s plenty food in the fridge, and I left you an allowance, as well as an emergency fund THAT IS ONLY TO BE USED FOR AM E-MER-GEN-CYS ! Got it ?” Said Twilight in a very stern voice. He stern demeanor was soon replaced with a bitter sweet smile.

“I am going to miss you Spike”.

Tears begin to fall as Twilight begins to say her farewell’s to the friends that she loves so dearly. Twilight lifts her right hoof and whips away her tears and begins to laving as the royal carriage ascend to the sky.
This was not the first time that Twilight has been away and left Spike in charge, it was however the first time she would be away from him for so long. Of all of Twilight’s friends Spike was her closest. Twilight had received Spike as her companion years prior when she became a personal pupil of Princess Celestia. They’d never imagine that they would have to go so long with out seeing each other; The thought of this was also enough to make Spike a little sad as well. His sad expression was soon lifted when his eyes glanced upon the jewel of of Ponyville , Rarity.

Rarity was a Unicorn about Twilight’s age. She had a beautiful white coat that was as pure as powdered snow. On her flank rested 3 diamonds, this was her cutie mark. A cutie mark was a physical mark that a pony acquires typically as a youth, when they discover their special talent, and it also represents who they are. Her violet mane was elegantly styled and always shined magnificently. She was perfectly polished, poised, and proud. An Elegant egotist, with a heart of gold. Her genuinely generous nature, complimented by her sweet soft and charming voice captivated all those fortunate enough to make her acquaintance.
Rarity was a beautiful diamond without blemishes, a precious gem that allured brightly leaving behind the essence of true grace. At least that’s how Spike would have described her, but he simply considers her a “Total Knock-out”.
Spike has had a crush on Rarity ever since he first laid eyes on her, so you could only imagine his delight when her soft , sweet, and charming voice said

“ It’s okay Spikey-Wikey”.

Spikes heart began to race as he felt Rarity’s freshly pedicured hoofs stroke his head from front to back. Spike was in heaven, blushing radiantly with a smile from ear to ear. He began to gaze into Rarity’s big sapphire colored eyes as she said.

“If you ever need anything while Twilight is away, you only need to speak up and we’ll be there for you, okay Spikey-Wikey?”

“Okay...I mean you don’t have to do all that”

“Think nothing of it darling.” Rarity replied swiftly.

“It is just what good friends do”.

“Yeah, GOOD friends” Spike quietly mumbled to himself.

The crowd began to disperse leaving behind a seemingly discontent – love-struck dragon.
Rarity had never seen Spike as a love interest, and all his affections no matter how charming, cute, honest and faithful remain unrequited. Focused on acquiring any appeal possible with Rarity, Spike was determined to take care of his responsibilities and prove he was not just a “Good Friend” that needed looking after.
The following morning a loud rumbling inside him awoken Spike. His belly growled and growled as if trying to warn him . Spike soon felt pressure building inside him , he took a deep breath before belching out a loud burp accompanied by green flames that magically transported a letter.
The letter was from Twilight it read,

“Dear Spike,

I hope this letter finds you well. Tomorrow is the first day of the Equestrian Royal Tour. I am so excited , and nervous . Our first stop is Manehattan , where I am going to lecture at Manehattan University. I still cant believe it , I am a Princess, I still don’t think Its sunken in completely. This is so surreal, I almost didn’t get a wink of sleep last night. All I could think about was you guys; my wonderful friends back in Ponyville, so I decided to write everyone a letter. Spike I want you to go around Ponyville and deliver each letter to its corresponding recipient, and don’t forget to send back the reply’s.

Twilight Sparkle.”

In a chain of fiery burps, Spike soon had acquired 5 more letters for a total of 6. Twilight was anything but unprepared, leaving specific times in Spike’s Itinerary to deliver each letter to the designated pony. Spike’s Itinerary was full of tasks and his day had already been pre-determined days in advance. With Twilight being out of town and no one to motivate Spike to get started, he slept in, intent on spending the day procrastinating. This was not something Twilight failed to provide a contingency for however. It was about an hour till lunch time when suddenly Spike felt a sharp shock on his tail. Spike jumped up quickly and landed on the ceiling. With his claws deeply imbedded in the wooden beam , Spike looked out the window only to see a Rainbow colored streak with the faint sound of somepony laughing hysterically near by.

“Hahahahahaha OH, My God , Spike . You should have seen your face !”

“Very funny Rainbow Dash”

With both forelegs banging on the cloud her laughter continued… “Hahahahaha”
Rainbow Dash was a Pegasus who was as blue as the morning sky ; she had a rainbow colored mane and a cutie mark of a cloud with a rainbow colored lighting bolt.
“Whats the big deal?” yelled Spike in an unpleasantly grumpy tone.
Rainbow Dash informed him that It was Twilight who left her instructions to wake Spike up should he get too lazy.

“Lazy?” Spike shouted appallingly.

“You’re one to talk Rainbow Dash, as much as you like to take naps….”
A defensive Rainbow Dash abruptly interrupted spike, saying.

“Woah woah woah! True enough I love naps, but Ill have you know Im usually up before sunrise busting clouds. So by the time you finally get your day started, I’ve already completed a full day’s worth of work. So if you see me napping It’s safe to say, I earned it “!

“Whatever” Spike retorted, rolling his green eyes full of bags.
Rainbow Dash flew over and helped Spike down from the ceiling, she shoulder bumped spike playfully with a grin saying.

“ Nothing personal Spike, besides it could have been worse “

“How so?” asked Spike.

“You’re lucky it wasn’t Pinkie Pie.”

They both laughed a few more moments before Rainbow Dash stood back up , flapped out her wings and prepped for take off. Before she could go Spike made sure to give her the letter Twilight left for her. Rainbow Dash took off in the blink of an eye leaving behind wind and a rainbow colored trail.

Spike began his day by skipping breakfast and going strait to lunch. Shortly after, Spike proceeded with his duties to the library ; this included cleaning, organizing , stocking, and exchanging books. Time flew and It wasn’t long before it was 3 pm . Spike took a look at his schedule and saw that it was time to pick up a few supplies as well as deliver the remainder of the letters.
His first delivery was to Sugar Cube Corner, a local bakery that housed some of the best confectionary deserts in all of Equestria. This was also the home of Pinkie Pie, the most fun-loving, energetic, random, excited, happiest, friendliest, pony in all of Ponyville. Pinkie, as her name would imply was a pink earth-pony with a bubblegum colored mane and blue eyes . Her cutie mark was made of 3 balloons, which perfectly represent her love of bringing joy to others . She was hard at work assisting the owners Mr. and Mrs. Cake with the shop, but still found time to greet spike with an eccentric ball of words. Contained in them was a greeting, thank you, and her joyous reaction to receiving a letter from Twilight.
Pinkie Pie gave spike a hug, a squeeze and a cup cake on his way out and he left towards his next destination.
Spike’s next stop was at the end of a dirt road about half a mile long. At the end of this dirt road you will find a large red barn. Surrounding this road on all sides, for as far as the eye can see, you will find the most delicious apples Equestria has to offer. There was a wooden sign displaying the name of the estate, simply known as “Sweet Apple Achers”. This orchard was vast and beautiful and completely owned and operated by The Apple family. The eldest daughter of the Apple family was Applejack, who was often found not far from the orchard and today was no exception. Spike looked around and noticed Apple Jack, also known as AJ only a few yards away. AJ was an orange colored earth-pony with a long hay colored mane usually covered by her signature brown hat. Her cutie park consisted of 3 apples and she like the others was about the same age as Twilight .

“HEY APPLE JACK!!!” Spike yelled at the top of his lungs .

“Howdy Spike! Give me a minute and I’ll be right there”. She replied in a shout.

“OKAY!” he shouted back .
AJ dashed over to Spike and greeted him warmly. “Howdy Spike, Now what can I do you for?”
Spike explained the nature of his visit and passed along Twilights letter to her.
AJ Thanked Spike for coming out to deliver it and offered him a few apples as a thank you. Spike happily accepted and was soon on his way.
Full from consuming his tip a bloated and sluggish Spike soon arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. He dragged his feet up the hill only to collapse at Fluttershy’s doorstep. Moments later Spike was awakened by the splashing of blistering cold water all over him.

“Ahhhhhh COLD!!!, Who. What. Where . Where am I ?”

Spiked looked around only to find Angel bunny laughing at his expense.
An annoyed Spike shook himself dry.

“Ugh… Thanks a lot Angel”, said Spike in a sarcastic tone. He continued , “Is Fluttershy home”?

The white rabbit replied by shaking his head , indicating No she was currently not in.
Spike inquired about her whereabouts and after short game of charades learned that Fluttershy was currently at the spa with Rarity.

When Spike realized what Angel had told him, he dashed off with no hesitation. Spikes feet became light as air as he skipped over to The Ponyville Day Spa, eager to again to be in the presence of the subject of his desire.
Spike made his way to the spa and just before he opened the door paused, in order to eavesdrop onto a conversation between Rarity and Fluttershy.

“So Rarity, how way your date with Sergeant Coltpepper?”

“Oh Thank Celestia, I thought you’d never ask.” Rarity said in a most dramatic fashion.

“Darling… let me just tell you that when I say this was one of the most dreadful evenings you could ever imagine, I mean it. In all my life I have never meet a colt so utterly pitiful and completely pathetic. He was the worse.

“Oh My” Fluttershy said in a shocked tone.

“Yes, Oh my indeed. Oh my wasted time.”

Being the drama queen that she is Rarity began to vent to Fluttershy in the most flamboyant manner . Rarity went on to tell her confidant how her date Coltpepper, spent the evening comparing Rarity to his ex marefriend. Rarity further explained how by the end of the night he was an emotional wreck, complete with sulking, crying and whining. To make matters worse , at some point he begins seeking her advice on how to win his ex back.

“That poor , poor, heartbroken ….um I mean . Its not your fault Rarity”

-Sigh- “I know Fluttershy, believe me I know” Rarity said with a melancholy yes confidant tone .

“Its just …Forgive me if this sounds selfish, but I just want someone who’s all into meeeeeee. Someone who is thoughtful, considerate, kind, loving, attentive, and charming. He has to be a colt with class; a stylish and handsome stallion. Suave & debonair with savoir faire. Is that too much to ask for?”

“Well look on the Brightside” Fluttershy said gleefully.

“At least you know what you want in a special some pony. Besides when that special some pony finally does come along , all these unsuitable suitors will make him that much more worth it. “
Rarity smiled and hugged Fluttershy “ Darling , you know exactly what to say to pick a mare’s spirits up, Im feeling better already. Thank you for listening Fluttershy.”
“Think nothing of it Rarity, besides that’s what friends are for ?” Fluttershy replied.
The conversation he overheard left Spike feeling releaved but also a tad bit jealous. Rarity is a very picky pony especially with her taste in males. This thought alone left Spike frustrated; for deep in his heart he believed that he and only he could truly make Rarity happy and give her everything she deserved and desired. There were only a few problems however, the 1st one being, He was looked down upon on as being a cute little baby dragon. The 2nd issue was he was forever confided to the “Friend zone”. And the 3rd dilemma was he wasn’t even a pony, let alone some rich, handsome, charming, stylish stallion with savior faire, but merely a Dragon.
Spike pouted for a second with his arms folded , while he motioned kicking an invisible ball. He soon put on his best face and opened the door to the spa.
There was a scream

“Ahhhhhhhh Peeping Tom !!!!” somepony shouted.
This began to cause a brief uproar at the spa , before Fluttershy learned what ,or who was the cause of the commotion.
“I know its you Discord, come on out” said Fluttershy in a soft yet stern voice.

“Woowhoowhoohahahahaha, Buahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa” Discord laughed uncontrollably, soaking in the mineral

“The Looks on your faces , ha ha ha ha haaha haaaaaa ….Priceless.”

“Hello DIS-cord “said Rarity with a tone that seemed to hint at her displeasure of his presence and immature antics.

“Im not sure what brings you here, but would you be a dear and GET OUT !!!” Rarity yelled.
Discord rolled his eyes “ Alright as you wish. Fluttershy if you need me I will be at your cottage”

“See you Later then “ Fluttershy said with a smile.
Before Rarity could ask, Fluttershy explained how Discord was going to be staying in ponyville for a couple of weeks.
Discord poofed outside and just before transporting himself to Fluttershy’s he startled Spike with a whip from a rolled up wet towel . Spike shouted in pain and revealed his presence to Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Spikey Wikey is that you “ asked Rarity in a higher than usual pitched baby voice.

“Yes its me, I have letter for you and Fluttershy, its from Twilight”

“Oh Goodness, I do hope nothing is wrong” said fluttershy in a concerned voice.

Fluttershy stood on all 4’s and began to dry off and head towards spike to read the letter. Fluttershy was a soft-spoken yellow Pegasus with a long soft pink mane. She has a cutie mark made up of 3 butterflies, this is symbolic of her unprecedented ability to communicate and understand animals.
The 3 conversed briefly and once the letters had found their destination Spike felt it was time to go home to get some much desired rest.

Spike awoke the following morning with a determination and vigor never previously demonstrated. It wasn’t long after breakfast before Spike’s tummy began to rumble uncontrollably. The smell of the last remaining remnants of what was once breakfast filled the air. His hot breath spewed from it, a neatly rolled letter with a red wax seal bearing Twilights cutie mark. Twilight Sparkle was a bright pastel purple colored alicorn meaning she had the wings of a Pegasus and the horn of a unicorn. Her mane was indigo with a pink highlighted streak. Twilight’s cutie mark was a bursting 6 point star infused within a smaller 6 point star , surrounded by 5 other matching even smaller stars. 42 points total.
Spike pealed off the wax seal and unrolled the letter. It letter read.

“Dear Spike,

Yesterday’s lecture was so much fun! Not to mention nerve racking . I was so nervous how about it that my wings flew open and knocked away the professors glasses. This caused him to trip, which led to him zapping the window, that ricocheted the spell casting it on group of critters. Suddenly , the mouse transformed into a bunny, the bunny transformed into a penguin, and the lizard transformed into a horse ! It seemed as though the spell caused the critters to transform into the first living thing they laid their eyes on. Its too early to confirm anything though, Im going to need further testing.
After that fiasco, things simmered down a bit and I was finally relaxed enough to give my lecture. Anyway, I don’t have enough time to catch you up completely, but thought you could enjoy the laugh. I hope , no. I know that you’re doing just fine Spike. Take care .

Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle. “

Spike rolled up the letter and placed it on the table, accidently knocking over a shaker of black pepper. Suddenly Spike began to gasp air while leaning his head back. In a blinking moment Spike’s head flew forward and he unleashed a burning sneeze. This sneeze was followed consistently by 6 more . Spike looked down by his feet to discover 5 neatly rolled letters and a postcard that read.

“P.S. You have activated a new spell which should allow you to receive letters through sneezing, let me know how it works.
Love, Twilight.
“That pony will never cease to amaze me” Spike said with a slight chuckle in his voice.
“She turned a lizard to a horse ! haha , that’s a first”
It was at that moment Spike suddenly became quiet and still. It was as if all of his energy was being used for one thing, and one thing only.
Spike’s expression was motionless as the gears of his mind began to turn. Suddenly his eyes got big , huge, and his mouth dropped. It was a revelation. As if all at once he received the knowledge of the universe, Spike shouted


“That’s It”

“I can’t believe it. Why didn’t I think of this sooner?”

Twilight’s letter unknowingly to her served as inspiration for a well-intentioned yet, devious plot.
Spike’s plan was to become a pony but not just any pony but “The Pony Of Rarity’s Dreams”. The week flew by and pretty soon it had been 8 days since Twilight’s departure. Spike remained diligent in his responsibilities in order to spare extra time to initiate his secret plan .
The soothing smells of lavender and vanilla filled the room. In each window there was a vase , and in each vase was a flower unlike each before it. The windows in the front were clear glass windows and the ones used in the spa were stained glass. The water temperature was a warm 103 degrees farenhight . Two good friends often found the later of their mornings spent together here, literally bathing in the lap of luxury.
Rarity takes a sip of her cool refreshing cocktail , as the cool liquid streams down her throat she clears it before asking

“ So Fluttershy, How was you past week with your, how do you say…special guest?”

“It was nice” Fluttershy replied with a cheerful smile. ]
Rarity had a look of confusion and ask as if in disbelief. “It was nice, You say?”

“Very, although I think by the end of the week discord was getting board. I don’t know, I think he may need to get out and spend time with some other friends”

“Other .Friends ? Like Who?.” Rarity said with intriguing curiosity.
Fluttershy paused, as her face took on a weary expression.

“I guess you have a point”.
This was followed by and awkward silence, Fluttershy decided to take this as an oppritunity to put Rarity on the spot asking.

“ If im not mistaken, I believe that you had a date this weekend . So who was he? how did it go?

“ Sandpeiper and It was alright I suppose… well at first”

Rarity went on to explain the events in detail.

“So he picks me up on time, which was good. He was a tall brown stallion named Sandpiper . He had a rugged beard , a short mane and a deep country accent. Our night on the evening was to be a passionate night willed with music , dancing and wonder. He was to serenade me while looking deeply, very deeply, into my eyes. However because he was to be a perfect gentlecolt , he would accept my kiss on his cheek just before taking a honorable exit stage left. “

“Rarity , that sounds so romantic” Fluttershy humbly interjected.

“Unfortunately, how I versioned it and what actually happened are two completely separate things” said Rarity as she exhaled deeply.

She took a deep breath and exhaled before explaining. “Everything was fine at first , and he really did serenade me. The music was lovely. The problem arose when we went out dancing. Not only did he have 2 left hooves but If I had any clue that Sandpiper was such a an insecure, jealous, petty pony , if there ever was one, I would have ever went out with him”
Rarity went on to fill Fluttershy in on the drama of that evening , Sandpiper’s insecure and controlling nature presented too many red flags. Rarity ended up taking a cab home only to crawl into her bed and dream about the prince she would one day meet.

Spike had developed a distasteful habit of eavesdropping as of lately . Unknown to Fluttershy and Rarity , Spike had again over heard another one of Rarity’s dating disasters .

“It just burns you up don’t you “ said a mysterious voice

“You can say that again” Replied Spike.

“if only there was a way you could go out on a date with Ms Rarity” said the voice

“Exactly ! But It will never happen , Im not a pony, not to mention I cant even perform transformation spells”

“Transformation spells are a snap” said the voice, transforming a butterfly into a snake with wings.
The color in spikes face began to fade and his expression resembled that of someone who has seen a ghost.

“Di-didi-di-di-dis-co-coco-DISCORD” Spike yelled running into the Spa in tears.

“Discord are you picking on Spike?” asked Fluttershy

“No no, not picking on him, I was just saying hello, ha ha ha haaaaaaa” laughed Discord .

“You know me Fluttershy , I have to make a lasting impression. Im sure this is something you can sure relate to Rarity, being such a elegant, posh and fabulous pony yourself”

said Discord with his mischievous sounding voice.

Rarity blushed “ Oh, Do go on, but but Flattery will get ou no where.” She thanked Discord for his compliments and asked that he leave.

Fluttershy suggested that Spike spend the day with Discord , this way maybe she could remedy Discords eventual boredom.
Spike was not taken with the idea, but nothing could be done to stop the wheels that were already in motion.
The duo took their leave as Rarity and Fluttershy waved goodbye.
Back at the library Spike asks.

“Discord , can I ask you a question?”

“You just did”

Spike rolled his eyes.

“I don’t know Spike, can you ask me a question” retorted Discord

“Ugh Im serious, I need to ask you a question!” yelled Spike.

“Then spit it out for goodness sake”

“Can you help me”?

“With?” asked Discord with a seemingly lack of interest.

“Can you transform me into the pony of Rarity’s dreams?”
Discord smiled devilishly ,intrigued by the request of the young dragon he humored him to go into details. “Go on”.
Spike then lays out what was actually, an elaborate and well conceived plot to win Rarity’s affections.

“So let me get this straight” Discord said as he began to clarify.

“You want me to transform you in to a Pony, preferably a Unicorn , so that you may ask Rarity out on a date? Ok. Then what?”
Spike paused , looking puzzled he asks Discord “What do you mean, then what?”
Discord snaps his finger transforming the still chalkboard into a moving animated storyboard “ You mean to tell me you only want one date, surely you must desire to spend more intimate time with her”


“Yes Spike Intimate, you know, cuddling, snuggling, hugging, kissing, breakfast in bed, poetry. Demonstrations of you undying affection to mare of your dreams must surely be worth your time.”
Discord had a point , thought Spike to himself. “Why limit myself to just one night, who knows where this could go , we may fall in love, maybe even get married”
Spike was filled with joy and excitement as he pleaded

“Please , Please Discord help me out here , you just gotta!”
Discord willingly accepted Spike’s request, however he was very particular to go over certain rules he was not to break. Then unlike his usual character Discord seems serious and says

“ One is to be careful when tampering with matters of the heart. Someone could get hurt and those emotional scars although invisible, can take many lifetimes to heal. “
Discord was a chimera, and the lord of chaos and mischief. He had the head of a horse with a deer antler on the right, and a goat horn on the left. He had one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, and a goat beard. His right arm was that of a lion, while his left claw is that of an eagle, With a lizard and horse leg accompanied with his dragon like tail. Discord was truly a manifestation of his name.

“Before we get started my dear Spike, I must require my payment upfront in full.”
Discord had requested that Spike loan him a book from the library , as well as sign a statement absolving him of any responsibility should the plan spin out of control unleashing chaos upon Equestria.

“The Rules are simple, just listen to me and you will be just fine. Now I am going to cast this spell on you , This spell will cause any pony who looks at you long enough to see you as they would their ideal special some pony. You are to spray this cologne on , be sure not to use too much at once though, because the effects of the cologne are stronger and last longer depending how much you use. The final ingredient in our romantic recipe would be this potion of liquid courage. Now be sure that you do not over dose on this potion for if you do I cannot guarantee that magic will be able to fix the outcome.”
Discord set the potion to side for the moment, and began to spay Spike with the cologne. After a couple snaps of his fingers Spike was transforming.
Spike’s purple scales were being replace by a jet black coat , his green spikes softened , turning into a enchanting emerald colored mane. In order to completely pull this off Spike would need a Cutie mar as well as a new name.
His cutie mark was that of a emerald and thus, Gem Jagger was born.

Spike could not believe his eyes, as he looked into the mirror he was tall dark and handsome.

“But wait”, he panicked .

“wont people notice that Im gone and find it a little convent that a new pony just shows up ?” Spike had a good point thought

Discord, who agreed to step in and be Spike’s double .
Discord was able to learn through Fluttershy that Rarity had a busy schedule with fashion shows and parties and would be commuting back and forward between Fillydelphia, Canterlot and few other cities in between.
Spike was eager to show off his new form thus him and Discord began their adventure to Fillydelphia .
Fillydelphia was a young hot town, it is where the young were alive and thriving with artistic energy and a youthful sprit that could be seen in its culture and ponies.
Any and Every young up and coming somepony was in attendance. Despite his handsome exterior Spike was still immature and far too timid to socially fit in with the crowd. Spike effortlessly faded into the background and while several opportunities to speak to Rarity arose, even with his best effort , she didn’t even notice him.
Most of the week had gone by with Spike successfully striking out on every opportunity to make a connection with Rarity. At most of the events , Spike’s helpful nature ended up causing him to loose sight of his objective. To make matters worse, Spike had yet to build up enough confidence to even approach Rarity, let alone ask her out. Discord was close to offering him the liquid courage, but Spike was determined to stay true to his nature so that Rarity could atleast see some of the real him. Unfortunately he was so intimidated by her refined standards, he didn’t know what to say and pick up lines weren’t going to cut it.
His biggest breakthrough was when asked him to come to her, only to request some ice for her beverage.

“Thank you darling” said a graceful Rarity.

“Now That’s What I call an Icebreaker…hahahahahaaahaaa”

Discord was having the time of his life watching Spike’s feeble attempts, however it was not long before he grew tired and devised a plan for spike.
Discords plan was to take place Saturday at a party at the hottest spot in Los Pegasus at Billy Bronco’s . Billy Bronco’s was a small mansion, renovated into a unique clubhouse with such amenities including, a pool, a spa, a roof top terrace complete with a bar , a garden and a dance floor. Rarity had never been to Billy Bronco’s before she didn’t particularly care for the name either. She was here to take in the experience as well as meet up with a potential client.

Spike was beyond fed up, although his appearance changed he still had no progress in his pursuit of Rarity. Spike begged and pleaded with Discord to let him drink the potion. Discord informed Spike , that he was merely awaiting for the best opportunity to use his trump card.

“Sure, go right ahead “. Discord only insisted that Spike not go over board.

Unlike Spike’s past plans, Discord was more direct than subtle. His plan was simple enough. Spike was to enter the party in a extravagant manner. This was the best way to get Rarity’s attention as she subtlety was useless. Once Rarity was able to look at him the magic should start to do the trick. Spike knew Rarity well and his task was the simplest of all. He was to just go and Introduce himself, and remain a complete gentlecolt all evening only to abruptly leave. In theory this would leave Rarity wanting more.

“Spike , Im sure I don’t have to remind you how important tonight is. But what I will remind you is this! No matter what happens, Stick to the plan”.

“I will” replied spike in a very confident manner.

Spike was just wrapping things up when It caught his eye. It was a red liquid that smelled sweet as strawberries. The bottle contained about 8 oz. of the concoction. Spike’s past failures left him not only timid but insecure as well. Resenting these facts to be true Spike levitated the bottle to his mouth and drank about a quarter of the savory liquid. Spike also doubled his cologne usage.
With this, everything was set for Spike to make his grand entrance. Spike was dressed to the 9’s in a emerald bowtie with matching gold and emerald cufflinks. Discord decided to remain in disguise and stay close by ,just to make sure plans went accordingly.

Rarity sat patiently, occupying her time in a white room with large pillows. There was a yellow one , a pink one and a cyan one, on all sides of a glass table . In the room there was a bar with stools, as well as an antique lavender fainting couch. The private room was a V.I.P. box with tented class windows , stationed above the entrance and extended pass the dance floor. Rarity was just about to take another sip of her cocktail when all of a sudden she heard ,

“Hello Sweetie…”

Rarity recognized the voice before she could even turn around. It was none other than pop singer Ebony Éclair . Ebony Éclair was a golden-brown unicorn with a dark chocolate color tail and mane, and golden eyes with long eyelashes. Her mane was long and her cutie mark consisted of two bass clefs forming the shape of a heart.

“Darling you look simply fabulous” said Rarity as she stood , greeting Éclair with open arms.
Ebony Éclair blushed, smiled and replied with great gratitude.

“Coming from the most stylish pony in all of Equestria, that was the greatest compliment Ive ever received”

“Oh stop” said Rarity with great humility.

“But its true ! You just don’t know how much I admire your work Ms. Rarity”

“Just Rarity is fine”
Ebony smiled and mustered up all her composure to contain her excitement.
After a few sincere pleasantries, Rarity and Ebony Éclair took seats at the table.

“It means the world to me, that you would join me here Rarity, and with that said let’s get down to business”
Ebony Éclair presented a briefcase filled with documents and photos. Ebony Éclair went on to explain that she wished for Rarity to become her full time stylist / fashion consultant. Rarity was a world renowned designer who had designed dresses for other artists such as Sapphire Shorts , as well as events such as The royal wedding of Twilight’s brother Shining Armor & Princess Cadance , The Grand Galloping Gala and several Canterlot garden parties. Rarity was deeply flattered but sighed as she regretfully had to decline.

“Oh Ebony darling, I would love to , however I simply do not have the time to take on such a time consuming task. You do understand don’t you ?”
Ebony’s expression grew dreary as her heart filled with disappointment.

“Oh please wont you reconsider? “ pleaded Ebony.

“How about part time? It will be for my 3 shows in Manehattan at Madison Mare Garden next week. Ill pay you handsomely for your time.”
Rarity deliberated for a moment but eventually agreed to the terms.

“Sure , why not? It’s a deal.”
Ebony was so excited she accidently knocked over the briefcase sending papers flying everywhere.
Ebony’s assistant quickly picked up all the pieces and placed them back on the table.

“I am so sorry, you must think so ill of my behavior” responded an embarrassed Ebony. After things were back in order Ebony began to kick around a few ideas she had for her upcoming shows. Rarity was greatly intrigued and commended Ebony on how delightful and detailed her plans were. They discussed everything from concepts, envolvement to compensation and with everything out in the open and negotiated upon the meeting was concluded. The meeting lasted for about an hour and with all of the details worked out Ebony offered Rarity a drink. The two partners were commemorating the occasion with a toast when suddenly they couldn’t help divert their to the flashing lights and the ponding kicks from the speakers.
The party was in full effect and although the meeting room filtered most of the sound, the heartbeat pounding drums banged against the wall as if a gorilla was attempting to escape from its cage. Suddenly the kicking stopped and loud horns began to blast through the air.

“What could possibly be the cause of all the excitement?” asked Rarity.

“Its called the Clydesdale Crossing” responded an enthusiastic Ebony.

“Clydesdale Crossing? Repeated an intrigued Rarity”

“Yes. It is when the most eligible bachelors in attendance, show up and show off in a grand display of charm, pizzazz and glamor. Everypony who is anypony trots in this presentation. Most of the participants are usually rich, successful, stylish and talented, well-connected colts. “

Rarity’s eyes grew large as she began to fill with enthusiasm, and with the procession underway, found herself eagerly watching through her binoculars.

Discord had made all the arrangements for tonight’s “Clydesdale crossing.”, Every detail from the presentation to the conversation had been rehearsed thoroughly .
Spike was finally about ready and not a moment too soon, because he was next in the procession line.
Discord used his magic to conjure up a cherry red chariot. The rouge colored chariot was actually made of cherries and was pulled by 6 colts who were actually mice themselves, transformed through a spell discord had used. All 6 colts were drenching in gold accessories and quickly caught the attention of the massive crowd of attendees.
Spike would have normally began to panic with this much attention at his hooves, however, by now the potion had done away with any fears and pessimism that spike retained.

“Are you sure about this Spike? For im sure you are well aware that loosing a friends trust is the quickest way to loose a friend…FOREVER!” said discord in his best Pinkie Pie impersonation.

“You can call me Jagger, Gem Jagger from now on” inserted Spike with confidence. Discord laughed uncontrollably rolling from left to right , up and down , and all over the chariot, he whipped tears and exhaled deeply

“Whew, now that’s what I’m talking about”.
Discord smirked sinisterly as he begin to ‘snap’ setting up the final preparations, Spike’s… Im sorry, (let’s go with Gem from now on in this form) I mean, Gem’s time to shine was moments away
Gem’s chariot came to a complete stop at the tail of the red carpet. Gem felt as though a million eyes were watching all at once, each gaze piercing through his body.The attention was enough to make any pony nervious, however , Gem did not break a sweat,

“The old Spike would be nervous, but this attention actually feels empowering.”
Gem began to trot, strutting every chance available. It was as if the strobe from the cameras lights were directing his every move, the crowd loved it.
Gem smiled, winked and kissed hoofs every step of the red carpet, which made him an instant sensation. Gem was charming, handsome, confident and mysterious; maybe it was the black coat or the way his emerald bowtie seem to glow the same color as his eyes, but he was everything his former self could ever dream of being.
After a successful trot through the catwalk that was the red carpet, Gem was finally inside the mansion.

“Mares and gentlecolts , it is with great honor and privilege that I present to you, The most stylish stallion you ever did see. A Colt with no need to boast. A Steed that everybody should meet. Git it up mares and gentlecolts for the one, the only Gem

Gem walked onto the stage and to the microphone and tapped it

“One two, One two.”

“Good evening , my name is Gem Jagger and this is my band The Elements. If you would be so kind, I ask that you bare with me for a moment, I would like to dedicate a song to the most beautiful, graceful, and fabulous creatures in all of Equestria.”
The stage hand shined the lights to the object of Gem’s affection, he smiled and began to sing.
The procession was coming to a dazzling finale as the last guest made their arrival. He arrived in a Cherry red chariot.

“Wow! I just cant believe my eyes, its simply marvelous.” Rarity expelled with great enthusiasm.

“It really does look like an actual cherry.”
Rarity continued to watch as a mysterious black colt debouched from the carriage.

“Ebony darling, who is that captivating colt on the carpet down there?” Rarity asked intriguingly.

“Girrrrrrrrrlllll…I wish I knew , he is simply stunning” answered Ebony Éclair.
Ebony licked her lips and then flipped through her mane smiling and staring blankly into space.

“Darling. Darling. Ebony, hello, is any pony home”

Ebony quickly snapped out of her trance embarrassed, but didn’t seem to mind.
Rarity watched as this mysterious black colt trotted up the red carpet, she even believed she caught him winking at her for a brief moment.
Rarity quickly stepped out from the confines of the meeting room and began to gallop ever so gracefully to the V.I.P. box on the outskirts of the upper room. She quickly checked her mane to insure that not a hair was out of place and examined herself in the nearest mirror only to find “Perfection.”

The MC was begging to present the last guest in the procession , Rarity began to inch over the rail to get a better look when abruptly she heard.

“Mares and gentlecolts , it is with great honor and privilege that I present to you, The most stylish stallion you ever did see. A Colt with no need to boast. A Steed that everypony should meet. Git it up mares and gentlecolts for the one, the only Gem Jagger.”

“Gem Jagger? I cant say that Ive ever heard of this pony” she said to herself as she tried to recollect his appearance.

“I think Ive seen him somewhere else before, he looks so familiar. There’s something about his eye though hmmmmmm” as she gazed hard hoping to spark a memory of this colt , but finding nothing.
While digging through her stash of memories, unnoticed to Rarity , Gem was just taking the stage.

“Good evening , my name is Gem Jagger and this is my band The Elements. If you would be so kind, I ask that you bare with me for a moment, I would like to dedicate a song to the most beautiful, graceful, and fabulous creatures in all of Equestria.”

“Is he talking about me” she arrogantly but playfully joked. Rarity giggled and thought how wonderful it must be to have somepony dedicate a song them, when suddenly…

The light was blinding and she could feel the warm heat start to penetrate her coat. Rarity squinted her eyes and raised a hoof to them , in an attempt to block the out the strong rays of light.
The spot light was shining on Rarity and the crowed all turned, almost simultaneously in her direction. Rarity had no idea what was going on, everything started happening so fast, but in the mist of her panic her and gem locked eyes and before she knew it her hoofs were being swept from underneath her.
The crowd applauded and Rarity proudly waved, even though on the inside she was blushed , flushed, and moments from fainting.

The sound of flutes filled the room and suddenly Rarity’s ears began to dance to the sound of the mid tempo melody. A rhythm guitar, piano and rolling congas accompanied the flutes allowing for Gem to fill in the songs intro with only a single word repeated.

♪ “La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la
La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la…..”♪

My Cherie Amour”(By Stevie Wonder)

As she heard those beautiful words, her mind could not help but take her to places she have never been, with a colt she had never known. Rarity was having visions , and as every word massaged her ear , she could feel her heart beat race to catch the tempo. Once caught, she was enchanted by his tender high tenor voice. She was swooning; drifting in and out of her fantasy and back into the rosé colored reality.

Tears began to fall from Rarity’s flushed face as the song was coming to an end. She began whipping them away, hoping that her new mascara truly was no smear makeup. Rarity basked in the attention still in shock that moments like this exist, and to her of all ponies. It was like a dream, a dream come true. Parched from the attention and heat from the lights, Rarity levitated her unfinished cocktail over to her. With sweat dripping from the glass she set it on a coaster and signaled for a refill, however unknown to her she would not remember the rest of the evening.
Gem could feel his heart pounding, as if it wanted to get away. Inside his facade of an exterior his soul was flustered as an angry bee hive ready to come out stinging.
The entire band was made up of Discord in the form of several ponies. Gem gave him the signal and began to lower his microphone stand as Discord began to play chords.
Gem began warming up his vocals by singing along with the melody.

♪ “La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la
La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la…..”

Ma chérie d'amour… My Sweet love. No truer words could describe his feeling for Rarity. Gem was on the front line of a battlefield, his target Rarity, his ammo words and his aim was precise. Every moment he gazed upon her fair appearance, he could feel the words come alive.

Discord marveled at the passion and pure madness that grew within his beloved friend. Gem poured his soul, energy and every once of passion he could muster behind the sincere lyrics of the song. As he reached the climax of the song he closed his eyes and for a moment envisioned an ever care free, blissful, love filled life with Rarity as his lover.

♪ “La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la
La-la, Laaa, Laaa, Laaa-la…..”
Gem ended the song in the same manner in which he started it, with only a single word repeated, dancing from one note to the other. Gem opened his eyes to once again to gaze upon his vision of perfection itself. He smiled and began to bow as the applause from the crowd roared like rain drops on a story summers day.

“Bravo! Bravo!” the crowd shouted.

Discord also basked in the praise from the crowd. His eyes began to tear up as he felt the love and admiration from the cheering fans.

“You like me, You really like me”

Gem began to leave the stage and was instantly rushed by dozens of eligible bachelorettes looking to become inspiration for his next song. Everywhere he looked mares and colts were captivated, intoxicated by his presence. The crowds of adoring fans made it difficult to move, but not impossible, Gem knew where he needed to be.
She was neither a prize to be won nor felt entitled to return his feelings, however she did feel that some efforts demand acknowledgement. Rarity quickly ran into the little filly’s room to freshen up. Completely flushed and quite warm, Rarity began to fan herself off before touching up. Humbled, abashed, impressed, dazzled, flabbergasted and enticed, Rarity’s emotions were in constant flux. If or when she meet him she did not know weather or not to slap him for putting her on the spot or kiss him for making her feel so special. The air in the room was dry, so she trotted over to the balcony to get some fresh air. Adjacent to her balcony Rarity saw Ebony Éclair giving someone a piece of her mind.

A startled Rarity quickly turned to find a frustrated Ebony laying on the fainting couch.

“Waiter Some Sparkling Water Please.”

“Yes Lady Rarity” said the well-groomed dog with the stunning diamond collar. The waiter was in route with Rarity’s drink when suddenly a pony unknown to him dressed in an all black outfit, bumped into him almost spilling the drink.

“Hey Watch it. “ Shouted the waiter.

“Oh pardon me, let me help you with that” offered this mysterious pony.
In just a blink of an eye the mysterious pony’s job was complete, for unnoticed to everyone something was placed in Rarity’s drink.
With her drink delivered, she thanked the waiter and began to sip.
Not even two sips of the sparkling water could reach her tongue before a strong gust of wind blew .

“What in the wide world of Equestria is causing all of this wind?” she hissed.
She shook it off and found the nearest mirror, checking her appearance for any inconsistencies that may have resulted.

Gem was finally away from his new found fans and was free to walk building in search of a way to get to his beloved. He didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself however randomly bursting into doors made that impossible.

“May I help you sir?” asked one of the staff

“Yes, Im looking for…”

“Ms Rarity?” the help asked cutting Gem off mid sentence .

“Take the elevator to the suite A on the 3rd floor, you cant miss it”
Gem tossed a couple bits at the help as gratitude for his assistance and he stepped onto the elevator eagerly waiting his impending affair.
The Elevator was transparent from the inside but not from the outside and Gem was able to get a clear view of everything going on around him. The elevator moved swiftly enough , however it seemed like hours.
BING !!!
The elevator bell rang, indicating that Gem had reached his destination. As Gem got off of the elevator his attention was quickly drawn to an altercation between two staff members. Normally this would not show cause for concern, except upon further focus Gem saw one of the staff members drop a pill in a drink. To make matters worse the drink was headed directly to Rarity. This sent Gem into a panic. Gem screamed out “Hey stop that.”
Suddenly a mighty gust of wind charged through the room and conveniently enough served as a distraction for the culprit’s get-away. Gem recovered quickly enough to find napkins, coasters and glass covering everything.

“Rarity?” He called out with concern.
Gem was starting to feel like Spike. He was worried, in a panic, and not to mention helpless in his mind. Seconds later a disguised Discord pops into the room.

“Wow looks like a tornado came through here”

“Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing, some pony’s going to pay if anything happened to Rarity.” Gem regained his composure and began to carefully survey the area and found Rarity seemingly lifeless on the purple fainting couch.

“Rarity! Oh my gosh all you alright?” he shouted, galloping to her side.
When Gem was closer he took a sigh of relief to learn that she was unharmed, she was in a dazed sleep but still remained aware enough to communicate.

“Howwwww, Are you this evening ?” Asked Rarity with a mouth full of sleep. After that she moaned and groaned , rolling from left to right in an attempt to get comfortable, Rarity was inches away from the floor when Gem caught her.
After successfully lifting Rarity back onto the fainting couch a disoriented Rarity turned to Gem with half closed eyes and said.

“Thank. You. Very. Muchhhhh…Darling. “

“Heeey, Hey, Wake UP!” Replied Gem while gently tapping her on the cheek.
A reluctant Rarity stretched and opened her eyes, she smiled as she deeply gazed into Gems glowing green eyes.
“Charmed” inserted Rarity, extending her hoof for Gem to kiss.
Gem happily complied and assisted the lady with sitting up.

“Are you alright? Lady Rarity”
She turned to him with a huge grin. Her batting eyelashes pulled him closer, she lifted a hoof to his face and very softly said.

“If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice,
Beneath the sod my heart of dust would still rejoice...”

“Do you know that poem?”
Gem smiled and replied,

“Maybe you can read it to me one day.”
Those would be the last words she would hear until morning. She laid her head against him and began to drift off into slumber.
Being the genius of improve that he is, Discord quickly conjured up a medical team to assist with the fiasco. Rarity was rushed into the ambulance on stand by which was actually Gem’s former chariot. Gem exhaled deeply with relief and began to leave , but before he could reach the nearest elevator he was blocked.
Gem began to grow impatient with their inability to comply with his demand that they move and began to force his way through when he heard…

“Down boy”

Gem turned around to see none other than the dark and lovely, Ebony Éclair. Gem was a huge fan, and had no idea she was even there .He was star struck the moment he laid eyes on her. Ebony stepped to him slowly, switching as she trotted. Gem couldn’t help but become almost hypnotized in her presence. Her scent was that of the sweetest crème unmistakable to any other, and her silvery soprano voice kissed his ears as she began to speak.

“Hello Gem, Let me just say , that it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Likewise” replied a bedazzled Gem.

“My Name is…”

“Ebony Éclair, trust me I know and the pleasure’s all mine” retorted Gem reaching for her hoof to kiss.
Ebony blushed and expressed how she loved his passionate performance; she even went as far as to ask him to help her write a song. Gem eagerly agreed and for about five minutes was impeded from attending to the recent events concerning Rarity. Moments later there was a loud whistle
Ebony told Gem how he could reach her and sent him off with a big wet one on his cheek. Gem hopped into his former chariot, leaving behind fans, smiles, lasting memories and a trail of trouble.

Inside the carriage Gem was in such a panic he started to transform back into Spike.

“Get ahold of yourself man, for goodness sakes.” said Discord with his paw still stinging.

“Everything’s going to be Fiiiiiine, TRUST ME”. Said Discord reassuring control over the situation.

Spike attempted to interrupt,
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, No need to worry, Its Okay” , interjected Discord in an assertive tone.

“Okay? Everything’s not Okay Somepony drugged Rarity, she needs a Dr.!”

“Trust me Spike, I mean … you do trust me don’t you?” asked Discord with his eyes squinted.
Spike shook his head un and down for yes.

“Good, now I have a plan but in order for it to work, Im going to need three things. For you to Show up, Shut up, and Step up.”
Spike Inhaled and exhaled deeply inside the paper bag, he did this repeatedly until he was calm. Once he was calm enough to focus Discord filled him in on the contingency.
With Rarity resting peacefully Spike and Discord began collecting what they needed to build shelter for the night. It would have been no problem for Discord to “poof “he and Spike back to Ponyville , but because of Rarity they would have a hard time explaining exactly how she got back home. With this in mind Discord sent spike out to collect the following materials; stones, marbles, crystals, wood, glass, and feathers. Discord used his magic and created a swanky Villa from the pile of materials. With shelter secured and their secret under wraps, the party of three was ready to occupy the residence to get a good nights rest. A concerned Spike turned to Discord and asked.

“Why haven’t you changed me back yet? What if she wakes up?”
Discord explained that sleeping in that form could leave the transformation permanent if done too often.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get some shut eye.”
As though they were window blinds Discord pulled both eyes shut and began snoring.

Rarity awoke the next morning with a yawn and a huge stretch. She was well rested and didn’t even have a head ache. She began to look around the room from her bed. She marveled at the statues and sheik décor of the room, but it didn’t take long before she realized this was not her room. Rarity was moments away from screaming before she caught herself.

“What could have happened to me?” she thought to herself.

“Was I kidnapped? Oh no, this can’t be happening. Of all the things that could happen this is the. …WOST.POSSIBBLE.THING!!!”
She quickly climbed out of bed as quietly as she could, in order to not alert her alleged capturers. Suddenly there was a knock at the door , Rarity quickly leaped back into the bed, but as a protective measure levitated one of the statues over the bedroom door.

“Come in” whispered Rarity in a high-pitched voice filled with nervousness.
Discord enters.

“Room Ser….”

“That’s what you get you…you...I beg your pardon, did you say…room service?”
A disoriented Discord in disguise wobbled a bit but was able to recover and replied.

“That Is correct.”

“Oh I am terribly sorry, please say you’ll forgive. You see I thought that you were some sorta kidnaper. Come to think of it you have yet to deny that you are. Who are you and where am I?” Demanded Rarity.
At that moment A tall dark and handsome stallion entered the room. He walked toward the distressed damsel, took a knee and whispered.

“Asleep! O sleep a little while, white pearl!
And let me kneel, and let me pray to thee,
And let me call Heaven’s blessing on thine eyes,
And let me breathe into the happy air…” (Keats)

He took her hoof and gave it kiss , looked at her and said .
“Good morning. Im not sure if you remember me but my name is…”

“Gem Jagger. Oh I remember, How could I forget?”
The fact that she remembered his name filled him with joy, but this didn’t mean he didn’t have some explaining to do. Gem filled her in on the prior events of the evening and how after she passed out they brought her to his place because no one knew where she was staying.
Rarity sipped her French vanilla Macchiato, she licked the cream from her lips before saying.

“Go on darling”

Gem went on to explain that somepony slipped something in her drink and that’s what made her pass out. It suddenly all coming back to her , The performance, the drink, and her initial encounter with Gem.

“Oh my heavens… You saved my life, You saved my life, like a knight in shining armor , Thank you.”
Tears began to flow down Rarity’s face as she embraced Gem, and continued thanking him.

“How ever can I repay you? There must be something ” asked Rarity.

“A Date” said Gem in a smooth smoky voice.

“A Date? You say?”

“Yes, I wish to take you out , you see the thing is Im not from here and there are a lot of things I have yet to do, and you know what they say. It’s not always about what you do , sometimes its about who you do it with. And besides It is the least I can do considering your ordeal. ”
Rarity knew she had work to do , and even though the business-pony in her said no, she couldn’t help but agree to the romantic rendezvous for two.
Gem arraigned for a taxi to commute her back to her hotel , where she would freshen up in order to meet him later. In all the confusion of the morning she had completely forgot to ask what events they were planning on doing. Being the resourceful fashionista that she is , she found no problem “putting something together” for the day that laid ahead.

Back at the Villa, Gem was constantly trotting in a circle around the room. He didn’t know what to do, he had never been on a date before, not to mention he had never even been to Las Pegasus prior to this weekend. Discord grew agitated with Gem’s constant clopping around the room and blared the radio loudly as to drown out the sound. Just then…
[And now a word from our sponsors]
“Swimming, Jet Skiing, Ice skating, Carnival rides, Comedy, Concerts, Bowling, and Mini Golf, You can do it all and more. Only in Las Pegasus.”

As if divine intervention, the commercial was right on cue. Gem quickly grabbed a quill and attempted to write. He had always had claws and opposable thumbs in his original form , thus he would usually pen letters for Twilight. His tenacity paid off however as within the hour he had prepared an organized and time efficient date.

“You are Twilight’s Dragon, that’s for sure. Ha ha ha ha ha hoo hoo hoo hooooooo” laughed Discord as he teased Gem.

“Yeah, Whatever.” Said Gem rolling the paper into his bag.

“You ready Big Dog?”

“Woof, Woof, Owwwwww” Howled a dog faced Discord.
They dapped each other with an up, down, over, under, hoof bump, explosion; laughing hysterically as they made their way to the exit.