Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 8: The Business

Chapter 8: The Business

Three fillies watched - or two watched, while one listened to the other two describe it - as Midnight showed Clink to the Element bearers by making him move apple crates at Sweet Apple Acres.

“That's one of them automatic-tons like in the Thunder Filly comics,” Applebloom stated.

“Automaton,” Sweetie corrected, “and hers looks like a griffin.”

“Ah know that, ya dang dictionary, but it still works like it,” retorted the farm girl.

Midnight chuckled, overhearing the girls before continuing the demonstration. “Now, although Clink is primarily a utility bot, he is also combat ready. Watch this.”

With a glow of his seal, Midnight commanded Clink to go into combat mode. A long, thin blade shot from its right forearm. The fingers on the left hand straightened out, arraigning themselves in a diamond, electricity coursing between them.

“The sword is only the secondary weapon, in the case that lethal force is required. The taser on the left hand is the primary weapon, sending non-lethal low current, high voltage electricity through the target, paralyzing them.”

“Does it work?” Rainbow asked.

Midnight got a cocky grin, “You wanna test it?”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, “Bring it on, blue boy.”

A glow from his forehead was all it took to transmit the order to disable the speedster. Clink raised his arm and a stream of jagged light bridged the distance to its target. Every one of Rainbow's muscles locked up at once, her mane standing on end. Less than a second, and the attack ended. Rainbow dash fell to her side, hind leg twitching. Twilight did a quick scan, checking her friends vitals.

“Amazing,” the librarian smiled, “Not a single injury, save minor burns on the outer dermis.”

Midnight was about to speak, when a cane thumped him on the head. He looked down to see an irate little pegasus filly, the offending cane in her hooves. Scootaloo took it back in her mouth and slowly made her way toward the downed mare.

“Over here, Scoots,” Rainbow called, “You know, I asked him to-Ow!” Rainbow rubbed where the cane knocked her in the head. “What gives?”

“You told him to shoot you with lightning, that's what,” replied the filly.

“Well, we had to know if it worked,” Rainbow defended.

“Then somepony who's not a mom can do it,” Scootaloo countered, “I was scared for a little bit when he shot you.”

“She's right, Rainbow,” AJ agreed, “Ya gotta start takin' better care of yourself.”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, “Yeah, I guess. I'm still getting use to being a mom, ya know.”

“You've been a mother for a week,” Twilight said, “We don't expect you to be winning mother of the year. As for you, mister,” Twilight's gaze locked on the ex-soldier, “You shouldn't have egged her on knowing she has a filly to take care of.”

“Right... sorry,” he apologized.

“Alright,” Twilight walked around the construct, examining it, “What's to keep you from using this if you have another episode?”

“It has a fail-safe,” Rarity piped in, “I added an enchantment that, if it detects an anomaly in his state of mind, it will deactivate.”

“You did the enchantment yourself?” Twilight asked to which Rarity nodded, “Good, I'd trust nopony else. What are your plans for this, Midnight?”

“I'll use him as sort of an assistant. I might also seek an employment job. I figure with my reputation around town, it might help sway ponies if they know they're getting two workers for the price of one. The weapons are just in case something like the crash ever happens again.”

“A job?” Twilight wasn't expecting that. “I don't think that's going to work. You would need one of us there while you work, and none of us have that kind of time.”

“Right...” Midnight sighed. Suddenly, though, his head shot up, “Wait... I just had an idea! I could set up a home business! I could make stuff that no one has ever seen!”

“What kind of stuff?” Rainbow asked enthusiastically.

Midnight beamed, “I can make tasers, guns... blades...” his expression fell as he listed off potential products, “Stuff meant to kill... damn it.”

“What about this guy?” Pinkie asked staring into the golem's core. “Ponies would love having one of these around.”

“I don't know, Pinkie,” Rarity rubbed her chin, “It took a week just to craft that one. Not to mention heartstone is rather rare.”

“Actually, Pinkie has a great idea,” Midnight contradicted the alabaster unicorn. “This one took so long because it had to be reinforced, and the heartstone is needed because of the weapons and possible upgrades. I should be able to make one about a foot –two hooves –tall using a ruby or sapphire for the core. I could make about one a day, maybe a little longer.”

“Well, I could provide the rubies,” Rarity offered, “I'll put in a word to my supplier in Fillydelphia. I'll even let you use my forge if you need it.”

“Thank you,” Midnight said, “In fact, since you helped me so much, why don't I make the first one for you?”

“Oh, I couldn't,” Rarity tried to refuse, but Midnight was having none of it.

“No, no, I insist. We'll call it payment for services and renting the forge.”

The fancy mare huffed, “Oh, fine. I suppose if it makes you feel better. Actually, that might even be a fabulous idea. I could advertise it for you, as it were. I'm quite sure ponies will be asking where I procured such a helpful little thing once they see it.”

“Alright then,” Midnight said, “Now I just need to figure the material cost so I can set a price.”

“Why don't you use my materials for now,” Rarity offered, “We can figure costs by what you use, and you can pay me back when you can.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Thank you,” Twilight said as Rarity poured her tea.

The two were chatting as they waited for Midnight to finish his prototype. He had been hard at work for the past ten hours, and was nearing completion.

“So, Twilight,” Rarity began, “How is it living with a stallion? I trust he is being a gentlecolt.”

“He is, though he has some strange ideas of propriety,” Twilight answered, “Like one morning, he walked into the bathroom while I was bathing, and got embarrassed. Apparently in his world, bathing is a private thing only shared by very young children and lovers.”

“That's odd,” Rarity quirked an eyebrow, “He said his old race is a species of primate. Now, I do not know as much as Fluttershy about animals, but I do know that social grooming is an important part of their social hierarchy.”

Twilight nodded, “I asked him about that, he said it's different for humans. He's actually quite fascinating.”

Rarity smiled deviously, “Oh, is that why you were staring at him during his little demonstration?”

Twilight choked on her tea, trying not to spit. “W-what!? I-I don't know what you're talking about.”

Rarity just gave her a deadpan stare.

“Okay, fine. It just a little infatuation, alright. He's handsome, and saved a bunch of fillies. It's a natural biological response. A mare instinctively seeks a stallion that is strong, as shown by his actions, and has strong genetics, as shown by his attractive features. It will pass... it always does.”

Rarity placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, “I understand. I must admit I had felt something quite similar, if... stronger. I even offered him my bed.”

Twilight's eyes nearly leaped from her head, “You mean, you offered to... wow... you?”

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Yes, I know, 'Rarity the chaste, offered to sleep with a stallion she barely knows'. I'm sure it is a shock.”

“Well, I mean, uh, I heard that you... um...” Twilight failed in her search for the proper words.

“Shun sex?” Rarity finished for her, “Yes well, I slept with one stallion once after dating for six months, and was branded as a whore after he went around bragging to everypony he met. It didn't exactly leave a good impression on me, but I still have the same urges as any mare.”

“I'm sorry, Rarity,” Twilight apologized, “That was rude of me.”

“Apology accepted.”

Twilight was quiet for a few seconds before asking, “So, what should I do? I know the feeling will probably pass, but it's getting hard to concentrate around him. I tried to find a spell to counter the hormones, but all I've found are reports about failed attempts. Should I just give in and sleep with him?”

Rarity shook her head slowly, “I doubt that would work. When I offered, he reacted as if he were still married.”

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows, “But he's not married, is he?”

“In his mind he is,” Rarity explained, “He still loves his dearly departed wife greatly. He had likely been expecting to die at any moment, and be reunited with her on the other side. In his mind, it is more of a temporary separation.”

Twilight thought about that for a while, before she felt a surge of magic from the basement. Realizing he must be charging the core, the two mares dropped the subject, in favor of more comfortable things.

“So, how's Sweetie? Her cast came off right?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but she still has a slight limp. The doctor said it will go away, but it still pains me to see her like this. I suppose I should be grateful. It could have been so much worse.”

Before anything else could be said, the basement door swung open. The two mares looked over to greet Midnight, but he wasn't there. Instead, they heard a rapid clinking sound moving across the floor.

“Midnight?” Twilight called.

“Yes, Twilight,” he said as he finally came into view.

“Is it done?” asked the scholar.

“Yep,” he answered simply.

“So, where is it?” Rarity asked.

How may I serve you?” came a buzzing, mechanical voice from Rarity's side, making her and Twilight jump.

Beside her was a tiny version of Clink, but colored white with purple highlights. Even the core shined with an amethyst light.

“Oh my, it's gorgeous!” Rarity gushed as she swept it up in a hug as if it were a pet, “You even made it match my colors. I assume you altered the ruby?”

“It's not hard to change something’s color. You just alter the light that is absorbed and reflected,” Explained the golem's creator.

“It's quite fascinating. What are its specifications?” Twilight asked.

“It can run about fourteen miles per hour bipedally, and triple that quadrupedally. It can lift approximately fifty pounds, but can only move with thirty. Its core absorbs latent energy in the environment, so it doesn't need charging.”

“It's perfect!” Rarity squeed, “I can't wait to show it off. Oh, I can make it a tiny tuxedo and everything. Oh, or perhaps I can make you resemble a fashion accessory and wear you. Could you imagine ponies response when my hat pours their tea?!”

Twilight and Midnight watched Rarity as she continued on her tirade about the golem’s potential.

“Well, Mr. Star, I think you found a job,” Twilight gave him a proud grin.

“You think they'll be big?” Midnight asked.

“I think I can send a few letters to Canterlot,” Twilight said, “In fact, a stallion named Fancy Pants just may be interested in helping you out. Now all we have to do is fix your psychological issues, and you'll be a model citizen of Equestria, ready to live out your days in happiness.”

Happiness?It's been so long since I've had that. Maybe... maybe I really will find it here.. No! I will find it. It's what Sarah and Tiffany would want.