Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 7: The Assistant

Chapter 7: The Assistant

The heat of the forge was stifling. Sweat poured from the bodies of the pair of ponies as they worked on their project. It had taken a week, but with the attachment of one last piece, it was finished. Midnight pulled his goggles off to inspect the completed product.

“It's perfect,” he turned to the master smith that aided him, “You truly are an artist.”

“Why thank you, darling,” Rarity removed her goggled and smock, placing them on a hook, “I'm glad I could help. ”

Midnight opened the 'summon space' he and Twilight made, the day before he and Rarity began in the forge. He bound his and Rarity's creation to it and watched as it was pulled into the dimensional distortion. The rift closed and he waited for Rarity to finish packing everything up.

“I've been curious,” Midnight began, “How did you ever get into smithing? It doesn't seem like something a proper lady would do.”

Rarity smiled, “Do you know what my cutie mark represents?”

“Your talent for fashion, right?”

“Have you ever seen a diamond pulled straight from the earth?” asked the mare. Midnight nodded, so she continued, “They are rough and jagged, crusted with dirt and dull. To be honest, they are quite ugly.”

Rarity walked over to a cabinet, and unlocked it.

“But when you cut and polish it, that hideous rock becomes the most beautiful, glittering, lustrous thing in the world. That is what my special talent is, Midnight Star, finding the beauty in the ugly and bringing it to light.”

With that, she pulled out a shimmering scimitar. Its grip and guard were same midnight blue as his coat. The blade looked as if she brought down the crescent moon itself and forged it into a blade. Following the weapon was a heater shield, the same color as the hilt of the sword. At its center was a depiction of the star on Midnight's forehead with his seal glowing. If Midnight's jaw was any lower, he'd have struck oil.

Finally, Midnight found his voice, “They're... they're gorgeous.”

“They are yours,” she said as she hovered them to the stallion.

Midnight picked his jaw up, “Wha... Rarity... I couldn't. This is a magnificent piece, but I have nowhere to display it.”

Rarity gave him a deadpanned gaze, “How about on your person. I made that so you would have a quality weapon in the case of another incident like the one with that monster.”

Midnight winced, “Uh... thank you Rarity, but in my experience, weapons that beautiful don't-” He was cut off by Rarity slashing the moon blade though a steel ingot she levitated beside her. It cleaved the metal in two with ease.

She placed the blade within a scabbard on the inside of the shield and offered it to him again, “I may not be as talented as Twilight with magic in general, but I am her equal when it comes to enchantments. It would take an extremely powerful spell to even scratch these and the blade is sharper than diamond.”

“I take back what I said,” Midnight said, still in awe, as he took the gifts and strapped them to his back, “Artist doesn't even begin to describe what you are.”

“Oh, stop,” Rarity put a hoof to her cheek, trying to hide her blush, “You're such a flatterer. Keep that up, and you'll have even more mares' hearts.”

Midnight chuckled a bit, “Heh, I doubt... More? As in a higher number than I already have?”

“Why, yes,” Rarity stated as if it were blatantly obvious, “After you risked your life to save Sweetie Belle and her friends many mares have began to see you as the 'selfless hero with a troubled past'.”

Midnight was taken aback by that one. The idea of having a relationship never even crossed his mind. Surely he couldn't find a race that was so radically different from his own attractive... except, they weren't a different race than him anymore. He looked at Rarity, her curves, her coat still sparkled despite the soot dotting it, and her amethyst mane, tied back in an elegant ponytail to keep it out of the way.

Rarity smiled at him, noticing him looking, “Like what you see?” she giggled, “I do apologize, but I'm not looking for a stallion quite yet. Maybe in a year or two.”

Midnight cheeks heated and not from the cooling forge, “No no no! I just, uh, well, um...”

Rarity giggled again, “I understand. We must be quite different than the females of your race. I imagine you would not find us sexually attractive were you still human, but I am curious as to how you see us now that you, yourself, are a pony.”

“You're right that I doubt I would see a pony as a potential girlfriend or wife, but now...” Midnight examined the mare again, this time in a more analytical state of mind, “Maybe my transformation altered my mind a little, but I see you as quite attractive. I wonder if I would have before I-” Too late he realized what he actually said.

Rarity's eyes widened for a moment before closing them slightly to give Midnight a sultry gaze, “You don't say. Well, Sweetie is going to be at school for a few more hours.” She walked up to him, brushing a fore hoof to his chest, “Perhaps we can explore your newly discovered attraction to mares?”

Midnight's blush spread to most of his face, “I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-”

Rarity burst into laughter, “Oh, Midnight, you are such a delight. I'm simply teasing you...” she gave him one last glance over, “although...”

“I really should find Twilight so I can finish this thing, so see you around!” Midnight quickly shouted as he rushed up the stairs, out of the basement, and out of Carousel Boutique. He turned toward the library and moved as fast as his still uncoordinated legs could take him.

What in Mala's perky nipples just happened?! He screamed in his head. Did Rarity really just proposition me? Dear goddess, I actually considered it. I can't believe I almost betrayed Sarah like that.

“Hey, Midnight!” shouted a voice from above, “Where's the fire? You know you're not supposed to be out here without one of us. What if you have another episode?”

Midnight stopped and looked at her, gasping for air, “Rarity... trying to... seduce me.”

Rainbow cocked an eyebrow, “Rarity? She's one of the biggest prudes in Ponyville... although you did save her sister and you are pretty hot.”

“Argh! I'm not looking for a girlfriend! My life is complicated enough right now!”

“And I don't want a boyfriend,” RD agreed, “That doesn't mean I don't like commandeering AJ's hay loft every now and then. If you're ever looking for quickie, look me up. Anyway what's with the shield? Rarity actually using her forge again?”

“Uh... Kind of,” Midnight eventually replied, caught off guard by not only the casual offer of sex, but the abrupt change of subject, “She was helping me with something, and I guess she decided to make these since she already had the forge fired up.”

“Wow, that's awesome. She hasn't made armor for... two years? No, not quite that long but pretty close. Her's is the best. I think the last time she used it was when Luna came back. She made her... neck thingy and those... booties... Whatever they're called.”

“Hey, where's Scootaloo?” Midnight suddenly asked, noticing the distinct lack of orange fillies nearby.

“Oh, she wanted to go back to school with her friends,” Rainbow Dash said nervously, biting her lip, “So she's there... doing what fillies do... playing in a playground where she can't even see the other foals...”

“Are you okay?” he asked, noticing her worry.

“Not really,” the cyan mare sunk to the ground, “I'm starting to think maybe I bit off more than I can chew. I mean, what made me think I could take care of a filly!? I'm a nervous wreck. I barely sleep because I'm afraid Scootaloo will fall out of bed and won't be able to get back up without hurting herself. Any time Scoots isn't in sight, I'm imagining her getting hurt because she can't see something. I'm worried about somepony hurting her... I'm worrying about everything!”

Midnight laughed, “I know that feeling. I didn't sleep for three days after Tiffany was born. Any time she'd make the smallest sound that didn't sound happy, I was up and by her side. This one time, she got sick, and I was the one that ended up in the hospital.” Midnight's eyes glassed over as memories came rushing back. “I used to hold her for hours just because I was afraid something would happen if I put her down... even after... I could barely recognize her, but I still held my baby girl.”

“M-Midnight?” Rainbow Dash tried to bring him back.

Midnight started at the sudden interruption. When he spoke, his voice was hollow and cold, “I... I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash... I... can you escort me home, please? I need to be alone for a while.”

“Yeah... sure,” Rainbow trotted along beside him, her own worries forgotten.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Midnight? Are you still there?” Twilight knocked on the small guest room's door.

She had hoped he would be doing better than he was the day before, when Rainbow brought him home. Her friend told her what happened, and Twilight was ready to call his therapist if needed.

“Yeah, I'm... better,” came the response.

Twilight sighed with relief, “I was going to tell you yesterday, I got that crystal you asked for. Come on and eat breakfast and we can cast the spell afterward.”

“I'll be right out.”

Twilight left him alone and went to the table, waiting for Spike to put the finishing touches on the morning meal. Midnight joined them just as the first plate was placed in front of Twilight. He took his seat and dug in when Spike placed his plate on the table.

“You really need to teach Twilight how to do that,” the dragon said, looking at the mage-form fork Midnight was using, “It would cut down on all the dishes I have to do.”

“I'll try,” Midnight stated plainly.

“Are you okay?” Twilight looked at him with concern, “You know, if you want to talk about it, I'm a good listener.”

Midnight gave her a warm smile, “Thank you, Twilight. It's nice to know I have people - ponies anyway - that are willing to help me so earnestly. Although, after our first session the other day, Doctor Mind looked like he's going to need therapy after we're done.”

Twilight smiled nervously at the memory of the psychiatrist's face when Midnight left.

“Anyway, you said you have the crystal?” Midnight asked.

“Oh, yeah,” Twilight lit her horn. Her saddlebags flew in the kitchen and a red orb about five inches in diameter floated out, “A spherical cut heart stone.”

“It's perfect, after we finish, we'll get started.”

Twilight's eyes widened and she suddenly started shoveling her food in her mouth as fast as she could.

“Hurry up!” she called as she tossed her dish in the sink, breaking it, and rushing to the basement door, “We have alien magic to do!” and with that vanished into her lab.

“Dude, you might want to hurry before she drags you down there,” Spike said. The seriousness of his voice made Midnight a bit nervous.

Midnight finished off his meal and followed the unicorn down the stairs. She was still setting up a few instruments that were going to be recording data as they worked. It was the same as when they made his summon space.

Midnight walked over to a sphere made of bands of copper about six inches in diameter. He loosened a couple bolts with a wrench and removed the top half, placed the red orb inside, and then sealed it up again. Then he carried it to a table in the center of the room.

“Okay, I'm set over here,” Twilight announced, “What do you need me to do?”

“You're just fueling the spell. Normally, it would take seven mages to cast this, but you're easily worth fifty.”

“Really?” Twilight gave him a confused look, “That's kind of hard to believe. I've seen you do some impressive things.”

Midnight explained, “Your magic is much more precise, and takes more energy to use. Therefore you have more energy. Now, I'll need you to channel raw energy into the Heart. I'll mold and weave the runes.”

Twilight nodded and lowered her horn to less than an inch away from the metal. Lavender energy poured into it. Quickly, Midnight lowered his own head, his seal appearing on his forehead as he began working.

Twilight opened her eyes, still funneling in her magic. Her breath caught when she noticed Midnight was mere inches away. Blood flushed her cheeks as she watched his face scrunched up in focus. She could smell the sweat forming on his brow. The bookish mare studied his features, his strong chiseled muzzle, his silver streaked mane. Twilight imagined his gorgeous eyes dyed scarlet by a demon's taint.

She was snapped back to reality as electricity suddenly arced from the blood red stone in the center of the orb.

“Twilight, A little more,” Midnight requested.

“Oh! Right!” What the hay is wrong with you?This is no time to be caught up in some infatuation.

Twilight poured more energy into the spell. The heartstone core began rotating faster and faster, until finally it was spinning at a rapid pace. Midnight slowly pulled out of the spell and examined the newly created core.

“Okay, ready to test this thing?” Midnight asked.

“Huh?” Twilight looked up, dumbfounded, “Oh! Test, right.”

Midnight was concerned, “You feeling alright?”

“Y-yeah, I was just... distracted,” it wasn't a lie.

“Well, I'm about to finish it,” Midnight's seal shined as a rift opened and a large capsule appeared.

Twilight looked at it in curiosity. It was a little longer than its creator, but only about two hooves high and four wide. Midnight carried the new core and placed it in a hole in the middle of the capsule. The moment the power source was taken, veins of red light flowed throughout the thing. Suddenly the grinding of gears and the clinking of metal came, as the thing broke apart along the seems that ran down the middle, both front to back and side to side. The contraption twisted, pushing itself upright to its feet. It stood on two legs, upright. Its thick arms were connected to the top of the machine and extended upwards before angling down at the elbow, both ending in a four fingered hand. The core glowed red, giving the appearance of an eye, with veins of red energy flowing from it.

“Twilight Sparkle, I'd like to introduce you too... Clink,” Midnight said, beaming.