Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 4: The Announcement

Chapter 4: The Announcement

“So... what? That's it?” Rainbow Dash said more than a little upset, “He hurts Pinkie, tried to kill Twilight, and we just say, 'Hey why don't you move in?' He should be locked up, or better yet, banished! Send his flank to the moon!”

Twilight started to admonish her friend, “Rainbo-”

Celestia stopped her with a raised hoof, “Rainbow Dash, let me ask you a question. Your father, he served in the Equestrian military during the war with the Griffin Republic, correct?”

“That's right,” the cyan mare said proudly, “He's a war hero and everything. Saved sixty seven ponies.”

“Would you throw a surprise party for him?” asked the ruler.

“Hay no,” Rainbow chuckled, “He'd probably...” her smile vanished, “freakout and... hit somepony... but...”

Celestia smiled warmly, “It sounds like this pony has been through something far more horrifying than anything your father has seen. Do you think a pony should be punished for being traumatized?”

Rainbow visibly deflated, “N... no, Princess, but it doesn't change the fact that he's dangerous! And he's got weird alien magic!”

“I agree. His unknown magic, and fragile mental state does indeed make him a potential threat.” Celestia gave Midnight a calculating gaze, “Midnight Star, I will not imprison you, but for the sake of my ponies, I cannot allow you total freedom. You shall be restricted to the library unless accompanied by one of the Elements of Harmony. Is this acceptable for you, my student?”

“Y-yes, Princess,” Twilight gave a slight bow.

“Further, I will assign a psychiatrist to you. My ruling will stand until she deems you safe for public interaction. Also, she will be privy to your identity, and I ask that you not hide who you are.” her expression softened, “It may be a scary thought, but if you hide it now, when it comes to light what trust you would have gained would be crushed. Do you understand?”

“Yes, your highness,” Midnight gave her a bow.

“Good,” her horn lit up with a pink glow that matched the one that appeared on the cell door's lock. She pulled it open and stepped to the side, “Now, first thing on the agenda is to make a public apology and explain what happened. Then, perhaps Pinkie can arrange another welcome party more suited to you?”

The pink anomaly gasped before rocketing out the door. Midnight stared in awe before noticing the others paid no mind. He figured it must be a normal pony thing.

As if reading his mind, Twilight giggled and said, “You'll get used to Pinkie Pie. Just don't think too hard about it... trust me.”

Or maybe just a Pinkie Pie thing.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight's apology consisted of a brief explanation of his past, omitting how he was traumatized by the demon and what happened to his family. Needless to say, many were nervous about having an extra-dimensional being-turned-pony in town. Sure Ponyville had its fair share of crazies, but this was ridiculous. A few, however, were rather intrigued... mainly a trio of fillies that decided to sneak in.

After that, Celestia announced her decision regarding Midnight's constant observation. Most of the ponies accepted the situation, some more grudgingly than others, but a few were not happy. Celestia, in her infinite patience and wisdom, listened to their complaints. She managed to convince some of them to give the alien stallion a chance, but a few refused to be swayed. To those stubborn few, she made sure they knew that Midnight had been granted citizenship, and should they decide to act against him, they would be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

Midnight watched and listened to the ruler speak. With every word, his respect for her grew. Here was an all-powerful, immortal ruler, yet she seemed to think of her subjects as more of her children. Even when speaking harshly, she gave the impression of a mother scolding her child.

After Celestia said everything she needed to, she bid her farewells and, in a flash, vanished. The town hall slowly emptied until Midnight was left with his six wardens. They sat in an awkward silence for several minutes before the blue ex-soldier spoke.

“So... um... are we alright with each other?” he asked, “I mean, am I forgiven?”

“Of course, silly,” Pinkie said.

“But not forgotten,” the other six turned toward Rainbow, “I get that you're messed up in the head,” she flew up in his face, “But if you hurt one of my friends again, buck what the princess said, I will end you.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity admonished her brash friend.

Midnight raised a hoof to stop her, “If I go out of control like that again, then please, do whatever it takes to stop me. The truth is, I could very easily kill someone. I already have enough blood staining my soul, I don't need more.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes at him. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but the prismatic pegasus just scoffed and took off, out the door. The others just stared after her for a few seconds.

“Don't worry, Midnight,” Twilight said with an uneasy grin, “She'll come around. The rest of us don't think that way, right girls?”

“Can't say Ah can agree with ya, Twi. Rainbow may have been a bit harsh, but Ah agree with her. Ah don't trust ya,” Applejack said without malice or anger, “If'n you're that bad, you should be in the hospital. They know how to deal with ponies that ain't right in the head.”

“Celestia put him in our care for a reason, I'm sure,” Twilight said, “He only reacted that way to being caught off guard. I think he'll be fine as long as we don't sneak up on him, right Midnight?”

“I'll admit, it only ever happened a couple times, and this was the first time I ever hurt someone,” the stallion explained.

“See?” Twilight stated triumphantly, “He's not some ticking time bomb, waiting to go off. Granted, I'm still locking you in your room, but with anti-magic wards this time. I may believe we can avoid another episode like this, but that doesn't mean I'm going to take the risk. Let's go, I'm hungry.”

As they turned to leave, the scrambling of three sets of tiny hooves could be heard. Twilight stopped and let out a sigh.

“We better go ahead and get this out of the way while we're here to watch them,” Twilight groaned and called out, “Alright, you three, come on out. I know you're there.”

“I told you you were being too loud,” said a young, scruffy voice.

“What you talkin' 'bout? You was bein' loud too, feather brain,” this one had an accent like Applejack's.

“Would you two stop arguing? I want to meet the alien,” said the last voice with an adorable squeak.

Three young fillies came out of the corner wearing green camouflage outfits. Midnight tried and failed to hold a chuckle. The white one even had glitter on hers, and the orange one had a crude drawing of Rainbow Dash's... butt-tattoo? I gotta ask about those... taped to her flank. The yellow one seemed to have a better understanding, as she covered her bright red mane under a stocking cap, only the back being visible.

Midnight noticed Applejack and Rarity tense slightly. He looked at the fillies and back at the two mares. There was a definite resemblance, but were the foals sisters or daughters to the other two? Both seemed possible.

“So,” he started with a warm smile, “I take it you are Applejack's and Rarity's sisters?” He figured if he was wrong, he could pass it as flattery.

The two nodded and the yellow one spoke up, “Ah'm Applebloom, This here's Sweetie Belle, and that's Chicken Feather.”

“Hey! It's Scootaloo!”

Midnight chuckled. They reminded him so much of a couple friends he had when he was a kid. Of course, he didn't remember his old friends being so adorable.

“Well, I'm Midnight Star. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“So, you're really an alien?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yes,” answered Midnight, “I'm from a whole other dimension.”

“Can you teach me your kind of magic?” Applebloom asked excitedly.

Midnight shook his head, “I'm sorry, but I don't know how to make seals, and without one, you can't use it. Besides, you couldn't use it anyway. You see, my magic is fueled by a human soul, and even though I'm a pony now, my soul is still human.”

“Well... can ya show us somethin'?” asked Applebloom.

Midnight looked to the elders for permission. They nodded their consent. The group headed outside.

“Alright... Oh, I know. This is called 'Mage Form'. It's solidified mana used to craft all sorts of objects. Stand back and don't get too close.”

The runic circle on Midnight's forehead glowed dimly. He stood up on his hind legs and stretched one hoof out. A pale blue fire erupted from his hoof, forming a long staff.

“This is one of my specialties,” Midnight explained, “On the battlefield, I rarely used my rifle. Just these and my other specialty...” His seal glowed even brighter as he slammed the staff into the ground, the patch of earth around the weapon glowed, “... golems.” An earthen fist erupted from the ground, followed by a second. A stone creature pulled itself from the ground like a zombie from a horror movie. It was a short thing, just an oblong ball with arms sticking out of the top, and a pair of stubby legs. The crusaders stared, their jaws hanging open.

Twilight looked up over the piece of parchment she had been taking notes on, with a cocked eyebrow and asked, “Was all that necessary?”

“Not at all,” Midnight said with a chuckle, “Just putting on a show for the kids.”

He looked back to see the three youngsters huddled together, whispering to themselves. After a moment they broke and Applebloom approached.

“Hey, mister?” Applebloom began “We noticed, you ain't got a cutie mark.”

“Cutie mark?”

Twilight jumped at the opportunity to lecture, “A cutie mark is a magical symbol that appears on the flanks when a pony discovers what makes them special. It can be a special talent, or personality trait, and tends to be something the pony loves to do.”

“Oh... I thought those were tattoos,” Midnight said, getting a few confused looks, “Images made by injecting ink just under the skin. Humans don't have fur, so the ink shows.”

“Oh... Anyway,” the farm filly continued, “we was wonderin'... how would you like to be a crusader? We're tryin' to get our cutie marks, too. We'd love to have an alien member.”

“Yeah, I’d be totally cool!” Scootaloo added.

“Uh...” Midnight tried to put on a convincing smile, “I'm sorry, girls, but I don't think that would be a good idea. See, I need to focus on getting on my feet here. Plus, you heard what the princess said, I'm sick in the head and need to get better.” The collective 'aww's nearly broke his heart, “But... if it's okay with your parents, I can play with you sometimes.”

“My parents are always on business trips,” said Sweetie.

“Mine died when Ah was two,” said Applebloom.

“I never had any,” said Scootaloo.

Midnight was taken aback by this. “Who takes care of you girls?”

“My sister,” was Sweetie Belle and Applebloom's simultaneous reply.

“I take care of myself,” Scootaloo said, as if she were being challenged.

Midnight looked at the orange filly, “Well, where do you live?”

“At the Feedbag Cafe. I work as a delivery filly when I'm not at school or crusading.”

“Well... I’ll tell you what,” Midnight gave the filly a warm smile, “if Applejack and Rarity give their sisters permission, then we'll say the same for you, okay?”

The three turned toward their sisters and gave them the CMC special attack. Three pairs of doe eyes and quivering lips could make a mountain move on its own.

“Oh, fine,” Applejack said, Rarity reflecting her answer, “As long as me, Rarity, and Twilight are there. You also tell us and Midnight anything y'all're plannin on doin'. Midnight, I trust you know what sets you off?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“Not tonight, though, girls,” Twilight interrupted, much to the fillies' dismay, “We need to go home, eat, and then Midnight and I need to discuss some things. Can you five come over at around ten tomorrow morning?”

After nods of agreement, Twilight asked Fluttershy to talk to Rainbow about what she missed, and they all went their separate ways.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight and Midnight walked through the front door of the library. They plopped down on the couch more emotionally drained than physically. A myriad of emotions swam through Midnight's mind. He really didn't understand these ponies. Rainbow Dash and Applejack acted more how he expected, with mistrust and anger. How the others were able to look past his sins was beyond him. Did they not understand? No, Twilight is too smart, and Fluttershy works with wild animals. They would understand the weight of death.

But one other thought was more dominant than the rest. After all, he always had a soft spot for kids.

“Twilight... about Scootaloo...”

Twilight let out a small chuckle, “I already know where you're going. I was the same when I first found out about her. It's complicated with her. She's had it rough for as long as she can remember. The way Rainbow told me, she showed up on a road outside Ponyville about two years before I moved here. Her earliest memory was of walking down that road before collapsing. It was Rainbow that found her and named her after buying her that scooter.”

“That's terrible,” Midnight had heard worse, but things like that still pulled at his heart.

Twilight continued, “Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, myself, and a few others have all offered to adopt her, but she always says no. It's not that she doesn't want to be adopted, she just wants to be adopted by Rainbow Dash. Unfortunately, Rainbow feels that she would be a terrible mother, and won't adopt her, even though she cares about her about the same as a mom would. We've tried and tried to convince her, but she's scared.

“She's a very proud filly, and refuses any kind of help. We still help her, though, she just doesn't know it. Her 'job' is making one or two deliveries a day. She gets paid for it, and is told it includes room and board, but a bunch of ponies around town take care of her bills.”

“Poor kid,” Midnight whispered.

“It's not the best way, but it's better than sending her to an orphanage,” Twilight reasoned, “At least here, she has friends and ponies that care for her.”

“I just wish I could help her out.”

“You want to help her, have fun with them tomorrow. Show them some more of your magic, tell them about some of the foal-friendly things from your world. What she needs is adult role models, and being an alien, ergo 'cool', you'll likely be one of them. Now, enough about depressing things, let's eat.”
