A Lost Soul Hidden in Unexpected Places

by Broniesrponies2

Interrogation time

I met Twilight and the rest of the mane six at the train station. A sleepy looking Lyra in tow. We got there just before the train was ready to go. Fortunately, Twilight had paid for mine and Lyra's tickets. We managed to get aboard before the train left and I was greeted aboard the rail car by a sobbing Pinkie. It was semi expected, but still came as a surprise. Tears literally flew from her eyes like they were from a hose. The rest of the mane six just looked on. Presently, she was gargling out something about how I was a poor, poor stallion who had felt death's embrace. I accepted it. She was Pinkie Pie. She happened. I had watched the show and I knew how to deal with it.
"So, what did everypony have for breakfast?" I asked.
"French toast." said Twilight, a weird look on her face.
"Waffles." said Rarity.
"WAAAAAAFFFFFLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!" shouted Pinkie Pie, switching from hosepipe tears to full on happy in an instant. It was an endearing trait, not so much when it went the other way though. Rainbow understood what I had been doing and grinned. The others were a little slower on the update, but laughter reigned soon. It died down, as laughter does and Twilight got us ready for the questions about Earth. We sat down in two booths, next to one another across the aisle. Twilight sat across from me with Rainbow on her right. I had Lyra to my right. Across the aisle, Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting to my left with Applejack and Pinkie across from them.
"So, what do you want to know about humans?" I asked, directing my question to the middle of our group.
"What was your planet like?" asked Twilight. The rest of the ponies looked at her strangely, but I understood.
"A description of Earth gives the environment in which we live. I can describe the effects on the ecology and what impacts it has on our civilization," I explained.
"Exactly," Twilight said.
"Well, it started off beautiful," I began sadly. "We squandered the resources with wars and industry. I can only thank Celestia that Equestria hasn't been industrialized. It is a perfect way to kill ecosystems. What we started was irreversible. We had no control over the weather and many things existed with the capability and sometimes the desire to kill us. I never blamed them."
"Can you really despise your own species that much?" asked Lyra, shocked at the explanation of my home.
"We were terrible in any significant numbers. Put three humans in a room and give them whatever they want and they will eventually start to fight, if only from boredom. Individually though? Am I that bad? Most people are fine when met alone, or if you can catch the prejudices before they develop. As a race, we destroyed. As individuals, we were fine though."
"That is so confusing." said Pinkie, tilting her head to the side.
"It is I suppose. To be perfectly honest, I think that a good few people feel that way. We know what we are like and we are constantly fighting it. When I left, the leader of the nation to the south of mine was implementing a ton of systems that would reduce the ecological impact of the entire nation. It was too little too late to be honest, but the thought counted."
"What is wrong with your people?" asked Rainbow indignantly.
"Too many things. We have no control over our environment really. Diseases crop up and kill people. We fight them off. Animals attack. We teach each other how to prevent attacks. Cause and effect. You learn to accept it. We are insane as a species. Do you mind if we turned it to something less depressing?"
"Go ahead. What do you suggest?" asked Twilight, wondering what I could come up with.
"Well first of all was transportation and communications. You have trains, we had airplanes."
"What is an airplane?" asked Rainbow eagerly.
"It is a machine that allows humans to fly thousands of kilometers in just a few hours. They reach incredible speeds and fly at impossible heights."
"Awesome!" said Rainbow.
"We also had helicopters. They fly at lower speeds, but with far more control. I can draw one for you if you have a pencil of quill to hoof."
"Not right now. Maybe when we get to Canterlot. What else did you have?"
"Their were cars. Not everyone could own a helicopter or an airplane, but most people could own a car. It is a vehicle that is a little bit smaller than a cart. It is able to travel at over 100 kilometers per hour on a paved road."
"Wow." said Fluttershy.
"Our communications technology was pretty cool too. You can communicate through Spike's dragon magic, but we could do it with handheld machines. They were called phones. It would send a signal up to an artificial satellite in orbit around the planet. The satellite would then send the signal to wherever it needed to go."
"It sounds amazing." said Rarity.
"These advances all came from war. The only benefit." All of the ponies recoiled slightly from the word. "It was terrible, but it was life. Don't worry. It will not spread here. I am the only human and I never saw the benefit of fighting for no reason. Here, there is no reason." They seemed to relax a bit at those words.
The train arrived at Canterlot at that point. It wasn't a very long trip. When we arrived at the station, a carriage was waiting with a group of palace guards standing around it. Our route was obvious. We climbed into the carriage, me helping each of the girls in before climbing in behind. We kept quiet on our trip to the palace. Once we arrived, we stepped out, I lent a hand to each of the girls as they stepped out of the carriage. Princesses Celestia and Luna were standing at the top of the steps, beautiful in dresses appropriate to their respective duties. Celestia's gown was a beautiful golden colour while Luna's was a sparkling navy blue. I kept my head as I walked up the step, but only just.
"Welcome to Equestria." said Celestia, speaking directly to me. I knelt, my right knee behind me, left arm forward and at a right angle to my body resting on my left knee, my head bowed. She and Luna laughed a tinkling laugh that sounded girly.
"You have no need to do that Josh. Stand up and look at us." said Luna, kneeling down and touching my shoulder. She appeared the same age as me. It wasn't unexpected, she always appeared to be only a little bit older than the other ponies on the show, but it was pleasant. I looked up into her face that was only a few inches from mine. She studied my face and I could feel her in my mind. She let out a cry and threw her arms around me. I was confused, but I put my arms around her and we rose together, standing slowly. I could see Celestia's questioning look over her sister's shoulder. Luna let go suddenly and pulled away. I didn't resist.
"What did you see sister?" asked Celestia curiously.
"He is dead. He can never return home and his first experience in this world was to almost die again. His life before that was pleasant except for his own self hatred, for what he has done and has not done with himself." Luna explained.
"I can see how that is trying for you sister, but to lose your composure-"
"He simply accepts it. Whatever has happened to him in his life, he can simply accept it, no matter how bad things are. It is incredible, but it wrenches at my heart." Luna said, looking me in the eyes. I smiled back at her.
"We have a word on my planet. I don't know if it exists here. The word is karma. It means that over your entire life, for your good luck, you will have equal bad luck and vice versa. It is also affected by deeds. When you do good deeds, you have good luck. If you do bad deeds, you have bad luck. However nice I was, my luck was never good. Whatever I did for people, bad things tended to happen to me. And now I finally know why. I have never had good luck, because all of it was saved for now. I met you Luna, and you Celestia. And for this meeting, I would have gladly suffered a thousand times more."
I was looking directly into Luna's eyes. They were beautiful and they were staring straight into mine, tears shimmering in them. I could feel my own eyes begin to moisten. She had touched my mind and we both understood that what I had said was deeper than the words.
"Come inside." Luna said. "There we can discuss your living arrangements here in Equestria.
In a universe where humans are made of licorice...
DEATH stepped through the hole in between the dimensions and stepped out onto a plain. There was a battle going on down below. It was fought with stone axes and shields bound with solid oak planks. DEATH walked up to his counterpart in this universe and prodded him on the shoulder. He turned around. His skull was a little bit different and his scythe was made of stone.
The two anthropomorphic personifications laughed over the folly of humanity.
They laughed again. The humans from the victorious village began to feast upon the sugary remains of their fallen foes. The carrion was coming in as well to share in the banquet. DEATH turned from the spectacle and opened his exit. The other DEATH strode onto the field and began to reap the harvest. Behind him, there was a small pop as the dimensional hole disappeared.