A Lost Soul Hidden in Unexpected Places

by Broniesrponies2

What the hell?

I was walking down the street, the rain falling on my head. The occasional piece of hail bounced off of it as well. I wandered my way towards the Tim Hortons where I was planning on grabbing a coffee before heading back to MSS.
"Hey, Dustin." called my friend Mitch from beside me.
"What?" asked Dustin grumpily. He had his hands in his pockets as he walked on my other side.
"Cloud r34." said Mitch, ruining Final Fantasy 7 in Dustin's mind forever as he pictured it.
"Hey Mitch," he said back.
"Fuck you." Dustin hitched up his sweater and pulled his hood over his head. I grinned a little inside, but didn't openly laugh. This had happened to frequently. It was especially bad when the wiggles had been mentioned. I sighed looked up. Thin black streaks seemed to be moving through the clouds. Suddenly, a shiny body dropped below the cloud layer and seemed to disappear for an instant before reappearing a little to its front. Something else was falling from the sky. Something big. Another darting body dropped out of the clouds and landed on top of the falling object.
"Hey guys what's-" then I dove forward trying to get out of the path of the huge piece of ice. I figured that the dive would be enough, but looked up to see a flying fish push the ice, defying the laws of physics. The trajectory of the ice changed and it headed straight for me again.
"Bullshi-" I began to say as the two foot wide hailstone dropped onto my head at terminal velocity. I stood up, realized that it didn't hurt, realized the implications of the lack of pain and looked at a spreading red mess where my head used to be. I looked around, waiting for whatever would happen next. A black robe began to form from nowhere, but before it could fully materialize, I disappeared.

I woke up, my head pounding and a craving for banana chip cookies in my mouth. I looked up to see two pastel coloured young women. One was a bright sky blue with rainbow hair styled faintly tomboyishly. The other was a pleasant yellow with pink bangs draped across her face hiding one of her eyes. Their skin appeared textured oddly, and with a sudden shock, I realized that their faces were covered with fur. I back felt a little bit weird and I tried to adjust my body weight. Suddenly, both of the girls' faces turned to those of sudden fear. I instantly stopped moving and their faces settled back to normal. I looked past their faces to see two pairs of beautiful wings, coloured like their owners. Only then did my thoughts return.
I can't feel anything except for four points of contact on my back. Ergo, I am in the air being held by these two whatever they ares. Okay, first things first.
"Are you angels?" I asked, his voice coming out a little bit feebly.
The cyan one chuckled a little bit, then she spoke in a voice that was all too familiar.
"No we aren't angels. We're pegasi. The question is, what are you?"
"No way."
"I know, but there is absolutely no way that this is real."
"It is real trust me."
"No, it is not. And I can prove it."
"Well for starters, I know your name."
"I know your name Rainbow Dash. And yours too Fluttershy."
The yellow girls hands flew to her mouth and I spun out of Rainbow Dash's hands. The ground was a long long way down. It was getting closer though. I flipped onto my stomach and assumed the position that would present the most resistance, arms and legs outstretched, hands out, fingers splayed. I lifted my stomach to provide just a touch more resistance. The two girls dropped past me and slowed to my speed. Just as they were about to catch me, I slipped myself to vertical, bringing my legs together and allowing them to drop. Rainbow and Fluttershy caught me just as I hit the vertical by hooking their arms under mine. I brought my legs up and they shifted a hand each to hold under my knees. I reached an arm around their shoulders, one per girl.
"So how do you know our names? We have never met you." asked Rainbow Dash.
"You wouldn't believe me."
"I would. I just wouldn't trust you."
"Wanna bet?"
"I bet you fifty bits."
"Ok, you're on. I am from another dimension. I recently died there and came here."
"That doesn't explain why you know our names."
"I'm getting to that. Do you understand the multiple dimension thing yet though?"
"Good. Well, in my dimension, we have a television show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. You and your friends are the stars, except in the show, you look like small horses as opposed to attractive young girls. Hasbro once made a movie where you were anthropomorphized and you all looked anorexic. That is why I didn't immediately recognize you. I know about Equestria, the Elements of Harmony, You two, Rarity's boutique, Twilight's library and that she is a student to Princess Celestia, the battle with Nightmare Moon, who is now Princess Luna, Applejack's farm, and Pinkie Pie's -" I paused there, looking for a word.
"Yeah, her Pinkie Pieness." Rainbow supplied.
"So, do you believe me?"
"So, you owe me fifty bits. And, I will need to find a source of income."
We reached the ground and the two pegasi let go of my legs as I stood up. Rainbow frowned at me.
"Were you making all of that up?"
"If I was then tell me this. How did I manage to get several thousand feet into the sky without wings?"
"I don't know." she admitted, her eyes downcast.
"Look, so far today, I have died and I would have died again." As I began to say it, tears began to fill both of their eyes. I felt tears begin to well up in my own eyes as well. I drew them close for a long hug.
"I can touch, that means that here at least, I'm not dead. Thanks to you two." Tears began to dampen my shirt as they cried onto my shoulders.
"Calm down, calm down. Come on, let's find somewhere to sit." We appeared to be on a street, so I asked a passerby which way to the park. I kept the two girls close as we headed down the street and as we arrived at the park, we all sat down on a bench. They both leaned on my shoulders as the tears kept rolling.
"Hey, calm down." I said to them soothingly. "It was me who nearly died. And it didn't happed again today, all thanks to you two."
Rainbow Dash sniffed, then looked up at me.
"But you died. You have actually died, and now you're here forever and your family will be sad and-" I cut her off with a kiss to the forehead.
"I was still in school. My immediate family will mourn, but I was always different from them and always wanted to be alone. They will be hit hard by it for a while, but later they will get over me. Whatever happens, we can't speak to them. If I go back to my world, I will die and stay dead. I will never know what happens to them so there is no point in worrying about it. Cheer up. Come on, you need to introduce me to all the others. I am sure that Twilight will be fascinated with me and that Pinkie will want to throw a party. Best to leave out my actual circumstances until after that though. Look on the bright side, I can attend my own wake if we do it here."
The gallows humour shook Rainbow, while Fluttershy seemed to simply be unable to cry anymore. Rainbow began to chuckle a little at my dry jokes.
"I suppose that its for the best." Rainbow said. Impulsively, she hugged me again before getting up off of the bench. She reached down and pulled Fluttershy up too. I stood up myself and together we began to walk to the library.


Back on Earth...

DEATH looked down at the lifeless body. He looked around, trying to locate the soul. Searching with his mind, he couldn't find it. Instead, he found a small crack in reality. DEATH poked into it with his scythe and tore it open a little more. He pulled back his cowl to reveal a grinning skull.
"I'M COMING FOR YOU." he said in a voice like the noises of a crypt. He stepped through the gap and disappeared.