The Secrets of the Factory

by Primary213

The Rainbow Factory

"Here we are, the Weather Factory." Derpy said as they both turned the corner to see a gray building with smoke stacks on the top of the building. They were spewing out black clouds of smoke. There was nopony around the factory, just the factory itself.

"Ah yes, this is the place. Also known as the Rainbow Factory. Interesting." The Doctor said as he walked up to the front of he factory. "Thing is, why would a place like this make beautiful rainbows? You think they would make the place a little more friendly on the outside." The Doctor said as he reached inside his coat pocket and got out his sonic screwdriver. The tip of the screwdriver lit up blue and the Doctor was slowly pointing toward the factory.

"What are you doing?" Derpy asked from behind him. He still kept his eyes on the gray building and listened for a distinct sound from the screwdriver.

"Scanning the area for unusual amount of energy, if the screwdriver goes solid blue and the buzzing is constant, than that means there is something else then rainbows being made in there." The Doctor replied as he kept scanning. Just as Derpy was going to say something back, the screwdriver went solid blue and the buzzing was constant. "I knew it, there is something else happening in that factory. It's not just the production of weather, there is something more happening in there." The Doctor said as he ran behind the building, searching for an entrance. Derpy followed him, but was still confused. They both made it to a metal door in the back and the Doctor unlocked it with the screwdriver. Before he opened it he looked at Derpy and smiled. "Time to see what all the fuss is about." He said as he opened the door. They both walked in to be surrounded in darkness with nothing but machinery all around them. The door closed behind them and they just stood there watching.

"What is happening in here? Why do they have ponies being kept in line by guards?" Derpy asked as she pointed toward them. The Doctor looked in shock. He saw the line moving one by one and heard screams coming from the other side of the factory.

"What the hell is this place?" The Doctor whispered to himself.

"Beautiful isn't it? This is just the beginning." A voice had said above them. They both jumped back and saw a pony fly down to them with a bloody lab coat and yellow construction hat. When she looked up, it was Rainbow Dash. "Welcome to the Rainbow Factory. It's my own little creation that I love to share with others as you can see." She said as a smile broke her face.

"What the hell do you do here?" The Doctor said as he became angry with her. She laughed and walked closer toward them.

"Why don't you come with me and find out?" She said as four guards flew up behind the Doctor and Derpy. Derpy looked behind at the guards as the Doctor just stared at Rainbow. They all walked over to an elevator that took them up to the highest floor in the building. "Our mission was clear. We were to build a machine that could generate clouds and other necessary weather items and distribute them accordingly throughout the land. But this was a tough task." Rainbow said as the continued to move along the walkway.

"Creating weather, that takes a lot of energy, you must have an abundant power source." The Doctor said as he looked down at the factory.

"We couldn't find anything with both mass amounts of energy and an abundant source until recently." She said with a smile. The Doctor was thinking for sometime. He looked down at the line of ponies and he took in a deep breath.

"So you are using the one thing that has those both. Your using ponies! How dare you!" He yelled as he grabber her lab coat. The guards quickly jumped behind him and restrained him. "You sick being you! Your ending innocent lives!" The Doctor yelled as Rainbow turned around to look at him.

"It is for the greater good of all ponies in Equestria! This is not all we do with the ponies!" Rainbow yelled as he was being restrained. The Doctor stopped fighting the guards holding him and looked at her confused.

"What do you mean by that? What more are you putting them through? Answer me!" The Doctor yelled as Rainbow looked down at the ponies being killed in the factory.

"You see, I recently had my scientists working on experiments that could further enhance the Rainbow Factory to a world wide scale." Rainbow replied. Derpy jumped forward and was staring angrily at Rainbow Dash.

"Equestria only needs one rainbow factory, why create others?" Derpy said as a guard brought her back next to the Doctor.

"Only certain ponies will know that there only needs to be one factory. What they won't know is that these new factories won't be factories after all. Just storage." Rainbow continued as she walked along the walkway. The Doctor and Derpy were forced to walk along with her.

"Storage? For what!?! You've been killing ponies for the weather! Why would you need storage?" The Doctor yelled as they continued walking. They all turned a corner to a new part of the factory and Rainbow stopped.

"Storage for my creations! For all of my scientists success!" She yelled as they all looked down in horror. There were millions of metallic silver ponies standing in line and some walking around them. The Doctor's eyes grew wide and his mouth opened. "With these new creations, there will be no classification! No segregation! Only unity and, eventually peace." Rainbow said as she burst out laughing.

"What are those things? They look like ponies!" Derpy said to the Doctor. He slowly turned his head towards her and looked at her.

"Another species has made the same mistake. Derpy, those are Cyberponies!" He said as she looked at him with a blank face. "They are the brain of a pony, but the body of pure metal and electronics. They feel nothing, and each one is exactly the same as the last one." The Doctor said to her to clarify. Derpy looked down at them again in absolute horror.

"Canterlot is a bug waiting to be squashed! The Princess would never agree to this, so she must be removed! First her, then all of Equestria will belong to the Cyberponies!" Rainbow said as she continued to look down at the machine and her slaves.