Daring Do and The Legend of Kakara

by P4

The Creature

The Legend of Kakara

Her heart was pounding. Sweat was dripping down her mane. The humid air smelled of all the mysterious plants in this dense jungle. All was silent, all but the scarlet macaw in the canopy. Daring Doo loved it. The smell, the sounds, everything.

But sadly, she couldn't stop and enjoy it. She had work to do. This mare had to work fast setting up her camp. Night in the Equestrian Jungle comes quickly. Setting up the camp was easy. All she had to do was lay down some of the huge jungle leaves to make a place to sleep. But what she needed was some dry firewood. Which is hard to find in this jungle because of all the rain, and lack of sunlight that reaches the bottom. And without firewood, she wouldn't be able to get clean water, or keep away the animals that come out at night to hunt.

So Daring went out into the jungle, on her way she passed by a river, so she filled up her magical canteen, that she received when she saved the town in the Zeveran desert, with the dirty water.

"I'll have to remember to clean this" Doo said softly under her breath, as she didn't know who or what could be listening. She then carried on her way into the jungle looking for firewood.

After an hour or so, she had finally found enough wood to last her the cold night. So she quickly flew back to camp as fast as she could realizing that the sun was already setting. Because she was going so fast, she had to do all sorts of dives, flips and spins to dodge all of the plants, branches and vines that were blocking her path, reaching for the last small spots of sunlight that had made its way through the trees.

When she finally reached her camp site, she quickly put some of the wood in a pile and took out her flint and steel. After putting small pieces of leaves and twigs under the logs, she quickly started to strike the metal across the small rock. Over and over she tried, but the twigs refused to light anything. The sun finally had made its long journey across the sky, and had hidden its self beneath the horizon. It slowly began to darken with each strike of Daring's tool. In the background she heard the scream of some wild animal. It was coming for here.

"Come on, COME ON" she screamed. "Why won't this stupid thing work?!"

And as if those to words "think work" were magic, the sparks hit a leaf and started a flame. She immediately blew on the small flame, coaxing it to hit something. As if it were magic, the fire hit the pile of twigs, which lit the wood. There was a huge bonfire right in front of her. But the was also another thing right in front of her. She didn't know what it was. It looked like a large spider, but had claws. And it was hissing. But obviously she couldn't make out what it was saying. And before she could do anything, it ran off into the deep forest.

Daring was confused, but she went on doing her things trying not to let it bother her. She put a pot in the fire and added the water from the river into it. The water was filled with all sorts of things, but it was water and that was what could keep her alive out here. She laid out her pillow from her magic satchel, which she had enchanted when she was a younger pony.

After the water began to boil, she poured some into a small metal bowl, and let the pot on the ground to cool. She then took out some fresh potatoes, herbs, and other things and made a soup. She then waited for them to cool. This was her favorite time out on her expeditions. When she could just lay back, relax and look out at the night sky (or the upper tree levels in this case) and she didn't have to rush to do anything because she had food right next to her.

After she water was cooled of and the soup was still warm, she ate and put everything away. She was full and tired. She laid herself down and started to imagine about the riches she would be greeted by in the Tomb.

"Could the legends be true?" she whispered as she fell asleep.

The Legend of Kakara is an amazing tale. It is known all across Equestria and is known more than the tale of Night Mare Moon. The legend tells of a King in the Equestrian Jungle, the only ruler that was male ever, Kakara, who ruled over 3,000 years ago. He was a smart, strong, noble, kind, and gentle king. And because of that, he never had to pay for anything. Ponies would just do what he asked or give him what he wanted. Because of this, all of his bits and gems would pile up.

But the king became old, and he wanted to have a child, so that all of his fortune and kingdom would be passed on. So he married and they then tried to have a foal. They quickly realized that the wife could not have any babies. And Kakara was too old to try again and he died before he could do anything. The Kingdom was torn apart trying to find out who would rule and receive the inheritance. So the Princesses Celestia and Luna decided to put all of the gems and bits into the tomb of Kakara. The Kingdom was soon forgotten as it had no ruler. It became a city for thieves and run-aways. Then it was abandoned. And everything became a legend, then a myth.

But Daring wasn't trying to find the tomb for the riches hidden deep inside. No, she was going in there for the Stone of Limpieza. The stone has been said to be able to cure anything of anything. It can be used to clean water, clean wounds, diseases, anything.

"And then I can finally help him." She said as she drifted off to sleep.