Rainbow opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Staring around her looking into nothing but black, dead, darkness, wondering where she was. Is this another nightmare? Imagining that she will be transported to some sort place where she will be flying or she will die in some kind of way, but she looked around and couldn't see anything. She could barely see past her own fore hooves. There was only still silence in this cold, dark, dreary place. A pain from her head had also caught her attention and the put her fore hoof on the spot where the pain was most and felt a very large bump. That rock must have hit me hard. Looking up, Rainbow saw stars and Luna's moon giving her the only light which she could see.
Standing up deemed a difficult task, she barely managed but something was holding her down. She could move everything but her right wing. It was a difficult task though because her body was in such an awkward position that moving her body made her feel a sharp pain in her right wing. Pain. It's not a dream. Looking behind her heart dropped into the deepest parts of her stomach. Her right wing, trapped under a boulder the size of Celestia herself! "Nononono!" Rainbow panicked! Trying everything she could to move the massive boulder it was to no avail. It didn't even budge. She remembered everything that had happened before she had gotten knocked out. Why did I have to scream! Stupid me! Now I'm going to die! The thought then struck like a rock. What if she really does die? So many thoughts were running through her head. She couldn't think.
Sitting there, she knew there was nothing she could do to move the tremendous boulder. Laying back down next to the boulder she quietly sobbed. Thinking about her friends and how maybe they will figure out that she will be missing and they will come and find her. Looking around for something to rest with there was nothing. Since she couldn't see anything barely in front of her she decided is was best to wait for some pony to come and rescue her.
All of that night was spent laying down and crying and thinking about ways to get out of this. The only way she thought was to get her wing out from under the rock. Now the rock was enormous. Almost the entire wing was crushed under the rock. Every bone in it was probably broken. Every time Rainbow moved around she felt a very sharp pain come from that wing. She couldn't think about it. She tried to forget everything, the broken wing, the rock, and her being trapped in the gorge. She closed her eyes, tears running down her face and she tried to forget everything and hopefully that she would wake up in her bed.
She woke up, her body was cold and she was starting to shiver. The cold wind ruffling her coat and multi-colored mane. She looked around finally being able to see her surroundings for the first time. She finally got a glimpse of the boulder that had crushed her right wing and was the only thing hindering her from escape. There was dried blood on the ground, most likely from the injury on her head where the rock had hit her and knocked her out. She looked at the partial wing coming out from under the boulder. There were a few Cyan feathers scattered on the ground near the boulder. She picked a few up and carefully examined them, then examined the partial wing sticking out from under the boulder. The poked at it and once again felt excruciating pain coming from that wing.
The sun being a quarter way across the sky meant it was already mid-morning. She would probably be doing a weather patrol through Ponyville right now. Trying to match the weather as the predictions call. Hopefully somepony knows that I'm gone. Rainbow had made herself some things to keep her from getting bored with some rocks. Celestia's sun was slowly crawling across the sky. She wanted out and she had some ideas about having to amputate her wing but the only way was to bite it off and she couldn't even think of a way to break the bone that goes through her wing so those thoughts quickly came and went. She decided to grab a sharp looking rock near her and she started to chip away at the boulder. It proved to no avail. Nothing worked, plus the rock was not sharp enough to break through the massive boulder holding her wing down.
It was mid day. The sun was just about to start on its second half of its journey across the sky and Rainbow was starting to get hungry. Now she couldn't really do anything. She wanted something to eat really badly. Something, anything, even bugs she'll eat. Looking around on the ground she saw some kind of bug crawling a few feet from her. Watching it, envying it, I wish I was that bug. Being able to freely fly around wherever it wants. Not being stuck under a rock like me. It was her only source of food. She reached over and tried to grab it but ended up squashing the poor thing. "Noooo!!!!" Rainbow shouted. as the bug became mixed in with the dry soil. The shout echoed through the entire valley. It seems as if every living thing in the entire valley had stopped. Everything became so quiet. The echo dissipated into the the farther regions of the gorge. Rainbow just buried her head in her fore hooves and started crying. "There's no hope for me. I'm dead."
As the sun had started to set, the sky became a glorious bright orange. Dash was envying everything living thing that was not trapped under a boulder. Looking up the sun had already gone past the top of the gorge and the shadow had already engulfed Rainbows body. Coldness. The heat from the day was slowly being sapped from her. In fact the energy in her was getting pretty low. She didn't know what to do anymore. All she had done that day was try to find bugs to eat and she had managed to eat a few bugs that tasted terrible and also just tried to get the boulder off of her wing. Nothing worked for this Cyan Pegasus. Absolutely nothing.
There were no more tears that she could cry out. She couldn't do anything about it and had to accept the fact that she won't be able to get out of this dreadful place. Yet something about it seemed a little comforting, the quiet surroundings, the dim moonlight shining into the bottom of the canyon, it all seemed so... peaceful. This place that was slowly killing her was so immense, powerful, yet nothing controlled it but mother nature herself. No magic, no pegasi, and no earth ponies getting in the way of mother nature and her doings. Life will be dreadful and hope was the only thing that Rainbow was clinging onto for dear life. Anypony, please come save me, help me, I don't want to die.