Totally Vanquished

by Gorgie

Contacting the princess

After a while, Sam and Twilight had got to the library. During his walk through the Everfree Forest and towards Ponyville, the ponies and him asked questions to each other. Except Rainbow Dash who kept trying to attack him for hurting her earlier. The only reason Sam hadn't ripped her head off was because Twilight kept the two apart from each other. He was sorta grateful for this as he didn't want to cause more trouble then he already had. By the time they had got to the library, the others had said their goodbyes and gone to do their own things. As Sam stared at the libraries perimeter, Twilight opened the door and motioned for him to come in. Sam obliged and followed the lavender unicorn into the living room.

"Wow Twilight. You sure have a lot of books."

Twilight rolled her eyes and shrugged. "What else do you expect? It's a library. Don't you have them where you are?"

"Oh yeah, we do. But still..."

Twilight went upstairs and told Sam to follow her, so he did once more. When they got to the top of the stairs, she showed him a quite bare room. It had a bed and a shelf with guess what...more books.

"This room is certinally....down with the basics."

"I'm sorry that it's not got that much in it. It's been here ever since I moved in here. I've never used it so I never felt the need to add anything more to it."

Twilight watched as Sam tested the beds matress. She found him quite interesting and she'd only known him for about 20 minutes. He told her about his species and the war he was fighting. He species was really interesting by the sounds of it and clever. He had told her that his suit what he was wearing was called the ARS suit...or something like that. He also said that it granted him super strength, super agility, let him maniuplate his nervous system in his brain that in turn, made everything seem in slow motion if he got critically injured. His suit was really the most Marvelous thing Twilight had ever seen and would ever see. Just the sheer thought of this creature being able to slow down time (in his own eyes that is) amazed her and at the same time, terrified her. His weapon was also intriguing as it seemed to change into different...what he called "firearms". He said he'd explain to her later how it worked. She was still holding him to that promise. She was snapped out of her thoughts when he walked up to and stood in front of her. She never noticed how tall he was compared to her.

"Right. What do you want to do now?"

Twilight shook her head in confusion and looked up at him. "I don't know. There is one thing what's been bothering me since I saw you actually." Sam nodded and motioned for her to continue. "Is that suit attacked to you or can you actually take it off?" Sam chuckled.

"Yeah, I can get out of it. I just have to press this button here..." Before she could hear the finish of his sentence, he reached for the back of his helmet and pressed a certain button. In a mere second, his suit started to unwrap itself around him, until it finally fell to the floor, revealing what he really looked like. He was quite muscular, although he wasn't fat. He looked like he had a LOT of tough training. Although that was expected as he said he'd been fighting a war.

Twilight looked at him with a seductive look. He glared at her. "Don't give me the bedroom eyes love. I'm not fucking a pony."

The next thing Sam knew, the once smiling, confident lavender pony in front of him was now blushing. She was as red as a tomato. She walked up to him and let out a quick chuckle. "You're certainly a joker aren't you?"

Sam walked past her and laughed. "That I am lass. That I am. So, do you have any meat or??" Twilight stared at him in fear and backed off.

"You're a....a....carni-v-vore?....."

Sam walked up to her, which caused her to back off up against the wall. "I'm actually an omnivore. But don't worry, I won't eat ya. I don't eat ponies." This caused her to relax a bit and walk back over to him.

"Sorry Sam. It just scared me to think that you could eat me...."

He laughed. "Na, don't worry. I don't have a taste for pony meat. So, what food do you have?"

Twilight shrugged and rubbed her forehead with her hoof. "Ermm...we have all sorts, except meat as we are herbivores. Can you eat salad?"

Sam nodded. "Sure can. Could I have some if it's alright with you?" Twilight nodded and put on a warm smile.

"Of course you can. Feel free to help yourself." She showed him down to the kitchen. "Right, after you've had something to eat, you can answer the rest of my questions. Deal?"

"Alright." Twilight smiled when she heard this. She was grateful that he would let her ask him questions. It helped put her mind at ease. She did catch him muttering something though what made her sigh in annoyance.

"Great. 20 questions, here I come."

"40 to be exact." This made him grunt and nudge her with his shoulder. "Perfect. Thanks hunny."

She blushed at him calling her that. "Why am I blushing? He's an alien who I met 30 minutes ago. Get a grip Twilight!" Her thought was cut short when he noticed a quill and a piece of paper just outside from the kitchen.

"What's that?"

She went over to it and levitated it. Sam was amazed, but didn't say anything. "I use this scroll to contact with Princess Celestia. She's an alicorn which is a mix between a unicorn, Pegasus and Earth pony. She is immortal and raises the sun. Saying that, I need to write a letter to her telling her about you. Will you excuse me please?"

"Oh...sure thing."

"She raises the sun and can never die of age? What the fuck?! Wonder how old this Princess Celestia is..."

He came out of his thoughts when Twilight looked at him and smiled. "There we go. Sent. I usually have my dragon assistant, Spike, send them and receive them. But he's in Canterlot on royal business." Before he could ask her anything, a scroll appeared out of no where, making Sam jump back a bit.

"Ah. I knew she would reply immediately." She began to read it out loud.

My faithful student,
This creature sounds very....interesting. I have lived long enough to know that the universe is full of surprises, but this is one of the very few things that I did not expect to ever happen. I have arranged for him to come and meet with me, so I can make sure he's friendly and that he understands the rules of living here, if he chooses to do so. A chariot will be there in a few hours to escort him to Canterlot. Make sure he is ready.

Twilight looked up at Sam who looked confused as hell.

"Well....guess I'm going to meet royalty."