Pony Verse: A Collaborative Collection of Pony Poetry

by darf

On Pegasi—A Primer

On Pegasi—A Primer

When you ride the lightning, it doubles back and
Without fail, you’ll lose it. Without fail,
Promise you with all my heart, you’ll
Get that aching. The Aching, you’ll think, with a big proper
Capital A to make it all special. There’ll be
Lightning in your brain and lightning in your heart and
Lightning in your eyes. Son,
When it crashes, keep your wings steady and
Your eyes rolling all about. You’ll want to play
And revel and love in the storm, want to
Live, but it’s not time to live, it’s time to work and
All that entails and means.

It’s like preening, when a pretty mare wants you, when
You win—that’s what a storm’s like, son. It’s all sound
And fury, noise and preparation. Your throat closes up,
Your eyes don’t wanna stay still, and your hooves shake in midair
And that is okay It’s okay, though the wind tear and the rain pour and
The lightning yell its rage at you,
It’s all okay. World needs a few strong storms now and then
And I guess that means you too.