Meeting Vinyl

by Crimson Ink


This is going through a revise to make it a tighter story to help it fall into my universe used in the Things Are Alive and Hunt and Be Hunted stories.

My name is Octavia and I love music, I even know how to play the Cello and I'm nervous too; this is my first time performing for a crowd. To make things worse it's also a concert for Princess Celestia's birthday and she has yet to show up. I had just started a warm up with a simple song when a tomato had hit me in the face. "Learn to play!"
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and all I could do was try to blink them away. "I know how" was the only pitiful gasp I was able to voice as I was standing up. When I looked I could see that everypony was looking at me. I continued to bite back the tears to the best of my abilities. I was trying to calmly trot out of the room, but I was only able to make it about halfway before "he" had decided to trip me; he was actually the only pony in the world who I ever knew to bask in somepony's discomfort.
"Oh whoops, sorry." I was unable to hold the tears and lost them right then. I dropped into sobs while he laughed at my discomfort; I was almost shaking with the sorrow that this bullying was causing.
Out of nowhere I heard a voice that was very boyish but still female. "Yo! How 'bout you leave that filly alone?" Who could that be? No one had ever stood up for me before...
I could hear Blueblood flipping his mane like he always did when talking to someone he thought was inferior to him; which I had seen enough of today already. "Who do you think you are, mare?"
I took advantage of the distraction and snuck out at a crawl trying desperately to end the tears; a voice drew my attention back to the scene. A filly that was no older than I, was on her hind legs matching my tormentor's normal height. "Me? I'm Vinyl Scratch, who do you think you are pickin' on a filly?"
Vinyl Scratch? What a strange name, and that hair; such a strange shade of blue. "I Price Blueblood shouldn't have to talk to a lowly commoner." I almost cheered when out of nowhere the filly hit him straight in the jaw. "Well then Prince Blueblood I think you should drop an apology to that filly you just tripped." I was stunned hearing somepony I didn't even know standing up for me. "You dare to harm the royal mane?"
"Yup." I watched as he just started to laugh at her, in that moment a sudden anger gripped my heart. So many times had that been me; either at school or in the park no one cared unless it was to laugh at me. Everypony started to laugh at her joining in on the cruel joke. She refused to back down despite all of the laughter surrounding her. "Do you think this is funny?"
At that question Blueblood swatted her aside. I don't know what I was doing but I galloped in as fast as I could and then tackled him from his chair and bit his ear hard; he let out a whine of pain as I drew blood almost ripping his ear off. "I'm sick and extremely tired of you picking on everypony who isn't of royal blood! I've been her how long?! I-I-I hate you!!!" I went to Vinyl and had started to nudge her with my nose; she wasn't moving.
"Are you okay?" She just wouldn't move, I was trying almost on the edge with worry to make sure she was okay. "Vinyl? That's your name right?" Her hooves twitched as if in answer; it wasn't much but at least she was breathing. "I'm going to get you out of here okay?" I did what I could to pull her out of the room; I had never been the strongest though.
After I got her out of the room I was starting to get worried because she had yet to move since Blueblood had hit her. "Are you hurt ma'am?" I could hear the sounds of hooves clomping on stone floor in the ballroom. At that my instincts had kicked in and then I started to struggle to get her unconscious form on my back so I could carry her out to the courtyard. "Gah... you're heavy" I groaned. Out in the courtyard I could hear the guests of the part starting to search for us. "Where am I?" I let out a sigh of joy when she had started to stir on my back, I sat her down after a bit of trouble.
"The Canterlot Castle's courtyard." I was hearing the sound of hooves coming our way and craned my neck looking around. "Follow me." I told her as I started to trot off as silently as I could. I was heading for the main gate, when I stopped I and felt Vinyl bump into my flank. "Oops sorry" I couldn't help by flush at the contact a little bit.
"Let's get out of here."