Forgotten Romance

by Aetaes Wolf

Mystic Eye

"Mystic, wake up!"

Mystic groans and rubs her eyes. She sleepily feels around for her glasses. The pony beside her sighs. "Here."

Mystic feel her glasses being put on her face, guessing the pony was using magic. Mystic yawns and opens her eyes. The room she was in was large, a king sized bed stood in the middle of it. A beautiful oak dresser was placed against the wall near the large double-doors. Mystic's attention turns to the pink alicorn beside her, her beautiful purple, pink, and yellow main brushed neatly into place, her magenta eyes watching Mystic as she fully wakes up. A crystal heart adorns her flank. The alicon nudges Mystic. "You're still half-asleep. You fell asleep at your desk again!"

Mystic pushes her glasses into position and spreads out her wings to stretch them. "Yeah, I guess I did. Let me guess, Cadance. 'You push yourself too hard!' Stop worrying, I'm fine."

The alicorn lets out an annoyed sigh. "You do! You need to take a break, relax a bit."

Mystic shakes her head. "I have work to do, you know my work comes first."

Cadance sighs. "Alright, but at least have some breakfast!" She turns and walks out the door.

Mystics gets up and walks to her mirror. "Messy mane this morning." Her unicorn horn glows blue with magic as she picks her brush and starts to brush her mane. Her thoughts drift back to her dream. Another memory dream. They've been happening a lot lately. I wonder if something is causing this? She puts down the brush and looks more directly at the mirror. Her reflection shows a blue alicorn, her mane and tail newly brushed, and her bright light blue eyes staring back at her. The golden eye on Mystic's flank is the most noticeable feature about her. There, I don't look like a mess now. She leaves her room and begins to walk down the tower, her thoughts drifting again to her dream. My mother, sprained shoulder, dragon's roar...Everything is leading up to....No, please I don't want to see that, not ever! She opened the door at the bottom of the tower, and entered the castle hall. She took in the garnish color of the halls, helping to calm her a bit. Canterlot. I think I'll fly around the city for a bit, to clear my thoughts.

"Morning Mystic!"

Mystic snaps out of her thoughts when her name is called. A white unicorn addressed her, he wore a golden helmet, which bore a silver crest. His mane and tail were blue. Mystic smiled. "Good morning! How was the night shift?"

The pony shrugged. "Quiet, not much happened. You know how it is."

Mystic let out a small chuckle. "Yes. I should probably get something to eat."

The pony nods. "Alright, be careful."

Mystic nods. "I will!"

With that, Mystic head out to the dinning hall. 'Be careful' right. Be careful. Those were the two words she heard the most. She didn't just sprain her shoulder that day, she caused serious damage to it. Though it is completely healed, if she makes a wrong move her shoulder could be in a lot of pain.

Mystic reaches the dinning hall and opens the door. In the middle of the room is a long, cloth-covered table, which is laden with food of all kinds. Various types of fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, breads, and more filled the table. The same was true for drinks. There was milk, juices, cider, water, and a verity of others. A dark blue alicorn walks up her Mystic. "Ah, you have awoken. I take you slept well?"

Mystic politely bows before the alicorn. "Yes, though it unusual dream."

The alicorn looks at Mystic curiously. "Unusual dream?"

Mystic looks up at the alicorn. "A memory dream. I've been having them a lot recently. Do you have any idea why that is Luna?"

The princess of the night thinks for a moment. "Perhaps there it something troubling you about your past?"

Mystic shakes her head. "No. Well, at least nothing new. I just....Don't understand it."

Mystic lets out a sigh. "I'm scared, Luna."

Luna blinks. "Of what?"

Mystic lets her ears lie flat on her head. "What if...The next memory dream...What if it's..."
Luna wraps her wing around Mystic. "You have tried hard to forget. Don't let it haunt you again. It's just a memory, just a bad dream."

Mystic lowers her head. "I wish that's all it was..."