My Little Pony The Musical: The Royal Siblings

by Dragonfire2lm

Act II (edited)

As Celestia reminisced of her mistakes the memory of her sister's final ballard and cry for help played through her mind. In another part of the castle Princess Luna sat within her chambers, the alicorn of the night was also caught in the web of memory and days gone by...

-Act II: Luna's sorrow-

Behind a door made of blackened steel emblazoned with the cresent moon, in a room dedicated to her and her night, sat Princess Luna. In one corner was a simple bed and a vanity near the window. Writing desks, bookshelves and paintings depicting the night sky littered the room along with pieces of paper, scrolls and dusty old tomes.

It was here on the bed that the black alicorn lay, a book lying open before her. With a low glow emanating from her horn she turned the page, a frown on her face and her brow furrowed in concerntration as she looked over the words written in black ink.

"This cannot be true..." she murmured.

"How in Equestria can that fiend still have supporters?" she asked herself. "The elements had destroyed her! Why would there still be ponies that wanted her back?".

With a sigh Luna closed the book turned towards the window. The sun shone bright and Ponies were going about their daily business, but in her minds eye, the princess of the night could recall a time of darker days and even darker nights. When she and her older sister were struggling with ruling a country, when the two had become divided.

-----1000 years ago----

In a castle surrounded by beautiful woodland and small villages, two regal alicorns stood upon a balcony. The age old ritual of setting the sun and beginning the night was taking place. Young Celestia's horn glowed gold as the sun slowly slipped beyond the horizon.

"Will you be alright raising the moon by yourself?" the elder princess asked.

"Yes sister, I will not require your aide this night" a younger Luna replied, her light blue mane billowed out to one side as she turned back to the task of raising the moon.

As Celestia left the princess of the night lit up her horn and summoned the moon forth to begin the night.

"Now the hour's come at last, the soft and fading light.." she sang as the sky darkened. "Has crossed the west horizon and bidden us goodnight"

One by one stars burst to life like lights on a hearths warming tree.

"And what a lovely night it is, to walk a moonlit feild...To see the softer shade that are by starlight now revealed..."

Luna's ears drooped and sorrow crossed her features as down below, shops were closing up for the day.

"So why is it that now when all is quiet and at rest, when candles glow and all the world is at its very best...."

She could only watch as ponies of all kinds left the streets and headed into their homes, closing their doors and shutting windows up tight.

"The ponies of Equestria should lock themselves away, to shun the moon and wait instead for sister's sunny daay..."

The night passed and as Luna began to lower the moon to make way for the dawn she stopped and reversed the flow of her magic and left the moon in the sky.

"Luna?" a voice asked and the dark blue alircorn whirled around to find her older sister standing at the entrance to the balcony, a look of worry and confusion etched upon her face. "What's wrong? Why aren't you lowering the moon?".

"Am I so wrong to wish that they could see things like I do?" Lna's voice turned harsh as she sung the line to her sister who looked on in shock.

"And am I so wrong to wish they could love me too?".

"Well no Luna but-"

"Why shouldn't they adore me! is it not within my right!" she countered and stomped her hoof.

"I'll not be overshadowed! Mine is not the lesser light!"

"Luna just stop, give them a-" Celestia pleaded.

"i've waited long enough now for them all to come around," the moon princess replied. "and though the sun may plead and threaten.."

The moon shifted to shine upon its master as Luna rose onto her hind legs.

"The moon will stand her ground!"

She continued to sing as she rose into the air, the moon following in her wake.

"And all will know the wonder, of my dark and jeweled sky! When all the world is wrapped in an eternal lullaby!"

Luna looked down upon her sister, who had a look of horror and sadness on her face.

"So say Goodnight! at this, the final setting of the sun!"

The night sky began to wrap around her mane and tail, her fur darkened slightly and her regalia took on a twisted appearance.

"Tomorrow dawns in darkness! The night time has-"

Down below Celestia shielded her eyes from the burst of blue light that encompassed the younger alicorn.

"Begun!" Nightmare Moon bellowed as she landed on the balcony. "MhmhmhahahaAHAAHAH!"