Doctor Who: Issue 1: The New World

by Squibdude98

Chapter 2 Chaos Begins

The spirit of chaos himself ,Discord. "Hello every pony " he said.

"How do you know were from Equestria. That makes no sense."I said.

"Your to serious my dear...oh never mind"He said maniacally."ohh but I have things to do and chaos to reap." So he made a hot air balloon out of chocolate and flew away(no questions dang it no questions).

"Well now what do we do."I said.

When I looked his way he was going to the TARDIS."what are you doing"I said puzzled."I need my phone. I need to find out what has happened to everyone."How about TORCHWOOD first.Ok there fine and Jack is still making sex jokes. How about Martha. Oh great she's with Smith.Ok everyones fine."Don't you mean every pony"I said."No were people not ponies".he corrected."Wow thats so weird" I pondered. "You have no idea" he confirmed. "Now we need to find out how he got here"
"Well he is the god of chaos after all"I informed."No,you see I would have seen a crack in the Dimensions and not even chaos can't do that"He pondered."Well lets go back to were we began".He went to his room and pulled out some weird device."This is a Timey Wimey detector. I use it from time to time for dimensional problems."

"So any new information yet."

"yes, but all I can see is it was some great power thats still in Equestria. It would have to very strong just to tear into another dimension without a crack." said the Doc."Well I guess the TARDIS doesn't want me to leave yet. Lets get back to Equestria, ALLONS-Y.". Right away everything in there began to shake again. I fell and when I arose from the floor I saw I was a pony again.

"Yes, back just the way I like it.". Then I saw the look on doctors face and thought I should really shut up. He had a certain frown on his face. He was so close to getting back home and I just rubbed it in his face more. "Well you can go back home later right."

"No, it has to recharge and that will take a year or two."that sad frown still obvious on his lips.

Now I saw just how bad things were in Equestria as i saw El Sombra destroying everything in site as we opened the doors.
His shadow(Fun fact: El Sombra is spanish for shadow) had consumed everything it touched. The world itself looked as if it were turning black. Ponies tried to run but they couldn't outrun the darkness he produced as he laughed with joy.

"Well it seems there are no more wife's to throw off balconies to help Equestria now is there."He smiled. "Will now be consumed in total darkness."

All we saw were ponies sinking into darkness like quicksand. Their screams were soon muffled by the cloak of the black abyss.