Pirate Dash's shippang adventure

by Mysterious Troll

Chapter won

Once upawn a time, there was a Raenbow Dash who was also a Pirate. Most knew her as Pirot Dash. She loved her first mate Twilight Sparkill, whom she called Bookworm. They were seemingly so deeply in love that someon could probably drown in it. Then one day she started to queschan whether or not it was true love or simply something forced upon her by an unknown being. She then dicided that she should talk to her love about it. So she droped in and said, “Hey Bookworm, how ye be doin’?”

Twilight risponded, “I’m doing good. What are you here for?”

Pirate Dash than said, “I be uncertain about something. I’m wonderin’ if our love be true. How could I learn more about this?”

Twilight Riplied, “Why would you ask that?” She was raisin an eyebrow to her lover.

Pirate Dash ansurd, “I’m feeling bored with this…ship.” And growning ensued, she then continued. “I feel like trying something else. I need to go explore other options.”

Twilight respawndead, “Okay, just be safe wherever you go.”

Pirate Dash then sad, “Until I’m back, you are the ship captain.” She then parted wheys with Twilight reacting as you might expect.