A Princess's Sadness

by FellFour

Prologue (pt. 3): Goodbye Earth.

A Princess's Sadness
Prologue Part 3
Goodbye Earth

There she was, standing right in front of my eyes. There were a whole bunch of questions racing in my head that I wanted answers for. I mean, this couldn't possibly be happening right now...right?

"...Are you real or are you just a figment of my imagination?" I asked.

"Yes I am real." she responded.

"...Who are you?"

She hesitated a little bit, but eventually she answered my questions.

"My name is Princess Luna. I am from the magical land of Equestria and I'm the bringer of the night." she answered.

I honestly didn't have anything else to say after that. I now knew that she was, in fact, real. But I still had many other questions that I wanted an answer for.

"Daniel, do you know why I am here?" Luna asked.

It took me a little bit to answer that. I was going to say yes, but lying to the Goddess of the Night was definitely not an option for me. I'm not good at lying at all. So I'm always honest with pretty much everybody that I meet.

"No I don't. Why are you here?" I asked.

"I'm here to take you to Equestria, Daniel." she responded.

My heart, once again, skipped a beat. I couldn't believe that she said that. Me going to Equestria? ME? Why couldn't it be anybody else? Why me?


"Yes you! Is there a problem with my offer?" she asked.

"No no, I would love to go to Equestria. However, I still have more questions to ask. Well, that is, if you don't answering." I said sheepishly.

"Of course, Daniel. I don't mind that at all. Ask away!" she responded.

I then gathered my thoughts so I don't ask the wrong question at the wrong time. But it was kind of hard to do so because of the great offer. I really would love to go to Equestria instead of being in this shit hole we call "Earth". Sorry for the cursing, but it's the truth.

"How do you know my name?" I finally ask.

Once again, Luna hesitated a little bit before answering me.

"I hope this doesn't sound creepy Daniel, but I've been watching you for a couple months now." she answered.

Before I go on, I have to get this out. What she said kind of reminds me of one of those movies where the main character is going through a lot of pressure and then, out of nowhere, someone or something appears out of nowhere and says they have been watching you for a long time and they want to offer you something. That's what this whole situation is reminding of.
Anyway, back to the story.

"...You have been watching me? May I ask why?"

"Your sadness and depression is the reason, Daniel." she responded.

"Wow." I began. "I mean, I knew I was sad and depressed. But I didn't think it get to the point where you would have to step in. Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"Yes." she responded.

"Does anyone else know about this, besides you?" I asked softly.

"My sister, Celestia, knows about this."

Oh great. I wonder when she's gonna get here. I thought to myself.

"She should be here in a few moments. Do not worry, she's just as friendly as I am." she responded.

Okay, whoa, I didn't see that coming. I just stood there in complete awe. She can hear my thoughts? That's something I didn't know about her. What else could she do?

"Wait, you can hear my thoughts? Can Celestia read thoughts too or can you only do that?" I asked curiously.

"I'm the only that can do that, as far as I know." she said.

At this point, things started to get interesting. I never thought that she could do that. Though I wondered why I was surprised. I shouldn't be because, for one thing, she was an alicorn and she was also a Goddess. Still, it was a pretty cool feature to her. I was starting to like her even more, not in that way if that's what you are wondering.

"If you don't mind me asking, but what else can you do?" I asked in curiousness.

"I can go into a ponie's dream. If it sounds a little creepy, I completely understand that." she said.

"No, it actually sounds pretty cool. What do you do when a pony has a very bad nightmare?" I asked.

"I guide them out of it, no matter how bad it is."

I then started to ask some questions that concern me because I still wanted to know why she chose me in the first place. I know I already asked already, but I thought it wasn't good enough.

"Hey Luna?"

"Yes Daniel?" she responded nicely.

"Why did you choose me? I mean, there has to be a good number of people that are going through the same type of stuff that I'm currently going through right now. So why me?" I asked.

Luna, again, hesitated. It looked like she was gathering her thoughts for this question. So I was expecting a long answer from her.

"Well, Daniel," she began. "Honestly, I can't seem to find an answer. There's just something special about you and Celestia says the same thing. But I think I should let her answer that question instead of me because she better at answering these kinds of questions than I am. Speaking of Celestia, here she comes."

I looked around, but saw nothing. This kind of confused me.

"...Where is she? I don't see anythi- WHOA!"

That's when a big orb of light appeared in the middle of my living room. It was pretty bright and it caused me to shield my eyes because of how bright it was. Then, just like that, the light was gone.

Damn that was bright. What the hell was that? I asked myself.

"Maybe you should uncover your eyes and see for yourself, Daniel." Luna said.

I did just that. I uncovered my eyes and standing there was the one and only Princess Celestia. I couldn't help but just stare at her. I always did like her mane and the amount of beauty she had.

She always did have a beautiful smile. I thought to myself.

"Thank you Daniel." Celestia said, blushing lightly.

I couldn't help but smile. Celestia blushing was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I even giggled a little because of it. Then it got awkwardly quiet for some reason. I then decided to break the silence with a few questions for Celestia.

"So Celestia," I began. "Are you here to take us to Equestria?"

"Yes I am. But only if your ready Daniel."

"I'm ready. But I have to do something first before we go." I said.

"Take your time Daniel." Luna said.

"I will." I responded.

That's when I went up to my room and got a few things. My family picture, laptop, iPod Touch and my iPod charger. I also took some clothes with me as well because I knew that they didn't have any clothes that would fit a human in Equestria.
Just to let you guys know, my mom died of lung cancer just a few months before I graduated and my dad left when I was five years old. I didn't have any grandparents or any siblings, so I was basically on my own. I was pretty close to being put on an orphanage, but I told them that it unnecessary because I already knew how to take care of myself. So I had nothing to worry about. At first, it sucked being on my own because I was used to having my mom around. But after a while, I got used to it. So it wasn't so bad.
Just as I was making my way out of my room, I stumbled upon a picture of me and Ashley. Even if it was a few years ago, I still thought she was beautiful. I didn't take it with me because it wasn't going to help me move on and it would make me more depressed to look at it. To this day, I still miss Ashley. But I completely moved on with my life. So don't worry about that.

I made my out of my room and went downstairs. Then, I was once again greeted by Celestia and Luna, who were very patient with me.

"Are you ready to go Daniel?" Celestia asked.

I thought about it for a few moments. I still couldn't believe I was going to Equestria. After a few moments of thinking, I finally made my decision.

"I'm ready whenever you two are." I responded.

"Okay then. Step closer to me." Celestia said.

I did just that. I stepped closer to Celestia and then waited for something to happen. But it took her a while to do so.

"So...now wha- WHOA." I yelled suddenly.

A bright light then surrounded us. I started to get dizzy as the light got closer to my face. Then, everything went black.