Keys to the Heart

by BakaBoy


The small quirks of anypony can easily be discovered through careful observation, especially if you have known the pony you are observing for most of your life. The skill can be useful for measuring up a pony's attitude and their motives, or finding out exactly what a pony is thinking just by their body language and actions.

It also can help to assess the current well-being of your friends.

For example: pacing around in a circle enough times to start causing a visible indentation to appear on the ground? Something is definitely occupying most, if not all your thoughts.

Constantly fiddling with the bow-tie that you are wearing while constantly chewing your bottom lip? Somepony must be really nervous.

Not having your cello out prepared and tuned prior to a performance? The world must be coming to an end.

Sitting behind his piano ready for the upcoming performance sat Frederic Horeshoepin, a brown coated earth pony with an eggshell white mane, who was growing increasingly frustrated at the grey coated earth pony with a elegant charcoal mane pacing furiously around her cello case just a few feet from his position on the stage. All the thoughts from the observation drifted through Frederic’s head as he assessed his fellow musician as she paced endlessly around and around causing the visible erosion of the wooden stage floor. Octavia: probably the most talented and experienced cellist in history having played in a large number of prestigious concerts including in front of the princesses, had years of experience in performing, a sociable and undoubtedly attractive mare (although Frederic wouldn't express that particular opinion out loud), was surprisingly reduced to a nervous wreck and acting like a filly at her first recital for no obvious reason.

Frederic knew about anxiety and nervousness, the feelings caused large amounts of stress and plagued his life during his early years. Although he was an accomplished pianist now, rivaled by no other pony, the thought of error or failure with a performance always haunted him during his early years, the thoughts were so strong that he dedicated his childhood to the mastery of his instrument. It was through his dedication that he was now considered the best of the best, an experience shared by Octavia with her unrivaled skill with her cello. Through his dedication, confidence built, and with that the fear of failure dissipated, surfacing only during the most prestigious of performances which could alter his career as a pianist forever, whether it be positive or negative.

But now, Octavia was openly expressing her distress. The same symptoms of anxiety and extreme nervousness were obvious to any performer worth their salt. What bothered Frederic now though, was why? Admittedly the Grand Galloping Gala was a large setback, but that happened months ago! The band had undoubtedly recovered, regaining their previous popularity quickly after news of what not only the pink menace commonly known as Pinkie had done, but also the rest of the Elements of Harmony, who were mainly responsible for the catastrophe that the Gala had been, what with all the fauna from the garden being let loose among the guests.

Prior to this rather standard concert that the Canterlot Quartet was playing, there was no real change in any of the band member’s routines. The concert itself was a simple fare, merely playing as a charity band for one of their various employers. Although this was a charity concert which provided a rather meager amount of bits, the benefit of increasing their popularity through events such as this was how the quartet became popular in the first place. Overall for an experienced performer such as Octavia this concert should have been of no concern at all, especially since anypony could identify every member of the band a seasoned veteran for events such as this.

After the eighteenth rotation Frederic finally had enough. Octavia’s antics were not only starting to bother Harpo and Beauty Brass, the other quartet members who had only just finished their own preparations and were now staring in bewilderment at their friend's strange antics, but the lack of preparation from Octavia would soon delay their performance which definitely would impact negatively on the quartet's reputation. But considering that they were not supposed to be the only act playing but were currently the only act here, Frederic figured he had some spare time to try calm Octavia down prior to their performance, they were opening act after all and so had to set the standard for the next act that will proceed them.

Hopping out of his seat, Frederic briskly trotted over and coughed lightly into his hoof, gaining the attention of Octavia who immediately stopped and looked at Frederic in surprise, not noticing his sudden shift from the piano. Frederic frowned slightly when he noticed Octavia's eyes were slightly bloodshot from what appeared to be a lack of sleep. Although most veteran performers had already experienced the burden that is sleep deprivation and have still successfully performed without fail, causing no concern for their upcoming performance. Although the cause of sleep deprivation was of concern since usually small performances were not usually in need of a practice marathon that extended throughout the night.

After a brief amount hesitation, Frederic finally spoke.
"Octavia, whatever seems to be the problem? You have been running yourself ragged stressing over something that, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to figure out!"

The reply was quiet, being extremely meek and timid in comparison to how Octavia usually was, but her voice still contained its usual sophistication which showed her Manehatten upbringing.
"W-well... you see... there is something that has been bothering me for a while now. It is not really of any major concern and will not really affect the group, but it is more of a private matter that you might be able to help with..."

Unfortunately before Frederic was able to ask about what exactly was bothering Octavia, and also why only he specifically could help her with her current problem, the backstage doors were suddenly flung open. The noise created by the double doors being encased in a light blue aura of magic and abruptly being slammed against the walls was an effective way of announcing the arrival of the other performer for the charity concert, the DJ known as DJ-PON3.

Just as spontaneous as her entrance, the DJ bellowed loudly, "What's up everypony! The party pony has arrived!"