To Sleep, Perchance to... Nightmare?

by Draconis187

Not Invincible

To Sleep, Perchance to… Nightmare?
Not Invincible
Author: Draconis187

Time: 18:01
Date: Shlorgiborgday
Location: one mile northwest from Grand Junction, Colorado, along the I-70 Interstate

The trip along the Interstate – or highway as I know it – was long and boring for the most part but I did do something productive while Charles drove us in his sedan. I went online and looked for an inn/hotel in Richfield so we didn’t have any hassles looking for one once we got there. While searching, I found a few of them advertising the fact that they don’t allow ponies or any form of animal sleeping there. The one had a sign saying, ‘100% PAPA approved.’

“They are a real annoyance, aren't they?” Sugarberry said, looking over my shoulder as I saw yet another PAPA affiliated inn. “Why do people listen to those idiots?”

“Humans are gullible, always have been. We fear that which is different to our usual way of thinking or life. Then there are those who plague on that insecurity and gather other like minded individuals in order to further their goals which are usually not for the benefit the whole populace but rather for a singular person.” I explain rather monotonously as she gave me a strange look.

“That’s… a rather bleak outlook.” Tenderheart commented.

“Sad, but true. Look at history if you need an example. Many of the now great scientists had their theories shot down and now those same theories have revolutionised the way we do things or perceive the world. If we were any more stuck up in our ways we would still be thinking that the world was flat and there were monsters over the edge.” I respond.

“How did the conversation get like this?” Sugarberry asked as she just looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

“You asked me why people listen to PAPA and I gave you a reason.” I responded as the sedan was pulling to a stop at a petrol station for fuel.

“Right then ponies, hop out and stretch your hooves while I get some gas for the car.” Charles near shouted as he pulled up to a pump.

We all got out and I stretched my various appendages while the others did the same. Sitting down for several hours hurts your joints. I watched Charles talk to a station attendant while I put in my earphones and started listening to Playing with Fire by Bullet for my Valentine. As I sat down and hummed a few bars, I felt a hoof poke me on my side. I turned around to see Tenderheart looking at me with a worried expression.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I removed one of the earphones.

“What were you humming?” The look on her face as she listened to a few bars said it all, she looked up at me with utter shock in her eyes, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“That’s hilarious! What’s wrong with listening to metal music?” I asked as I managed to recover from my laughing fit.

“I just never thought of you as a metal fan.” Tenderheart defended. I just laughed again at her response, slightly less hard this time.

“If I had a rand for every time I heard that.” I giggle but then I noticed the dumfounded expression on her face. “The Rand is the currency of the country where I’m from.”

“You are from another country?” Sugarberry asked, deciding to join the conversation. “Which one?”

“It’s called South Africa and as the name suggests, it is at the south of Africa. Specifically it is at the very bottom. Otherwise it might have been called ‘Nearly South Africa’.” I respond as Sugarberry was about to ask a question. “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have some music that no one believes I listen to calling my name.”

At that I walked off to the sedan with the earphones back in and hopped into the back again as Charles had finished filling up the tank. We where now wet to get to Richfield, Utah. I laid down after finally confirming our inn/hotel, whatever we were staying in. It was a simple one since simple worked best for our combined pockets. Scott and Charles were talking while the two mares to my left were also engrossed in their own conversation, most likely gossip. I placed my head down on a pillow and just drifted off to the sound of Turn to Despair by Bullet for my Valentine.

**** **** **** ****

Nightmare and I were sat next to each other on top of the Arc de Triomphe again but this time we just had our forehooves hanging over the edge instead of rocking out like the last time. Looking at an imaginary Paris at night was calming for me.

“So they are just ignoring us.” Nightmare piped up as we just looked on. “They all have their friends and just leave the Alicorn out of the fun.”

I knew this discussion would escalate to something worse if I kept quiet and so I voiced my opinion. “Everypony as their won set of friends, Sugarberry and Tenderheart were friends before this debacle happened while Scott and Charles are sat in front so they would obviously choose to speak to one another before craning their necks to talk to any of us in the back. I just wonder why it is so easy for me to go to sleep though.”

“An Alicorn has rather unusual sleeping habits. We can be awake for days on end and not feel the effects of sleep depravation. It’s how Celestia coped with raising the sun and moon in Luna’s absence.” Nightmare explained. “But it also means that a state of sleep is easy to fall into. The good news is that it is easier to wake up as well.”

“Well that gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘power nap’.” I mused. “We seem to be getting on better though, don’t you think?”

“Just because of what happened earlier?” Nightmare said, looking at me as I did the same.

“Not just that, you have been opening up more and becoming easier to talk to since the start of this entire trip. I mean, you hardly ever call me ‘foal’ anymore unless I do something rather stupid.” I say as the area around us changed to the deck of a Ragnarov Titan, orbiting a planet that resembled Mars. “What about me? I have always been an introvert by nature despite working in a restaurant which deals with the outdoors and people on a daily basis. Now look at me: I'm in a group of five complete strangers on a road tip through a country I've only read about or seen on the news.”

“Not to mention that your temperament has become slightly more volatile.” Nightmare quipped.

“I blame you for that.” I retorted with a smile. We looked at each other for a few silent seconds before sharing a laugh as the familiar darkness swept over the world once more to end our conversation.

**** **** **** ****

“Nightmare, you alright?” Scott’s voice reached my ears before my eyes decided to cooperate and open.

“I'm perfectly fine. I had a nice little conversation with the pony in my head that I'm sharing the body of.” I responded with a small smile.

“And what does she think of us?” Tenderheart cautiously asked, her voice had a slight hint of fear to it. It was understandable due to the fact that she hasn't mentioned her opinion about them to anypony, not even me.

“Actually I never asked her opinion but I doubt she hates you, otherwise she would have taken over and flown off ages ago.” I reply in a calm manner to try and ease their thoughts.

“He is right.” Nightmare took over at that moment, either to help alleviate their fears or to make them fear us more. It still didn’t alleviate the feeling of being forced out of control. “I find you company most comforting, since all I had was Scott over there and his perverted mind.”

“Hey, I call them as I see them. You are some lovely mares, too bad this isn't Equestria. You’d have suitors lining up for miles.” Scott said, shrugging his shoulders, smiling as he returned to his conversation with Charles.

“So why are you hanging around him?” Sugarberry asked, gesturing at Scott with her head while giving me a small smirk.

“Well, he made up for his mistakes after we met and then there was the fact that nopony should be left on their own when this world has inconsiderate foals like PAPA roaming around. Did I say something amusing?” Nightmare asked as Tenderheart giggled.

“You said ‘foal’, just like the show.” She sniggered.

“That’s because I am the self same mare.” Nightmare responded but she got what Tenderheart meant. “I am that very same Nightmare Moon that wanted to engulf Equestria in eternal darkness.”

“So what about now? You know, now that you have returned to the world of the living, do you still plan on bringing the eternal night?” Sugarberry asked, her face getting rather close to our muzzle.

Nightmare just chuckled as she responded. “This isn't Equestria, and what would a world of hairless monkeys give me? They already have their own gods and beliefs that they already fight over without any assistance from me. That and Chris wants to ‘improve my image’ as he puts it.”

“Chris?” The both of them look slightly confused before the dots got connected in their minds as they began to grin madly. “You were a guy? You were a guy and now you're a girl?”

They were giggling furiously as Nightmare retorted, not amused in any form. “Yes he was, is there some kind of problem with that?”

“No, it’s just funny that’s all. Talk about seeing things from another perspective.” Tenderheart giggled. Nightmare rolled her eyes at the spectacle they were making of themselves.

“Well that does not make it any less rude to laugh at our position.” Nightmare defended.

“Sorry.” They still gave a small giggle but they stopped it after a few minutes but I drowned them out with music.

Time: 20:23
Date: Shlorgiborgday
Location: Near a hotel in Richfield, Utah

We finally arrived at Richfield, Utah where we were going to stay for the night before the last leg into Nevada and Las Vegas. The kids’ show that was going to play in Las Vegas had finished its first performance for the day, according to the schedule I found on the internet. The performance was still going on four three more days so we still had enough time to get there and crash the party with a ‘special appearance’.

The car was brought to a stop outside the hotel I found that was pony friendly. I looked around the area and saw the very odd looks that the locals were giving us. Many had PAPA written on their shirts, pants, cars and even some street signs. This was starting to give me a terrible feeling about Richfield.

“Uh, I think this was a very bad idea. We should go to another town.” I tried to say until I noticed the hotel we were going to stay in.

It was a two-storey building with red paint on the brickwork. The windows were of average size but that was not what drew my attention, no what did get my attention were the thick metal burglar bars covering them. They were a gun metal grey colour which made the hotel seem more like a prison. I felt like I was about to walk into a house owned by Addams Family. This furthered to strengthen my desire to rather leave the area and go on to the next town. The good thing was that we never took out our bags from the back of the sedan.

“Guys, I really think coming here was a terrible idea now. Let’s either go back or carry on to the next town, even if it is not along our route.” I said, looking at the large crowd that was gathering around us, each with various forms of PAPA paraphernalia… and items usually used in throwing at people.

“I’m with Nightmare on this one folks.” Tenderheart agreed. She was nervously backing up as the group was advancing on us.

“Yeah, the car… now.” Charles finally agreed as we calmly walked to the car. As we got close to the car, we scrambled in. This seemed to spur the crowd on as Charles’ window got smashed in and a PAPA supporter grabbed him by his throat.

“How dare you go around with these mongrels!” The man was around 5’3” but built like a bodybuilder, his gym must love him but as he brought Charles to his face, he began to shout. “These creatures are taking our wives, husbands and children away from us to make room for themselves! And yet you are helping these abominations?!”

Let go of him!” I blast the man with the RCV which made him let go of Charles and sent him flying backwards and onto the floor. I turned to Charles. “Get going!

I place a hoof to my mouth as I nearly deafened Charles and the others twice now but Charles slammed his foot onto the accelerator. “You don’t have to tell me twice!”

Time: 20: 43
Date: Shlorgiborgday
Location: Five miles outside Richfield, Utah

“Is everypony alright?” Tenderheart asked as we fled the PAPA infested town.

“I'm alright.” Charles confirmed. “My throat is just a little sore and my ears feel like I just attended a heavy metal concert.”

“I'm good.” Scott replied, turning his head to us as he gave us a reassuring smile.

“Right I guess we ride on through the night then.” Charles commented as we rode along the I-70, a little shaken up from the PAPA supporters.

“Not exactly.” I responded as I had my laptop opened on our current route. “There is a city called Monroe ten miles south of here but I suggest we carry on the I-70 and then get on the I-15. The further away we are from Richfield, the more likely we won't find as many PAPA supporters. I hope anyway.”

“Ok then. What is the name of the city we are heading to for the night?” Charles asked.

“It’s called… Beaver. Seriously? They named a city Beaver?” I facehoofed myself as I looked at the map. “I swear, Americans have the worst imagination of any human being.”

“Hey!” All four of my travelling companions complained as I insulted the collective intelligence of America, including them.

“I don’t mince words or use euphemisms. I find Americans gullible, stupid and a waste of air but then again I could say the same about humanity in general.” I quipped.

“But you were human. We all were.” Scott pointed out. I laughed at the shocked looks I was getting.

“I know and please don’t remind me. I never liked being human in the first place to be brutally honest with you. I hated having to be a part of a race that cheats, lies and belittles others just to get ahead in life which doesn’t always last long because somepony will come along and end it.” I callously retort at them.

“You… really are as mean as Nightmare Moon.” Sugarberry says with a look of utter shock.

“Look, I just… I just didn’t like seeing all of the hate around me. I was brought up on a far friendlier set of principles. I was always the person who wanted to help out because the smile I got made me smile.” I replied, looking out of the window as we drove off to Beaver. “Yet in the end, all it ended up doing was making people treat me like a doormat. They used me to cover up their mistakes on so many occasions.”

“At points I got overly frustrated with it but continued to take it. I was a good person but not oblivious to the machinations of others. But the moment I stood up for myself, I suffered the consequences as it just blew up in my face.” The wind was soothing as I felt my ethereal mane billow in the wind. Funny how a mane comprised of gas and miniature celestial objects could have a sense of feeling. “So I'm glad I'm not human and those PAPA morons can go and buck themselves if they hate me for being a pony.”

“Well, that aside: how far is Beaver?” Sugarberry asked with a yawn as she tried to change subjects.

I checked Google Maps again, more than happy to oblige before answering. “It’s about an hour’s drive along the I-15.”

“Ok. Let’s hope it isn't a long hour.” Charles complained as he raised his hand to his mouth as he yawned. “I need to sleep.”

“I have a solution that will keep us all awake.” I maliciously grin.

“I know that smile Nightmare, what are you planning?” Scott asked nervously.

“Just some travel music.” I quip as I turn up the laptop’s volume to max and press play on the media player.

I ended up playing various songs including Bullet For My Valentine’s ‘Tears Don’t Fall Part 2’, Linkin Park’s ‘Lost in the Echo’ and some Disturbed, one of which was ‘Serpentine’. I locked the laptop so they couldn’t get onto it and stop the music and kept it on my side so they couldn’t reach it. It pays to be larger than the average pony at times. As I looked at them while the music blared, only Sugarberry seemed to enjoy my taste in music. The journey to Beaver was filled with major headbanging from Sugarberry and I.

Time: 21:50
Date: Shlorgiborgday
Location: Wandering the streets in Beaver, Utah

We arrived in Beaver and found it had far far less PAPA banners around it, if at all. If this city hated ponies, it was discreetly. The sedan stopped outside a simple hotel and Charles went inside while we waited. He wanted to see if we would be accepted in the hotel. Given the expression he had on his face as he left, I doubted the answer was in our favour.

“Sorry everypony.” Charles said as he walked around to my window. “They said yes.”

“You are such a troll.” I smirked as I opened the door and got out.

“You had it coming after you tried to deafen us.” Charles retorted as he popped the boot for us to grab our bags.

“I suppose you have a point but what can you do? I did get that guy off you.” I pulled a duck face at him as I levitated our bags out of the back.

“Leave you behind and just go to New York like everypony else seems to be doing?” Charles retorted with a smile, grabbing his bag and going into the hotel.

“And lose your subject for your YouTube videos? I doubt you actually have the guts.” I laughed as the others followed Charles and I as we walked through the doors and found the reception area.

The hotel seemed far ‘homier’ feel to it. The combination of the contrast of beige and other light colours made the place feel like you want to sleep here. They had some old styled chandeliers made from a silver metal. Given the look of the rest of the place, I doubted it was a high quality silver, probably some low caret. The place was simple, yet it had a sort of style to it.

“Right then Mister Charles, we have your reservation under ‘bronies’.” The receptionist said, handing him three sets of keys. “Your rooms are 3, 4, 5. They are up the stairs and to the right.”

“Thank you, is the kitchen still open?” Charles asked as Tenderheart’s stomach decided to start a very vocal protest at the prospect of no dinner.

“The kitchen is still open for now, Frank is not going to be very happy about staying a little later than usual but he has no choice. Follow me.” The lady was of average build while her blonde hair was tied up in a bun. We were eventually led down two passageways before reaching the dining room.

The dining room was just as well designed as the reception. The table they gave us was rectangular in shape with Tenderheart and Sugarberry sitting together on a bench while Charles sat at the head or the foot of the table. I could never understand the difference between the two. I was sat next to Scott on the opposite side of the two mares.

As our waiter came to get our orders (Anthony if his nametag was anything to go by), we heard a shouting match between the receptionist and somepony else, who could only be the chef in question. His language was so colourful that it would make Rainbow Dash’s mane look monotone. There were a few glances between us, I giggled a little, Scott’s ears were flat against his head, Charles seamed to try and vanish in his seat while the two mares were giving running commentary as if it were a sport.

“Sorry about that. He has rather reserved views.” The receptionist apologised.

“In other words he’s not a pony fan?” I surmise.

“Actually no, he apparently watches the show with his daughter every Saturday morning. He is actually a nice guy. He just hates going home late to his family.” She said, shooting down my theory.

“Ok, I gather you are the owner as well as the receptionist?” I asked. “I have never seen any employee give another that much stick unless they are family or their superior. You aren't related to him by the seems of it if your statement about his family is any indication. So the only logical conclusion I can draw is that you are the owner.”

“Well, you are correct about that. I am the owner of this establishment. I will leave you as I have to tend to the reception.” With that the lady left the room with our waiter still waiting for our orders.

“I’ll have the Caesar salad with some coke.” I asked Anthony who nodded and wrote the order down.

“A T-bone, medium with chips and some still water for me.” Charles ordered with a grin on his face.

“I’ll have the same as Nightmare but with some tea for me.” Tenderheart asked.

“Same here and some still water as well please.” Scott asked, his ears having perked up again.

“Same for me too but with some red wine and some sugar water.” Sugarberry requested with a sheepish smile on her face.

Anthony walked off to the kitchen with our orders. He was met with a brick wall of curses and other forms of foul temper. In the room around us, I heard some chatter from some of the guests who were looking at us with some very strange looks. As I turned around to get a better look at them I saw that their expressions were more of bewilderment rather than those of hate and prejudice. A few people actually took pictures of us as we waited for our orders.

Charles saw this as an opportunity to humiliate us all by pulling out that confounded camera. “Welcome back to Pony Watch! The time here is now… 22:01 and we have arrived in Beaver Utah.” He then turned the camera to the group watching us. “Hey everypony! Say hello to YouTube!” He got quite a few cheers and various comments that were too indistinguishable to properly understand. “Now then we were planning on stopping in Richfield further back along the interstate but we had to leave since they don’t know the meaning of ‘love and tolerate’. That’s right viewers, we found ourselves in a PAPA-centric city. Needless to say we all left but now we are in a place where our pastel coloured friends are loved. Those of you watching that live in Las Vegas, we are coming soon! CharlesMaster231 signing out!”

“You called it ‘Pony Watch’?” I raised my eyebrow asked, clearly not impressed.

“Well, I was going to call it ‘Nightmare Watch’ until we met Sugarberry and Tenderheart.” Charles shrugged his shoulders as he defended himself.

“Fair enough. Ah good, our drinks.” I saw our waiter come back with our drinks but before he could place them, I levitated them off his tray and laid them about for everypony.

We ended speaking about our interests and hobbies. I told them about how I preferred to stay indoors rather than meet people. Scott talked about how he hated being near those PAPA ‘friends’ of his but he couldn’t leave them since they constantly threatened to burn his house down. Charles did odd jobs his whole life, could never hold a job for more than three months because he got bored in the end. Sugarberry tried to tell us the major differences between sedimentary rocks and igneous rocks. Tenderheart explained how her pet dog broke its back after getting hit by a car before dying from a disease and how that made her want to be a veterinarian.

Eventually our meals arrived, well our four salads and Charles’ T-bone. Tenderheart made rather uncomfortable movements as Charles cut into the meat with his knife.

“Something wron- oh, the meat?” Charles said, taking a look at Tenderheart’s expression on her face. “Sorry, old habits die hard.”

“I just wish I didn’t have to see it, that’s all. I guess it’s because ponies are herbivores.” Tenderheart said, trying to give a smile.

After we finished our meals we went up to bed, Sugarberry and Tenderheart were sharing a room as Charles and Scott did the same. My room had this colossal four poster bed that seemed to come from the renaissance era. The bed felt like I was on a cloud, soft enough to get comfortable and yet hard enough to hold my weight without me fearing I would fall through it. I took off my armour and got under the covers.

I doubted I wanted to know how this affected our pockets but we were so close to Las Vegas now, Nightmare and I could taste it.