Umbral Travels

by pchn00

Chapter 4: Ponyville

Chapter 4: Ponyville

I have learned much in the days I have been on the surface. The first of which is that ponies are…strange. Each one seems so very unique from the last. There is very little formal organization by their rulers. They have laws to follow but for the most part they seem to just settle where they please and do what they please. My already low opinion of their princess seems to be dropping with each new settlement we pass through. She cannot be so great a ruler if she has so little control over her subjects.

They all sport a strange marking on their flank. I asked Trixie of its significance as she too was branded such. She rolled her eyes, told me she is not a school teacher and to ask Tak. He of course was equally useless. All he would say is that they are ‘cutie marks’ (I refuse to call them such, referring to them as brands) and they represent a pony’s destiny. Evidently their brand appears when they discover their ‘special talent’. I would dismiss it as asinine drivel but the ponies are so incessantly pleasant and cheerful that something so foolish could very well be true. Tak informs me that my lack of a brand is highly unusual in a ‘mare’ my age, and that is why my Sunny Days persona possesses one. Three irksomely smiling little suns adorn my flank when I am in disguise. I am certain Tak and Trixie came up with it to mock me.

I have also discovered that the larger a pony settlement is, the more unpleasant the populace grows. Nowhere have they been as formal and emotionless as my people back home but the difference between the ponies of a large city such as Fillydelphia, and the small settlement of Appleloosa we just left is astounding. In Fillydelphia ponies watch our show, applaud and leave. In Appleloosa they watched our show, applauded, and then demanded we stay for a home cooked meal. Every pony in the little town worked together to put a banquet on in our honor. This was not the first time this happened. Several other smaller towns did the same.

As always the offered food was both delicious and new to me. I have experienced apples for the first time and find them to my liking. I have also discovered I do not care for most ‘desserts’. I find them far too sweet to tolerate, the only exception being an apple pie. While sweeter than I prefer my food it was not so overpowering I felt the need to retch.

Trixie’s spirits have been improving daily and I find it pleases me. When we first met she seemed morose, withdrawn, and despondent. Now she is far happier though she and Tak still insist on attempting to insult the other at every opportunity. I do not understand their odd rituals, but neither seems to genuinely hate the other so I let them continue as they please. Their ‘stallion into a mare’ trick has become a crowd favorite, and now she performs it early in the show. Evidently a ‘lovely assistant’ is more traditional than a ‘handsome’ one. I do not question her methods as we now have more money than we could spend without going well over the line into decadence.

While we travel she has begun my instruction on magic. I find the subject…difficult to say the least. My lack of progress seems to frustrate her. Specifically my inability to ‘levitate’. The spells (she insists this is what they are) I already wield to enhance my vision or physical prowess are supposedly far more complicated than levitating and she at times suspects I am refusing to progress on purpose. Perhaps I am? Trixie and Tak both insist that magic is an intrinsic part of my very being but I do not much care for the un-seeable power dwelling within me. I was raised to focus on the tactile and practical. Magic is neither of these.

Tak is as great an enigma as ever. At times I have tried to prod more information from him regarding his background but he remains tight lipped. Always vague answers and attempts to redirect my attention (regrettably successful more often than not). He has begun hinting that I should perhaps allow him to tend to my wings in the near future. Even if I do not intent to use them he feels they should at least be properly cared for. I am not sure I agree. I have spent my entire life hiding and ignoring the feathered appendages and see no reason to alter my behavior now.

Our next stop is Ponyville. Tak seems the only one indifferent to our destination. I am excited at the prospect of confronting the thief at last. Trixie seems unusually nervous. Several times she has mentioned her plan to remain outside the town itself. When pressed all she will say is she suspects some of the residents may see through her disguise and they are not ponies to be trifled with. As this town is home to those who murdered a patrol of my scouts, made off with Bleeding Heart’s blade, and houses the formidable Applejack, I am inclined to believe her.

It has been two weeks according to my companions. The going has been slow. Tak informs me that if we had walked straight from Minneighsota to Ponyville we would have arrived in half the time. I should perhaps be annoyed by this but instead I find I am not quite so upset. The journey has been rather pleasant all things considered. The lich has not troubled me again and Luna has remained out of my dreams.

I hear the gentle flap of the disguised changeling’s feathery wings, and Tak lands beside me. “Hey kid, y’want me t’take a turn pullin’?”

I shake my head. “No. As I have said it is no real burden. I would be remiss asking do delicate a pony as yourself to perform heavy labors such as this.” I keep the humor from reaching my voice but cannot keep it from my eyes. Tak glances down and huffs a bit. He is still in his mare shape.

“Trixie had me practicin’ in th’wagon. Had t’get outta there fer a bit is all.” In a flash he is his stallion self once again. We must retain our disguises at all times now unfortunately. We constantly pass curious ponies on the road and he assures me that while my armor would raise eyebrows an undisguised changeling would draw angry mobs.

“See y’got yer hood down. Ain’t the sun buggin’ ya?”

I shrug. “Yes but the longer I am exposed to it the more I am learning to tolerate it. It pains me but not to a debilitating degree. I have made progress.”

“Well that’s great! Bet in no time yer real cutie mark’ll come in matchin’ yer fake one!”

I glare but find my irritation withering under his smile. More and more this has been happening. He says something moronic but with a disarming grin and I almost (ALMOST) return the smile. “I sincerely doubt it.”

“Eh me too. I betchur more of a flowers gal th’way ya went nuts for em at that shop in Detrot.”

I snort and turn my focus back to the road before me. “I find that equally unlikely.” Before I would ignore him after all the more I talk the more he insists on talking back.

“Umbra why don’t we skip Ponyville?”

Now I glance at him again, brow raised. “Why do you suggest this?”

He seems emboldened when I do not outright refuse. “Well Trixie says a lot of ponies there have bad blood with her so she’s definitely on board for not going.” I can tell he is serious by his more intelligent speaking voice. “Plus some important ponies live there who aren’t exactly the biggest fans of my kind.”

“Is anyone?”

“Anypony.” He automatically corrects. “And no not particularly.” I frown at the sudden melancholy that comes over him at the simple statement. For some reason he seems ashamed or distressed at the way his people are viewed. “Plus you know you don’t have to search out that weird creature that took Heart’s sword.”

And there it was. The real reason he wished to avoid the town. Both had been subtly hinting at avoiding the town for some time now though their subtlety has been more and more obtuse each passing day. Trixie has already outright refused to enter the town and now Tak seems to share her opinion.

“You wish me to ignore the theft and death of Bleeding Heart?”

“To be fair Bleeding Heart was a ghost Umbra. She was already dead. I get what you mean though. And I’m not convinced it was a theft. After all we couldn’t touch the sword right? But that creature picked it up without getting flash fried. It seems likely Heart gave her the sword.”

I scowl now. “Why would she give it to some foreign creature and not me? We have been friends for many years.”

“Dunno. But it smells like magic. Old magic. And old magic has funny rules to it.”

With a grunt I signal this conversation is finished and return my focus to the road. “Just think about it Umbra. Alright?” He leaves me in peace once again. I try to consider his words but when I do all my mind conjures is the image of Bleeding Heart, my first and dearest friend vanishing before my eyes. And then all I feel is anger.

Dismissing the unpleasant thoughts I quicken my pace along the road. A few other travelling ponies have begun to fill the road. Usually I would return their friendly greetings with at least a cursory nod but I am too upset to pay much attention to my surroundings. More and more ponies have been filling the streets and when I finally raise my head I am alarmed to find I have blundered into a town without noticing. Cursing my stupidity I hail a passing pony. “What town is this?”

It is a unicorn mare. Purple with an interestingly deep indigo (Tak says he is proud of how many colors I recognize now) mane with a streak of pink and purple through it. She offers me the same friendly smile I am now used to receiving from pony’s. “Well Ponyville of course! Do you really not know where you are? Are you lost miss…?”

“Sunny Days.” I still loathe my false name. “And no Ponyville was our destination. I was engrossed in my thoughts is all.”
“Oh! Well that happens to me all the time. Usually when I’m in the middle of a good book.”

“Ah. Yes I have seen Magica reading books.”

The unicorn regards me curiously before she turns her gaze onto the wagon. Painted brightly on the side in large letters it reads “The Magnificent Magica!” In smaller text “With her assistant Tak and Sunny Days the strongmare!”

Now the mare looks far more interested. “Are you travelling performers?”

I nod. “Yes. Magica the Magnificent is the most magical unicorn in Equestria.” I have rehearsed the proper response if not the enthusiasm Trixie injects into it. “Magica and Tak perform illusions. I lift heavy things and hoof wrestle stallions.”

“Ohh I love to see new magic! Will you be performing in town?”

“I believe so.” Trixie is already within the town so there is not helping it now. “Is there someplace we may prepare?”

“Of course. The park is just a little further along the road. There’s usually a few musicians and such performing. Oh I’ll have to go find my friends! This is so exciting. Between you and me the LAST showmare to pass through wasn’t really the sort of pony we like here in town.”

I simply nod again. “Well Magica’s show has not disappointed any…pony thus far. I am sure you will be pleased.”

She gallops off excitedly and I find my spirits lifting slightly. I much prefer the small towns to the big cities. The ponies are generally more agreeable sorts. I even return the calls of greeting from the residents as I pull the wagon to the park. Once it stops the door swings open and I am seized in Trixie’s magic as she drags me into the wagon. “WHAT are we doing here?! You were supposed to stop the wagon outside of town!”

My pleasant mood evaporates. Trixie is not simply angry, she is furious. “I…am sorry. I was lost in thought and did not realize I had entered town. I hope you can forgive me.”

She seems taken aback at my very genuine apology. “I…” She sighs. “I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose Umbra it’s just dangerous here.”

My frown deepens. “We can leave if you wish. There is not much of a crowd gathering yet.”

Trixie begins to pace up and down the length of the wagon interior. “No. No the show must go on. This is my chance to…to redeem myself even if they don’t know who I am. This time will be different! I’ll put on the show I should have put on those years ago.”

Tak grins and gives her a comforting nudge on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit! Magica the Magnificent don’t disappoint nopony!”

At times like this I vaguely wish I was as comfortable expressing affection as my companions. Instead I simply gaze at her head lowered still.

She sighs and rests a hoof on my shoulder now. “I’m not angry Umbra. We’re here now and there’s nothing to do but go out there and put on a show! Though I think I’ll leave the hat and cape off today.”

I relax and nod. “I believe I shall explore the town while you and Tak prepare.”

“Alright just be careful Umbra. You can’t make any slip ups here.”

I grunt softly and step out of the wagon. I cannot be too upset at her insistence as I have already put her in danger due to my negligence once. I leave my dark cloak in the wagon as well. My tolerance of the sun has grown slightly and I find I tend to draw curious looks when I wear it. Today I simply wish to be just another pony in the town.

I was unprepared for what awaited newcomers to Ponyville. Things had been going well in my opinion. I found a flower stand tended by a soft spoken earth pony mare and enjoyed several new types. I have begun to see flowers as something of a delicacy. Each variety has its own unique flavor. Turning to leave the stall I rear back in alarm as I nearly bumped noses with a blindingly pink pony whose smile looked uncomfortably wide to me.

“Hi there! Yooooou must be new! D’you know how I know?”

Eyes wide I mutely shake my head, mouth open a little. “Becaaaaause we’re not friends already! I’m Pinkie Pie!”

Slowly my breathing is returning to normal from its previous frenzied gasping. My fear is swiftly being replaced by irritation. “I am Sunny Days. Excuse me. Please.” I nearly forget my ‘manners’ that Tak and Trixie have worked so hard to drill into me. I calmly step around Pinkie Pie and prepare to finish my walk. To my dismay she falls into step with me.

“Nice t’meetcha Sunny Days! And what a nice name, it matches your cutie mark perfectly!” My sour mood is back in full force. “What brings you to Ponyville? Moving or visiting?”

“Visiting.” Perhaps if I act more my brusque self she will leave me be. Alas.

“Ooo well how long are ya staying? Long enough for a party?!”

She has started…bouncing at my side now as I walk. I increase my pace but to my horror she keeps up with me easily. “I do not think so, please excuse me.”

“You’re excused! And that’s too bad cause I throw the besterific parties! Say was that you pulling that big wagon over to the park?”

Aha. Perhaps if she feels the show is about to begin her attention will be diverted. “Yes. We are travelling performers. You should go. The show will begin soon!”

With a loud gasp the pony mercifully galloped off. I allowed myself a cleansing breath and resumed my trek. My relief was short lived. She was back with a vengeance in short order. “Look! This is my welcome wagon! It’s like we’re wagon buddies!”

It takes all of the formal training and decorum my mother drilled into me over the past nineteen years to not drive my hooves into her face. “That is…lovely. I would appreciate it if you let me be.”

For a moment I see her deflate and think that I have succeeded in making my intentions known. She perks up. “Alright but first you have to get the special welcome that comes with it!”

“THEN you will leave me be?”


“…very well.”

Her wagon flipped open and began to blare music not entirely unlike Trixie’s own. Though her music was far less grating on the ears. Pinkie Pie even sang me a little ‘welcome’ song. I found myself softening toward her. Perhaps she was a trifle…energetic but she seemed genuine enough. As she finished her song her wagon emitted a thunderous BOOM as a thick viscous liquid launched out of the tubes at the top of the wagon. I recognized it instantly; it looked nearly identical to one of the most potent toxins I had ever brewed.

“Treachery!” I vault forward as the mess lands on the ground in the place I just vacated. Shouting a battle cry I smash into the cleverly disguised weapon it rocks back and as a small door flips open no doubt preparing to unleash another barrage I turn and slam my hind hooves into it, lifting it high into the air to smash upon the ground in a dozen pieces. Whirling on my assailant I prepare for her next assault only to be stopped short by…a flood of tears?

“L-looks like…I got the cake in the confetti canons again…I-I didn’t know you…didn’t like cake…” She begins to wail and her cries are drawing a crowd. Most do not have very favorable looks for me.

Cake? I look at the thick mound of toxic sludge oozing across the grass. It…smells pleasant. Certainly not like the very fatal poison I brewed back home. Slowly I realize my error but the gathering mob does not seem inclined to listen.

“Now what in th’hay is happenin’ here?”

My ears perk at the familiar voice. Applejack pushes her way through the crowd taking in the scene. The ruined wagon, Pinkie’s tears and the look on my face. She tilts her hat back to look me firmly in the eye. “Ah hope y’all have a darn good reason fer ruinin’ Pinkie’s wagon.”

I frown slightly. “The…wagon spewed cake batter at me. I believed it to be an attack. It…resembled a toxic substance from my home.”

She raises her eyebrow and stares at me harder, but she seems satisfied I am telling the truth. Then she wheels on the pink mare whose sobs are slowly ebbing. “An Ah suppose Ms. Sunny Days asked ya t’let her be Pinkie?”

A final particularly loud sniff and Pinkie gives a small huff. “I couldn’t NOT give her the special welcome to Ponyville welcome Applejack!”

Her fellow earth pony frowns at her now. “Pinkie Pie what’d we talk about? Some folk don’t like a whole lotta hullabaloo an prefer things nice an quiet. Does nothin’ about Miss Days here give ya that impression?”

“W-well…I suppose.” She sighs and her ears droop again. “I got carried away. I’m sorry Sunny.”

SHE is apologizing to ME? Every time I think these ponies cannot surprise me further they of course do. I take a deep breath. “I must apologize as well. I may have overreacted. I will of course pay for the damages to your wagon.”
Pinkie Pie looks up at me, a faint glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Friends?”

I purse my lips and strongly consider making my way back to the park without another word. But Applejack is still staring at me and I find that I do not wish to disappoint her. Gingerly I extend a hoof as an olive branch. “Very well.”

To my relief she shakes gently, her demeanor has shifted abruptly. She is still cheerful and childishly happy, but it is not an overflowing vat of insanity. “Good. My friends tell me I can get a little carried away when I meet somepony new, I just love making new friends! Don’t you?”

“Mmm. I suppose. Allow me to help clean the mess I made.” It does not take long to remove the wreck from the road. Pinkie Pie claims she will have a unicorn friend of hers transport the wreck to her dwelling for repairs. Not wanting to cause another scene I make my way to the park, Applejack at my side.

“Well Ah’m surely glad y’all found yer way t’Ponyville. Invitation fer some Apple family cookin’ is still good.”

I am relaxing again. I find the forthright earth pony’s demeanor similar to that of my family back home and enjoy her company. “I would enjoy that. I had the opportunity to sample many varieties of apples in Appleloosa. I am eager to compare yours to theirs.”

“No kiddin’? Why m’cousin Braeburn lives out thattaway. Didja run inta him?”

“Indeed. He was an agreeable fellow and looking back on it I can see the familial resemblance.”

“So if y’don’t mind mah askin where abouts are ya from? Ah don’t recognize yer accent an I sure dunno anyplace that has cake batter than can do a pony in.”

My mind races as I try to find a proper response. This is something Tak and Trixie had not gone over with me and I curse my lack of foresight. “…far away? I am from a town called Colton. In a valley in the Crystal Mountains.” I feel proud of myself. It is technically true.

“Izzat right? Well Ah had no idea ponyfolk had settled out there again. Y’all a big town?”

I shrug. From mothers story it did not sound like a large city like Minneighsota. “About the size of Ponyville.”

“Huh. Well betcha got all sortsa fascinatin’ stories bout home! Reckon y’might share a few over supper t'night?”

I am sure stories of home would astound the ponies of Applejack’s family. I may be able to share some if I alter a few details. “I do not see why not. If that is all you ask in exchange for a hot meal I am happy to oblige.”

“Heh. Well sounds like we got ourselves a deal.” Faintly I can hear the fanfare of Trixie’s introductory music begin. Applejack nods toward the park. “Sounds like y’better gitchur caboose in gear there sugar cube. Ah’ll see ya at th’show. This’ gonna be a good one Ah think.”

I nod and break into a run. A rather sizeable crowd has gathered and already they are gasping in delight and amazement at Trixie’s display. Judging by the thunderous applause they just performed her signature ‘lovely assistant’ trick. I chuckle in amusement at Tak the mares’ antics on stage. She seems to delight in over exaggerating her feminine movements.

I note the purple unicorn from earlier at the front of the crowd whispering softly to a blue pegasus mare with a bright, multi-hued mane. She seems very familiar and I scrutinize her closely. She could have been the pony in the company of the thief but I am not certain enough to openly act. It was pitch black in the tunnels of home after all and I could not make out any color.

My musings are interrupted as Tak announces my name. I climb onto the stage. Outwardly I complain and act as if I do not enjoy being the focus of attention. Secretly I have come to look forward very much to my performances. While I certainly do not have the flair my more outgoing companions possess I delight in the gasps of astonishment my feats of strength elicit. My act has refined in our travels. Before I begin my challenges against various audience members Tak and Trixie have acquired all manner of heavy objects for me to lift. Trixie makes a note to collect a large enough stone for me to impressively shatter between each show as well.

My antics of course draw the usual responses. Most wonder how a unicorn is capable of displays that could put many earth ponies to shame. The downside of this is that I receive far fewer challengers than I used to. A small scuffle is ensuing at the side of the wagon. I see Applejack forcefully shoving the largest specimen of a male pony I have seen since coming to the surface.

He is a bright red color with a mussed orange mane. His large green eyes are wide in protest and even through his coat I can make out an embarrassed flush. “C’mon everypony let’s give mah brother a little encouragement!”

The crowd’s sudden applause seems to have the opposite effect on the massive stallion and he looks ready to run. I would normally be indifferent but I recall Applejack’s words before, promising her elder sibling to be a greater challenge than even she. I regard him coolly though inwardly I am growing more excited. And I am certainly not finding the way his muscle ripples his coat displeasing either. At my side Tak seems to follow my gaze and a strange look crosses her face as she sets out the collection jar.

Reluctantly the stallion places the ten bits next to the jar and takes his seat. I do the same and to my surprise find I am smiling a little. Not much of a smile, just a coy tilt of the corner of my lips upward. We place our hooves together and an electric thrill runs through my leg causing my tail to twitch. I hear a grunt from the disguised changeling as she backs away. At her cry of ‘go!’ we both press.

Almost immediately I realize I am outmatched. I am physically very powerful by pony standards I have come to learn but this stallion is in a whole other class. It is slow, and he is clearly exerting much effort but he is inching my hoof closer and closer to the table. My smile is gone. I expected a challenge but not to be humiliated so fully. Panic begins to well within my breast. With a grimace I will my leg to push back and for a moment it seems as if I am going to gain ground.

He looks more than a little surprised at my burst of resistance. He looks into my eyes and I see something flash in his that fills me with rage. Pity. He feels SORRY for me?! To only add further to my humiliation his grip relaxes immediately and before I can stop myself I slam his hoof against the table. My mouth is open and my outrage is clear in my eyes. The crowd is deathly silent as he hastily breaks into a gallop off the stage and into town.

Barely able to contain my seething anger I storm from the stage and take shelter in the back curtain. Trixie frowns seeing me in this state. She has often seen me angry, generally directed at her and Tak but never so incensed. “Umbra…Umbra calm down. The show isn’t over yet. I know what he just did wasn’t right but you can’t lose your head now. We’re almost done and it’s all been going so well!”

Her pleading tone somehow pierces the red haze in my mind and I close my eyes taking deep steadying breaths. “I have never been so disgraced Trixie. I am a warrior princess. To best me in fair combat is one thing but to…to ALLOW me to win because I am seen as an inferior?”

She sighs. “I have to get back out there. We’ll talk when the show is over alright? I promise. Just calm down. There are some strawberries for you in the ice box alright? They’re your favorite!”

My anger DOES ease at that. Not so much at the promise of my favorite treat but seeing my friend trying so hard to comfort me. “Go. Finish your show. I know how you love the finale.”

After one concerned glance back at me she retakes the stage. I sigh softly and nose open the icebox retrieving the bowl of fruit and settling down to enjoy the frozen treats. From the amount of applause from outside I assume the finale went well. Trixie and Tak enter the backstage area both wearing pleased expressions.

I raise my head with a faint frown as the purple unicorn and blue pegasus from the audience enter behind them. Trixie whirls and looks alarmed backing up hastily. “O…oh I’m afraid the backstage area is off limits.” I rise to my hooves and move to Trixie’s side.

The unicorn smiles but it lacks the warmth of the smile she had for me when she and I first met. “I just wanted to congratulate you. That was some very impressive magic.”

Trixie’s alarm fades slightly. “A-ah! Well thank you! Lots of practice you know.”

“I’m sure.” Her smile vanishes and a purple aura of magic flares form her horn before we can react. A bright flash fills the room and I feel an odd ripple run over my body. When my eyes clear I am…myself. My black coat and armor is visible to see. Trixie and Tak are likewise exposed. The intruding pair of ponies seems torn between staring at me and Tak.

“You had better have a good explanation for being he-“ The unicorn leaps back as I spring into action. I do not know who she is or what quarrel she may have with Trixie and I do not care. I easily bat aside her riled pegasus companion and bear down on the unicorn. The look of terror she has makes it clear she was not expecting an attack from ME over Trixie. I am nearly upon her when Trixie’s pale pink magical aura seized me and flings me off my hooves and into the air.

“Stop! Please stop! Don’t…don’t fight. We’re not here to fight you Twilight Sparkle. This isn’t some…crazy revenge scheme.” The mood is calming again and Trixie gently sets my hooves back on the floor of the wagon. I remain where I was keeping a close eye on the unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.

She moves to check on her fallen friend. The pegasus I struck seems more or less fine, simply dazed. With a cautious glance at me Twilight Sparkle turns her focus back to Trixie. “Why are you here Trixie? With a CHANGELING no less?”
I see Tak bristle but he keeps silent. Trixie looks to me and I move to her side. “It is a tale that would take some length to tell in full. Though they are here because of me.”

Twilight Sparkle looks to her fully recovered companion who eyes me unpleasantly but shrugs. “It’s your call Twilight. I can fly and get the others.”

She nods. “Do that. We’ll hear you out but if we don’t like what we hear Spike’s going to be on hand to get a letter to the princess right away, got it?”

I am about to rebuke her demanding tone when Trixie speaks first. “That’s more than fair Twilight. Hear what we have to say and we’ll accept your decision.” Tak does not appear to agree with her sentiment but he keeps his silence all the same.
I find myself growing disturbed at Trixie’s new submissive nature. “While we wait I would have you tell me of the misdeeds Trixie has brought upon you and yours that has you so angered at her presence Twilight Sparkle.”

The unicorn frowns, perhaps at my commanding tone? I do not care. I am weary of dealing with mentally unbalanced ponies. “I guess that’s fair…” And so she tells me the stories. Of the Trixie I briefly heard of who cared only for making herself look better and others look worse. How she inadvertently endangered the town through a tall tale though it sounded like a pair of hatchlings was more to blame than she. The next tale of a magic amplifying amulet she used to terrorize the town and humiliate Twilight paints her in a far harsher light. By the time Twilight Sparkle finishes her third and final tale of Trixie assisting a mad god known as Discord her friends have arrived. I recognize Applejack and Pinkie Pie (of course SHE would be included in their number). There is an unknown unicorn and pegasus with them, but frankly I do not care who they are.

“Alright Sunny Days…or whatever your name is. We’re all here. Let’s hear what YOU have to say.”

I begin my tale. I spare no detail save that I am not a simple unicorn but an alicorn who hides her wings, that their princess Luna is supposedly my mother, and that I hunt for the strange creature who stole Bleeding Heart’s sword. Their looks of skepticism turn to enraptured interest as I tell the stories of growing up amongst my adopted arachnid family. I tell of my first silent friend Bleeding Heart, and of meeting Tak much later. They gasp in astonishment and horror when I reach my eldest sisters betrayal, and Pinkie Pie and the yellow pegasus are shedding unashamed tears when my mother passes.

“After mother was dead and Neela assumed control I felt it was time for me to leave. I intend to return someday but I wish to learn of my birth race. I have felt restless at home of late and believe this is needed to satisfy my needs. Tak and I met Trixie in an abandoned castle and convinced her to accompany us. We have been travelling Equestria together as they educate me on your lands and customs.”

Tak and Trixie remain silent through the telling though the changeling shifts restlessly. I can tell he is uncomfortable around these ponies. The six confer quietly amongst themselves before Twilight Sparkle whom I have come to see as their leader speaks. “We’re not going to call the guard. Or tell the princess about Trixie and Tak.”

The relief coming from the fugitive duo is palpable. “Thank you Twilight. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but it means so much to me.”

Twilight sparkle frowns a little. “I think you meant it the night after the amulet incident that you were sorry. And the only reason you helped Discord at all was out of desperation. I can’t really imagine what it must have been like to lose everything important to you and to not have any friends to help you through such a tough time.” The unicorn smiles faintly. “I’m glad you found some though Trixie. They seem to care about you a lot.”

Her fellow sorceress returns the smile. “I’m glad I found them too.”

There is a bit of a silence after this. Broken of course by the pink earth pony, her eyes shining in delight. “You know what this calls for?”

Her companions each roll their eyes, while I and mine shrug uncomprehendingly.

“A party!”

I find my first party to be an…interesting experience. Tak has disguised the three of us again and we are in Pinkie Pie’s place of business. A whimsical looking bakery dubbed Sugarcube Corner. I find the music obnoxiously loud and the refreshments far too sweet for my tastes. Tak and Trixie however seem perfectly relaxed and at ease among the ponies both seemed to fear so much. The large group so distracted I Take a moment to slip out into the cool night air.

Again the ponies have managed to surprise me with their benevolent natures. After all the misfortunes Trixie had visited upon this town and these ponies in particular they seem very willing and even happy to forgive and forget her transgressions? Is this was it means to be a pony? To not hold grudges, not accept an apology for any misdeed no matter how heinous if the apology is genuine? They all seem so willing and even eager to accept their fellows into their hearts. Even Tak is finding some acceptance here. The pegasus Rainbow Dash and he seem to enjoy one another’s company.
“Pinkie can be a little much for somepony’s huh?”

I look up. Twilight Sparkle has followed me out and settles on the ground beside me. “I do not believe I will ever become accustomed to so overt displays of exuberance.”

She nods. “I know what you mean. She gets on everypony’s nerves a little bit sometimes but she always means well.”

“Yes I can see that.”

The mare digs at the ground before her idly. “I think I owe you an apology too Umbra.”

I regard her curiously. “Oh?”

She nods. “Some of my friends and I, we passed through an underground tunnel while trying to stop Discord and Trixie. There were….spiders. Giant spiders. They sound like some of your spiderkin?”

Realization slowly dawns on me. “It was you. You killed my scouts.”

She winces. “Yes. I…that is WE had no idea they were, well…anything more than giant spiders. It was dark and they were dropping from the ceiling all around us hissing and…” She makes a little motion with her forelegs in front of her mouth. “Their mandibles were wiggling and it was…scary.”

I was prepared to unleash my wrath upon the murderers should I ever encounter them. Now however I find my anger not as quick to rise as I would expect. After spending a short amount of time among Twilight Sparkle and her companions I find it impossible to believe they struck out in anger against the squad I had stationed there. It really was a misunderstanding.
“Your apology is accepted Twilight Sparkle. It was an…unusual situation. And no true harm was done. You merely slew scouts and a few workers, they are all easily replaceable.”

She seems surprised by my cavalier dismissal. “That’s it?”

I shrug. “If you wish I can escort you back to Queen Neela for her judgment though I suspect she will care even less than I. There was no malicious intent in your actions and any vengeance I would seek would be hollow.” A thought suddenly occurs to me. “Who else was among your number at the time?”

Twilight frowns gently. “Well Pinkie Pie was with us. And Rainbow Dash and Jennifer. We got separated in the tunnels.”

“Jennifer. That is a strange name. What sort of pony is she?”

The mare perks a little glad for the change in topic. “Oh! Well actually she’s not a pony at all. She’s really a being from a whole other world called a human! Of course she’s becoming a pony but it’s a pretty slow process and…”

She chatters on about this Jennifer creature. This human. But I am no longer listening. Through a stroke of good fortune I have found my quarry. I find it surprisingly easy to forget my previous musings on the easy forgiveness of the ponies. For the loss of Bleeding Heart, there will be no forgiveness.