Tom's Destiny

by Caleb Roy

Entering the Castle

It was finally time. Yes, that's right, it was finally time for me to eat my sandwich. Hey, I mean I get hungry to you know. Anyways, so there you have it. I made myself a nice turkey sandwich and I ate chocolate hershey's junk. Ya, my life was good right about then, now, however, I have to go back to telling my story so here I go. The story time she comes. Alright, so Tom and Celestia woke up early. They packed all of their junk and then left. It was time. They headed past the first guard station easily. In fact, they got past every guard station easily. I mean there was like only two, and one wasn't even on duty. Ha ha that's funny, duty, because get it everyone is in a sewer right now. Ha ha!! Okay back to the story. Tom and Celestia headed for the exit. The main sewer exit was right underneath the castle. Why? Ask Celestia she is right here!
"Narrator! I told you a thousand times before, I didn't mean to have it installed there! Luna, my younger sister, accidentally messed up and put it there!", said Celestia.
Ya ya whatever you say Celestia! Ha ha. Okay, so Tom and Celestia went up to the top. The light was like practically blinding. They both had to like shield their eyes for like 20 seconds man. They were in the sewers. I mean you try living in the sewers for like twenty days. It ain't easy. Finally, though, they both came up through the entrance. There were three guards around, but the guards didn't notice them. Tom and Celestia continued down the hallway.
When they turned their first corner, better known as Celestia's private cake room, they--
"Narrator!! How could you tell them that!", again interrupted Celestia.
Listen, Celestia baby, no need to worry. I mean who doesn't have a private cake room, oh yeah, I don't because I only get paid like a dollar an hour! Stop complaining Celestia, you should be stinking happy. Anywho, Celestia and Tom went through the cake room. It was empty. Apparently, the main villain dude didn't like cake.
"I do too!", interrupted the main villain dude.
Listen, main villain dude, Just shut up! You aren't suppose to come in until the end of this chapter so stop whining! I understand you like cake, sheesh, what is it with everybody interrupting me! Back to the story, Tom and Celestia continued through the castle. For some reason, it was very much deserted except for the occasional guard. Tom was getting sand crystals in his pants, even though Tom didn't wear pants. However, Tom and Celestia knew that they had to continue and so they did without question.
When Tom and Celestia finally made it to the hall before Celestia's throne room, Tom stopped.
"Wait", began Tom, "Something isn't right. I feel like we're being watched Celestia."
"Oh Tom, stop whining, It will be fine", began Celestia. That is when she turned the corner.
BOOM!! Celestia was thrown back with a huge blast. Tom quickly turned around the corner and saw two squads of Scorpion Guards. A squad, by the way, of scorpion soldiers has about 12 men each. Tom had to take on every single one by himself because Celestia was knocked out. Tom had to protect her, and save everybody else. This was Tom's fight and his alone.
The scorpion soldiers fired three more blasts from their plasma launchers. One hit the wall and blew it apart. The other two totally missed Tom. Tom charged the Soldiers, and rolled heavily into them. They were all firing their blasts from their heavy rifles, but they were not able to hit Tom because he was too fast. Those blasts that did hit Tom didn't do too much damage. Tom hit three and they all went flying into the gun. The gun then fired and blew back ten of the soldiers. There was basically one squad left, and now Tom had to take them on face to face.
One of the soldiers went to strike Tom, but Tom quickly dodged and hit that soldier square in the face. The soldier flew back and crashed through a bunch of glass. The glass shattered, and the soldier fell into the courtyard down below. The courtyard, of course like in every story, was teeming with tons of Scorpion soldiers. Now, Tom had to fight those soon. This was a great day for Tom.
Tom quickly snapped out of his focus upon the other things. He smashed himself into two soldiers, and they crashed against the wall. They were knocked out, and they weren't waking up for a while. Then two other scorpion soldiers grabbed Tom, but Tom knew his wrestling moves well, and so he threw himself back hard against the floor. He crushed those scorpions like bugs. Ohhhh puns. Anyways, now there were only 6 scorpion soldiers left. This was going to be it. Tom threw himself at two, but those two dodged him. They fired both their rifles, but Tom was able to dodge. Tow other scorpion soldiers behind Tom were not so lucky. They both got hit hard, and they both went down. Tom took the opportunity to crash into these two who had just tried firing at him. They tried to shoot him again, but they were not able to hit him. They both went flying back with a crash. Tom did the math in his head, and realized there were still two left, but where were they. Then Tom heard a loud BZZZZ followed by a BABOOSH! Tom went flying into a wall, not three feet from a window. Tom was a rock, and so he was able to take it, but even a rock like Tom couldn't take everything. If Tom took another blast like that, he would have been knocked out. Tom got up, and dodged a second blast. He rolled very quickly into one of the soldiers operating the gun. This soldier was knocked out instantly. Tom turned to the other soldier who was a sergeant. Tom went to roll him over, but the soldier dodged. The soldier then pulled out his blaster and fired hard. Tom flew back because the blaster hits were too furious especially in Tom's weakened state. However, Tom was still strong enough to pull himself together. Tom grabbed one of the knocked out scorpion soldier's blasters and fired three shots. They all struck the sergeant square in the chest. The sergeant went down instantly.
Finally, Tom had finished the battle. He rolled back over to Celestia who was just waking up. Tom helped her up. She, in turn, gave Tom a healing field. Tom felt much better because all of his wounds were healed. Now, it was time to go and fight the super villain. Tom and Celestia walked over to the doors of the throne room. Celestia kicked them in, and there he was, the main villain.
"Ahhhhh, well, would you look at this", began the main villain, "It seems Celestia returns to try and fight me! ME!! Well, Celestia, we will see who will be doing the fighting here. And, who is this rock that you bring, oh wait, I know, this rock is the only one who has been able to take on all of my soldiers. Well then what is your name, sir?" finished the main villain.
"My name", began Tom, "Is Tom."
"Tom the Rock! What a nice name! You know I have been watching you Tom, and I must say that you will be a worthy opponent. Let us let this fight begin shall we?"
At this moment, the villain turned around from the throne chair he was sitting in. He revealed himself as Scorpius, the leader of the Scorpus Empire. He was decked in armor. This leader villain, known as Scorpius, had gold plated armor shins coverings. He was decked in the most rare metals that you could think of. He had a sword the size of the throne. His tail was so sharp that the very looking up at it could paralyze you. This scorpion leader, this main villain, this Scorpius was fearsome in his power. He was strong, wise, smart, powerful, bold, and just plain crazy. He couldn't be stopped. He was just invulnerable. He was only 6 inches.
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????", screeched Tom, "You couldn't take on this guy! I mean look at him! I could squash him accidentally if I wanted to! What is wrong with you guys! I mean seriously!!!"
"Oh Tom", began Celestia, "Why? Why did you have to say that?"
It was true. Tom shouldn't have said that because as soon as he did, well, it happened. Scorpius grew until he was twice the size of Tom. Scorpius was now over thirty feet. EEEYUP That is right, Stories, the irony. Anyways, Tom really put his foot in his mouth there.
"Well........", said Tom, "Well....."
"Now Tom", began Scorpius, " I know of your friends. The main 6, am I correct?"
"What have you done with them?!", yelled Celestia.
"Oh nothing", began Scorpius, "They are in their cells. However, I would love for them to see me defeat both of you, so, I am presuming that it is time that they see!".
At this, Scorpius pressed a button, and from the ground came all of the main 6. They were all chained up, and in orbs cells so that they could not move. Then Scorpius pressed another button, and up came Discord. He too had the same treatment as the main 6. Scorpius again turned toward Tom and Celestia. He spoke.
"Before I kick both of your butts, I might be inclined to ask if there would be anything you might like to say to these here friends of yours. Anything anything at all?"
"Well", began Tom, "I have nothing to say."
"Okay...", said Scorpius wondering why. He then turned to Celestia. "What about you?"
"Discord", began Celestia but then she stopped because Discord said, "I know". By the way, for those of you who don't get that, basically, Celestia and Discord like each other.
"Well", said Scorpius, "How about you Main 6? Anything?"
"Yes", the main 6 began in unison, "We want to thank Tom for coming here. He shouldn't have yet he did. Tom, we thank you."
Tom just glared up at them. In his heart, he wasn't sure what to believe. He was only doing this for he wasn't really sure anymore. He thought he wanted to save them, but in his heart, he began to get hateful and bitter. Anyways, for now, he decided to fight.
"Okay", began Tom, "Let's do this!!".