Tom's Destiny

by Caleb Roy

A treacherous Brother

Tom was coming at the end of the forest. He was almost there. He could even see the light which was, in his case, a very good thing. However, as everyone should know, nothing ever can just finish smooth. No, in fact, there always has to be a bump in the road. Its like a banana. We can't just eat them in peace, and be done with them. Now, we have to walk the streets, and make sure we don't trip over the peel because some loser couldn't take two seconds to throw it out. Ya, that is what stories are like. There is always that random banana peel just lurking about seeking whom it may trip. Anyways, Roseluck awoke, and found herself on Tom's backpack. She started to question what had happened and Tom shared everything. He even shared about the time he lost his arm in a fight with mineral diggers. It was crazy. Anywho (see not anyways), Roseluck was very thankful for Tom saving her. Tom was happy to see that she was happy and safe, but told her that she had to continue on with Tom because it was too dangerous for her to go alone, and Tom frankly didn't have anything to give her for her journey. Roseluck didn't mind. They continued on.
It was about two hour's more into the journey. The light was like blinding, man, like even now I am wearing a welding mask. Tom went on his way when out of nowhere, a random rock came out of the bush. It was one of Tom's brothers. Tom greeted him.
"Hello there brother of mine! How are you?", asked Tom.
"Fine, fine, Here why don't you come in and see what I have to eat. Your journey must have been long Tom, was it not?", asked the rock.
"Oh yes brother of mine it was, but what is your name first?", questioned Tom.
"I am William.", the rock said. You all must understand that rocks did not choose crazy names like Poopface the Third or like Farah Hamed Jahdidier or Big Headed Obstinate Loser. Rocks were simple folk, and so they enjoyed their names like Tom, Will, Bob, or something along those lines. Anywho, Roseluck did not trust this rock, and whispered this to Tom.
"Tom, maybe we shouldn't follow this rock. He looks... He worries me.", said Roseluck.
"Oh Roseluck, don't worry. I am sure that if he tries anything, I can stop him.", responded Tom to Roseluck.
"Okay, Tom... I will trust you", said Roseluck to Tom.
Both Roseluck and Tom ventured into the cave where Will lived. It was dark, and as they ventured further in, the more they couldn't see. This is when it happened. Yes, that is right, it happened. Boom, there was a quick burst before Tom was knocked to the ground. Then another rock jumped on top of him, and punched him hard in the face. How he did it? I don't know, Remember this is a story and so it defies physics and crap. Anyways, Tom was blinded and unable to see. Then he heard Roseluck scream, and then everything went dark (even though it already was), but this time it went dark, like lights out man, for Tom.
Tom awoke by a fire. He was in a cage of some sort. When he finally came to all of his senses, all he could see was a whole bunch of rocks near a spit. You know, I just have to interrupt real quick and say that I wonder why they called it a spit. I mean seriously. Why would anyone name something after something so gross, especially since you cook on it. Man, and not even that-- Wait! Unless animals named it a spit, then that would make more sense. The animals would hope that no one would use it because of its vulgar name. Its a conspiracy man. All makes sense now. Anyways, back to the story. On this spit was none other than Roseluck. She was being a cooked. It was not right, but Tom realized that he had run into a group of Rock Cannibals. These cannibals loved to eat pony meat. It was disgusting, but Tom realized that he should have listened to Roseluck. Now Roseluck would be killed, and Tom would slowly become one of these despicable cannibals. Unless, thought Tom, unless he could get out of this cage. How? Well, stop asking and lets see what Tom does.
Tom yelled over to one of the rocks.
"Excuse me sir", yelled Tom, "but could you possibly let me out. I am terribly hungry, and could really go for some pony meat!", finished Tom.
"Ogga Booga You wanta meata!", screamed the rock cannibal Tom was speaking to.
"Yes sir, I am so very hungry! I could go for a ton of pony meat. Here let me out, and let me help you cook this very fine specimen." Tom was playing his cards right (I mean who would ever play cards left anyways too bland.).
"Ooka Mokka Okaya dokiea I willa letta you outta", said the tribal dude. The tribal dude went over to Tom ,and popped the cage door open. Then Tom and him went to the spit where Roseluck was. Tom took one of the arms of the spit and did whatever the equivalent of a wink is for a rock to Roseluck. At this, Roseluck knew she was safe. Tom waited about one more minute, and then put his plan into action.
Tom grabbed the spit, and threw it up. He rolled over tow of the guards knocking them down to the floor. he then quickly caught Roseluck. Music also started to play from the heavens. However, everyone paused the first time because the music was Scooby-Doo when it was supposed to be something else. However, the DJ fixed this quickly, and the chase began.
Tom caught Roseluck on his arms. He then started to roll away very quickly as Rock spears started to hit very close to both Roseluck and Tom. Then Two more guards came out of the sides of some random walls. Tom took both of them down, and then grabbed the spear of one. He threw it at a nearby guard who fell back instantly stunned. Tom continued to roll hard and fast. He was coming up on the exit. He could see the light. However, the rock cannibals had one more trick up their sleeves or whatever they wear. They unleashed the Rock Lion. It roared right in front of Tom and Roseluck as it jumped into their path. Roseluck screamed and Tom, well, he's a rock. Tom punched one of the tribal dudes, and took his spear. He thrust it into the mouth of the Rock lion. It went into the rock lion's throat, and then the thing started to choke. It crumpled to the ground, and then blew up and died. It was actually pretty easy. Not only was it easy, all of the rock cannibals were so crushed that they just fell down, and started doing crunches saying, "Future...Future", just as Squidward did when he traveled to the future.
The rock cannibals taking a break or whatever they were doing gave Tom and Roseluck enough time to get away. They both ran away, and entered back into the forest. Finally, they were home free. Tom and Roseluck ran all the way out of the Everfree. Tom even shed a tear once he got out of there. He was so happy. He was out of the Everfree. He was out of the mess which it was. Most importantly, he was done with all of this evil. He could continue on and save everypony. He had learned another lesson too. Tom had learned that whatever situation you may find yourself in, always use the brain which God gave you to get out. Also, do not just trust anyone even if they are your brother but be wise.
Anyways, Tom had learned the three lessons which he would need to defeat the final monster which is... comin gin the next chapter. Ha ha you thought I was going to spoil it. Nope, not at all, Alright so Tom untied Roseluck from the spit, and then they began walking to Canterlot. It was here that Tom would soon discover his destiny. He would also fight the hardest enemy he was ever going to fight. Good luck Tom, Good luck because you are going to need it. You are going to need it.