Changes from the Far East

by MC BR0N3

Important note! (no, this isn't a new chapter…yet)

Hey guys, MC BR0N3 here.

I just wanted to give you readers the heads up that while Chapter 5 is making headway, it's going to take a while before I publish it. Sucks, I know.
Also, I wanted to say that I'm not abandoning "Changes" anytime soon. It's just going to have a very slow update speed, as usual.
This is because the next couple of years are gong to be very important (and thus, extremely hectic and stressful) for me, as I study and work for my IB Diploma, as well as selecting potential universities I want to go to. This leaves me with very little time to write. I will get some time to write during the holidays, but about 90% of that time will be dedicated to essays and exam revision.

I'm sorry for making you guys wait. With luck, I'll have the next chapter up by Easter.