A Dame To Kill For

by The Lost Winchester

The Past Hurts

I decided to be a cop for a simple reason: the admiration for my father. During the time he served in the force he came to have the rank of lieutenant, and was considered by many to be the best.

I graduated from the academy with honors, so I had the opportunity to choose the department I wanted to serve. Without hesitation; I chose to be where he was. I spent my first year under his tutelage. Everything I know, I learned from him. Even we arrested several criminals together. I thought we would be unstoppable… but fate had prepared a very different plan.

It had been four years since my income to the department. At that time began a wave of crimes of a subject nicknamed Diamond Dog; a sadistic serial murderer. His crimes included everything, robberies, kidnappings, murders, scams, even...

My father decided to take the case. He use to say, "An insane to catch an insane." And I must say, that that is the only thing I did not share with him; his unorthodox working methods. Once, he took a guy by the neck, held him to a moving wheel and began to sand his face until he said it all.

He always told me. "Criminals only understand one language: violence. If given the chance, they will not hesitate to take your head off and use it as a trophy to show the world that there is no one who can with them. So, remember that you're on the other side of the mirror; you must be a reflection of your goal. Become his twisted portrait."

To the top bosses didn´t like this. They said that if he did not stop, they will dismiss him; he didn´t care. Why should he stop acting in a way that gave him results? However, it is well known that in this world there is always a counterparty for you, the one of my father was Diamond Dog.

The few details of what happened that day, I met them by the only survivor of that slaughter; remember them is still very painful. I wanted to be his support in the mission, but he refused...

"My answer is still NO! I want you to stay here; this is something I have to solve on my own. So do not try anything stupid. "

"I can´t sit idly by and do nothing, you know how dangerous this guy is. God knows what he can have prepared, let me go with you."

"Forget it. I'm your father ... but most of all ... I am your superior… AND IS A DAMN ORDER!"

He walked to the door. I approached him and took him for shoulder. He turned and without thinking he hit me in the face. I fell to floor with a bloody nose. I glared at him angrily; I have always regretted that. He said nothing, just left the room and slammed the door behind him.

Diamond Dog and a group of his assistants had taken hostage the people who were in a church. My father arrived and was greeted by a hail of bullets. Acting like he always did, he decided he had to make a dramatic entrance; so he entered to the place with everything and patrol. The bullets went in all directions, but none even approached him. As I said, he was the best. He had experienced many battlefields so he knew exactly what he was doing. Diamond Dog's men, who tried to stop his advance perished in the place; he went ahead. When he went into the main room, what he found was completely terrifying.

That maniac had blown the head to each of the persons who were in the church, women, men and children alike. Diamond Dog was at the altar and was talking to the corpses as he read a passage from the Apocalypse. Noticing his presence, Diamond Dog started laughing. My father pointed his gun at him and walked forward, but from the dead more complicit of that crazy arose and in an instant... they put him out of combat.

I was at home when someone knocked on the door. Opening it, I found the sad look of the Commissioner Dash, in her hand was my father's cap...

The day of his funeral I wasn´t present. Thanks to an informant, I had managed to track down Diamond Dog´s hiding in the outskirts of the city. The order against him strictly said it had to be captured alive.

"Just you and me Gordon, are you ready?"

"Leon... we can´t go in there... we have to wait for reinforcements... and I already gave the alarm... they will be here in minutes."

"Forget it, we can´t wait any longer. We must act now. If we don´t take this opportunity we will lose him."

"Listen to me Leon; I know how you feel... I know he is the murderer of your father... hell, I even know about Martha... please… understand… you are not well ... let´s wait for the others ...”

I looked at Gordon with courage... but he was right... My girlfriend had left days before and my father was being buried in that moment; it was obvious that I wasn´t thinking straight. Still, at that time the only thing I felt was thirsty... and only the blood of the bastard could calm it.

"Ok then Gordon... let´s wait."

He looked at me relieved, stood up and started walking back to the car. I approached him, "Sorry buddy." And with the butt of the gun let him unconscious. I put him in the patrol and started running toward the house. I shred the door and entered. There were two subjects in the first room, before they could react; I finished them. Quickly I climbed up the stairs and after finishing with a few more I went into the last room.

It seemed to be empty, but Diamond Dog took me by surprise. We began to struggle and I finished kissing the ground in minutes. He tried to flee, but before he could, I managed to take the gun and shred his legs; he screamed in pain. I stood up and I approached him. I put him on his back and started to punch him in the face with the base of the gun. He seemed not to mind and he was just laughing like the insane he was.

"Well, you are stronger than your father boy, he couldn´t bear it when we started nailing him on the cross, the boss was proud of our work."

"Shut up, bastard."

This time it was my fists those who silenced him. In the distance, I began to hear sirens.

"They are close son. Whatever you will do, you better do it fast." He laughed again.

"Who wanted him dead? Who planned it?" I kept hitting him.

"Is not it obvious? He paid me to get rid of your father before he was able to stop his plans."

"Sombra?”... I even could taste the hate in my words. “Where is he? Answer me!"

"Do you really wanna know boy? Come closer." I took him up by the neck. "Fuck you cop." After that he burst into laughter.

I looked at all sides without knowing what I was looking for and I realized that in the room was a light plant. I took him by the hair, drag him up close to the device and lit it. Taking the pliers and with all the hate and anger I felt inside me; I send them right through his eyes. I heard him screaming and saw him suffer until he lit on fire. By the time reinforcements arrived, Gordon was still unconscious and I was watching the house burn to the ground.

The trial against me did not last more than a couple of hours. I accept the charges: attack and knock out my partner, acting out of my jurisdiction, disobey superior orders and other stupidities.

They gave me two options; jail or dismissal... I decided to take the second option...


Twilight entered the room while she wiped with a tissue the wounds on her face. She knew what to expect from Sombra once he was able to know what had happened at the docks. She didn´t expect that Leon would give a total turn to their plans; moreover, he had now become a new problem.

"I can´t believe that damn dared to do so. Leon will pay, I swear..."

A mocking voice cut the silence of the room.

"Well, well. Isn´t my dear friend Twilight? What happened? Did a steamroller passed over your face, dear? "

A silver-haired girl emerged from behind one of the armchairs that were in the room. She began to laugh even louder as she approached her.

"Shut the fuck up Trixie! I have enough trouble to have to put up with your nonsense. "

Trixie looked at her angrily and raised her face as if she felt offended.

"At least I don´t have to explain Sombra how you let the girl escape, nor about why you hired that detective in first place. All for not wanting to get your hands dirty? "

"I told you to shut up!"

Twilight went to her, taking her by the shirt and rising a fist to to beat her; at that moment the door opened. Both women heard the echo of footsteps and from the shadows that seemed to embrace him; emerged the figure of Sombra. Twilight felt a chill and released Trixie, both girls set their sights on him.

"Twilight." after hearing her name she started shaking. The serious and authoritative voice of his boss rang through the room. "Where's the girl?"


Two weeks have passed since the death of his father. For a couple of days we went out of the city and stayed in a motel waiting for things to calm down a bit. Still do not know what to expect from my new friends. Obviously Sombra will not be happy when he knows that Fluttershy escaped. Moreover, I´m sure that now I am in his blacklist. I can live knowing that. But she...

We returned to the city under the cover of night. I took her to the apartment that Granny Pie gave me and then leave the car in an old warehouse a few blocks from my office. I'll have to get rid of it as soon as possible, having it now is like I want to say; hey here I am, come get me.

I made sure that the money I had given Solomon did not have some sort of tracker ... and that it was real money. Now I can spend it without remorse on things that she and I will going to need.

In recent days Fluttershy has been quiet, when I talk with her, she just answers with nods or signals. I know that what is happening is at levels she never imagined having to endure. She witnessed her father died; surely that will mark her for life. At night I hear her sobbing bitterly, repeating the name of her father until the sadness and tiredness makes her sleep. Many times I have been tempted to enter her room and try to calm her... but does not seem right.

She does not know, but we share the same kind of pain of losing someone. I may need to tell her my story to try to get more confidence in me from her. I consider myself a tough guy, even so, I feel bad to see her like that. I have to find a way to give back some of that much needed happiness.

The clock tells me it's six in the morn. Without her noticing; I left to take a walk. My steps lead me instinctively to the building where my office is. I climb the stairs to the 5th floor. Walking down the hall without paying attention around me, I stop a few feet from the door when I notice someone standing in front of it; someone familiar.

"What are you doing here Smith?" I question him angrily.

"Calm down Leon. It’s just that our dear friend mysteriously disappears overnight for several days, so we are concerned about you, you know? So the boss sent me to find you... she wants to talk to you personally. "

"Then why does not she come to me instead of sending his assistant?"

"You know better than anyone that things do not work like that. I have no time for this. Leon; you´re coming with me."

He approaches me. I start walking without paying him attention and pass him hitting his shoulder with mine.

"Forget it Smith, I have more important things to do."

I'm about to open the door of my office when I feel his hands taking me by the shoulders and throwing me to the ground.

"Did I ask your opinion? I have orders to take you to her. And she would not like to see you get unconscious. Anyway, for what do you want to go inside..."

The explosion is impressive; the shock wave makes me fly through the air and the sound stuns me. I end on the ground with injuries in my face and part of my clothing is on fire. Pain barely lets me get on my knees. With my hands I extinct the fire of my jacket. Poor Smith… among the chaos left by the explosion I distinguish one of his arms; his hand still has the door knob pressed strongly, I do not know where is the rest of his body.

I stand up and walk slowly into what was my office; now it's just a hole in the building. I hear the peculiar sirens firefighters, they always arrive fast. I'm still stunned; the pain is concentrated in my chest... I can hardly breathe... I need...

---Some hours later---

What appears to be a distant beeping brings me back to reality. Slowly start to open my eyes and the first thing I see is the ceiling painted in a ghostly white. I look to my left and see the pulse detector and serum pedestal; in the wall is a poster of the campaign to donate blood.

"What happened? How did I get here? "I ask to the nothing.

"That's just what I want you to explain Leon; your office blew up, we had to pick up your friend with a shovel, and you almost went into the morgue, but the paramedics saved you. In what kind of mess have you gone in this time?"

I recognize that voice. "Rainbow?” I turn to the right and see her standing at the window with her arms crossed and a look of concern on her face.

"You know, you're just like him... always looking for trouble and giving them to us." A slight smile appears on her face.

"I'm not half as good if you compare me to him." I stop and watch the ceiling again. She comes over and sits on the bed.

"Since you started your business of detective, you have only made that half the crime world follow your steps. What happened today was the work of a professional; is a warning for you. Leon, c´mon, you know you can trust me. Tell me; who wants to finish you and why?"

I take a deep breath; I should not drag her with my problems. I do not want her to know about Fluttershy, but she is still someone I can trust in my small circle of friends. I sit up and look straight into her eyes.

"I can´t give you all the details, but I want to ask you a favor. I need you to give me access to the history of Sombra."

Her eyes open wide, gets out of bed and turns around. Her reaction tells me that something is not right. She turns to me and her voice is cold now.

"Are you saying that you have over you to the worst of criminals that this city has ever known?" I just nod. "What have you done Leon? You know that with that guy and his group nobody messes... your father..."

"You don´t have to remind me." I raise my voice. "Like I said, when the moment arrives I will let you know everything, but for now just let it be. Will you give me access to the files, yes or no? "

The question hangs between the two for a moment. She hardens but ends up releasing a sigh and bows her head.

"Ok... I do not know what you may be looking for, but if it helps; I will let you review them."

A nurse enters the room.

"Finally awakened, how you feel sir."

"As if I have been hit by a truck."

They and I laugh at my response.


"If that wretch managed to survive this, I do not know who the hell you found Twilight."

Trixie said while she was crouched watching the place that had been cordoned off by police, Twilight was standing beside her.

"That guy is like a cat; has nine lives.” Twilight said. “But soon… he will run out of them..."

Raising one hand to her face, Twilight touched the outline of one of her eyes... now covered by a black patch.

"You have failed me, Sparkle. I can´t allow such a failure." Sombra said.

She was tied to a chair. His mouth covered with a handkerchief and two guys were holding her head while another opened one of her eyes completely. Sombra approached her with a scalpel in his hand... Twilight could only stifle a scream.

A chill ran down her spine at the memory.

"I want him to suffer... Call Garble; tell him to take the necessary men, and that he must find them... It's time to end this once and for all. "

Trixie watched her with fear, then she nodded.


I left the hospital a couple of hours ago. The evening is cool; strange at this time of year. I Step to greet Granny pie and to buy a couple of boxes of her cupcakes. They have strange forms but are delicious. She tells me that nothing strange happened during the day and informs me that Fluttershy accompanied her to market a few hours ago. She also tells me that a policeman came to inform them where I was and that they don´t have to worry, he said everything was fine. Tomorrow I will go to the station to begin my research.

I take my keys out of my pocket but voices make me throw them to the ground.


Three little girls peer out the door of one of my neighbors. I calm down a bit and give them a smile.

"Hello girls, this time you really scared me. What are you doing?"

"We were trying to find out who is in your house; a while ago we heard much fuss." Answers Applebloom.

I open my eyes completely and quickly open the door.

"Fluttershy… Fluttershy! Where are you?"

The window is open; I began to panic. I run to her room and she is not in it. Suddenly something falls in the kitchen and I hear her screaming. Without thinking I head there.

"Fluttershy, what?..."

Watching her I´m speechless... she is kneeling all soaked and a pot is on her side; the kitchen is a mess. The girls walk into the kitchen and after saw her burst out laughing. Even I start laughing uncontrollably. She only has the tenderest expression of anger I've ever seen. Controlling me a bit I approach her and helped her up.

"What are you doing woman? See the mess you've assembled."

"I... I... I just wanted to surprise you. After we learned what have happened to you; I worry too much..."

She begins to sob but I held her tightly and avoid it. "Calm down Fluttershy, nothing happened. Remember, I am indestructible." She separates a bit and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Awwww." the three little ones watch us with glow in their eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask them.

"You forgot your bag in the hallway when yow went inside as a hurricane so we had to give it to you." Says Scootaloo.

"Who is she, is she your girlfriend?" Asks Sweetie Belle.

With the question, Fluttershy blushes and hides behind me; she is so shy... I love that.

"No girls, it's just a great friend... Fluttershy, these are Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle."

"Hello… girls." She says almost whispering.


The three girls runs to embrace her no matter the fact that she's still totally soaked. To my surprise and delight, she returns the hug and smile for the first time in days. I keep watching them until the alarm of the oven starts ringing. She says something about the oven and I run to turn it off. Taking gloves I extract a tray of lasagna from the oven. The dish looks and smells delicious.

"I think it's time to eat."

We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and joking. Thanks to the girls; she laughs again. Someone knocks on the door and I head to open it.

"Hi Cheerilee, let me guess."

"Hi Leon, hope you do not have problems because they could be so naughty..."

"Not at all, in fact I have to thank them for the help."

"Help?" Cheerilee looks at me in amazement.

"I'll explain later. Girls your mother is here. "

They leave saying goodbye to Fluttershy and running out to greet their mother. Before they go out I call them and give them one of the boxes of cupcakes. Their eyes sparkle with excitement and scream again. Cheerilee is unable to suppress a smile and they finally enter their home.

After finish cleaning the kitchen I take a bath. The wounds caused by the explosion still hurt. Coming out of the shower she goes and does the same while I go to make some chocolate. She leaves the bathroom; I go out of the kitchen with the leftover cupcake box and a couple of cups of chocolate.

I place them on the coffee table and I sit on the couch. She joins me, first at the end of the sofa , but then comes up and curls up next to me. She takes one cup and sips the content.

"Who taught you to cook?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"My… Dad... he gave me lessons for some time ..." Her voice is sad but calm. "I miss him so much Leon."

A lump forms in my throat. I put my arm around her and with the other take my mug. I think it's the right time.

"Fluttershy... Do you want to know why I became a cop?..."