A scientist in equestria

by Specter Atomis

Who knew a crystal was so dangerous?

Earth, lab built in old abandoned hadron collider, 0800 hours

Science, a puzzle that is never ending, but a puzzle we want to complete so much. Brian "Specter" Jones was a man of thirty one, and one of the worlds top scientist's. He was a man that would make Tony Stark proud with how he was just the right mix of smart and insane.He was also the one who invented the sonic screw-driver, and improved it, and was the leader in every field of science.

The most recent experiment that he was doing was one that he had no idea how to handle, a pure black "corrupted" cartonigragh gem, the gem used to top the sonic screw-driver. Brian was planing on just shooting protons and neutrons at the areas of the three inch shard that had lots of energy stored, which let to a total of three pockets that would be energized.

" Alright everybody,lets get this show on the road!"said Brian, who was realy just hoping something would explode.

The research team began to work on setting up the energy pulsers, another machine that Brian had made. Brian had the standard things he normally had with him, his cargo lab coat, that could hold five times more things then the standard lab coat, a satchel filled with test-tubes and beakers made of reinforced glass, a tool belt that held standerd tools such as a screw- driver, a SONIC screw-driver, five test tubes of white phosphorus, and the other things a tool belt would have. Along with those, he had two pouches attached to the belt, containing small books, a reading book, and the rest being books on technology, masonry, wiring, and even fashion.

Brian took a seat at the control console,which was the closest thing to the shard. He pulled out his good luck charm, a small metal pendent shaped like rainbow dashes cutie mark on a shield, and held it tight in his hand" Alright Jones, the pulsers are set, you are free to Blow this thing up!" Said Diane, the only other member on the team that liked my little pony

Brian was already beginning to turn on the console and pulsers to observe the readings of the gem,and something happened the moment the the first pulse hit the gem, it began to creat a strange black mist. When Brian saw this he began to worry. The shard was kept in a glass case that was only the size of a foot-ball,and if the smoke built up to much,it would break the glass due to the pressure and, well, lord knows what would happen after that

"Diane, lower the pulse energy. I think this is a bit risky." although puzzled, Diane set the energy to a lower dose, but for some reason, the energy began to increase" Um, Brian!" Said Diane.

All of a sudden, the console erupted into a shower of sparks, but Diane was only burned a little bit. When Brian got up from his chair, the glass that contained the gem broke open with the force of five pounds of nitroglycerin going off in a fireworks factory, knocking down Brian and a few others, and sending a shard of glass right into his left eye.

From the dark and growing cloud of darkness, tendrils were beginning to emerge. They slowly slitherd to Brian, who was lying in pain. When he saw the tendrils, he pulled the shard out of his eye and yelled out in the pain of having it yanked out of his socket. When a tendril began to wrap around his leg, he stabed it with all of his might and pulled towards him,slicing the tendril in in two. When he did that, a scream of pain eminated from the area of the shard.

When he pulled the shard out of the tendril, five more emerged. Four held him down, and one wraped around the bottom of the glass and seamed to be sharpening it on another, smaller piece of glass. He knew that they were going to do something, so he stopped struggling, he decided to just stop resisting. He looked back towards the exit of the lab, all of the others had escaped.

He looked back towards the gem that had caused this, and saw a figure emerge from the shadows, a unicorn. Him being a brony, he could recognise who it was the moment he saw there face, King Sombra." Well well well, look at what we have here, somepony who wanted to play hero." Sombra said, as he took the glass from the dark tendril and hovered it over Brian's head," I guess the least I could do is make your end swift and pain less" he said with a twisted grin.

The shard plunged down into Brian's skull, letting only a single, short scream escape from him, echoing down all the way to the group of researchers, who could only guess what had happened to there dear friend. Sombra removed the shard from Brian's head, grasped him with magic, and tossed the body into the ever growing darkness,something that sombra would regret later on, and walked down the corridor, towards the exit, to spread his evil.

Darkness, that was all he could see, darkness. When Brian awoke, he was surprised to be able to feel anything. He had been drifting for what seemed like hours, and was alive, but still had a large cut into his head, and a lack of a left eye. His head hurt like hell to.

He could breath, so there was air. He could see see his belt and pouches floating out of his reach,so that ment there was no gravity,but still light to allow him to see. He was drifting towards a light in the distance,but it didn't seem to be getting any closer or bigger,until now. As he got closer,it seem'd to be pulling him more and more,like a planet with gravity that got stronger and stronger.

When he reached the edge of it however,he wished he could have just been drifting away from it. He saw several tendrils beginning to reach for him from the light, and wrapped around his arms,legs,and torso. He tried to break free of there grip, only for them to tighten and seem to glow. As they glowed brighter, he began to hurt more and more.

The pain was unbearable,and had him screaming in no time. The light from the tendrils was moving to his body,and moving his body in general. His bones were shrinking and growing in seconds, his flesh and muscle were being torn from one place,and placed on another. His head growing, his organs being squeezed, shrunk,grown,some of his skin was even just being thrown into the darkness,not affected by the gravity of the light.

When all was said and done, Brian ached all over. His head and everything was healed,but oddly furry. The tendrals pulled him into the light, but he didn't resist. As he was pulled into the light however,he began to see something, a forest that was, upside down?

As the forest became clearer, he began to regane some of his senses,he could smell the flora, he could see the vibrant colors of the forest, he could hear the birds singing,and he could feel the force of gravity as it pulled him downwards, and that's all he could tell before it all went black...again.

Ponyville, Equestria, Books and Branches library, 1500 hour(12:00)

Twilight Sparkle was reading a new book she had ordered from Canterlot called "Advanced Enchanting", since she had yet to learn how to do any enchanting spell's beyond the basic's. she had decided to take a small break and go for a walk around town to get a bit of fresh air and stretch her legs. Just as she stepped out of her house, A.K.A the village library, a large explosion broke the quietness and birdsong of the village.

Twilight simply sighed, she was used to this stuff from how wild her life had been since she moved to ponyville. a large shock wave that flung her five feet ahead from were she was just standing made her regret not even looking towards what ever that was.With a bolt of energy, she got up and looked in the direction of the explosion, and saw it was from the Everfree forest," Well, atleast it wasn't from Pinkie."Twilight said to herself with a sigh of relief,knowing how dangerous pinkie could be.

She began to think, being the calm and collective mare she was,of what it could have been." Hmmm,could be a dragon, but that would have a lot more fire. Over powered explosives?No that would be a different color explosion. That means that it must be-Of course! It was caused by magic,but why would somepony be in the middle of the everfree forest? She thought.

Before she could think on it any further, she was tackled to the ground at fifty miles per hour by the one and only, Rainbow Dash. Shortly after, the rest of the elements came to the scene, and helped the pair up." What the hay was that for!" Twilight said to dash," Were going to check out the explosion! Wanna see it with us?" Dash said back with an exited look on her face.

The next thing on her face was a heavy tool belt and two heavy satchel bags, which quickly put her on the ground. Completely suprised, Twilight quickly pulled the belt off of dashes head as the rest of the group ran towards the two. Twilight just looked at the belt for a second before helping dash back to her feet."Woooooh, my head,what was that?" Dash asked.

"A tool belt by the looks of it, and it looks like it's from the explosion." Twilight said, which made Dash get her senses back much faster,"That must mean that somepony is hurt! We need to get there before a pack of timber wolves or something do!" Dash said as she jumped into the air, about to take off in to the sky. But just as she was about to zoom off, Applejack took hold of her tail," woooh dare pardner," she said as she spat out dashes tail," We need to go together, or else the thing that is gonna get any hurt ponies gunna get 'chu to." Applejack said to Dash.

"But-!"Dash said as she was trying to come up with a reason for here to go alone."Uhhg, fine" She said as she just floated in mid-air with her arms crossed." Twi, you coming?" she said to Twilight.

"Ummm," Twilight was checking the tools on the belt and also was exited that the satchels had books, though she couldn't read them, and was curios about the odd device that shocked her when she tried to touch it, and was topped with a odd but familiar looking gem."well, sure. just let me put this inside, don't want it to go missing if the pony it belongs to want's it back, wait here." she said as she levitated the belt and bags above her and took them inside. Placing them on the table she had her new book on,she hurried back out and headed towards the forest with her friends in the direction of the explosion, The Castle of The Two Sisters.