A Time To Remember

by ericpotter4

The Doctor Plus Three

Rose appeared by the TARDIS just as The Doctor, Twilight, and River escaped from the facility. Rose looked around and opened the door. It was unlocked. When she went into the TARDIS, it looked completely different from when she used to ride in it. There was 3 big wheels on the top written in Gallifreyan. It also had a hexagonal console and lights on the wall. It was very different.

The Doctor, Twilight, and River were running away from the Dalek base camp with the Daleks high on their tails. The Doctor spotted the parked TARDIS and he told the others to follow him. Once, they reached the doors, they frantically opened them, went in, and closed the doors shut behind them. The Doctor nearly fainted when he saw what was in front of him. Rose was sitting on one of the TARDIS chairs, playing Angry Birds on her iPhone. The Doctor was puzzled as to why Rose Tyler was here, but he quickly spotted the multi-dimensional transport on the console.

"Rose. What are you doing here?'

"My multi-dimensional transport, remember? I got Mickey to fix it."

"Do you know what you just did by coming here?"

"Well I know what you just did mister regeneration"

"That was a long time ago, but you ripped a hole in the fabric of space!"

"Oh relax, Doctor. If something bad was to happen don't you think it already would have?"

"I suppose so."

"Well I've got to say, I like the new TARDIS"

Twilight and River exchanged confused glances.

"Yes, well I got it from Frailigesh, they drive a hard bargain."

"Oh I remember Frailigesh." She held up her hands to her head and made her ears look wider, "Those people right?"

'Yes, those people."

There was a long moment of silence, then The Doctor went to the console and piloted the TARDIS to a familiar place...