by moonlight shine 2


In the everfree forest
Samaraa has walked into a odd statued figure as she looks at the name of the statue she now know how to take over this world...."Nightmare moon huh*chuckles* it looks like you need a new best friend." she makes her way to the caslte were princess luna and celestia are patroling the night.

In the Royal caslte

Luna tells Celestia to get some sleep , but Celestis refused but Luna has already locked her in her room.Now its only Luna to patrol the night.

Luna thinks to herself "The night is so quiet but why?" then next thing she knows a voice comes into the room undetected.
"Hello princess." she was holding the body of a solar guard in her right hand he was not breathing she throws him on the ground before resuming. "Isn't this a wonderful....night."

"What do you want?" Luna says in a calm voice, the reason why is because she sent a letter to Twilight just now.
"I need help taking over this world of course." she says walking up to Luna.
"Why should I help you?" now luna has concern in her voice.
Samaraa looks at Luna and laughs."Your help, no no no I don't need your help I need nightmare moons. she raises a hand and puts it on luna head before Luna can do anything Luna world spun up side down. Samaraa has awaken nightmare moon from slumber.

Right outside was me, I told Twilight to go around I didn't want her to get hurt.I kick the door open to find luna as nightmare moon and my sister side by side.

"LUNA?" then a blast of shadow hit my shoulder by I wasn't going to have it Samaraa has crossed the line now she must go DOWN!
I jumped in the air to attack my siste but nightmare has shot me into the while I was air born I was in the wall and I could tell that they were going to leave and they did.
Twilight has released Celestia and found me in the hole and ask a annoying question."Are you ok?"

"Just peachy." I relpied with a pulsing vein on my head.

"What happened?" Celestia asked me.

"Luna....Luna is NIGHTMARE MOON! I answered with a huge yell in failure.

Celestia wasn't speaking a word so wasn't Twilight, I on the other hand wasn't going to stand around and wait I jumped out the window but I forgot that I don't know how to fly"SSSSssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiii-I caught by Rainbow not the arch of sunshine but RAINBOW DASH.

Rainbow dash drops me and yells "FLAP THOSE WINGS!" I started flaping . I was flying THANK GOD!

It took us 30 minutes to find a large cloud of purple smoke I looked at rainbow and said "YOU READY?"
"AS I EVER BE!" She replied

We both charged in like bullets yelling "CHARGE!"
But we didn't think things through, we charged in but only to face Nightmare she blasted rainbow I'm sure shes fine but me, I was slammed down multiple time like a doll, I tried to talk some sense into Luna.While fighting of course. I reach out my hand and created my sword and leaped at Luna and went for an attack only to be slamed by Moongliser. But I attack her also and cut off a branch in attept to hurt her but failed.

"Luna....please you gotta help!"

"You poor little thing. Luna isn't here!" Samraa yells
she slammed me again then wrapped me in a smoke cloud. Then my sister walked up and looked in my face very closely and spoken to me very softly."you lost little brother...its over....now let put you out of you MISERY!" She stabs me with her hand...it...was....so....painful..I...blacked out....

"hellex....hellex.....HELLEX....MOOLIGHT SHINE RISE!"
"You won't live without me you do know that right."
"that voice....it was right...IT WAS RIGHT MOONLIGHT MUST RISE AGAIN."
"Fine but I'm in control"
"For now but next time"
"IF theres a next time."
I woke up screaming as I transformed into the monster I hated.......MOONLIGHT.

"sister....I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"she looked at me, eyes wide, she knows death was coming....I was more powerful than her....I was done protecting her!