A Friendly Visit

by Haybales22


Deere walked along the path. Sweating, tired, and with stiff cramped wings, he pulled the cart behind him. It wasnt a heavy cart, sure it had a years worth of straw loaded onto it, but magic is a powerful thing. A lightening spell had made the bales of straw as light as clouds. There was more feed that was to be delivered to various farms and restaurants, but he had already teleported all of it to his cousin's home. He levitated his hat off his head to fan himself, then immediately realized his mistake and jammed it back onto his head. He looked around to see if anypony saw him. The path was empty, but he ran anyways. The brown stallion had a secret, and he didnt want anypony to know.

You see, Deere is and was the only naturally born alicorn male in existance. A wing potion given to male unicorns will turn them into a hideous monster, like discord. A horn potion given to male pegasi will strip them of their wings. Nopony in equestria, save his parents, doctor, sister and Princess Celestia, know about his horn. He was born in Cloudsdale, but his parents not wanting to give up their son to be a prince, ran to Appaloosa. Both his parents being pegasi, nopony could explain this peculiar miracle, and nopony really wanted to. All his parents cared about was their son being healthy, happy and growing up to be a good farmer. So he grew his mane long and curly, but it wasnt enough to hide it. So he wore a large cowboy hat in order to hide the offending horn. Although he was technically a prince and a god, he didnt want to claim his throne or his "godliness" . His parents had told Celestia, and she agreed to let him live his life as he chose. She also had said he was the God of the Farm and Growing. His cutie mark was 3 stalks of grain. One wheat, one oat, and one canola, similar to his sister's 3 blossoms of alfalfa. He usually wore coveralls to hide this mark.

He continued his journey, and at long last came to Ponyville. Not knowing the exact location of Fluttershy's home, so he decided to ask for directions. He stopped at the nearest building he could see; a large shop which was designed to look like a merry-go-round. He unhitched, then walked inside to see if the proprietor knew of Fluttershy. He opened the door, and was met with a massive blast of airconditioning. He heard somepony trotting down the steps, and held onto his hat, which was trying to escape in the breeze. "Hello there, darling," he heard a British accent say, "Welcome to the Carousel Boutique! I am Rarity." A white and purple-maned pony stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of this grubby, dusty and sweaty pony. Her look was of disgust for a fleeting second, then she put on a forced smile for him. "And what can i help you with, Darling?" You could hear the fake politeness in her tone. "I-" But Deere was cut off at his hat making a desperate escape in the wind! He tried to grab it, but it was too quick. The cowboy hat was then caught by the breeze of the air conditioner, and was ripped off of his head. He covered his head with one hoof and ran after his hat.

The hat was captured in a blue glow and flew over to him. "Move your hoof darling," said Rarity. Deere had no choice but to move his hoof and hope she didnt see either his horn or his wings. "Well," gasped Rarity, "If you are a unicorn, couldnt you have caught the hat yourself? Wait a minute... " She walked around him, AND DISCOVERED WINGS!!!! "You... Youre a..." Deere prepared for the bows and hoof kissing and praise and all hail prince deere shit. "YOU'RE A PRINCE!!!" Rarity exclaimed. "SHHHH!" Deere hushed, "I'm on uh..." he racked his brain for an excuse. "Royal business! ya I'm on royal business. Going undercover. So you cant tell anypony that I'm an alicorn, ok?" Rarity looked amazed, "Oh of course Prince- I mean... ummm...." she realized she didnt know his name. "The names Deere, John Deere." he'd always wanted to say that! Stole the quote from an old Hay Blond movie, his favorite secret agent pony. "Oh of course, Prince Deere. Oh." she realized her snafu. "Just Deere please?" he tried to get her to understand the concept. "Of course, Deere." gasped Rarity. She batted her lashes and puffed her chest out. Oh celestia, he thought, Not the "adoring fan who has a crush on me."