Out of the Shadow

by Rourke


It was about 2:00 in the morning, so the medical room was dark and quiet, except for the small, flickering candle next to Rowan's bed. Luna was reading a rather large book titled "Advanced studies in the Dark Arts" by Starswirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever. She was searching around the book for the spell that could've turned the young foal resting in the bed into an alicorn. As she did this, young Rowan stirred in his bed. Luna laid down her book and grabbed the green potion in her magic. Rowan slowly woke up and looked around him. His face showed great fear and sadness. Just then, Luna spoke up:

"Hello little one. I'm glad you are all right. Please drink this, the doctor says it will help thee feel better."

The foal looked at her and he felt a bit more calm. He shakily grabbed the bottle and spoke up in a soft and shy voice:

"Where am I?"

"Thou art in the medical facilities of the Royal Palace. It will be safe in here, do not worry."

"Are you Princess Luna?" The little foal looked a little worried now.

"Yes, but you can just call me Luna. There is no need for formalities of any sort."

Rowan sipped the potion. It tasted very sour, so he put a funny face the instant he drank. Luna giggled.

"Do you remember where your family lives little one?"

To this Rowan's expression changed to a blank one. The events of the previous days flashed back into his mind. Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he remembered what Somnus had done to his mother, his father and his elder sister. He had beat them up with his magic, tied then up and injected him with a sleeping potion. The last memory that flashed by was the screams of his family as his housed burst into an inferno. He begun to sob uncontrolably, but quietly. Luna quickly went to his side and hugged him tightly while stroking his mane with her hoof.

"There there, little one, do not cry, you are safe here. We'll take care of you."

Rowan begun to calm down and told her everything. As Luna heard what happened, she couldn't help but to feel sorry for the foal. As he finished she looked at him and asked:

"What is your name, little one?"

"R-Rowan." Said the foal between sniffs.

Luna felt something special towards the little foal. She felt that she needed to help this foal in some way.

"Well Rowan, how would you like to stay here in the palace with me."

"You mean live here?!" His face lit up with excitement.

"Yes Rowan, live here. Me and my sister will take care of you."

"Oh yes! Thank you so much Luna!" He raised his hoof with excitement, but his face quickly changed to surprise as he saw the red streaks across his hoof. He begun to look at himself, at his flank and there he found a silver colored Spell Circle (different from the one in Somnus' spell). He then felt his new wings and in a shocked way asked:

"What happened to me?" Why do I have a horn and wings?"

"Apparently, the spell that Somnus cast upon you has turned you into an alicorn, Rowan."

"Cool!! "Can you teach me how to fly? Will I learn magic? Can you..." Luna puts a hoof over his mouth to silence him.

"In time, Rowan, in time."

Just then, Celestia entered the room. She went over to Luna and sat down beside Rowan's bed.

"I can see why you hate Night Court so much, sister. Some of these ponies can be flat out obnoxious. Hmm, it looks like the little one woke up. How are you feeling?"

Rowan nervously looked at Celestia, making her look at Luna in a puzzled way.

"His name is Rowan, sister. Rowan, do you mind if I talk alone with my sister?"


Celestia followed Luna to the doorway from which Dr. Cross had come from. Once there, Luna started to talk.

"I've been listening to his story of what happened before he wound up in the Spell Circle. What Somnus did was horrible. Do you remember that fire that destroyed a house in the outskirts of Ponyville and the three fatalities in it."

"Yes, I do remember, the Royal Guard was sent to investigate and they found traces of magic all over the place. Wait a second, you mean..."

"The three fatalities in that house, that was Rowan's family. Somnus murdered them."

"And he doesn't have any other family?"

"Unfortunately, no . According to the Royal Guard's report, his parents were only children and his grandparents already died."

"Oh dear, what are we going to do with him?"

"I told him he could stay with us."

To this, Celestia did a double take. Her jaw hanging slack after hearing what Luna had just said.

"Luna, do you have any idea how much responsability we're talking about here? You told him he could stay and live here without consulting me at all?!?"

"We can't just put him in an orphanage. Somnus is looking for him."

"Hmm... you have a point. We have to keep an eye over him."

"Can he stay?"

"For the time being, yes. But we'll discuss this later in better detail so we can make a better desicion."

"Sounds fair." Luna sighed in relief.

Luna then nodded and hugged her sister. Then, the two Royal Sisters walked up to Rowan's bedside. Celestia looked at him and smiled.

"Well Rowan, looks like you'll be staying for now." said Celestia.

"Really?" His eyes lit up in happiness.

"Yes, really." Rowan stood up as best as he could and hugged Celestia's leg. "Thank you so much..." Tears of joy were forming in his eyes.

"No problem, Rowan. You need a home, and we'll provide." Celestia was struggling to keep her own emotions in check, trying to fight back tears because of Rowan's touching gesture. Rowan then released her and did the same to Luna.

"Now you must sleep... we'll show you your room in the morning." Luna says this in a calm tone.

"Ok. Good night, Princesses."

Eventually, the morning sun rose above the horizon, signalling the start of a new day. The young Rowan awoke once more proceeding to get out of the bed and looking around this new environment he was in. As this happened, Princess Luna walked into the room.

"Glad to see you are awake, Rowan."

The young alicorn turned around to meet Luna's gaze, smiling as he saw her.

"Hello, Princess. Good morning." Rowan responded with a calm tone.

Luna noticed he now seemed to be slightly more timid. She then proceeded to sit beside him to lower herself closer to his short stature.

"You can call me Luna, dear. Now tell me, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. I think I'm taller now though..." The young alicorn looked at his body once more, trying to get used to the new changes.

"Excellent, it seems you're recovering very rapidly. Now, come with me, Rowan, for I must show you where you will sleep..."

Rowan smiled as he began to follow the Dark Princess... he couldn't keep his eyes off her as he seemed to have quite the fascination of being so close to the Legendary princess... he felt excited beyond belief, like a child being brought to a toy store for the first time. Luna then stopped in front of a large wooden door. The room seemed to be quite to her own room as two guards could be seen at the end of the hallway, guarding the entrance to her bedroom. There was also a guard beside the door that led to Rowan's new room. As the young foal noted all of this, Luna opened the door and walked into his room, to which he followed her.

"Well, this is it, young Rowan.... you shall be staying in this guest room. Me and my sister will keep an eye on you and visit you often... Now, there are some rules we need to set in place though..."

"Like what?" The young alicorn tilted his head adorably, giving a look of innocence that only a child can have.

"You won't leave the room unless you're in the company of me or Celestia. The maids will bring you your meals when it's time to eat. When you're ready, you will attend the School of gifted Unicorns and resume your education there. And remember... if you need anything, just talk to me or my sister. "

"Uum... alright then... I can do that." Rowan smiled as he nodded, accepting the rules placed by Luna.

"Very well, I'll come here later to see how you're doing. See you soon, Rowan." The Dark Princess smiles and waves as she walks away as Rowan begins to explore the new room.

As he walks around, he notices the room is quite large. The architecture seems inspired by Greco-Roman design, as there are several decorative columns that divide the room between the bed area and a study area with a large bookshelf, a fireplace and a desk, as well as several cushions in the floor for sitting. Everything seems to be decorated following the Royal Lunar colors of blue, black, silver and purple... Rowan finds himself to be impressed with his new living conditions, but his subconscious still lingers on the loss of his family...

"Well... My family.... may not be here anymore but... at least I can live here now..." Rowan thinks to himself out loud. "At least I lived... at least I have a second chance. I think I'll be happy here... Mommy and Daddy would want me to keep on living and be happy...."

He sheds a small tear from his left eye, but quickly wipes it away and smiles.

"I just have to see this... as my new beginning."