What Does It Mean to Be a Prince?

by Mike the Red

Peace Through Strength

"Mike, where have you been?" Brenda asked me as I returned to bed.

"Equestria demanded my services for a bit," I said. "Twilight came here and told me what happened, so I went and helped out -- I hope this doesn't happen any more, sleep beckons me now."

"What was it?"

"Princess Celestia's sister turned rogue, and had to be stopped. So I did."

"This is getting ridiculous -- can't live a normal life without emergencies popping up every five minutes," Brenda grumbled.

We went back to sleep, but I had a little trouble falling back asleep. I lie awake until the alarm went off at 6:15 AM. I got up and went to the window, and using my magic, lowered the moon and raised the sun. I was tired, and did the bare minimum to address the issue of raising the sun. I went back to bed and laid down for some more rest.

A few minutes later, another flash of light and a golden POP disturbed my attempt to return to sleep.

"Tasavir, I wanted to thank you once again, but you took off before I had a chance to -- wait, did you just raise the sun from your window?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"It looks like you didn't do enough," Celestia mused.

"Okay, okay. I will do it for real, just give me a second." I teleported outside, and went to the roof of our house to do the full job. My laziness would be my undoing if I weren't careful. Celestia teleported outside to watch me do the job. She appeared to be satisfied with this particular effort.

"You need to be more careful when you do this as there are those who pay attention to these matters, and you should realize that even though there are times when you feel as though the matter is too much to face sometimes, you MUST oblige your duties, lest you provoke the anger of those who are even more powerful than you, though you seem to be unaware of their presence."

"My apologies, Celestia. Nightmare Moon showed up at a bad time in your realm, and had the unmitigated gall to interfere with my rest, so I tried to dispatch her as quickly as possible, without doing too much damage. Forgive me if I gave in to my weariness this morning."

"You are forgiven, Tasavir, but keep in mind your duties and responsibilities. Do not shirk them, for your sake."

"Is there another matter for your appearance here? You don't usually show up unless there is a serious matter that needs urgent attention."

"Twilight wanted to thank you personally," she said.

"Why didn't she come this time? She showed up last night, or is it that when a serious enough emergency arises that she can use enough magic power to cross the dimensional barrier between Equestria and Earth?"

"Your hypothesis is correct, Tasavir. Again, you have my thanks for your assistance."

"No problem, Celestia. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get back to bed, for the sake of getting some more sleep."

"Princess Luna wanted to thank you as well."

"Is there anything else?"

"I would like for you to return to my realm today," she said, smiling warmly.

"What about Brenda?"

"She is welcome to accompany you as well," she offered.

"I would be honored to visit your realm today," I said, smiling softly. "You have my word I will be on my best behavior, Princess."

"I would expect no less of you, Tasavir. Pinkie Pie has the party waiting for you, so you may come at your earliest convenience."

"You have my thanks, Celestia. Brenda and I will be happy to join in the festivities."

"But of course. See you soon!" she smiled, and popped back to her bedchambers. I returned to bed, and laid down for a few hours, getting in a couple of cat-naps.

"What was that all about?" Brenda asked.

"The Princess has requested our presence at a party in Ponyville," I said.

"Does that mean I get to be a Zebra again?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"What are those parties like?"

"I don't know -- I've never been to one of Pinkie Pie's parties -- and I have never been much of one for parties anyway. I expect I'll feel out of place there, but I will humor her by attending the party. I look forward to seeing every pony there, though, and I'm sure they'll have plenty to talk about."

I laid down for a little while longer, but my next attempt to get some rest was interrupted by another flash of light, and yet another golden POP. Princess Celestia had made her way back into my bedroom. Brenda was awake this time as I greeted her.

"Back so soon, Princess?" I asked.

"Michael, what are you talking about? I haven't been here today," she said.

"But Princess, you were here not just fifteen minutes ago," I said, rubbing sleep from eyes.

"It's true," Brenda added. "Mike wouldn't lie about something like this -- I watched him raise the sun from our window."

"Michael, I trust you finished the job you started?" Celestia asked sternly.

"I did indeed, and Princess Celestia was satisfied with my completion of that job," I said. "If you don't mind me asking, your Majesty, who exactly are you?"

"I am Princess Celestia, Michael, you should know that! Do you believe me, or your eyes?"

Something about her didn't seem quite right, or maybe that was the other Celestia who showed up earlier -- it was hard for me to tell as they looked identical. I figured a rip in the fabric of the space/time continuum had allowed an alternate universe version of Celestia to pop in, with some slight differences. I know she recognized me, and knew who I was, but still addressing me by my human name.

"Princess Celestia, I have chosen a name for my Alicorn form," I said.

She gave me a look of surprise at that point. "Michael, I never gave you permission to choose a name for your alternate form."